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Strategies And Tactics Of ConservativesPresented By:

JohnsonVarugheseKrunal DaveRadhika IyerRajeshreeRudaniRoma KarmaniGood morning one and all. We the Salamander team are here to present the Strategies and Tactics of the winning team ie Conservatives in UK elections 2015. To begin with lets understand about the team & its importance which we will relate to Conservatives strategy going forward.

1Team Work, What Is It?

What do you think a Team is ? Team is an ability to become familiar with each other and learn how to work together. The word itself say Together Everyone Achieved More. Here from the image, do you think that one alone ant can move the log of wood from one place to another..? No. it is the not possible it is a combined efforts of all the ants that makes them reach their goal.

The pre-requisites for a execution of a team are as mentioned in slide.


Brain Lynton CrossbyHeart Jim MessinaHands George OsborneKey Players Behind David Cameron

Same way our body is also an example of team. All the organs of the body are vital and they need to be synchronized to function properly.

In comparison with the human bode and the Conservatives team, here are the key team players of David Cameron party. Brain was Lynton Crossby who acted as the strategist and helped this team in strategic planning. Jim Messina was heart who helped in publicising this party through social media and the Hands was George Osborne who helped in implementation and to plan financial matters helping David to act as a whole.

In the same way if we relate this with our company, all employees of Optymyx, Re10 are important irrelevant of their designation & position. If this company has to function in an synchronised way each ones contribution is vital since its all about teamwork. As it is said that for the captain or leader the courage for fulfilling the vision comes from passion & not position. After all the Capitan is as good as his team.3Formulating Strategy SWOT Analysis Strengths Strong LeadershipImpeccable chain of commandRoad to Economic RecoveryOptimum utilisation of resources

Weakness Out of touch with lower and middle classNot tough on big Companies

Opportunities The Cameron Factor Ed Milibands low ratingLib Dem- Small party in coalition always looseFear of SNP dictating their terms

Threats Labour SNP CoalitionIncumbencyEffectUnpopular austerity measuresBefore formulating a strategy, it was very much important for the Tories to know their SWOT:

Strengths David Camerons leadership skills, effective line of communication between all key players of the team as discussed in the earlier slide, they were a hope to bring back Britain economy to positive side and utilise the resources they have to its full extent.Weakness Tories were always assumed as the party for rich. So this was a threat since Tories thought this impression might impact the votes of lower and middleclass citizens, When Tories were in power big companies were not taxed like Amazon etc, due to this the lower sections of the society were being affected which Tories thought can go against them. Opportunities David Camerons image acted as Cameron factor whereas Labours leader Ed Miliband had very low rating, this advantage Tories had. Tories were confident that Lib-Dem SNP coalition would loose since some promises made by them were never delivered.Threats The main threat was if Labour and SNP coalition would win then Scottish National party would serve for Scotland more than Britain, hence they constantly conveyed this message to the public that its time to do good for Britain. Apart from this the threats were imcumbency effect i.e. acts of their past shouldnt impact their image and other matters relating to unpopular austerity measures. 4Strategy And Tactics

Conveying Strengths / One Clear MessageStrong Leadership A clear economic planBrighter more secure future.Micro Targeting votersData crunching through social mediaDisrupting Labours Central message NHS an cost of livingTargeting Labour-SNP coalition. Labours core message Disrupted

Attacking Liberal democratsWeak leader, no distinctive position. Personal attack on Ed MilibandSeries of Gaffes by Ed Miliband

The Cameron Factor Image of Leader Family oriented

Emotionally connecting and persuading votersPrivate Polls/Personal Letters

Now we will discuss strategy and tactics used by Conservatives and how we can relate it to RE10.

Slide 3: Strategy and Tactics:Conveying Strengths.Conservatives emphasised on trust in strong leadership, clear economic plan and secure future for Britain through out their campaign. At Re10 we should create such a brand image for our firm such that clients trust in our quality and recommend to others.Micro Targeting of right voters

Tories focused on those who would consider to vote them and they consistently conveyed right message. Jim Messina was hired to exploit social media. Labour activists managed to reach more voters. However, not the decisive voters.Likewise we should use utilize Optymyx to do data crunching and target the right people. Seminars held on specific topics, roadshows, golf events etc.TMNC would help us to create new contacts and follow-up them.Disrupting Labours central message NHS an cost of livingAfter months of preparation, Labour's pitch to voters was based on two central messages: the threat Tories posed to the NHS and the cost of living crisis. Attacking Liberal democrats

Lib Dem were in coalition last time and did not deliver their promises.Similarly , we should always keep up commitments made to our clients or should be ready to fail like Lib Dem.Personal attack on Ed Miliband

Ed Miliband was significantly less popular than his party. The Conservatives spent the run-up to the election repeatedly questioning Mr Miliband's fitness to lead Britain. The attacks were sharpened after a series of gaffes by the Labour leader, which culminated in a picture of him eating a bacon sandwich.

The Cameron factorThe Tories were always aware that David Cameron was significantly more popular than his own party. Mr Miliband net ratings were negative and far behind those Mr Cameron. Mr Cameron raised his game in the final week of campaign by delivering a series of passionate speeches. All messages were rigorously road tested before it went public. Tories took advantage of Labours MP Mr. Liam Byrnes infamous statement Im afraid there is no money Similarly, We should develop Quality Control and streamline systems for faster delivery and eliminate errors.Emotionally connecting and persuading voters

Tory sent personalized letters to individual voters open to persuasion. They also used Private Polls to know the mood of decisive voters that is how they connected with people emotionally.We at Re10 should send regular updates to our clients and solve any concern raised by them.


The way the Conservatives had a vision and made a strategy on that, similarly lets understand our vision now.

You can see from the slide how Matshushita personal development was co-related to the rise of the company, Panasonic. In 1917 he started as the merchant entrepreneur to today being a philosopher cum educator. We have compared our firms journey and what we envisage to achieve. In 1990 we started with 1 employee than 4, 25, now with companies Optymx, Re10, TMNC and Inter finance on hand. Further we dream of a world domination for the organisation and becoming a world class leader like Samsung, Google, and Apple did . All this finally end up, to what Rajeshree explained every person irrespective of his designation and position does make a difference which ultimately becomes a Team work and makes it easy to achieve our vision.

Thank you

