  • 8/3/2019 Presentation of Tnd Power Point


  • 8/3/2019 Presentation of Tnd Power Point




    ROLL # 039

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation of Tnd Power Point


    HISTORY The inception of modem management theory, the terminology used todescribe the role and function of workers has evolved from "personnel" to"industrial relations" to "employee relations" to "human resources." While all ofthese terms remain in use, "human resources" most accurately represents theview of workers by contemporary management theory: as valuable resources

    managed in the same manner as other valuable resources, according to theauthors ofHuman Resource Management. The need for an organized form of HRM emerged during the industrial

    revolution, as the manufacturing process evolved from a cottage system tofactory production. As the United States shifted from an agricultural economyto an industrial economy, companies were forced to develop and implementeffective ways of recruiting and keeping skilled workers. In addition,

    industrialization helped spur immigration, as the country opened its bordersto fill industrial positions. Filling these jobs with immigrants, however, createdan even greater need for adequate management of employees.

    Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organizationthat focuses on recruitment of Management of, and providing direction for thepeople who work in the organization.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation of Tnd Power Point


    ELTON MAYO FATHER OF HRM Human Resource Management can Mayo responded to a

    changing business environment after the war in which there wasa need to increase industrial productivity by reducing industrialdisputes, worker absenteeism, and turnover; and standardizing

    working conditions and pay structures. Mayo's efforts werefocused on resolving problems related to the restriction ofoutput This essay will describe

    Mayo's contributions to organizational theory, specifically toHRM, arguing that he was convinced that

    the industrialization of society had not improved the socialstatus of the worker and that until this

    occurred, conflict would be endemic in the workplace. also beperformed by line managers.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation of Tnd Power Point


    HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Human Resource Management ("HRM") is a way of

    management that links people-related activities to thestrategy of a business or organization. HRM is often

    referred to as "strategic HRM". It has several goals: - To meet the needs of the business and management

    (rather than just serve the interests of employees);

    - To link human resource strategies / policies to thebusiness goals and objectives;

    - To find ways for human resources to "add value" to abusiness;

    - To help a business gain the commitment of employees toits values, goals and objectives

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation of Tnd Power Point


  • 8/3/2019 Presentation of Tnd Power Point


  • 8/3/2019 Presentation of Tnd Power Point


    HRM IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES To fulfill their basic role and achieve their goals, HRM

    professionals and departments engage in a variety ofactivities in order to execute their human resourceplans. HRM implementation activities fall into fourfunctional groups, each of which includes related legalresponsibilities:

    Acquisition Development



  • 8/3/2019 Presentation of Tnd Power Point



    ACQUISITION.Acquisition duties consist of human resource

    planning for employees, which includes activities related to

    analyzing employment needs, determining the necessaryskills for positions, identifying job and industry trends, andforecasting future employment levels and skillrequirements.


    The second major HRM function, humanresource development, refers to performance appraisaland training activities. The basic goal of appraisal is toprovide feedback to employees concerning theirperformance.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation of Tnd Power Point




    Compensation, the third major HRM function,refers to HRM duties related to paying employees and

    providing incentives for them. HRM professionals aretypically charged with developing wage and salary systemsthat accomplish specific organizational objectives, such asemployee retention, quality, satisfaction, and motivation.


    The fourth principal HRM function,maintenance of human resources, encompasses HRMactivities related to employee benefits, safety and health,and worker-management relations.

  • 8/3/2019 Presentation of Tnd Power Point
