Page 1: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082


December 2018

Bridlewood J.P.S.

60 Bridlewood Blvd

Scarborough, ON

M1T 1P7

Telephone: 416-396-6080

Fax: 416-396-6082


Rhonda Cohen-Pierobon

Office Administrator:

Diane Jones


Ian Allison

School Trustee:

Manna Wong

School Council:


Yota Skederidis

This past month, our school building has been beam-

ing with brilliant “busy‐ness”. Our students enjoyed

time away from the regular school day immersing

themselves in holiday preparations. The students

enjoyed a fire safety visit with the Fire Fighter;

‘Scientist in the Schools” worked in some classes, and

our clubs continued to meet. Finally, we wrapped up

the fall term with the annual Food Bank Holiday Drive; Red Noses

and candy cane sales; spirit days; winter concert; sing-along and

recognition assembly.

In the classrooms, staff continue to work on developing strong and

effective programs for our students in all strands of the curriculum.

Earlier this month, teachers engaged in professional development to

develop a school continuum that supports our Literacy program. Our

Safe and Caring committee examined the results of our school census

as we continue to connect well-being and equity into our school

climate results by implementing culturally relevant and responsive

instructions. As a staff we continue to focus on being the caring adults

for all our students as we make it a point to address the importance of

knowing who our students are. Examining how Bridlewood students

feel about school and about themselves are invaluable for us as we

strive to deliver the message of inclusiveness, and support their

personal achievement and well-being.

Finally, the winter holidays are fast approaching. This time of year

brings about a flurry of activity as we aim to wrap up 2018 with the

same energy that we opened the year. The last day of school for this

term is Friday, December 21st, 2018. The long - awaited holidays

take place between Monday, December 24th, and Friday, January

4th. School will reopen on Monday, January 7th, 2019.

On behalf of the staff and students at Bridlewood J.P.S., I

would like to extend best wishes for a

restful holiday and a positive start to the

New Year.

You may follow me on Twitter @ Rhonda

Cohen –Pierobon

Rhonda Cohen-Pierobon Principal

Page 2: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082

Upcoming January Dates

7th: First day of classes

7th : Orthodox Christmas

11th: Pasta Lunch

14th: Grade 6 Kearney Information evening 5:30 – 6:30

11th: Gr. 5 & 6 visit to Mac winter concert

14th: Gr. 6 Kearney Information night 5:30-6:30 & SAC meeting 6:30 - 8:00

17th: Family movie night - Time TBD

17th: Souvlaki Lunch

18th: Professional Activity day, school closed for students

21st: Randolph Sealy presentation on Anti-bullying 6:30 - 7:30

21st - 23rd: Dental screening

25th: Recognition Assembly 9:00 am and “Backwards” spirit day

25th: Pizza Lunch

30th - February 1st: Grade 6 Kenno, Arhitektonidis, trip to Kearney

Please join us at the...

Bridlewood School Council Meeting

Monday January. 14, 2019

6:30 p. m. – 8:00 p.m.

Everyone Welcome!

Bridlewood J. P.S. Is pleased to host

two parent information sessions with

Social Worker: Randolph Sealy

Anti - Bullying Presentation

Monday January 21st, 2019

6:30 p. m. – 7:30 p.m.


Understanding Autism

Spectrum Disorder

Monday February 4th, 2019

6:30 p. m. – 7:30 p.m.

Gr. 6 Kearney Information Evening

with Mr. Kenno and

Mrs. Arhitektonidis

Monday January 10th 2019

5:30 p. m. – 6:30 p.m.


Bridlewood Family Movie Night

Thursday January 17th, 2019

Details to follow

Everyone Welcome!


Several parents have expressed serious concerns around

student safety with respect to traffic in front of the school

during drop off and pick up time. Some parents suggested

that we should ask for an officer to patrol the school area

and to give out tickets to unsafe drivers. It has been noted

that parents and families dropping off or picking students

up have been seen: double parking; parking on the oppo-

site side of the street and having their kids run across the

street on their own; one individual parked across the

crosswalk on Wicklow blocking it for use, while another

driver was seen half blocking the school driveway. In

addition, some parents/guardians have been ignoring our

crossing guards as they bypass the pylons at the end of the

day while grade 5 and grade 6 safety patrollers are finish-

ing their shift. FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR

STUDENTS, drivers are not to use the school parking lot

for drop off/ pick up; during those times when safety patrol

is operating and once again we remind everyone that the

school parking lot is for staff only.

Page 3: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082

Holiday Spirit in the Air Bridlewood Students wrote letters

and drew pictures to Santa. Then the

teachers put all the letters and

drawings in ONE envelope with the

children’s names on it so that Santa

would not misspell anyone's name, along

with a RETURN ADDRESS envelope of

our school’s name and school address.

Our friendly postal office letter carrier

made sure that the letters made their

way to the North Pole for Santa to re-

turn them back in time for the holidays!

Bridlewood J.P. S. just held our annual food

drive and we would like to thank Mrs.

Arhitektonidis for running our food drive.

The 2018 food drive was a success. We

collected over 400 food items and the best

thing is that we were able to help people

have a great holiday. So thank you to

everyone who donated food. With the help of

Mrs. Bevilacqua, the Student Council sold

red noses to help the Toronto Foundation

for Student Success with their goal to end

child poverty. By: the Student Council

The Student Council is happy to share that we were able to

sell many candy canes. We would like to thank everyone

who bought candy canes and helped to support this

fundraising event. The Student Council will be using that

money to support future school events.

Page 4: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082

Character Development


January - Teamwork

February– Fairness

March– Honesty

Dreidel Games! Eating Jelly Donuts

Making Potato Latkes


Paper whites are blooming with help from the

grow lights purchased by the SAC, and the

Amaryllis is starting to grow!

Updating the Eco bulletin board.


Mrs. Kraft Hamilton and Josiah Vernon are

composting waste.

Page 5: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082





Around The School

Cleo, Isabella, Abigail, Gabri-

el, Kiyan, Doris, Fidelio, Lia,

Emma, Annie, Sophia, Cruz,

Stephen, Nicoletta, Caleb,

Olivia, Jack, Draco, Kai, Eva,

Chantelle, Claire, Hridyesha,

Kate, Brian, Bavana, Deano,

Nicholas, Gillian, Angel, Josh,

Dorian, Anna-Maria, Jencel,

Alhasan, Jaden, Peter, Ilias,

Darren, Brandon, Ashlen,

Savana, Victoria, Christopher,

Maddie, Bernice, Gratiana,

Nicholas, & Yanni, enjoyed an

afternoon tea break in the


Our New Popcorn Machine!!! We are excited to share that the school

purchased a popcorn machine. It’s an im-

pressive cart and we hope to make good

use of it for many days and events to


As you can imag-

ine, Mr. Hart is

super excited about

this new

acquisition and he

can’t wait to clean

up all the kernels

and butter off the


BECAUSE READING IS SWEET…. During the winter months, classes will have

an opportunity to take a hot chocolate and

marshmallow break with Ms. Cohen. The

students will get to enjoy the sweet treat as

they listen to a story read by Ms. Cohen.


Mr. Naumann

who won the

Hot chocolate

contest with his


“Coco with

Ms. Cohen”.



Diana, Owen, Marcus, Noah,

Jayesh, Andrew, Bushra,

Abby, Zoe, Nathan, Elena,

Shafiq, and Allandra.

Page 6: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082

Fire Prevention and Safety

Firefighter Muir, works as a public educator for the

Toronto Fire Service. He was in to speak to Bridlewood

students about how to stay fire safe at home and at

school. The students learned about smoke alarms and

how to use them, when to call 911; all about matches

and lighter safety ; and how to Stop, Drop & Roll.

Firefighter Patrick Muir

Page 7: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082

Your path to a stress-free holiday season!

Your path to a stress-free holiday season!

The Holidays are a time to spend with family, friends and loved ones but it

can also be very stressful. Between planning holidays and excursions, finding the perfect

gifts, cooking the traditional foods with fixings and accommodating everyone’s get

together, it’s no wonder the holidays can be overwhelming.

1.Forget the elaborate gifts It can be nerve wracking, not to mention

expensive, trying to find the ‘perfect’ gift or wanting to go above and

beyond with an elaborate present for someone. Skip the stress and make

your own gifts to add a personal touch. Showing off your creativity by

giving something homemade is thoughtful and unique.

2. Create a budget No one enjoys receiving a high credit card bill in

January due to poor planning. Holiday gifts can get expensive, create

a budget early on and save ahead of time; it will lessen the impact on

your wallet and your stress level. Making a list of people you want to

buy gifts for will also keep you on budget and avoid spur of the

moment purchases.

3.Remember to take time for yourself Between the holiday parties,

shopping trips to the mall and baking, remember to take time for you.

Your self-care may include a quiet night in, reading a book or taking a trip

to the spa. Whatever it may be, schedule in a few hours – or days- and plan

activities that will recharge your battery throughout the holiday season.

4. Plan ahead when hosting If you are hosting, try to do as much

prep work as possible ahead of time. That way, you aren’t cooking

and preparing when your guests arrive. Create a list of groceries

and drinks about two weeks before hand that you will need and buy

when items come on sale. Plan to buy your fresh ingredients one to

two days before your event, eliminating the need to make last

minute trips.

5. Remember what the Holidays are about The holidays are a time

to spend with loved ones and those that are special in your life. It’s

about creating memories and being in the moment. The main thing is

that you enjoy your time with those around you.

Page 8: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082

Scientist In The School

Ms. Esposito's grade 1/2 class

and Ms. Ling’s grade

2/3 class spent time

with a scientist as

they explored “Toys

and Technology.”

Ms. Florea’s grade 1/2

class’s theme was

“Never Say Ugh to a


Page 9: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082

More Classroom Fun On November 28th the Pioneer Loyalist Lady visited room 4. She showed the class what

life was like in the beginning of the nineteenth century for settlers in Upper Canada. The

students learned how people used waterways for transportation, had to grow their own

food and build their houses out of the natural resources. Ms. Tuskin showed how her

great-great-great-great-great grandmother, Catherine, walked and traveled by boat with

her 6 children from New York to Upper Canada (Ontario) back in the 1780s. The students

got to play with toys pioneer children would have played with such as Jacob's Ladder, Pick

Up Sticks, and try their hand with ink and pen. By: Cherie Ling

Procedural Writing: How

to make a turkey sand-

wich with Ms. Tessier!

When the power goes out…

Reading and chilling with a

book … on my head.

Grade 4 and 6


showing school

based leader-

ship. Working

together to set

up the new


computers to

get them up

and running!

By: Mr. Kuran

Beyblades Club Fun!

Page 10: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082

Bridlewood STEM Focus

Mr. Kuran’s class has been working on a design

thinking and STEM curriculum unit called “Could

you live underwater”. The students used STEM

skills, creative thinking and research skills to build

prototypes of underwater habitats of the future.

After researching the effects of climate change on

people all over the world and habitats in general,

students examined engineering innovative proto-

types currently being tested using the scientific

method in our class. We learned about the growth

mindset throughout this

process and that making

mistakes is part of the learn-

ing process! By Mr. Kuran

Our Lego team, named

Lego Turtle, consists of

three families from the

Bridlewood neighborhood

and one family from

Milton. We first learned

about First Lego League in 2017 and we

were instantly interested, because we

thought it was only about Lego and robot-

ics. But then when we actually registered

and started doing it, we realized it was

not only about winning, but also about

friendly competition, teamwork, discovery

and cooperation. We went to many prac-

tice competitions and it was really fun and it also prepared us for the real competition. In

the real competition, we first went to morning session, which included Core value, Project

and Robot design. We went to several judging rooms, where they evaluated our robot de-

sign, how well we worked together and our project. For

our project we had to find current problems and try to

find a solution to solve that problem or improve on a solu-

tion. We did the robot part of the competition. We used

the robots we created and programed to complete as

much of the missions as possible on the game board.

By Jeffery Zhu, Alvin Cai and Aaron Gao!

Congratulations go out to

Emmet Bower on receiving a

silver medal at the

2018 St. Cathe-




Emmet and his

basketball team

played four games

to capture the 2nd

place win!!

Page 11: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082


Pictures tell a thousand

words at Logan’s.

Hanging around at

Nicoletta’s place

Sweet visit with

Steven & Andrew

Playing the

Piano with Cleo

and Athena



Ms. Florea’s class




All Tangled up

in decorations in

room 33!

Gr. 2/3

In Mr. Kenno’s


Ms. Ling’s








perfect at


Hanging around with


Sweet visit with

Andrew and Steven

All tangled up in



and Mrs. Thistle's


In Mr. Kuran’s


Page 12: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082

Winter Concert

Thank you to the Winter

concert committee:

Ms. Condello - coordinator

Mrs. Hough - sound/audio

Mrs. Esposito - organizer

Mr. Naumann - Stage Manager

Mr. Skicos - curtains

Mrs. Arhitektonidis and

Ms. Ling - decor & stage design

Ms. Karygiannis - program

Mrs. Thistle - Props

Mr. Hart - Set up

Mc’s - Sean Parkinson and

Athena Hatzis

Page 13: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082

“Season’s Greetings!”

“Holiday Dress Up” and “Ugly Sweater” Spirit Day

Page 14: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE · PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE December 2018 Bridlewood J.P.S. 60 Bridlewood Blvd Scarborough, ON M1T 1P7 Telephone: 416-396-6080 Fax: 416-396-6082

Stuffed Animal Pajama Spirit Day


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January 21; 22nd; 23rd.
