Page 1: Production Task evaluation

By Angelia Potamides

Production Task Evaluation

Page 2: Production Task evaluation

Front PageEvaluation

The strapline is a short rhythmical statement and through the use of, syntax's and colloquialism, it tends to appeal to a

younger female demographic. In addition it is a precise form on information on the

contents of the magazine by immediately stating the obvious, this being of whom the magazine will be suitable for. Through the language used I am able to notify that this

certain publication caters for young females. The term “no1 necessity” created the impression that it will include fashion aspects due to it being the term commonly

used within this industry in phrases such as “make up is a girls no1 necessity” etc.

Furthermore the colour scheme of lighter pink highlights a female readership, pink being the main colour also represents a

consistency of colour through the masthead and is also present when advertising the URL

link. However one disadvantage is that it may encourage various stereotypical views.

The main image present on the publication highlights the main feature of a new female band. It also highlights the

demographic for this publication by featuring a young female band. Their body language shows that they are listening to

music which therefore expands on the pop music theme of this magazine. Moreover, the manipulation this specific image has

undertaken highlights an artistic element by being black an white and in some ways contrasts with the vibrant colours used on

the font page, this concluding to it standing out amongst the rest of the

information present. In addition, the over exaggeration of body language used acts as a form of colour and allows it to stand


The masthead immediately draws attention to the consumer due to its eye catching

colour scheme and highlighted outline. The language used suggests the target audience

as well as the content. “Buzz” highlights that it is magazine about the fluctuating interests currently amongst the target audience. This

creates the impression that is one were to purchase this magazine they will be able to communicate with others about the same

topics and may be used as a tool to gain popularity on who knows the most.

A musical vibe is also supported through the various musical shapes surrounding the masthead. This therefore shows that the following publication is a pop magazine.

The colour scheme used in the masthead was the basis for the outcome of the whole magazine. The pink and yellow used

demonstrates a female audience as well as the shades follow the theme of young pop

culture and a younger demographic by being so vibrant.

In addition, the typography used is a form of varsity letters, a common style of writing

seen within American high schools. As well as creating a broader cultural surveillance it

also hinders the age of the target audience.

The web address follows the same colour scheme and use of typography to the

strapline. This shows consistency throughout the publication as well as

representing different forms of media and surveillance for their target audience. With it being a URL link it extends the thought of this magazine being for younger students. This is because there is a tendency for kids and teens to be on computers most of the

time so therefore it highlights that Teen Buzz is a modern publication for female teens

aged between 13-16.

Page 3: Production Task evaluation

The masthead has been used through to the contents page which highlights the

consistency of the publication. This element is commonly found in mainstream

publications throughout the media market. One main feature is that through the use of language when stating the contents of the magazine is direct yet it is softened by the

punctuation and is still able to hinder a talkative tone in order to be appealing to the target audience. Furthermore, it highlights

that the form of address is consistent and links with other sub headings on the font

page as well as the contents page. The images present on the page have not been

hugely manipulated. The top central photo has that has been altered through a camera

setting to be given a black gradient. The camera used was a Samsung NX10 SLR and therefore being high quality camera it was able to capture the vibrant colours on the

both images, as well as the images used on the front page. aThe above image puts emphasis on the main feature due to it

specialising in the subject and featuring it on the contents page for easy navigation.

The target audience is well indicated by featuring young females as well as capturing

the natural student vibe and fashion and beauty aspects.

Shapes have also been used throughout the contents page as a duplication of the font

page and creates the visually appealing piece of information that my target audience is interested in. This was done by following

similar contentions of a similar publication, Top of the Pops. It is said that young teens enjoy looking at bold colours and puffs all over a magazine because it is seen as more interesting to the eye rather than a simpler

informative magazine.

The striking way the contents page is presented coincides with the disorganised layout used on the

front page. The appearance is clear and consistent through the

typography, colours and layout used. My main aim was to follow a series of existing contents pages in

order to present a sophisticated believable design within my

publication. The colours also follow the masthead and strapline colours of pink, yellow and green

as well as incorporating a new colour, blue, in order to create

layer and complement the appearance of the page.

The typography is consistent throughout and the only change made was colour to the font in order for a reader to be able to

distinguish the various modes of address. For example, page

numbers were coloured red, information-black and titles used

the main feature colour-pink. However, the following contents

page may lack the detail a contents page should have, due to the lack

of space available. This can be noted through the lack of page

numbers and information produced. In other ways, this

could be a positive and an indication of the publications

readership. The lack of writing may be suitable for my readership

as they may not be interested in thorough reading and more interested in a image based


Contents Page Evaluation