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Stephanie Pickard BA(Hons) Graphic Design Level 2

Studio Brief 1&2April 3rd 2013

Feel Good Drinks Co.- Brief 1focus on creating a

new look for our pack design

Feel Good Drinks Co.- Brief 2produce a national brand

awareness campaign

Douwe egbertsgenerate excitement

about Douwe Egberts coffee, and create a desire

for better coffee at home

UK Greetings Cardsdesign a range of

greetings cards

HellFiredesign a CN beer label

to appear on the Leeds Brewery supplied beer for our

upcoming 2013 events


and design a hoarding�IRU�9$·V�([KLELWLRQ�5RDG�


OUGD503 Responsive

Within this module I have undertaken a range of two creative briefs that will be individual and collaborative. Within these briefs I have explored a range of practical, conceptual and creative concerns within the field of Graphic Design.

I have investigated range of content, processes, products and techniques that has helped me to understand my own creative ambitions. This has been done by undertaking 6 creative competition briefs from D&AD, YCN and an internal one. For the collaborative brief I worked with Emma Johnson. This has allowed me to develop my communication, collaboration and problem solving skills. The briefs I undertook were The Feel Good Company Brief 1 & 2, Douwe Egberts, UK Greetings Cards, Hellfire - Creative Networks Event and V&A hoarding design.

These briefs have allowed me to develop my skills within a range of softwares, techniques and process. These skills can be seen within each brief evaluation below.


Studio Brief 1 Individual Practice


The Feel Good Company Brief 2

The Feel Good company brief 2 asked for a national brand awareness campaign to create awareness of their still and sparkling drinks range, whilst making the audience aware of the health benefits and creating a cheek- to-cheek smile reflecting the brand identity.

The company is a relatively small company, SULYDWHO\�RZQHG��7KLV�PHDQV�WKDW�WKH�FRPSDQ\·V�product is not a largely sold as some of their competitors. The main purpose of the brand is to use 100% natural ingredients and never add sugar to the drinks, making the drink feel good and healthy.

I have produced a range of unique characters that will help visualise the health benefits of The Feel Good drink range. These characters will be simple and sophisticated, allowing the overall design to target my specified audience correctly and inform them accordingly. They have been produced to be humorous and informative through the use of visual aids such as the characters emphasising the health benefits. Compliments have been created to make the audience feel good; these have also been created in conjunction with health benefits, as this is a great advantage within the market and allows The Feel Good company to stand out and be different.

I produced a range of work in response to the brief that shall allow The feel good company create a better awareness of their product while being fun and healthy at the same time.

I created a range of characters that have a suitable link to the fruit in the feel good drinks; WKLV�KDVQ·W�EHHQ�GRQH�DV�REYLRXVO\�DV�LW�LV�RYHU�used in healthy drinks. The link of the characters connected to the health benefits and feeling of happiness allows them to stand out and be memorable. The link between the characters, compliment, ingredients and quirkiness allows them to be even more memorable.

The products I produced involved pocket-sized cards; these would be sent out or passed around a large group of people. The idea intrigues people to open these, in order to find out what is inside. This supports the idea of making people feel happy, as people love surprises. Within each card, they have their own compliments that support the health benefits of each drink. This has been supported by institutional research around the fruits and their benefits. At the back of the card is a short story related to the character that helps represent the benefit of that fruit/ drink.

The designs produced have been developed to work across a range of media and platforms to target a wider audience while still being relevant to the brief set and the style of The Feel Good Company. I produce a Billboard and ad shell, as I believe this would help target a wider audience as they are rather large and attract a lot of attention. The use of the outdoor advertising allows a link to the idea of the promotional materials being in a ¶IUHVK·�DQG�RXWGRRU�HQYLURQPHQW�ZKLFK�UHIOHFWV�WKH�nature and quality of the drink.


A range of digital pieces were produced as it was requested in the brief for this to be one of the preferred mediums. While being relevant to the brief it also supports the idea of many people use computers, mobiles and digital platforms so it allows it to be another point of contact to help advertise the product. The use of the designs across all of the digital and none digital platform allows the designs show their potential of development further.


Researching into the company and the competitors is a strength that I believe helped within this brief as it allowed me to use up-to-date relevant information that in correct.

Developing my ideas, design and concepts further allow for me to produce a successful piece of work that responded to the brief in a creative manor.

The software that I chose to use allowed me to developed pieces of work that could be transferred across a range of platforms easily as it a vector format allowing it to be resized and adapted to different devices, platforms and media. I used a vector style to recreate the landscapes and structures, allowing them to look more professional and relevant.

I found it hard to create things withinPhotoshop; this was difficult as I used this software to create realistic view of my designs. Making them as realistic as possible was the hardest part.

Making the text, compliments and designs fit accordingly within my layout across all of the medias was difficult as most of the text used was of a different size. Using a hierarchical system was useful, just difficult to make it fit across all pieces of work. ~







The Feel Good Company Brief 2

Conclusion This was the first live brief produced, it was a shock as it was rather intense to begin with, it had many constraints that had to be followed, as well as asking for creativity and fluidity across a range of products. I felt enthusiastic for the brief as something could come from it. Doing a large range of SWOT analysis about the company and their competitors allowed me to be confident in the work I produced. This technique will be something that shall benefit my other briefs I do later on.

I believe I did far too much research into irrelevant things; this made it hard as I spent too much time doing something that was not really needed. This created a lot of pressure of producing the pieces of work on time and following all the criteria.

Rewriting the brief allowed me to know exactly what I need to do as a brief can sometimes be really confusing and you do not know 100% what they are asking you to produce. Overall I think the brief went well. I matched what it asked for, however I believe there are things I could do further. This is a good start to the large set of briefs we have been tasked to do and getting one under my belt will allow me to get the ball rolling and start to complete my other briefs. The presentation of my boards also helps as it allowed me to practice and get better at presenting my own work.



Other fruits kept telling me that I

should look after my skin. I tried The

Feel Good Drinks and I as amazed

at how tasty they are. The plus side

is people keep complimenting on

how young I look!

still and sparkling juice drinksThe Feel Good Drinks Co.

You look 10years younger!contains vitamin a, for healthier skin

still and sparkling juice drinksThe Feel Good Drinks Co.

A Feel GoodSurprise ...awaits inside.

You look 10years younger!contains vitamin a, for healthier skin

still and sparkling juice drinksThe Feel Good Drinks Co.

The friends ���)LULÄ[Z�����*VU[HJ[Z

Feel goodFriends.

Douwe Egberts

Douwe Egberts wanted to generate excitement about Douwe Egberts coffee, and create a desire for better coffee at home.

The problem that the company is having is that their coffee brand is broadly becoming the territory of older drinkers; the main consumers of the coffee are 50+ with very few younger people choosing to drink coffee at home. This is due to all the high street coffee shops and brands becoming more popular with younger audiences who are more sociable and active on a day-to-day basis. As the coffee and drinks market is becoming bigger, the Douwe Egberts coffee brand needs to catch up and become more modern and up-to-date, without losing its heritage and expertise.

The idea of the brief was to create and develop a creative campaign, new packaging and communications for Douwe Egberts for the young UK coffee drinkers. I focused mainly on making the brand more contemporary and up-to-date so that the brand will attract and appeal to the younger audience.

The problem that the company are having with their brand is that the old fashioned representation of the brand is making the younger audience less attracted to their coffee. I solved this through the use of modern and simplistic patterns which illustrate the nature and the warmth of the coffee. The idea is to attract younger customers, to make the coffee more desirable to drink at home. This will be done by allowing the experience of the coffee to be brought home. The best and most interesting was through delivery to their house, something that can get delivered to your door in

the morning ready to drink. This will contain sample coffee of the Douwe Egberts coffee range that will give them a taste of the Douwe Egbers coffee in a more contemporary and youthful way. Coffee slogans also show how coffee can be beneficial to drink at home; making the whole campaign informative, interesting and most importantly relaxing at home. I produced a range of products that creates excitement about the Douwe Ebgerts coffee while making it accessible to drink at home for a younger audience. The main aim of the brief was to make Douwe Egberts more contemporary and appeal to the younger audience to shake off its bad reputation of been aimed at the older generation of drinkers. I created a concept that would allow the coffee to be delivered straight to the door. This would be free for 1 week and then accessible online for the audience to order their Douwe Egberts home experience. Coffee is needed to start the day and should be drunk before leaving the house, which is why I have chosen this a main context for the product.

The package format has been delivered within a box; whilst inside contains 4 circular pods, which contain 4 of the main coffee flavors from their ground coffee range. The packaging is easy to stack and also has a secondary purpose for storing the coffee granules. The patterns that I have used run consistently throughout the products and promotions. These pattern designs have been designed to communicate both the coffee bean and the natural effect of the coffee making the coffee more appealing. The colours used represent the flavor of the coffee inside, with green been the original shown on all of the promotional material as the main focus of the


range/brand. To make the pack more interesting to receive I have incorporated slogans within the lid of the individual pods, these are motivational coffee slogans that will start their day on a positive note. Each pod had a different slogan making each flavor individual and unique.

Within the packaging I have extended the range by creating the promotional design across products that are needed for a better coffee experience e.g. coffee stirrer, coffee mat. The promotional material consists of ambient advertising that will be seen outdoors in bus stop and train stations, these will be seen when the audience is travelling from home and back, creating the atmosphere and environment of home conforms (The main advantage of drinking coffee at home). Door hangers have been produced as humorous promotional products that can be used when drinking the Douwe Egberts coffee at home. The design that has been used on the promotional material represent having you favorite mug that you can only get when drinking at home, the steam UHSUHVHQWLQJ�¶IRU�WKH�ORYH�RI�FRIIHH·�


Research into the Douwe Egberts Company and their range of coffees was a good place to start with developing ideas and gaining knowledge into the products and advantages that they have against other competitors. Primary research was also another strength that is seen within the development of research and collection of visual inspiration.

The use of perspective to make products and design look realistic in context is something that I have developed and gain strengths in. The tools to distort and shape vector object is something that I have never really used before. However with the professional stand-ards set higher in level 2 this has been a necessity.

Audience research is something I feel I need to develop. This is needed to get a better idea of the audience and how to communicate effectively to the target market. I feel I lack in this area and need to get more involved with questionnaires and interviews with these people primarily.

Re- reading the brief and following the brief correctly has been a problem. I feel that at many points within this brief I have veered off track and not thought about the requirements that are restricting me. In the end this meant that I had to go through and change aspects of my design that could change the overall outcome.


Thinking of a number of different concept has been a big strength within this brief, it was helpful to develop a range of ideas as this is something that you will need to do within industry to pitch ideas to clients. I felt that this set me on the right track to developing a more successful and thought out final idea.


~ ~




Douwe Egberts

Conclusion Douwe Egberts is a company that I have not really heard much about before looking into the company through this brief.

I found that I was choosing these briefs due to what was been asked such as package design and promotion. I also feel that I was attracted to this brief because it was something different and I like the challenge of learning something new and taking on task that are completely unknown before I start to explore it. Within this brief I had a lot more freedom to create a range of products, which I felt was more relevant and necessary to the company. This allowed me to solve the problem that was identified within the brief, making a more successful brief that will communicate both to the audience and the company.

This brief was one of the most enjoyable briefs that I felt I could really get my teeth into, due to the freedom of designing in my own style and creating an innovative portfolio brief that I can be proud of. This brief was produced in conjunction with other smaller briefs within the module; this really tested my time management skills, however it was good practice and I felt this went really well and I managed to get everything that I set out to do. If I had more time I plan on printing the products out and creating the final design to create the finishing touch. There are always many more things that can be developed, however for submission of this brief I am happy with the outcome. Overall I feel that the concept is clearly communicated through presentation boards and developments throughout my blog. The concept is clear and concise which follows my own re-written brief.



Instant pure smooth

Get your own coffee experience delivered right to your door. For more infomation visit


at home

for the love of coffee


at home

Delicate Vanilla Roasted Hazelnut

UK Greeting cards

UK Greeting Card Company asked for a range of greetings cards. The greetings card industry is a very competitive market that has a range of cards for many different occasions and audiences.

UK Greetings are constantly looking for ways to stand out from the crowd; this could involve different print processes and techniques that are completely unique through the format and design of the card. The challenge was to produce and design a range of for cards that appeal to the younger market- 16-34 year olds. This involved considering the front design/back design and also the envelope and range name of the cards that have been produced.

The cards produced will be based upon a simple idea that can be developed further onto different mediums, media and devices. The card allows the person to write any message that would look good, this in turn stopping the card being limited to specific events and occasions. The card was produced with a simplistic yet modern design making use of contemporary patterns to attract WKH�\RXQJHU�DXGLHQFH��7KH�PHVVDJH�WKDW·V�supplied on the card will be 'a little birdy told me', this shows a connection with the illustrations and also it plays on the common phrase used for a secret. The card was produced by a pulley card system, this means that content would appear from the top and bottom of the card when content is pulled out. This makes it very different to many other cards and makes it interesting for the younger audience. The use of patterns within the design helped to create an interesting, stylish design that is interesting and appealing to its

target audience. While the patterns make the design appealing they also help support any message that the person writing the card would like. This is done by having a generic design and pattern that would suit all events and occasions. I have also extended the design across a range of products that will attract the audience even further, making the design more diverse and accessible to the market.



Thinking of a number of concepts was a key strength in this brief, although I only followed through with one, there was scope for the ideas to grow and develop further.

Primary research into other card designs and how other shops have presented their cards was a big help. There are many types of cards; my strength was in evaluating and collecting these unique ranges.

Development of my ideas, design and concepts allowed me to improve and deliver a more successful range of card designs. Perfecting my designs was an import part, as the designs would be sent off to a professional company.


Communicating my designs and formats within the boards was difficult, as I had designed a very unique format that was hard to communicate in a 2D format. After finalising the design, aspects were missed off the boards mistakenly.

Developing a range name was the most difficult aspect of the brief. I struggled with thinking of a name that was unique and personal to the cards as well as my own practice.







UK Greeting cards

Conclusion This brief gave me the chance to get more involved within the area of graphic design that interested me and give me the opportunity to develop a range of ideas to an audience of my choosing.

This brief was the most enjoyable as it allowed me to design anything that I felt matched the criteria and my own design style. Illustrative and pattern designs are something that I find very interesting. I felt that the designs worked well as I communicated and visually designed a product that was unique and stood out from anything that had been done already. Research into exciting cards allowed for me to get a better idea of the market and what was already been sold to the audience currently.

Cards can be very plain and simple which are often cheap and unimaginative. The cards that are most popular are the ones that are creative and unique allow their friends/family to be intrigued and enthused, something worth spending their money on. This brief also allowed me to explore different formats and processes, which I have, developed knowledge on for future briefs. UK Greetings card brief allowed me to extend the brief further and show them what other products can be created in conjunction with the cards, allowing them to see how flexible the design could be. Overall this was successful as it allowed me to use the medium and design styles that I enjoy using. However the key point that I have learnt from this brief it to check and double check again as they was mistakes with the design on my submission boards, even though I had designed everything that was asked for on the brief and more.



a littleBIRD


a littleBIRD



The Feel Good Company Brief 1

The feel good company brief 1 has asked to focus on creating a new look for the still and sparkling label design.

The Feel Good drinks company thinks their pack designs look good. Through the simplistic, colourful and impactful appeal on the shelf, the brand name is clear and most people get the fact that we are offering tasty, healthy drinks. This is something that they want to stay within the designs that are produced for the drinks range.

The main goal is to strike the right balance between the communications that our drinks are healthy and having label designs, which makes people smile and feel good. The company is currently a big fan of simple, uncluttered pack design, which is already reflected in their current label designs. The company is up for a change and a fresh new look and a change for the audience.

I have created a modern and feel good design that will reflect the still and sparkling drink range to a young audience in the drinks market. I created a new logo for this range, which I felt, will reflect the KHDOWK� EHQHILWV� DQG� WKH� ¶IHHO� JRRGQHVV·� RI� WKH�drinks. Each of the drink flavors have a different coloured label design as well as a different design for the still and the sparkling so that the audience sees clearly the difference between the two. I have created a feel good pattern that will reflect the flavor of each juice within the bottle.

Getting away from common images that are constantly shown within healthy drink labels, I have produced a design that helps represents the product and the flavor of that drink/ drinks.

The design was produced as the previous label design looked childish and did not communicate to their targeted audience correctly. The different colours used in the label design allows the audience to know exactly what flavor the drink is, this is then supported with the label design informing them if its still or sparkling. Dye cutting has been used within the labels to make them stand out against other products and allow the consumers to see the drink through the label creating a more appealing bottle.

The labels will be clean, crisp and effective some-thing that the feel good company wanted to have within the designs. All of the labels work well as a set and would support one another if they were on a shelf next to each other.

7KH�)HHO�JRRG�GULQNV�FRPSDQ\�LVQ·W�DV�ZHOO�NQRZQ�as some of its competitors, which are seen widely on the market today. I have developed a range of labels for the still and sparkling drinks range. By focusing on this range of drinks from their selec-tion I was able to communicate each flavor accord-ingly.

I changed the current Feel Good Logo on the label and made it more sophisticated and relevant to the audience. The smile has been represented by the fruit and the leaf represents the dimples that people get when they have a cheek-to-cheek smile.


,�KDYH�DOVR�XVHG�D�WDJOLQH�¶WRS�XS�\RXU�VPLOH·��DV�the drink is emptied they will become happier. This also could refer to the smile you get when you drink a juice drink and it leaves a mark around your mouth. I have made both drink types of still and sparkling separate allowing them to stand out accordingly against other brands. The use of the colours also allows the drinks to be easily reconisable against one another.


A key strength I found within this brief is the use of research to inform my design decisions. Creating a label that was unusual and stood out from the other drink labels was important, research helped to make this successful.

Photoshop played a crucial part in presenting the labels onto the bottles. In the past I have not been successful with using Photoshop, however within this brief I really pushed myself to create realistic views of how the labels will look in context.


One of the main weaknesses that I found within this brief was making the colours of the drink bottles the correct colours for the drink to look realistic. This was really hard to make consistent within Photoshop and the colours GLGQ·W�FRPH�RXW�DV�ZHOO�DV�,�KDG�KRSHG�

Research within this brief fell short as I found from the others brief I have done for the Feel Good Company I have learnt everything that was relevant. I found that making sure I had the brief completed was more important. However looking back I could probably have done more analysis of the existing label.






The Feel Good Company Brief 1

Conclusion I believe this brief was really successful at creating an interesting piece of work that stands out against other brands.

The idea of making a product more interesting and attractive allowed for me to be creative in how the label is produced and designed. This as well as my research helps to respond successfully to the brief and create a label that is truly unique. The use of process and techniques shall allowed the label design to be at the forefront of the drinks industry making sure people notice and want the feel good drinks.

I believe I could have followed certain aspects of the brief more precisely however I believe this would have limited the creativity of my final outcomes. The use of Photoshop to create a realistic final view of the label upon a bottle was effective, as it shall allow The Feel Good Company to see exactly what the label will look like when printed.





Apple & Blueberry

top up your smile



cranberry & pomegranate

top up your smile



cloudy lemon

top up your smile



cranberry & lime

top up your smile



Cloudy lemon

top up your smile

Leeds brewery Hellfire beer

Leeds College of Art runs an event pro-gramme – Creative Networks (CN) for those working in the arts, cultural, creative fields and students.

As part of the event the Creative Networks introduced a branded beer that can be sold at the event. The aim of the brief is to design a Creative Networks beer label that will appear on the Leeds Brewery supplied beer for the upcoming 2013 events. The beer label needs to be innovative, different to other beer labels, memorable and contemporary so that the people who attend the event will recall the beer and the brand and also get the sense of the nature of the event and the creative flare that the college has to offer.

The brief is fairly open to ideas and design discussions, however there are some restrictions within the current creative networks beer logo and the position and sizing of the branding. The body copy has also been supplied for the intention to correctly display onto the bottle label itself. The designs can be oriented about the CN event and the courses/ programs they run. The Label should compliment Hellfire and the CN event.

The aim of the brief I felt was clear, be creative and communicate the nature of the event. I have done this through visual interpretations of the combination of both the drinks qualities and the events appeal. Using a tree as the main visual appeal on the label communicates the creativity of the event and the nature of the event. This also shows the networks and how people at the event are all connected in some way. The leaves on the tree represent the flames from the fire that makes the tree look very creative and colourful to reflect both the brand of the beer and

the CN event. The concept relates to what the event is all about, target at artistic and creative people. The design is innovative to other beers while being bright and eye catching would be best suited. While these key points were followed, the label is memorable and sticks within their minds for future events. The event is held every year; the design of the label should be contemporary to latest trends, styles and technique used within industry to date.The concept used was developed further into other useful items that would be displayed at the event, these may include a beer matt, packaging, beer cap as well as print and web based promotional items. I was shortlisted within the top three designs and was requested to do further changes before final submission to the decision.

I produced a label design that will be used at the creative Networks event at Leeds College of Art. I designed the label to communicate the event and at the same time represent the beer and the flavors of the beer. I have designed a tree, which shows the growth and connections of the creative networks and the leaves that are within the tree are communicating the fiery beer that is explained within the body copy on the label. The colours show the creative side of the event and the differ-ent flavors of the beer. The visuals all work in conjunction with one another to communicate both the event and the beer, which is key aspect to the concept. I have also extended the range and placed the design across a range of promotional material such as a poster design that will be seen at the event along with a beer top, 6-pack carrier and beer mat. These will make the beer more memorable and allow them to find out more about the event and the beer.



Developing an idea in a short amount of time, this is good practice for the industry as some briefs need to be turned over in a day or in a couple of hours and this brief has proved that this is possible.

I think a big strength was my illustrations and design development as I produced a lot of design sheets before designing the actual final design digitally; this set my up for a more precise and accurate design.


I found working on a small scale difficult due to text sizes and layouts within the set size, and the proportions given to work with.

I had many problems with the layout of text and image onto the label shape that were required. This took a lot of developing, trying and testing.






Leeds brewery Hellfire beer

Conclusion Overall this brief was exciting to produce as it allowed me to produce a interesting promotional design that would be seen by a large range of creative people.

There were a few problems that occurred when developing the design and it allowed me to produce a range of development work that help me produce the most effective piece of work. If I was to do the brief again I would most likely work on the additional items as I believe having a large range of products would help the label be more successful.

I was shortlisted as one of the top 3 candidates within this brief; I had to make a few amendments to the design to allow the design to be more accurate. These were then judged and the winner FKRVHQ��,�KDGQ·W�ZRQ�WKH�FRPSHWLWLRQ�KRZHYHU�being shortlisted was a great accomplishment.




pale Bitter

Creative networksspecial edition

premium malt

pale bitter


pale Bitter

Creative networksspecial edition

premium malt

pale Bitter

Creative networksspecial edition

premium malt

Studio Brief 2 Collabrative Practice


V&A collabrative


The V&A is located in an area dubbed the ¶$OEHUWRSROLV·��7KH�9$·V�([KLELWLRQ�5RDG�UHGHYHORSPHQW�LV�creating a purpose built underground gallery designed by Amanda Levete. The purpose built exhibition will hold temporary exhibitions that will be seen by the public.

The challenge is to create a hoarding which will inform the public about the redevelopment and also reflect the local community and history of the cultural quarter. This is a large-scale piece for the museum that will be visually interesting and appealing. The hoarding will be erected at the beginning of the redevelopment in 2013 and will open to the public in 2016. This means that the design will have to last 3 years till the temporary exhibition space opens. While the work is being undertaken, a hoarding will be erected around the site to shield the building works and inspire the public.

This brief has been chosen as a collaborative decision. I worked with my partner Emma John-son to create the hoarding for the V&A, which we both were mutually excited about. We both worked together on creating initial ideas and have found it easier to work separately on most areas of the brief process and then come together and discuss our own thoughts. This worked a lot better as we then had a more clear idea of how we wanted to take the brief.

Emma and I seemed to agree with most of the design decision as well as concepts that helped to develop more quickly with the brief. A few communication problems occurred throughout the module as I felt a lack of enthusiasm within the brief started to occur due to other commitments.

The final idea that we decided on was to use trees to communicate the main concept. Using the trees for the hoarding is so that it represents the growth of the new gallery and the development of the V&A, this allowed the artifacts from the V&A to be hung on the trees to communicate the leaves being temporary as is the current gallery state. This also communicates that the trees are creating a new environment for the V&A, a growing environment.

The tree concept is also represents not being able to see the gallery for the trees this create curiosity and suspense. When the gallery has finished then the trees will be ether made into an entrance or be taken down and show the new building. The gallery is also an underground gallery so this communicates the trees growing from the aground. Doing this also creates almost an exhibition in its self with the hoarding been 3-dimensional.

The V&A brief seemed to be a very interesting brief. As I have never seen the V&A I thought it could be quite interesting to challenge myself and explore something new, which might give me a new perspective on the brief. This brief was produced collaboratively; the aim of the brief was to create a hoarding for the re-development of temporary exhibition space. The hoarding that I designed allowed me to communicate the exciting


V&A collabrative

artifacts and qualities of the museum and also FUHDWH�H[FLWHPHQW�RI�ZKDW·V�WR�FRPH��7KLV�ZDV�done by creating 3-dimentional trees running the full length of the hoarding. The trees represent WKH�JURZWK�RI�WKH�9$�ZLWK�WKH�VORJDQ�¶5RRWV�DUH�EHHQ�SXW�LQ�SODFH·��7KLV�FRPPXQLFDWHG�WKH�temporary underground exhibition space through the meaning of the trees been planting from under grown and from their they grow. Using the trees for the hoarding also represents the growth of the new gallery and the development of the V&A, this allowed the artifacts from the V&A to be hung on the trees to communicate the leaves being temporary and so is the current gallery state.

The trees and the design of the hoarding creates a V&A environment for people to come and visit; this will create excitement and suspense as the visitors can not see the gallery from the trees. Other promotional materials were also made so that the audience can get more information and the design can be flexible across a range of other medias. IPhone apps have been created to work with the QR codes on the hoarding so that the audience can get a first hand view of the V&A and receive information about the redevelopment and a link to the exciting V&A museum website.

They will also be twitter and Facebook feeds to VHH�SHRSOH·V�FRPPHQW�DQG�RSLQLRQV�RQ�WKLV�redevelopment; also news of the redevelopment will be posted on here to keep the audience intrigued and excited. I feel that I have put a lot of input it to the brief as I have carried out the design work for the hoarding, the digital material and also the development and research of the V&A.


V&A collabrative


Producing a range of research was a strength within this brief as it allowed me to gain knowledge about the V&A and also the area around the V&A. Looking into current museum promotions and way finding was really useful as I could discuss and share my ideas and inspiration with Emma.

Designing the hoarding and digital mockups was a strength, which I found that I was most responsible for within the module. This was appreciated by Emma and agreed and discussed.

Evaluating my progress and communication with Emma was also mainly my responsibility DV�,�IHOW�DW�VRPH�SRLQWV�(PPD�ZDVQ·W�WRR�NHHQ�on meeting and discussing ideas. I felt that this was documented well and clear presented.


I feel that within the submission boards we GLGQ·W�UHDOO\�FRPPXQLFDWH�WKH�FRQFHSW�WRR�ZHOO��7KLV�ZDV�D�ELW�EULHI�DQG�GLGQ·W�UHDOO\�portray the meaning that we were trying to get across.

I think that within the brief we needed to look through the mandatory requirements again as we had many problems with submitting in the end and we could have saved a lot of stress and disappointment.







V&A collabrative

Conclusion I believe the brief was a good challenge as the entire brief was not very simple especially working within a pair.

The work produced got spread between both of use allowing for a better out coming, the only problem is the time management of all the work being done this could have been due to the work load going on at the time. Work as a pair was a good experience as it allowed me to gain experience of work with different styled and personality drive peers. It also allowed me to gain some valuable experience in time management and how it could be done within a group or pair. This would also benefit me as developing my management skills could lead to a project management positions within the creative industry.

The work produced was creative, and fit the criteria of the brief, I do believe that Emma and me have a mixed style and they don't really suit one another. We tried to compensate this by working closer together and communicating much more to make sure we are on track.

Overall the brief was a good experience it allowed me to develop key skills, work with a new person and produce a good piece of work that could later be displayed in my portfolio. There were a few problems with submission due to file size but this was sorted with some tweaking.



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0UGD503 ModuleConclusion

Throughout this module I have learnt a great deal about how live briefs work and how to present work for submission.

Presentation boards in the past have not been too good, however throughout this module I have learnt a lot about how to professionally present work on A2 boards. This also works alongside gaining confidence in presenting work to others. This is important when competing with others for the same live brief as it gives you a good perspective of the standard that is required, this will be handy in the future.

Time management has been a skill that has developed throughout this module, it has been a, key aspect of the module to keep organised and make sure everything will get finish to the deadline. Doing this has allowed me to take on more brief and expand the range of brief that I could possibly enter and then use within my portfolio.

I have developed my skills within illustrator, as this has been the main software that I have been using throughout the briefs completed. Using distort and perspective within illustrator has been a big advantage to my work. I have also been using the Wacom Tablet within my design, which is another skill that I have always wanted to develop, but never had the chance.

Working within a team has been another skill developed within the studio brief 2 part of the module. This is always a good skill to get used of communicating and sharing ideas so that you can best articulate a concept between a group or pair Developing my illustrator skills further as the briefs has allowed me to develop a range of promotional items, and designs that have been

produced in a vector format allowing them to scale up on to any device, platform or media type. I have learnt a lot about Photoshop and how to create mockups that looks realistic, this has helped me produce a final piece that are realistic allowing for me to submit the design I have produce without printing them. The Photoshop skills that I have produce will help me further as being able to produce a realistic representation of a label or design on objects like bottles.


Time managementProducing a range of researchDesign developmentEvaluationsPresentation boards


Working on small scalesTeamworkConsulting brief requirementsPrimary researchTerminology and Language




Re-reading the brief before submission, this will allow for less mistakes and for a more successful submission giving me a better chance of succeeding.

Explaining product clearer on submission boards, this will make sure that my concept and design clearly communicates to the receiver.

Number presentation boards, this will allow for a more organize and concise viewing of the boards and make sure that my designs are seen in the correct order.

Extend the brief even further; this will make sure I get the full potential out of the brief and challenge myself more for every brief.

Work at a faster pace, this will make sure that I get the more briefs done as possibleexpanding the opportunities I have for achieving and also provide more work for my portfolio.



Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?





Stephanie Pickard BA(Hons) Graphic Design Level 2

Studio Brief 1&2April 3rd 2013
