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ByGladson M. RobinFinal year BHMS

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1: guarding from or preventing the spread or occurrence of disease or infection 2: tending to prevent. preventive

Merriam Webster medical dictionary:

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Dr. Samuel Hahnemann ‘s role in homoeo-prophylaxis:In 1799 - 3 years after the "birth" of homoeopathy in Hahnemann's landmark article Essay on a New Principle - Samuel Hahnemann achieved fame throughout Europe from his exceptionally effective treatment of a Scarlatina epidemic that was sweeping Germany.


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Hahnemann published this pamphlet “Cure and Prevention of Scarlet Fever” in 1801. At the time he promoted Belladonna as a specific prophylactic remedy for Scarlatina - and accompanying each pamphlet sold, was a vial of Belladonna prepared according to his technique at that time.

With increased experience observing and treating epidemic illnesses, Hahnemann recognized the unique nature of each occurrence of an epidemic. Aconite proved to be the specific for a subsequent Scarlatina epidemic sweeping Germany between 1800 and 1808.

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Boenninghausen's Contribution

Boenninghausen was one of the first to point out the dangers of orthodox immunizations.

The Baron's first experience was his successful use of Thuja as a genus epidemicus remedy for the prevention and treatment of smallpox.

After his experiments with Thuja, the Baron went on to test Hering's idea of a nosode made from the smallpox virus. This nosode is called Variolinum.

He found that a nosode made from smallpox was very successful in preventing the disease. This led the Baron to say:"Variolinum 200th is far superior to crude vaccination and absolutely safe."

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He only founded the use of nosodes in Homeoprophylaxis

Constantine Hering’s contribution:

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He says "The great prophylactic is the homeopathic remedy. After working in an epidemic for a few weeks, you will find perhaps that half a dozen remedies are daily indicated and one in these remedies in a larger number of cases than any other. This one remedy seems to be the best suited to the general nature of the sickness. Now you will find that for prophylaxis there is required a less degree of similitude than is necessary for curing. A remedy will not have to be so similar to prevent disease as to cure it, and these remedies in daily use will enable you to prevent a large number of people from becoming sick. We must look to homeopathy for our protection as well as for our cure".

Dr. J. T. Kent and HP

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Methodology of Prophylaxis:Consti tuti o

nal remedy

Genus epidemicus

Idem (similar) nosode

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1. Constitutional remedy: This is selected from the characteristic mental, general and particular symptoms with a focus on that which is strange, uncommon and peculiar to the individual sufferer (aph 82-104). This strengthens the vital force in a holographic manner by removing predispositions, increasing vitality and raising general immunity to stress and disease. When combined with good hygiene, nutrition and stress management programs constitutional treatment forms the first line of defense against all forms of infectious disease.

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2. Idem (Similar) nosodes: Hering was the first to use this method. In this method a nosode of the threatening miasm is given as a preventative to the specific disease. The specific causation of the offending miasms must be known and a proper stock available. Homeopathic nosodes have a wider band of action than orthodox immunization. The nosodes of most common miasms are available from reputable pharmacies. An example of such a prophylactic remedy is Pertussin, a nosode made from the whooping cough virus. It may be necessary to make a nosode of the prevailing strain of miasma.

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Vaccination & Homeoprophylaxis

A vaccine, like any medicine, could cause a

serious reacti on. But the risk of a

vaccine causing serious harm, or

death, is extremely small.

The true incidence of

vaccine injury is 50 to 70 ti mes higher than

offi cial stati sti cs indicate

It has been noti ced by homœopaths that

vaccinati ons may lead to changes of

personality, sleep patt erns, eati ng patt erns, bowel

patt erns and other alterati ons of natural

cycles. Each vaccine has acute symptoms, latent symptoms and chronic


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DTP vaccine side-eff ects:

Mild Problems (Common)Fever (up to about 1 child in 4) Redness or swelling where the shot was given (up to about 1 child in 4) Soreness or tenderness where the shot was given (up to about 1 child in 4) These problems occur more oft en aft er the 4th and 5th doses of the DTaP series than aft er earlier doses.Someti mes the 4th or 5th dose of DTaP vaccine is followed by swelling of the enti re arm or leg in which the shot was given, for 1 to 7 days (up to about 1 child in 30).

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Moderate Problems (Uncommon)Seizure (jerking or staring) (about 1 child out of 14,000) Non-stop crying, for 3 hours or more (up to about 1 child out of 1,000) High fever, 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher (about 1 child out of 16,000) Severe Problems (Very Rare)Serious allergic reaction (less than 1 out of a million doses) Several other severe problems have been reported after DTaP vaccine. These include:Long-term seizures, coma, or lowered consciousness Permanent brain damage.

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 1 in 54 boys is on the

autism spectrum, our schools

are full of children with some

sort of learning disorder, and

nearly every child has some

sort of food intolerance,

allergy, immunological

problem, behaviour problem

or more

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Vaccines HomeoprophylaxisContains a material dose, which means it has a live, attenuated or killed virus, bacteria or toxin in a crude dose

Contains an Energetic Dose, which means the substances are potentized/diluted to reduce material dose but retain the memory of the disease or disease agent.

Contains Adjuvants to stimulate the immune response and also other additives which may include other viruses, human fetal tissue/DNA, animal by-products, etc.

Nosodes are produced from pure viral/bacterial cultures or human discharge response to the germs.

Vaccines contain preservatives, such as thimerosal, formaldehyde, aluminum, etc.

There are no preservatives, adjuvants or other contaminants in homeopathic nosodes.

The germs and other ingredients are injected directly into the body, thereby bypassing peripheral immune systems.

Homeoprophylaxis is administered orally on sugar pellets so the intestines, where 80% of immunity resides, can recognize the disease material and start the work of building immunity.

Multiple diseases are introduced at the same time, which is an unnatural situation.

Single disease at a time.

An expectation of antibody production in immune systems that are too immature to produce antibodies (0 - 2 years).

From birth on, general immune system functions are active and therefore responsive to general stimulation.

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Carl Jung said, “rather than being sufferers of our time, we are creators of our own epoch.”  With homeoprophylaxis we have the opportunity to change a paradigm. Rather than sit back and watch as more and more children fall like lemmings over the cliffs of bad science and financially-motivated agendas, we can forge ahead, into a new and healthier future.

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The primary goal of HP is to educate the immune system to a variety of infectious agents, in so doing, disease incidence goes down. This goal differs from that of vaccination programs which are more about trying to eradicate disease regardless of the consequence in the immune system of the individual. In their preparation, they have been serially diluted and succussed so as to reduce their crude form to energetic.

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Dr. Luc Montagnier, The French Nobel Prize winner for his discovery of the HIV virus, has been working for the last eight years on the ramifications of his findings that diluted solutions of infectious agents emit the same frequency as the original agent does. His findings give a possible explanation of how dilute preparations of disease agents can stimulate biological action and accordingly have the potential to produce immunity and alter disease incidence.


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He supported and praised Jenner’s work on vaccination. In the Organon, he wrote that “smallpox had not spread with such widespread virulence since the use of Jenner’s vaccination”.[i] With these divided views it is difficult to report on Hahnemann’s informed opinion of vaccination as this practice was still very immature during his lifetime.

He lacked sufficient experience to be able to formulate a judgment either for or against it. However Hahnemann did hold stringent views on the importance of a healthy diet and applying minimum intervention, so it is possible to speculate that he would not have become a keen advocate of vaccination.

Hahnemann and Vaccination

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The largest trial of the short-term use of HP was against an outbreak of Meningococcal disease in Brazil. The researchers gave 65,826 children the homoeopathic remedy Meningococcinum. Another 23,539 were not protected. The effectiveness of HP after 6 months was 95%, and after a 12 months follow-up was 91%

Homoeoprophylaxis – a Proven Alternative to VaccinationBy Dr. Issac Golden

Effectiveness of HomoeoprophylaxiS:

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Whilst many homoeopaths also use HP for long-term prevention (mainly in Australia and the Indian subcontinent), there had been very little formal statistical research into the long-term use of HP prior to 1985. The data collected since that time provides a useful guide as to the effectiveness and safety of long-term HP. It confirms that the findings regarding epidemic use also extend to long-term use, with an average effectiveness of around 90%, and a very high level of safety.

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In 2007 and 2008, the Cuban Government utilized homeopathy to prevent Leptospirosis, or swamp fever. Five million doses of Homeopathic Leptospiro were given to 2.5 million people at the cost of US $200,000. Normally thousands of people are infected each year, in spite of allopathic vaccinations. The result of the HP program is that there were ZERO infections among those that participated.

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Testing on Animals:Day researched the effectiveness of kennel cough nosode in 214 dogs. Recent admissions were contracting the disease at a rate of 92% but after treatment using the nosode only 1.9% of dogs caught kennel cough.

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HP and Antibodies production:

Dr Chavanon’s Historic Diptheria Trials – 1938:

Chavanon administered Diphtherinum 4M and 8M and after one to two months the antitoxins were measured in the blood. He noted that a total of 45 children changed from Schick test +ve (no antibodies against diphtheria) to shick test –ve (antibodies present)

Patterson and Boyd’s Diptheria Trials – 1941:

Repeated the Chavanon experiment and 20 out of 33 children were quickly observed to produce antibodies to diphtheria by Schick test. All the cases done in this way gave a Schick negative result within nine weeks, and some as early as three weeks afterwards.

Further research needs to be undertaken before the association between remedies and antibody production can be fully understood.

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3.Genus epidemicus: which provides protection to epidemic diseases. In this method the homeopath takes a group picture of several cases of the acute miasm in question and tries to find the most appropriate remedy (or remedies) for the prevention. (aph 100-103). This method is useful when there is a clear and present danger to domestic or social health conditions. It must be combined with avoidance of overcrowded, unhygienic places and contaminated food and water as well as the most careful personal hygiene and diet.

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Dr. Carol Dunham wrote: "The selection of the

prophylactic remedy must, to some extent, be

governed by the nature of the epidemic, and therefore the best preventive cannot always be determined until the epidemic has appeared, and its peculiar nature has

been ascertained."

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First step (COLLECTING SYMPTOMS)From the first few cases the physician has a very faint idea of this disease, for he sees only a bit of it, and gets only a portion of its symptoms. But the epidemic spreads and many patients are visited, and many individuals have perhaps been closely observed we get a better picture. Symptom records of each of the patient is preserved until many case records have been formed. Now  the physician will write down all the symptoms that have been present in each case in a schematic form

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By the assistance of a repertory write after each one of these symptoms all the remedies that have produced that symptom. Having in this way gone through the entire schema, begin to eliminate the remedies that don't give a picture of a remedy for practical purposes, and see that six or seven remedies run through the picture, and, therefore, are related to the epidemic, corresponding to its whole nature. This may be called the group of epidemic remedies for that particular epidemic. Now the remedy with maximum similar symptoms in different patients is the ‘Genus Epidemicus’ which can be supplied as prophylactic remedy.

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Brain fever Belladonna 200 once every week for a month


Calc fluor 12x morning and evening - first day Nat mur 6x+Cal phos 6x+Kali phos 6x morning and evening

Chicken pox Variolinum 200 every morning three days

Cholera Cuprum met 30 morning and night once in 3 days

Cold Aconite 30 every half hour for 2 hours

Conjuctivitis (Madras eye)

Belladonna 30 morning & night once in 3 days

Note on few Prophylactic remedies:

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Flu - fever, cold, chilliness Influenzium 30/200 3 doses

Gastroenteritis Arsenic alb 200 - 3 doses

Hepatitis Chelidonium 6c thrice a day for 3 days

Jaundice Merc sol 200 3 doses first day followed by 3 doses of Kali mur 6x next day

Malaria Malaria off 200 / Nat mur 200 weekly once for a period for 3 weeks

Measles Pulsatilla 200 once in 2 days for 6 days.

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Meningitis Belladonna 30 every three hours for six times

Mumps Parotidinum 200 1 dose

Poliomyletis (Polio) Lathyrus sativus 200 one

dose first month, 1M dose next month & 10M third


Small pox Variolinum 200 3 doses

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