
Proposed course structure and evaluation scheme for MCA









Subject Name Teaching


L-T-P Evaluation Credit

Sessional ESE


Total CT TA Total


01. HS APH-111 Professional Communication

APSH 3--1--0 30 10 40 60 100 4

02. M APM-111 Accounting & Financial Management

APSH 3--1--0 30 10 40 60 100 4

03. DC MCC-101 Computer Concepts and Programming

Core Deptt 3--1--0 30 10 40 60 100 4

04. DC MCC-102 Discrete Mathematics

Core Deptt 3--1--0 30 10 40 60 100 4

05. DC MCC-103 Computer Organization and Architecture

Core Deptt. 3--1--0 30 10 40 60 100 4


06. HS APH-1L1 Prof. Communication Lab

APSH 0--0--3 -- 20 20 30 50 2

07. DC MCC-1L1 Computer Programming Lab

Core Deptt 0--0--3 -- 20 20 30 50 2

08. GP General Proficiency

50 50

Total 600 24







Subject Name Teaching


L-T-P Evaluation Credit

Sessional ESE


Total CT TA Total


01. BAS APB-211 Environmental Science and Ethics

APSH 3--1--0 30 10 40 60 100 4

02. DC MCC-201 Data Structure Using C++

Core Deptt 3--1--0 30 10 40 60 100 4

03. DC MCC-202 Theory of Computation

Core Deptt. 3--1--0 30 10 40 60 100 4

04. DC MCC-203 Operating System

Core Deptt 3--1--0 30 10 40 60 100 4

05. DC MCC-204 Object Oriented Technique

Core Deptt 3--1--0 30 10 40 60 100 4


06. DC MCC-2L1 Data Structure Lab

Core Deptt 0--0--3 -- 20 20 30 50 2

07. DC MCC-2L2 Theory of Computation Lab

Core Deptt. 0--0--3 -- 20 20 30 50 2

08. GP General Proficiency

50 50

Total 600 24

Computer Programming Lab

Course Code : MCC-1L1

Course Category : Department Core (DC)

L T P : 0 0 3

Credit : 02

Course Outcome : It is expected to understand the basics of computer and it


List of C programs

1) Write a program to print HELLO on the screen.

2) Write a program

a) To add two number by using third variable.

b) To add two number without using third number.

3) Write a program

a) To swap two numbers by using third variable.

b) To swap two numbers without using third variable.

4) Write a C program to find whether integer number is even or odd using modulus operator.

5) Write a C program to add two numbers repeatedly by using if else statement.

6) Write a program to find the largest and smaller of three numbers and print the numbers in

ascending order.

7) Write a C program to find whether integer number is even or odd

a) using bitwise operator.

b) Using conditional operator.

8) Write a program to find a factorial of given number using

a) For loop

b) While loop

c) Do while loop

9) Write a program to check for leap year.

10) Write a program to print reverse of a number.

11) Write a program to change the case of a entered character

12) Write a program to check the number is Armstrong or not.

13) Write a program to

a) Add the digits of a number

b) Find the difference of sum of all the even position digit and odd position digit.

14) Write a program to check the number is palindrome or not.

15) Write a program to check the number is prime or not.

16) Write a program to find whether given character vowel or not

17) Write a program to check whether given number is positive or negative

18) Write a program for printing Fibonacci series.

19) Write a program to enter a decimal number. Calculate and display the binary equivalent of

this number.

20) Write a program to print all prime numbers upto ‘N’ numbers.

21) Write a program to print sum of ‘N’ natural numbers.

22) Write a program for searching a element in an array.

23) Write a program to sort given names in alphabetical order

24) Write a program for bank application to implement the concept of

a) Call by value.

b) Call by reference.

25) Write a program for recursive function

26) Write a program for calculator application

27) Write a program to print the element of array using pointers.

28) Write a program to compare 2 arrays whether they are equal or not

29) Write a program to print diamond pattern

a) Diamond pattern.

b) Pascal triangle

30) Write a program to find hcf (gcd) and lcm

31) Write a program to add two complex numbers

32) Write a program for binary search

33) Write a program for linear search

34) Write a program for

a) Matrix addition

b) Matrix multiplication

35) Write a program to display student information by initializing structures

36) Write a program to pass structure as arguments to function and calculate total marks of 5


37) Write a program to write integer data into file and read it from file.

38) Write a program to copy content of one file to another

Text Books:

1. Computer Concepts and Programming in C by Vikas Gupta, Wiley India Publication

2. Computer Concepts and Programming by Anami, Angadi and Manvi, PHI Publication

3. C programming by Kernighan and Ritchie, PHI

4. Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C. Reema Thareja, Oxford Publication

5. Computer Concepts and Programming in C, E Balaguruswami, McGraw Hill

6. Computer Concepts and Programming in C by D.S. Yadav and Rajeev Khanna, New Age

International Publication

7. Programming in C A Practical approach by Ajay Mittal, Pearson Publication

8. Computer Fundamental and C programming by K K Gupta, Acme Learning Publication

9. Problem Solving and Program Design in C, by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman, Pearson

Addison-Wesley, 2006.

10. Computer Science- A Structured Programming Approach Using C, by Behrouz A.

Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg, Thomson, Third Edition [India Edition], 2007.

11. Object- Oriented Programming In C++ by Rajesh K Shukla

Data Structure Lab

Course Code : MCC-2L1

Course Category : Department Core (DC)

L T P : 0 0 3

Credit : 02

Course Outcome : It is expected to understand the basics of Data Structure and their



Write C/C++ Programs to illustrate the concept of the following:

1. Sorting Algorithms-Non-Recursive

2. Sorting Algorithms-Recursive

3. Searching Algorithm

4. Stack

5. Queue

6. Linked List

7. Graph

8. Arrays

Text Books:

1. Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam and Moshe J. Augenstein “Data Structures

Using C and C++” , PHI

2. Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia Publication

3. R. Kruse etal, “Data Structures and Program Design in C”, Pearson Education

4. Lipschutz, “Data Structures” Schaum’s Outline Series, TMH

5. Jean Paul Trembley and Paul G. Sorenson, “An Introduction to Data Structures with

applications”, McGraw Hill

6. Yashwant Kanetkar “Data Structure Through C++”, BPB Publications

Theory of Computation Lab

Course Code : MCC-2L2

Course Category : Department Core (DC)

L T P : 0 0 3

Credit : 02

Course Outcome : It is expected to understand the theory of computer and its

mathematical model.

Theory of Computation LAB

1. Consider the deterministic automata M= ({q1,q2 ………q6},{a, b},δ ,q1,{q5,q6}) where δ

is given by the Table1:

Table 1: Transition Table

States/Input a B

-q1 q3 q5

q2 q4 q2

q3 q1 q6

q4 q4 q3

+q5 q2 q4

+q6 q3 q4

Write a program to simulate M.

2. WAP to simulate NFA.

3. WAP to convert a given NFA to DFA.

4. WAP to simulate Moore and Mealy machine.

5. WAP that produces a minimal DFA for any given DFA.

6. Consider Deterministic Finite Automaton M1 and M2 recognizing the language L1 and L2

respectively. Write a program to construct Deterministic Finite Automaton M3 that


(i) L1 U L2

(ii) L1 L2

(iii) L1*

(iv) L2*

7. WAP to convert a given CFG into CNF.

8. WAP to convert a given regular grammar into DFA.

9. WAP to simplify a given CFG by removing

(i) ϵ-production

(ii) Useless production

(iii) Unit Production

10. WAP to convert a given regular grammar into DFA.

11. WAP to convert a given DFA into regular grammar.

12. WAP to simulate PDA. Your machine will given the display grammar when the string are

∑ is input to PDA.

13. WAP to simulate 2-state PDA using suitable data structure.

14. WAP to determine whether or not a given word is a member of the language defined by

the given CFG. Use CYK algorithm.

15. WAP to design a TM that accepts L= {an



|n ≥ 0}. Display the computational

sequence for the input string over ∑.

16. WAP to simulate TM.

17. WAP to design a Turing machine to compute the function f(x,y) = x+y, where x and y are

positive integers represented in unary.

18. WAP to design a Turing machine that adds two numbers presented into binary notation

and leaves the answer on the table in binary form.

19. WAP to simulate the TM that adds two numbers presented in binary notation and leaves

the number on the table in binary form.

20. WAP to simulate Universal Turing machine.

Text Books:

1. Theory of Computation and Application (Automata Theory and Formal Languages), A.

K. Malviya and M. Datta, BPB Publications.

2. Introduction to Automata theory, Languages and Computation, J. E. Hopecraft, R.

Motwani and Ullaman, Pearson Education Asia.

3. Elements and Theory of Computation, H.R. Lewis and C.H. Papadimitrou, PHI.

4. Introduction to Language and Theory of Computation, J. Martin, Tata McGraw Hill.

5. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, P. Linz, Narosa Publishing House.

6. Introduction to Computer Theory, D.I.A. Cohen, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Discrete Mathematics

Course Code : MCC-102

Course Category : Department Core (DC)

L T P : 3 1 0

Credit : 04

Course Outcome : It is expected to understand the basics of Mathematics and it

Application in Computer.


Set Theory: Introduction, Combination of sets, Multisets, Ordered pairs. Proofs of some

general identities on sets.

Relations: Definition, Operations on relations, Properties of relations, Composite Relations,

Equality of relations, Recursive definition of relation, Order of relations.

Functions: Definition, Classification of functions, Operations on functions, Recursively

defined functions. Growth of Functions. Natural Numbers: Introduction, Mathematical

Induction, Variants of Induction, Induction with Nonzero Base cases. Proof Methods, Proof

by counter – example, Proof by contradiction.


Algebraic Structures: Definition, Groups, Subgroups and order, Cyclic Groups, Cosets,

Lagrange's theorem, Normal Subgroups, Permutation and Symmetric groups, Group

Homomorphisms, Definition and elementary properties of Rings and Fields.


Partial order sets: Definition, Partial order sets, Combination of partial order sets, Hasse


Lattices: Definition, Properties of lattices – Bounded, Complemented, Modular and Complete

lattice. Boolean Algebra: Introduction, Axioms and Theorems of Boolean algebra, Algebraic

manipulation of Boolean expressions. Simplification of Boolean Functions, Karnaugh maps,

Logic gates, Digital circuits and Boolean algebra.


Propositional Logic: Proposition, well formed formula, Truth tables, Tautology, Satisfiability,

Contradiction, Algebra of proposition, Theory of Inference. (8)

Predicate Logic: First order predicate, well formed formula of predicate, quantifiers,

Inference theory of predicate logic.


Trees : Definition, Binary tree, Binary tree traversal, Binary search tree.

Graphs: Definition and terminology, Representation of graphs, Multigraphs, Bipartite graphs,

Planar graphs, Isomorphism and Homeomorphism of graphs, Euler and Hamiltonian paths,

Graph coloring, Recurrence Relation & Generating function: Recursive definition of

functions, Recursive algorithms, Method of solving recurrences.

Combinatorics: Introduction, Counting Techniques, Pigeonhole Principle.

Text Books:

1. Koshy, Discrete Structures, Elsevier Pub. 2008

2. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 6/e, McGraw-Hill,


3. B. Kolman, R.C. Busby, and S.C. Ross, Discrete Mathematical Structures, 5/e,

Prentice Hall, 2004.

4. E.R. Scheinerman, Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction, Brooks/Cole, 2000.

5. R.P. Grimaldi, Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 5/e, Addison Wesley, 2004

Computer Organization and Architecture

Course Code : MCC-103

Course Category : Department Core (DC)

L T P : 3 1 0

Credit : 04

Course Outcome : It is expected to understand the basics of computer organization and



Introduction: Digital computer generation, computer types and classifications, functional units

and their interconnections, buses, bus architecture, types of buses and bus arbitration. Register,

bus and memory transfer.


Central Processing Unit: Addition and subtraction of signed numbers, look ahead carry adders.

Multiplication: Signed operand multiplication, Booths algorithm and array multiplier. Division

and logic operations. Floating point arithmetic operation Processor organization, general register

organization, stack organization and addressing modes.


Control Unit: Instruction types, formats, instruction cycles and subcycles (fetch and execute etc)

, micro-operations, execution of a complete instruction. Hardwire and microprogrammed control:

microprogramme sequencing, wide branch addressing, microinstruction with next address field,

pre-fetching microinstructions, concept of horizontal and vertical microprogramming.


Memory: Basic concept and hierarchy, semiconductor RAM memories, 2D & 2 1/2D memory

organization. ROM memories. Cache memories: concept and design issues 9 performance,

address mapping and replacement) Auxiliary memories: magnetic disk, magnetic tape and

optical disks Virtual memory: concept implementation.


Input / Output: Input-Output Organization:I/O Interface, Modes of transfer, Interrupts &

Interrupt handling, Programmed I/O, Direct Memory access, Input-Output processor, Serial

Communication: Synchronous & asynchronous communication, standard communication


Text Books:

1. Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic and Safwat Zaky, “Computer Organization”, Fifth

Edition, TataMcGraw Hill, 2002.

2. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture – Designing for

Performance”, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education, 2003.

3. Patterson, Computer Organisation and Design, Elsevier Pub. 2009

4. Vravice,Hamacher & Zaky, “Computer Organization”, TMH

5. Mano,” Computer System Architecture”, PHI

6. John P Hays, “ Computer Organization”, McGraw Hill

7. Tannenbaum,” Structured Computer Organization’, PHI 6. P Pal chaudhry, ‘ Computer

Organization & Design’, PHI

Data Structure Using C++

Course Code : MCC-201

Course Category : Department Core (DC)

L T P : 3 1 0

Credit : 04

Course Outcome : It is expected to understand the basics of Data Structure and their


Unit –I

Introduction: Basic concepts of object-oriented programming, objects and classes, data

abstraction and encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, Basic Terminology of data structure,

Elementary Data Organization, Built in Data Types in C++. Algorithm, Efficiency of an

Algorithm, Time and Space Complexity, Asymptotic notations: Big-Oh, Time-Space trade-off,

Abstract Data Types (ADT) .

Arrays: Definition, Single and Multidimensional Arrays, Representation of Arrays: Row Major

Order, and Column Major Order, Derivation of Index Formulae for 1D,2D, & nD Array

Application of arrays, Sparse Matrices and their representations.

Linked lists: Array Implementation and Pointer Implementation of Singly Linked Lists, Doubly

Linked List, Circularly Linked List, Operations on a Linked List. Insertion, Deletion, Traversal,

Polynomial Representation and Addition Subtraction & Multiplications of Single variable &

Two variable Polynomial.

Unit – II

Stacks: Primitive Stack operations: Push & Pop, Array and Linked Implementation of Stack in

C++, Application of stack: Prefix and Postfix Expressions, Evaluation of postfix expression,

Iteration and Recursion- Principles of recursion, Tail recursion, Removal of recursion Problem

solving using iteration and recursion with examples such as binary search, Fibonacci numbers,

and Hanoi towers. Tradeoffs between iteration and recursion.

Queues : Operations on Queue: Create, Add, Delete, Full and Empty, Circular queues, Array

and linked implementation of queues in C++, Dequeue and Priority Queue.

Unit – III

Trees: Basic terminology used with Tree, Binary Trees, Binary Tree Representation: Array

Representation and Pointer(Linked List) Representation, Binary Search Tree, Strictly Binary

Tree ,Complete Binary Tree . A Extended Binary Trees, Tree Traversal algorithms: Inorder,

Preorder and Postorder, Constructing Binary Tree from given Tree Traversal, Operation of

Insertation , Deletion, Searching & Modification of data in Binary Search . Threaded Binary

trees, Traversing Threaded Binary trees. Huffman coding using Binary Tree. Concept & Basic

Operations for AVL Tree , B Tree & Binary Heaps.

Unit – IV

Searching : Concept of Searching ,Sequential search ,Index Sequential Search, Binary Search.

Concept of Hashing & Collision resolution Techniques used in Hashing.

Sorting: Insertion Sort, Selection, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort, Radix Sort.

Unit – V

Graphs: Terminology used with Graph, Data Structure for Graph Representations: Adjacency

Matrices, Adjacency List, Adjacency . Graph Traversal : Depth First Search and Breadth First

Search, Connected Component, Spanning Trees, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees: Prims and

Kruskal algorithm. Transistive Closure and Shortest Path algorithm: Warshal Algorithm and

Dijikstra Algorithm.

Text Books:

1. Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam and Moshe J. Augenstein “Data Structures

Using C and C++” , PHI

2. Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotia Publication

3. R. Kruse etal, “Data Structures and Program Design in C”, Pearson Education

4. Lipschutz, “Data Structures” Schaum’s Outline Series, TMH

5. Jean Paul Trembley and Paul G. Sorenson, “An Introduction to Data Structures with

applications”, McGraw Hill

6. Yashwant Kanetkar “Data Structure Through C++”, BPB Publications

Theory of Computation

Course Code : MCC-202

Course Category : Department Core (DC)

L T P : 3 1 0

Credit : 04

Course Outcome : It is expected to understand the theory of computer and its

mathematical model.

UNIT-1 Basic Concepts and Automata Theory: Introduction to Theory of Computation- Automata,

Computability and Complexity, Alphabet, Symbol, String, Formal Languages, Finite

Automata(FA), Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA)- Definition, Simplified Notation of

FA, Language of DFA, Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA), The Equivalence of

NFA and DFA, NFA with ε-Transitions, The Equivalence of NFA and NFA with ε-

Transitions, FA with output- Moore Machine, Mealy Machine, Equivalence of Moore and

Mealy Machine, Conversion from Moore and Mealy and Vice-Versa, Minimization of Finite

Automata, Myhill-Nerode Theorem.

UNIT-2 Regular Expressions, Regular and Non-Regular Languages: Regular Expressions,

Transition Graph, Kleen’s Theorem, Finite Automata and Regular Expression- Arden’s

theorem, Algebraic Method Using Arden’s Theorem, Distinguishing One String from Other,

Regular and Non-Regular Languages- Closure properties of Regular Languages, Pigeonhole

Principle, Pumping Lemma, Application of Pumping Lemma, Decidability- Decision

properties, Finite Automata and Regular Languages, Regular Languages and programming

languages, Applications and Limitations of FA.

UNIT-3 Context-Free Grammars and Languages: Context Free Grammars(CFGs)-Definition,

Derivations, Context-Free Languages(CFLs), Derivation Trees and Ambiguity in Grammar,

Regular Grammars-Right Linear and Left Linear grammars, Conversion of FA into CFG,

Construction of FA from Regular Grammar, Simplification of CFGs- Removing ε-

productions, Removing useless variables/symbols and productions, Removing Unit

Productions, Normal Forms for CFGs- Chomsky Normal Form(CNF), Greibach Normal

Form (GNF), Chomsky Hierarchy.

UNIT-4 Pushdown Automata and Properties of Context Free Languages: Pushdown

Automata(PDA)- Definition, Moves, Instantaneous Description of PDA, Transition Diagram

of PDA, The Language of PDA, Equivalence of PDAs and CFGs, Deterministic Pushdown

Automata(DPDA) and Deterministic Context free Languages(DCFL), Pushdown Automata

for Context Free Languages, Context Free grammars for Pushdown Automata, 2-stack PDA,

Pumping Lemma for CFL, Closure properties of CFLs, Decision Properties of CFLs-

Emptiness, Finiteness and Memberships.


Turing Machines and Recursive Function Theory: Basic Turing Machine(TM) Model,

Representation of Turing Machines, Language Acceptability of Turing Machines, Techniques

for Turing Machine Construction, Variants of TM, Turing Machine as Computer of Integer

Functions, Universal Turing machine, Linear(UTM), Linear Bounded Automata(LBA),

Church’s Thesis, Recursive and Recursively Enumerable languages, Halting Problem, Post’s

Correspondance Problem(PCP), Introduction to Recursive Function Theory, Rice’s Theorem,

Tractable and Intractable problem.

Text Books:

1. Theory of Computation and Application (Automata Theory and Formal Languages),

A. K. Malviya and M. Datta, BPB Publications.

2. Introduction to Automata theory, Languages and Computation, J. E. Hopecraft, R.

Motwani and Ullaman, Pearson Education Asia.

3. Elements and Theory of Computation, H.R. Lewis and C.H. Papadimitrou, PHI.

4. Introduction to Language and Theory of Computation, J. Martin, Tata McGraw Hill.

5. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, P. Linz, Narosa Publishing


6. Introduction to Computer Theory, D.I.A. Cohen, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Operating System

Course Code : MCC-203

Course Category : Department Core (DC)

L T P : 3 1 0

Credit : 04

Course Outcome : It is expected to understand the of structure and functioning of

operating system.


Introduction : Operating system and functions, Classification of Operating systems- Batch,

Interactive, Time sharing, Real Time System, Multiprocessor Systems, Multiuser Systems,

Multiprocess Systems, Multithreaded Systems, Operating System Structure- Layered

structure,System Components, Operating System services, Reentrant Kernels, Monolithic and



Concurrent Processes: Process Concept, Principle of Concurrency, Producer / Consumer Problem, Mutual Exclusion, Critical Section Problem, Dekker’s solution, Peterson’s solution,

Semaphores, Test and Set operation; Classical Problem in Concurrency- Dining Philosopher

Problem, Sleeping Barber Problem; Inter Process Communication models and Schemes,



CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Concepts, Performance Criteria, Process States, Process

TransitionDiagram, Schedulers, Process Control Block (PCB), Process address space,

Processidentification information, Threads and their management, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiprocessor Scheduling. Deadlock: System model, Deadlock characterization, Prevention,

Avoidance and detection, Recovery from deadlock.

Unit – IV

Memory Management: Basic bare machine, Resident monitor, Multiprogramming with fixed

partitions, Multiprogramming with variable partitions, Protection schemes, Paging, Segmentation, Paged segmentation, Virtual memory concepts, Demand paging, Performance

ofdemand paging, Page replacement algorithms, Thrashing, Cache memory organization,

Localityof reference.

Unit – V

I/O Management and Disk Scheduling: I/O devices, and I/O subsystems, I/O buffering, Disk

storage and disk scheduling, RAID. File System: File concept, File organization and access

mechanism, File directories, and File sharing, File system implementation issues, File system

protection and security.

Text Books:

1. Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, “Operating Systems Concepts”, Wiley

2. Sibsankar Halder and Alex A Aravind, “Operating Systems”, Pearson Education

3. Harvey M Dietel, “ An Introduction to Operating System”, Pearson Education

4. D M Dhamdhere, “Operating Systems : A Concept based Approach”, 2nd


5. William Stallings, “Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles ”, 6th

Edition, Pearson Education

Object Oriented Technique

Course Code : MCC-204

Course Category : Department Core (DC)

L T P : 3 1 0

Credit : 04

Course Outcome : It is expected to understand the basics of object oriented

programming and implementing the real life problem using object

oriented techniques.


C++ Programming: Introduction to C++, Basic concept of oops-Objects, Classes,

Encapsulation, Data Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding, Message

Passing, Brief History of C++, Data Types & Variables, Structure of a C++ program.,

Comments, Variables, Identifiers, Data types. Declaration of variables, Initialization of

variables, Scope of variables, Constants, Operator and control structures, Types of Operators,

Priority of Operators, Control, Array and pointer, Arrays, Initializing arrays, Strings,

Pointers, Pointers and arrays, Dynamic Memory, structures and union, Structures, User

defined data types, Functions, classes and objects ,Introduction to class, Class Definition,

Classes and Objects, Access specifies :Private, Public and Protected. Member functions of

the class.


Object Modeling: Objects and classes, links and association, generalization and inheritance,

aggregation, abstract class, multiple inheritance, meta data, candidate keys, constraints,

Introduction to UML, conceptual model of the UML, Architecture.


Dynamic Modeling: Events and states, operations, nested state diagrams and concurrency,

advanced dynamic modeling concepts, a sample dynamic model. Basic Behavioural

Modelling: Use cases, Use case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams.

Unit – IV

Functional Modeling: Data flow diagram, specifying operations, constraints, a sample

functional model.OMT (object modeling techniques) methodologies, examples and case

studies to demonstrate methodologies, comparisons of methodologies. Structured analysis

and structured design (SA/SD), Jackson Structured Development (JSD).

Unit – V

Software Development using C++:Constructors, Overloading Constructors, Destructor,

Function Overloading, Function overloading, Precautions to be taken while overloading

functions, Static Class ,Members, Static Member Functions, Friend Functions, Operator

Overloading, Introduction to Operator Overloading, Operator Overloading Fundamentals,

Implementing the operator functions, Inheritance, Reusability, Constructor and destructor in

derived class, Object initialization and conversion., Nested classes (Container

classes),Multilevel inheritance, Multiple inheritance, Hybrid Inheritance, Virtual base class,

Abstract and virtual function, Abstract class, Virtual function, Pure virtual function,

Templates and exception handling, Templates, Exception handling, Advanced, File Input

Output, Input/Output with files. Open a file, closing a file

Text Books:

1. James Rumbaugh etal, “Object Oriented Modeling and Design”, PHI

2. E. Balagurusamy, “Programming in C++”, TMH.

3. Herbert Schildt, “C++ the Complete Reference “, III edition, TMH 1999

4. Barkakatin “objects oriented programming in C++” PHI 1995

5. Booch Grady, “Object Oriented Analysis & Design with application 3/e”, Pearson

Education, New Delhi.

6. Bjarne Stroustrup, “C++ Programming Language”, Addison Wesley

Computer Concept and Programming

Course Code : MCC-101

Course Category : Department Core (DC)

L T P : 3 1 0

Credit : 04

Course Outcome : It is expected to understand the basics of computer and it



Basics of Computer: Introduction to digital computer, basic operations of computer, functional

components of computer, Classification of computers. Introduction to operating system: purpose,

function, services and types, Number system: Binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems,

their mutual conversions, Binary arithmetic. Basics of programming: approaches to Problem

solving, concept of algorithm and flow charts. Basic programs of C language, types of computer

languages: Machine language, assembly language and high level language, concept of assembler,

compiler, loader and linker.


Standard I/O in “C”, Fundamental Data Types and Storage Classes: Character types, Integer,

short, long, unsigned, single and double-precision floating point, storage classes, automatic,

register, static and external, Operators and Expressions: Using numeric and relational operators,

mixed operands and type conversion, Logical operators, Bit operations, Operator precedence and



Conditional Program Execution: Applying if and switch statements, nesting if and else,

restrictions on switch values, use of break and default with switch, Program Loops and Iteration:

Uses of while, do and for loops, multiple loop variables, assignment operators, using break and

continue, Modular Programming: Passing arguments by value, scope rules and global variables,

separate compilation, and linkage, building your own modules.


Arrays: Array notation and representation, manipulating array elements, using multi dimensional

arrays. Structure, union, enumerated data types ,Functions: introduction, types of functions,

functions with array, recursive functions, Pointers: introduction, declaration.


Standard C preprocessors, defining and calling macros, conditional compilation, passing values

to the compiler. Applications of file handling.Introduction to C++.

Text Books:

1. Computer Concepts and Programming in C by Vikas Gupta, Wiley India Publication

2. Computer Concepts and Programming by Anami, Angadi and Manvi, PHI Publication

3. C programming by Kernighan and Ritchie, PHI

4. Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C. Reema Thareja, Oxford Publication

5. Computer Concepts and Programming in C, E Balaguruswami, McGraw Hill

6. Computer Concepts and Programming in C by D.S. Yadav and Rajeev Khanna, New Age

International Publication

7. Programming in C A Practical approach by Ajay Mittal, Pearson Publication

8. Computer Fundamental and C programming by K K Gupta, Acme Learning Publication

9. Problem Solving and Program Design in C, by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman, Pearson

Addison-Wesley, 2006.

10. Computer Science- A Structured Programming Approach Using C, by Behrouz A.

Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg, Thomson, Third Edition [India Edition], 2007.

11. Object- Oriented Programming In C++ by Rajesh K Shukla
