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Page 2: Questionaire result

This information informs me that a lot of action is expected in horror trailer/ films. Taking this into account I have realized that my target audience are interested in seeing action and being able to relate it to real life which results in actually scaring and interesting them.. This makes me think that if a horror film is to far away from realty the viewers will not be scared or enjoy it as they are aware that it is never possible.

Page 3: Questionaire result

This question just gives me and idea of the age group I am gathering information from

This question just lets me know whether the group of people I'm questioning are interested in the topic I'm asking them


Page 4: Questionaire result

This information helps me decide on what my viewers are expecting from my trailer. This will help towards its success.

Page 5: Questionaire result

This gives me an insight to the kind of sub genre are most popular This information suggest that my audience are most interested in gruesome horror.