
Welcome to Chicago



“As the plain-spoken Don Welsh, [President and CEO of Choose Chicago],

implied last week in a meeting with the Tribune editorial board, when young

people are being murdered at this alarming rate, it trumps tourism

initiatives, cultural initiatives, arts initiatives, any darn initiatives you care to

name. There's no point in building parks or museums or putting out come-

to-Chicago ads in the face of such killings.”

“Simply put: Less art leads to more inequality. More inequality leads to less justice. And this is not something with which any of us should be comfortable.”

– Darren Walker President, Ford Foundation

of Chicagoans agree that arts and cultural activities attract tourists to the city.


of Chicagoans agree that the arts improvethe livability of our communities.


of Chicagoans agree that arts and cultural activities contribute positively to the city’s economy.


of Chicagoans agree that arts education helps to prepare students for success in college, careers, and life.


“The truth is that years of silence and inaction have walled off a portion of our city. It is time to stop turning our heads and turning the channel. It is time for each of us to start breaking down those walls.”

- Mayor Rahm Emanuel

Right HERE…

Right NOW…

National Museumof Mexican Art

The National Museumof Puerto Rican Arts & Culture

Welcome to Chicago