Page 1: Rating curve design,practice and problems



Dedicated to our Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) who is

always a great Reformer and a source of guidance in every

field of life.

Page 2: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Acknowledgment All our effort on this project and everything else are due to Allah‟s Blessings for his glory

and not our own. Many people have guided us for the completion of this project.

We are very thankful to Engr Muhammad Asif Aslam, Assistant professor, Department

of Civil Engineering UCE&T BZU Multan, for his guidance helping and improving text

of this project and also very thankful to Engr Shakeel Ahmad, Assistant Director

Monitoring, Haveli and Mailsi Canal Circle, for guiding, without which it would not have

been possible to complete this study.

We are indebted to M.Izhar Lab attendant Civil Engineering Department and Dr.Abuzar

Abid Department of Basic Science UCE&T BZU Multan for their assistance and giving

valuable guidance.

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Executive summary

Prediction of stage-discharge relation or a rating curve is of immense importance for

reliable planning, design, and management of most of the water resources projects.

Discharge rating curves may be simple or complex depending upon the river reach and

flow regime. These relations are typically developed empirically from periodic

measurements of the stage and discharge. These data are plotted on the graph to define

the rating curve for the stream. Measurement of discharge by this method involves a two-

step procedure. Once the stage-discharge relationship is established, the subsequent

procedure consists of measuring the stage and obtaining the discharge corresponding to

the stage from the stage-discharge relationship.

The rating curve on a man-made structure is always different with the rating curve made

on the natural streams because in the man-made channel, there is always a constant

discharge and on the natural streams, the discharge is changing with time. For new

gauging stations, many discharge measurements are needed to develop the stage

discharge relation throughout the entire range of stream flow data.

At Head Ambala, all the three canal passing through the Head are man-made canals. The

selected cross section of each canal is divided into segments and velocity by current

meter and discharge by mid-section method is measured, then the stage discharge data is

plotted on graph to obtain a rating curve and made best fit curve. The laboratory practical

is performed on a rectangular weir to obtain a rating curve between stage and discharge,

generate best fit curve and calibrate it.

The relation between stage and discharge can be affected by a number of factors that can

change shape and position of the rating curve. The factors that affect the rating curve

include changes in channel cross section, scour and silt, growth and decay of aquatic

vegetation, debris jams (an accumulation of logs and other organic debris which blocks

the flow of a stream), variable backwater, rapidly changing discharge, discharge to or

from over bank areas, including additional parameters, such as an estimate of the water

surface slope or the rate of change of the water surface at the gauge.

Aims and objectives

The primary aim of this report is a brief review of design, practice and problems of rating

curve. This report have great practical importance and a high degree of interest, for

improving the estimation of discharge from the stage. All evaluations of discharge are

strongly depend on stage discharge relationships, an improvement on discharge estimates

would obviously make hydrological models more reliable.

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The three main objectives of the study on the topic of rating curves can be outlined:

1. The first one is to gather information on current discharge then measure the water

level with gauges.

2. The second one to design the rating curve to improve empirically the discharge

records from gauging stations for different conditions, and how to extrapolate the

data beyond the measurement range.

3. The third point includes the difficulties in defining the stage discharge



Thus, based upon the obtained results from the study, we concluded that,

1. The observations made from the study suggested that systematic and

continuous discharge data is not actually observed; instead its records are

made from converting the water level data to discharge by using a stage-

discharge relationship.

2. If discharge data are desired for a particular period (e.g. hourly, 15 minute, etc.),

discharges from these time periods are determined by interpolating between the

key stage height points and re-converted to discharge using the rating curves.

3. The zero discharge in the stream “Qo” is a hypothetical value that cannot be

measured in the field.

4. All discharge measurements in open channel cross-sections are not free of errors.

While it is not possible to predict this error exactly, an estimation of its likely

magnitude may be performed by analyzing the individual velocity measurements

that are required to estimate the river discharge. Incorrect or faulty values may

come into record due to instrumental, computational or copying errors.

5. Rating-curves count a number of practical applications in hydrology, hydraulics

and water resources management. For instance, hydrological rainfall-runoff

models are usually parameterized on the basis of concurrent observations of

rainfall and discharge; discharge observations in turn are generally derived from

water-level observation by means of a rating curve.

6. Typically a rating curve is a single log-linear equation.

The equation form is a power curve:

Q = K

ln Q = ln K + n ln D


Q = flow as cfs and D = stage height in ft.

7. The Discharge equations are

a. Buch disty canal Q = 10.66

b. Sikandarabad disty canal Q = 22.07

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c. Kachoor disty canal Q = 6.41

8. The rating curve of these canals is not straight line due to scouring. Silting,

growth of vegetation, back water curve, accumulation of debris, rapidly changing

discharge, over bank flow etc.

9. Peak discharge and low discharge cannot determine in the field due to changing

channel geometry, then extrapolate the rating curve and find peak and low


10. The rating curve on a man-made structure is always different with the rating curve

made on the natural streams because in the man-made channel, there is always a

constant discharge and on the natural streams, the discharge is changing with


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Description of Simple Rating Curves .................................................................... 2

2. Stage ......................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Datum of Gauge ...................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Types of Stage / Flood categories ........................................................................... 5

2.3 Stage data ................................................................................................................. 9

2.4 Basic Requirements for Collecting Stage Data .................................................. 10

2.5 Sources of Stage Measurement Error ................................................................. 10

2.6 Site Selection for the Installation Of gauge ........................................................ 12

2.7 Measurement of Stream Stage ............................................................................. 13

3. Measurement of Discharge................................................................................... 20

3.1 Historical View of Discharge Measurement ....................................................... 20

3.2 Basic Principle in Discharge Measurement ........................................................ 20

3.3 Discharge Measurement Method......................................................................... 20

3.3.1 Direct Determination of Stream Discharge ........................................................ 21

3.3.2 Indirect Determination of Stream Discharge ..................................................... 35

3.3.3 Hydraulics Structures / Devices ........................................................................... 37

4. Rating curve .......................................................................................................... 48

4.1 Types of station control ........................................................................................ 49

4.2 Rating curves for steady uniform flow................................................................ 52

4.3 Rating curve for non-steady and non-uniform flow .......................................... 53

4.4 Difficulties in Defining Stage-Discharge Relationships ..................................... 54

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4.5 Extrapolation of rating curve .............................................................................. 57

5. Calibration of flow measuring devices ................................................................ 65

5.1 Lab practical for the calculation of co-efficient of discharge ........................... 66

5.2 Error During Calibration of Discharge Measuring Device .............................. 69

6. Visit to Ambala head Shujaabad canal sub division ......................................... 70

6.1 Buch Disty Canal................................................................................................... 70

6.2 Sikandar Abad Disty Canal ................................................................................. 72

6.3 Kachoor Disty Canal............................................................................................. 75

7 conclusions and recommendations………………………………………………78

7.1 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………….78

7.2 Recommendation…………………………………………………………………79

References ...................................................................................................................... 80

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Example of a stage-discharge relation................................................................. 1

Figure 2: Height of the water surface above an established datum plane ........................... 4

Figure 3: Over Flow the Lowest Natural Stream Bank Somewhere In the Corresponding

Reach................................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 4: Water surface is near or slightly above the top of its banks ................................ 7

Figure 5: Flood Stage .......................................................................................................... 7

Figure 6: Buildings are expected to be inundated ............................................................... 8

Figure 7: Roads are likely to be closed and some areas cut off .......................................... 8

Figure 8: Extensive flooding Structures may be completely submerged ........................... 9

Figure 9: Device used on ships to determine the depth of water ...................................... 14

Figure 10: Vertical-staff gauges........................................................................................ 15

Figure 11: Weight is attached to the end of a steel measuring tape .................................. 15

Figure 12: Stilling well in the river bank .......................................................................... 16

Figure 13: Stage Sensor .................................................................................................... 17

Figure 14: float sensor consists of a tape or cable passing over a pulley ......................... 17

Figure 15: Gauge used to measure the water surface elevation from above the surface

such as bridge .................................................................................................................... 18

Figure 16: Graphical stage recorder .................................................................................. 18

Figure 17: Weight suspended on stranded insulated wire with depth markings and an

ammeter............................................................................................................................. 19

Figure 18: Floats: (a) surface float; (b) canister float for mean velocity; (c) rod float by

mean velocity. (Reproduced with permission from R.W. Herschy (ed.) (2009) stream

flow measurement 3rd edn. © 2009, by permission of Taylor & Francis, oxford.) ......... 22

Figure 19: Price Current meter ......................................................................................... 23

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Figure 20: Propeller Current Meter................................................................................... 24

Figure 21: Impeller Current Meter .................................................................................... 24

Figure 22: Wading Method for Open Channel ................................................................. 26

Figure 23: (a) Current meter in Culverts (b) Current meter in Bridge .................. 27

Figure 24: Cableway Is Placed Above the Water with Vertical Supports on Each Bank 28

Figure 25: Use of a boat on a stream ................................................................................ 29

Figure 26: Cross Section in Mid-Section Method ............................................................ 30

Figure 27: Cross Section Mean -Section Method ............................................................. 32

Figure 28: Electromagnetic Method ................................................................................. 33

Figure 29: Ultrasonic Method ........................................................................................... 34

Figure 30: Energy Profile Diagram for Any Open Channel ............................................. 36

Figure 31: Sharp-Crested weir having sharp metal blade along the bottom and sides of the

crest ................................................................................................................................... 39

Figure 32: Broad crest with no metal blade ...................................................................... 40

Figure 33: X-section is reduced gradually ........................................................................ 42

Figure 34: Parshall flume .................................................................................................. 43

Figure 35: Free Flow Conditions with Gates of Barrage Are Fully Raised...................... 45

Figure 36: Gates of Barrage Partially Down With Hydraulic Jump Flow Conditions ..... 46

Figure 37: Gates Of Barrage Partially Down With Submerged Conditions ..................... 46

Figure 38: Head Regulator ................................................................................................ 47

Figure 39: Representation of stage discharge relation ...................................................... 49

Figure 40: Example of Section Control ............................................................................ 50

Figure 41: Example of Channel Control ........................................................................... 50

Figure 42: Example of an artificial control ....................................................................... 51

Figure 43: Example of shifting control ............................................................................. 52

Figure 44: Stage-discharge relation for different hydraulic conditions ............................ 53

Figure 45: For Permanent Control .................................................................................... 55

Figure 46: (a) Rating curve affected by Variable backwater (uniform channel) (b) rating

curve affected by Variable backwater (submergence of Low water control) ................... 55

Figure 47: Rating curve affected by unsteady flow .......................................................... 56

Figure 48: Affected by scour and fill Affected by vegetation growth ....... 56

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Figure 49: Example of Low flow extrapolation ................................................................ 58

Figure 50: Cross-sectional profile of channel ................................................................... 59

Figure 51: Example of double logarithmic extrapolation of rating curve ........................ 59

Figure 52: Extrapolation based on stage-area/stage-velocity technique ........................... 60

Figure 53: K versus gauge height ..................................................................................... 61

Figure 54: relation b/w stage and K .................................................................................. 62

Figure 55: Conveyances as f (h) ....................................................................................... 63

Figure 56: Slope extrapolation .......................................................................................... 63

Figure 57: Graph between Q_A and H*3/2 ...................................................................... 67

Figure 58: Graph between logQA and log H .................................................................... 68

Figure 59: Rating Curve of Buch Disty Canal .................................................................. 72

Figure 60: Rating Curve of Sikandar Abad Disty Canal .................................................. 74

Figure 61: Rating Curve of Kachoor Disty Canal ............................................................ 77

List of Tables

Table 1: Comparison of Principal Discharge Equation .................................................... 66

Table 2: Lab Practical for the Calculation of Co-Efficient Of Discharge ........................ 66

Table 3: Log Q and Log H Table ...................................................................................... 68

Table 4: Stage and Discharge Buch Disty Canal at Head Ambala ................................... 71

Table 5: Stage and Discharge Sikandar Abad Disty Canal at Head Ambala .................... 74

Table 6: Stage and Discharge Kachoor Disty Canal at Head Ambala ............................. 76

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A Stream's cross-sectional area

a & b Constants of the current meter

Distance from an initial point on the bank to verticals 4

Distance from an initial point on the bank to verticals 5

Distance from an initial point on the bank to verticals 6

, Distance from an initial point on the bank to verticals 5-6

Β Empirical coefficient

B Clear Water way

C Velocity of sound in water

Coefficient of discharge

Chezy roughness coefficient

D Depth of flow

d Average depth

Depth of flow at vertical 5

, Depth of flow at verticals 5-6

E1 U/S Total Energy Line (H + Va2/2g) – Crest Level

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E2 U/S Total Energy Line (U/S Water level + ha) – Bottom of Gates

g Acceleration

H Water surface elevation measured

H1 Upstream water surface elevation measured above the weir crest

H2 Downstream water surface elevation measured above the weir crest

h D/S Water level – Crest Level

Equilibrium depth

I Current in the coil

i Intercept on log axis (when log H=0)

j Antilog (i)

N No of sub areas

Ks Equivalent sand grain roughness

K Reduction factor


System constants

L Distance/Length

Ns Revolutions per second of the meter

n Manning‟s roughness coefficient

Q Discharge

Qs Submerged discharge

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Q1 Free flow discharge under head H1

Discharge through segment 5

Discharge through segment 5-6

R No of revolutions per second

Hydraulic mean depth

S Distance traveled in time

S Frictional slope

Elapse time

V Mean velocity

Vavg The mean velocity in the given vertical (ft/s)

Mean velocities for small sub areas of the cross section

Component of flow velocity

Vs Surface velocity

The velocity at 0.2 of flow depth (ft/s)

The velocity at 0.6 of flow depth (ft/s)

The velocity at 0.8 of flow depth (ft/s)

V* Shear velocity

V Stream velocity

Mean velocity in vertical 5

, Mean velocity in verticals 5-6

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1. Introduction

The relationship between the water-surface stage (the water level) and the flow discharge

in an open channel is known as stage-discharge Relation or rating curve, or also just

rating. These expressions are synonymous and they can be used interchangeably. These

measurements are used to produce a unique mathematical relation which allows, for a

particular location and usually for a period of time, continuous stage measurements are

converted into Discharge. The resulting rating curves are useful for interpolating or

extrapolating flow measurements and for modeling.

The rating curve is a very important tool in surface hydrology because the reliability of

discharge Data values are highly dependent on as a satisfactory stage-discharge

relationship at the gauging station. Although the preparation of rating curves seems to be

an essentially empiric task, a wide theoretical background is needed to create a reliable

tool to switch from measured water height to discharge.

The rating curve is an extensively used tool in hydrology to estimate discharge in natural

and artificial open channel. Since the early 19th century it is a common practice to

measure the discharge of streams at suitable times, usually by a current meter or other

methods. Meanwhile, the corresponding stage is also measured; a curve of discharge

against stage can then be built by fitting these data with a power or polynomial curve.

The traditional and simple way to gather information on current discharge is then to

measure the water level with gauges and to use the stage discharge relationship to

estimate the flow discharge. It is well known that direct measurements of discharge in

open channels is costly, time consuming, and sometimes impractical during floods.

Figure 1: Example of a stage-discharge relation

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Several methods have been proposed to improve data fitting, but generally they have not

adequately assessed the fundamentals of stage-discharge ratings. As a consequence,

several difficulties with stage-discharge ratings have been recognized. For example, in

some cases, the relation between stage and discharge is not unique. The water surface

slope, in fact, produces different discharges for the same stage.

There are many problems associated with the use of the rating curve, of which some are,

1. The assumption of a unique relationship between stage and discharge is, in general,

not always warranted.

2. Discharge is the rarely measured during a flood, and the quality of data at the high

flow end of the curve might be quite poor.

3. It is usually some sort of line of best fit through a sample made up of a number of

points sometimes extrapolated for higher stages.

1.1 Description of Simple Rating Curves

A rating curve is a two-parameter stage-discharge relation. Discharge is calculated from

the field velocity and cross sectional area.

To develop a proper rating curve, discharges must be measured at all representative

stages, using at least 10 to 12 points covering the range of low to high flows (Gupta,

2001). If there is a direct relation between discharge and gauge height, the discharge

rating is called simple relation. A simple rating may be only one curve but there is also a

compound curve consisting of three segments, one segment for the low, medium and then

for high water ranges (Kennedy, 1984).

A simple stage-discharge relation has a power form given by the following equation.


Q = discharge

d= gauge height

K, n = constants

When plotting this equation in log-log paper, the rating is transformed to a straight line.

A straight line is preferred because it can be extended or extrapolated, and it can be

described by a simple mathematical equation (Gupta, 2001).

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The resulting stage-discharge curve represents Q as a function of stage, datum correction,

channel slope and Manning‟s Coefficient (n). The procedure is costly and time

consuming, and dangerous or impractical during high floods. Thus typically, stream flow

rating only exists for limited station locations and with limited data at high flow


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2. Stage

The stage of a channel is the height of the water surface above an established datum

plane. Water level is the level of the water surface profile with respect to some reference

point. The water-surface elevation for most rivers and streams is measured above an

arbitrary or predetermined gauge datum and is called the gauge height of the river or

stream. Gauge height is also known as stage although gauge height is more appropriate

when used with a reading on a gauge. Stage or gauge height is usually expressed in feet

(ft) (Potyondy and John, 1994).

River stage is an important concept when analyzing how much water is moving in a

stream at any given moment. Usually with the zero height being near the river bed, in the

river and is commonly measured in feet. For example, on a normal day when no rain has

fallen for a while, a river might have a stage of 2 feet (base flow conditions). If a big

storm hits, the river stage could rise up to 15 or 20 feet, sometimes very quickly.

Gauge-height records may be obtained by systematic observation of a non-recording

gauge, or with automatic water level sensors and recorders. Various types of transmitting

systems are frequently used to automatically transfer the gauge-height information from

remote gauging stations to office computers. A record of stream stage is useful in itself,

as in designing structures affected by stream elevations or in planning use of flood plains.

How high and how fast a river will rise during a storm depends on many things. Most

important, of course, is how much rain is falling. But also we have to look at other things,

such as the stage of the river when the storm begins, at what the soil is like in the

drainage basin where it is raining (is the soil already saturated with water from a previous

storm?), and at how hard and in what parts of the watershed the rain is falling.

Figure 2: Height of the water surface above an established datum plane

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Stream and reservoir stage are critical parameters in the computation of stream discharge

and reservoir volume, respectively. In addition, a record of stream stage is useful in the

design of structures that may be affected by stream elevation, as well as for the planning

for various uses of flood plains. This section describes equipment and methodology for

the observation, sensing, and recording of stage in streams and reservoirs.

2.1 Datum of Gauge

The datum of the gauge may be a recognized datum, such as mean sea level, or an

arbitrary datum plane chosen for convenience. The datum of the gauge may be either a

recognized datum, such as the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), the

National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29), or an arbitrary datum chosen for

convenience. NGVD 29 was the predominant datum used to establish lake and reservoir

gauges, and stream flow gauges, including those located in tidal zones or coastal areas;

however, with its inception, the NAVD 88 is currently the datum the United States

Geological Survey (USGS) recommends as the vertical datum for the USGS stream

gauging network. Where NAVD 88 exists, all gauges referenced to other datum should

be resurveyed or converted to NAVD 88. An arbitrary datum plane is usually used for

stream gauging sites where it is desirable for all recorded gauge heights to be relatively

low numbers (Thomas & Kennedy, 1990).

An arbitrary datum plane is selected for the convenience of using gauge heights of

relatively low numbers. To eliminate the possibility of minus values of gauge height, the

datum selected for operating purposes is below the elevation of zero flow on the control

for all conditions. A permanent datum must be maintained so that only one datum for the

gauge-height record is used for the life of the station. To maintain a permanent datum

each gauging station requires at least two or three reference marks that are independent of

the gauge structure. All gauges are periodically checked by running levels using the

reference marks to maintain a fixed datum. If an arbitrary datum plane is used, it is

desirable that it be referred to a bench mark of known elevation above mean sea level by

levels so that the arbitrary datum may be recovered if the gauge and reference marks are

destroyed (Thomas and Jackson, 1981).

2.2 Types of Stage / Flood categories

Flood categories are terms defined for each gauge location that describe or categorize the

observed or expected severity of flood impacts in the corresponding stream segment or

nearby stream. The severity of flooding at a given stage is not necessarily the same at all

locations along a stream due to varying channel/bank characteristics on portions of the

stream. Therefore, the stage for a given flood category is usually associated with lowest

water level corresponding to the most significant flood impacts somewhere in the reach.

Record flooding is flooding that equals or exceeds the highest stage or discharge at a

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given site during the period of record keeping. There are different types of stage some are

discuss below.

2.2.1 Bankfull Stage

An established gauge height at a given location along a river or stream, above which a

rise in water surface will cause the river or stream to over flow the lowest natural stream

bank somewhere in the corresponding reach. The term lowest bank is however, not

intended to apply to an unusually low place or a break in the natural bank through which

the water inundates a small area. Bankfull stages on streams with natural or manmade

high banks can be defined by the predominant vegetation line on the banks. The bankfull

stage on many streams is associated with the 2-year recurrence interval flood. Bankfull

stage is not necessarily the same as flood stage.

Figure 3: Over Flow the Lowest Natural Stream Bank Somewhere In the Corresponding


2.2.2 Action Stage

The stage which, when reached by a rising stream, represents the level where the

partner/user needs to take some type of mitigation action in preparation for possible

significant hydrologic activity. The type of action taken varies for each gauge location.

Gauge data should be closely monitored by any affected people if the stage is above

action stage.

Rivers typically at this level, the water surface is generally near or slightly above the top

of its banks, but no man-made structures are flooded; typically any water overflowing is

limited to small areas of parkland and marshland.

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Figure 4: Water surface is near or slightly above the top of its banks

2.2.3 Flood Stage

An established gauge height for a given location above which a rise in water surface level

begins to create a hazard to lives, property, or commerce. The issuance of flood

advisories or warnings is linked to flood stage. Not necessarily the same as bankfull


Figure 5: Flood Stage

2.2.4 Minor Flood Stage

Rivers minor flooding is expected at this level, slightly above flood stage. Few, if any,

buildings are expected to be inundated, however, roads may be covered with water,

parklands and lawns may be inundated and water may go under buildings on stilts or

higher elevations. Water will usually run all the way in waves during a minor flood.

Lifeguard structures and beach concession stands will usually be flooded, and may be

damaged by surf.

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Figure 6: Buildings are expected to be inundated

2.2.5 Moderate Flood Stage

Rivers inundation (over flow) at this stage. Roads are likely to be closed and some areas

cut off. Remove inhabitants to safer ground may be necessary. At moderate flood stage,

usually water overtops the natural embankments and begins flooding the land near the

river. Shoreline roadways and beaches will often be completely flooded out. High surf

usually associated with this level of flooding may pound some Oceanside structures like

piers, boardwalks, docks, and lifeguard stations apart. Beach houses may be damaged by

water and surf, especially if lacking stilts.

Figure 7: Roads are likely to be closed and some areas cut off

2.2.6 Major Flood Stage

Life threatening flooding is usually expected at this stage. Extensive flooding with some

low-lying areas completely inundated is likely. Structures may be completely submerged.

Large-scale evacuations may be necessary.

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Figure 8: Extensive flooding Structures may be completely submerged

Water surges over not only flooding the land near the river, but also man-made walls and

roads. Large and destructive waves pound weak structures to bits and severely damage

well-built homes and businesses. If major flooding occurs at high tide, impacts may be

felt well inland. If cities are at or below sea level, catastrophic flooding can inundate the

entire city and cause millions or billions of dollars in damage (such as occurred in New

Orleans during Hurricane Katrina).

2.2.7 Record Flood Stage

Rivers at this level, the river is at its highest that it‟s been since records began for the area

where the stream gauge is located. This does not necessarily imply a major flood. Some

areas may have never experienced major flooding, and thus record stage is in the

moderate category. Usually, record flooding at the coast is associated with Tropical

cyclones, but it may be associated with coastal storms, Nor'easters, seiches caused

by earth quakes or strong thunderstorms, or tsunamis. Destruction is often extensive and

may extend a far distance inland.

2.3 Stage data

The stage data is often presented in the form of a plot of stage against chrono-logical time

known as stage hydrograph. In addition to its use in the determination of stream

discharge, stage data itself is of importance in design of hydraulic structures, flood

waning and flood protection work, peek flood can be analysed statically to estimate the

design peek river stages for use in the design of hydraulic structures, such as bridge ,wire

etc. Historic flood stages are invaluable in the indirect estimation of corresponding flood

discharges. In view of these multifarious uses, the river stage forms an important

hydrologic parameter chosen for regular observation and recording. In stream gauging,

gauge heights are used as the independent variable in a stage-discharge relation to

compute discharges. Reliability of the discharge record is therefore dependent on the

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reliability of the gauge-height record, as well as the stage discharge relation. Elevation

records of lakes and reservoirs provide an index of lake-surface area and volume, as well

as the elevation of the lake or reservoir (K Subramanaya, 2001).

2.4 Basic Requirements for Collecting Stage Data

The collection of stage data, either manually or automatically, requires various

instrumentation, or components, established at a gauging site. For stage data to be useful

for their intended purposes, requirements for maintaining a permanent gauge datum and

meeting specified accuracy limits are important. The datum of the gauge may be a

recognized datum, such as mean sea level, or an arbitrary datum plane chosen for

convenience. An arbitrary datum plane is selected for the convenience of using gauge

heights of relatively low numbers. To eliminate the possibility of minus values of gauge

height, the datum selected for operating purposes is below the elevation of zero flow on

the control for all conditions. This section of the report provides definitions of the

components, as well as the basic accuracy requirements.

2.5 Sources of Stage Measurement Error

The measured stage of a stream or other water body at any given point in time is subject

to numerous sources of incremental errors. The combined effect of these errors should be

within the accuracy (U.S. Geological Survey; Reston Virginia, 2010).

2.5.1 Datum Errors

The gauge datum is described in a previous section of this report. Movement of a gauge

caused by uplift or settlement of the supporting structure can cause datum errors that can

only be detected by running levels. Gauge datum for reference gauges should be

maintained to an accuracy of 0.01 ft. (Rantz, 1982). which can usually be achieved by

running levels to established reference marks every 2 or 3 years. Where conditions are

not stable, levels may be required at more frequent intervals. Generally, gauges do not

need to be adjusted unless datum discrepancies exceed 0.02 ft.

2.5.2 Gauge-Reading Errors

Errors can result from inaccurate gauge readings, where it may be difficult to detect the

water line against a staff gauge because of poor lighting or very clear water. In other

instances, accurate gauge readings may be difficult to make because of water surge.

These errors can be reduced or eliminated by careful observation, and in the case of

surge, by averaging several observations. In almost all cases, read gauges to the nearest

0.01 ft.

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2.5.3 Stage-Sensor Errors

Stage sensors, such as floats, pressure transducers, and other stage-sensing devices, may

introduce gauge-height errors. The float in a stilling well may sometimes leak, the float-

tape clamp may have slipped, or small animals or snakes may rest on the float. In most

instances, problems with the float will cause it to float lower than originally set, causing

gauge readings to be too low. Stilling-well intake pipes may also become partly clogged,

where the stage inside the stilling well lags in time behind the actual stage of the stream.

2.5.4 Hydraulically Induced Errors

High velocity in the stream near the outside end of the intake pipes can cause draw down,

or sometimes buildup, of the water surface inside a stilling well. A similar condition can

occur when high velocity occurs near a bubble gauge orifice. For example, where a

sensor is located on the downstream or upstream side of a pier, the drawdown or buildup

can be very large during large flows, on the order of 0.5 ft. or more. This condition

should be investigated by making simultaneous readings of outside and inside auxiliary

gauges, or recorder readings, during periods of high stages and (or) high velocity. It can

also be checked by determining outside and inside high-water elevations. Hydraulically

induced errors can be reduced or eliminated through the use of an intake-static tube, or in

the case of a bubble gauge, an orifice-static tube. Relocating the intakes or orifice to a

zone of low velocity may also help. Where drawdown or buildup cannot be completely

eliminated, it may be necessary to develop an inside-outside gauge relation to use over

the effective range in stage for correcting inside gauge readings to represent the actual

outside gauge height.

2.5.5 Verification Errors

Stage readings require frequent and consistent verification to ensure that errors are

reduced or eliminated. Failure to perform proper verification standards can be the source

of undetected, and possibly significant, stage errors. Verification procedures include

frequent reading of independent auxiliary gauges, comparison of inside- and outside-

gauge readings, observation of high-water marks, redundant recording of peaks and

troughs by use of maximum/minimum stage-tape indicators (also referred to as Dahman

indicators), use of crest-stage gauges, and regular maintenance of gauge datum by

differential level surveys. These checks should be augmented as appropriate for unusual

field conditions. Hydrographers should notice and keep records of instrument

performance, including comparisons of recorded stages with the reference gauge reading,

and any applied corrections.

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2.5.6 Water Surface-to-Sensor-to-Recorder Errors

The communication link between the stream-water surface, the stage sensor, and the data

recorder can sometimes develop problems, or have inherent problems that result in

gauge-height errors. For instance, for a stilling-well-and-float system, the intakes may

become clogged, or excessive sediment may settle in the stilling well, or the float tape

may hang. These are major problems that usually result in a complete loss of data. More

subtle problems can also occur that are not so obvious, but may result in small gauge-

height errors. For instance, as the stage rises in a stilling well, the float tape that connects

the float to the data recorder via the float pulley is gradually transferred from one side of

the float pulley to the other. This shift in weight can cause the float to ride slightly higher

in the water, causing small positive errors in the recorded gauge height (Rantz, 1982)

describes and quantifies this and other sources of error, such as float lag and

submergence of the float-tape counterweight.

2.6 Site Selection for the Installation Of gauge Choose the gauge site for stage measurement based on the following criteria:

1. If the stage record is to be used for computing stream flow, consider the requirements

for controls, rating curves, backwater, and other stream flow variables in selecting the

site, as well as the acquisition of stage data (Rantz, 1982).

2. Select the site so the intakes or orifice are in a pool, if possible, where stream velocity

is low and not subject to significant turbulence. If this is not possible, place the

intakes or orifice in a water zone, where they are protected from high velocity.

3. The gauge stilling well (if used) and the instrument shelter may be located on a

stream bank, bridge, dam, or other suitable structure, provided the other site selection

criteria are met as closely as possible. Do not place the gauge structure where it might

sustain damage during floods.

4. If the gauge is located at or near a bridge, make sure it is on the downstream side. If

this is not possible, and it must be located upstream of the bridge, then place it far

enough upstream to be out of the zone of drawdown caused by the bridge during

medium and high water.

5. Select the site where either a stilling well with intakes can be easily installed, or

where an instrument shelter can be installed for housing a bubble gauge. If a bubble

gauge is to be used, the site must provide suitable conditions to install the necessary

bubble tubing and orifice static tube. For bank installations, place the tubing

underground between the gauge shelter and the stream. For bridge installations, attach

the tubing to the bridge members and pier or piling. Firmly anchor the orifice static

tube in the stream, preferably in a zone of low velocity.

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6. Place the gauge intakes or orifice low enough to record the lowest expected stage. In

cold climates, place them below the frost line to protect them from freezing, if


7. The instrument shelter should be high enough to be above the 0.5 percent exceedance

(200 year) flood level, if possible.

8. Minimize the distance between the stream and the stilling well and (or) instrument


9. The site should have a suitable location for one or more outside auxiliary gauges.

These could be staff gauges, wire-weight gauges, or tape-down reference points.

Make sure the auxiliary gauges are easily accessible and located in a position so that

accurate gauge readings can be easily made. They should be in the same pool as the

gauge intakes, or orifice, and should provide readings that are indicative of the

readings obtained through the intakes or orifice.

10. If the gauge site is for the purpose of measuring stage in a lake or reservoir and it is

near the outlet structure, then make sure the gauge intakes, or orifice, are located

upstream of the zone of drawdown of the outlet structure.

11. Make sure site conditions are such that an accurate datum can be maintained.

Appropriate reference marks and reference points should be located both on and off

the gauging structure to maintain accurate and timely level surveys of the gauge.

(Kenney, 2010).

2.7 Measurement of Stream Stage

The stage of a stream is defined as its water surface elevation measured above a datum.

This datum can be the mean-sea level (MSL) or any arbitrary datum independently to the

MSL. We still uses the traditional, basic stilling-well float system as a predominant

gauging station, modern electronic stage sensors and water-level recorders are now

commonly used. Bubble gauges coupled with non-submersible pressure transducers

eliminate the need for stilling wells. Submersible pressure transducers have become

common in use for the measurement of stage in both rivers and lakes. Furthermore,

noncontact methods, such as radar, acoustic, and laser methods of sensing water levels,

are being developed and tested, and in the case of radar, are commonly used for the

measurement of stage. Several telemetry systems are used to transmit stage data from the

gauging station to the office, although satellite telemetry has become the standard. These

telemetry systems provide near real-time stage data, as well as other information that

alerts the hydrographer to extreme or abnormal events, and instrument malfunctions.

Some stage measuring methods are given below, (Thomas et al., 1990).

2.7.1 Echo Sounder / Depth Finder

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Depth finder, also called echo sounder, device used on ships to determine the depth of

water by measuring the time it takes a sound (sonic pulse) produced just below the water

surface to return, or echo, from the bottom of the body of water. Sonic depth finders are

in operation on practically every important class of ship, naval and merchant, and are also

used on small craft.

Figure 9: Device used on ships to determine the depth of water

2.7.2 Staff Gauge

The staff gauge is either vertical or inclined. The standard USGS vertical-staff gauge

consists of porcelain-enameled iron sections 4 in wide and 3.4 ft. long and graduated

every 0.02 ft. The vertical staff gauge is also used in stilling wells as an inside gauge.

Vertical-staff gauges are set by leveling directly to the gauges. An inclined staff gauge is

used for an outside gauge and usually consists of a graduated heavy timber securely

attached to a permanent foundation. Inclined staff gauges built flush with the stream bank

are less likely to be damaged by floods, floating ice, or drift than are projecting vertical

staffs. Inclined-staff gauges must be individually calibrated by leveling to several points

along the length of the gauge, interpolating intermediate points, and marking these points

with a relatively permanent marking system.

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Figure 10: Vertical-staff gauges

2.7.3 Vertical Stand-Pipe

For surface water level, measurements are often made in a vertical stand-pipe installed

adjacent to a lake, river, or stream. The stream level (stage) is the same as the water

elevation in the vertical stand-pipe. A float and pulley is often used, but pressure

transducers, ultrasonic and resistive tape sensors work well also. Self-calibrating double

bubblers are accurate sensors for measuring water level, and have the added benefit of

keeping the sensor out of the measured liquid critical in corrosive environments.

2.7.4 Wetted Tape

This method is accurate for measuring water levels to depths up to about 90 ft. To use

this method, you must know the approximate depth to water in your stream. In this

method, a lead weight is attached to the end of a 100 ft. steel measuring tape. Eight to 10

ft. of tape end is dried and coated with carpenter‟s chalk before each measurement. The

tape is lowered into the stream until a part of the chalked section is below the water. The

contractor will align and note an even foot mark on the tape exactly at the top of the

casing or some other measuring point. Then, the tape is pulled up to read the mark where

the line is wet. He can determine the actual depth from the top of the casing to water level

by subtracting the wetted mark from the mark he held at the top of the casing.

Figure 11: Weight is attached to the end of a steel measuring tape

2.7.5 Stilling Well

One common approach is with a stilling well in the river bank or attached to a bridge

pier. Water from the river enters and leaves the stilling well through underwater pipes

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allowing the water surface in the stilling well to be at the same elevation as the water

surface in the river. The stage is then measured inside the stilling well using a float or a

pressure, optic, or acoustic sensor. The measured stage value is stored in an electronic

data recorder on a regular interval, usually every 15 minutes.

At some stream gauge sites, a stilling well is not feasible or is not cost effective to install.

As an alternative, stage can be determined by measuring the pressure required to maintain

a small flow of gas through a tube and bubbled out at a fixed location under water in the

stream. The measured pressure is directly related to the height of water over the tube

outlet in the stream. As the depth of water above the tube outlet increases, more pressure

is required to push the gas bubbles through the tube.

Figure 12: Stilling well in the river bank

2.7.6 Stage Sensor

A stage sensor is a device that automatically determines (senses) the vertical position of

the water surface. This may be a float riding on the water surface inside a stilling well. It

may be a non-submersible pressure transducer coupled with a gas purge bubbler orifice.

It may be a submerged pressure transducer coupled with an electronic cable to transmit

the vertical position of the water surface, and a venting tube to vent the submerged

transducer to atmospheric pressure. Or it may be an acoustic, radar, laser, or optical pulse

that reflects from the water surface to other instruments designed and calibrated for

measuring or recording the gauge height.

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Figure 13: Stage Sensor

2.7.7 Float Sensor

The float sensor consists of a tape or cable passing over a pulley, with a float in a stilling

well attached to one end of the tape or cable and a counter weight to the other. The float

follows the rise and fall of the water level, and the water level can be read by using an

index and graduated tape, or the pulley can be attached to a water-stage recorder to

transmit the water level to the recorder.

Figure 14: float sensor consists of a tape or cable passing over a pulley

2.7.8 Wire Gauge

It is a gauge used to measure the water surface elevation from above the surface such as

bridge or similar structure. In this a weight is lowered by a reel to touch the water

surface. A mechanical counter measures the rotation of the wheel which is proportional to

the length of the wire paid out. The operating range of this kind of gauge is about 25m.

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Figure 15: Gauge used to measure the water surface elevation from above the surface such

as bridge

2.7.9 Stage Recorder

A stage recorder is a graphical, digital, or electronic device that automatically records and

stores gauge-height readings sensed by a stage sensor. Graphical (analog) recorders

produce a continuous chart of gauge height. Digital and electronic recorders generally

store gauge heights at predetermined time intervals, such as every 5 minutes, 15 minutes,

or 1 hour. Sometimes other uniform time intervals are used, as well as non-uniform time

intervals based on preprogrammed conditions.

Figure 16: Graphical stage recorder

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Gauge height retrieval is the means by which gauge height data are extracted from the

recorder. This may be simply by manually removing a chart or paper-punch tape, by

downloading the data from the recorder to a personal digital assistant (PDA) or field

computer, or by removing an electronic memory device from the recorder.

2.7.10 Electric Sounder or Electric Depth Gauge

An electric sounder or depth gauge is the most practical method for measuring the water

levels. It consists of a weight suspended on stranded insulated wire with depth markings

and an ammeter to indicate a closed circuit. Current flows through the circuit when the

end of the wire touches the water surface. Current is supplied by a small 9 or 12-volt


Figure 17: Weight suspended on stranded insulated wire with depth markings and an


To collect a reading, the contractor lowers the electric wire or sounding line until the

needle deflects then reads the distance from the water to the top of the casing on the line.

He marks the reference point on the casing where he measured the depth. And, then he

uses a standard tape measure to measure the distance between the marks on the line.

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3. Measurement of Discharge

The science of water measurement in hydrology is called hydrometry. Stream discharge

is the rate at which volume of water passes through a cross sectional per unit time. In the

SI system it is expressed in units of cubic meters per second (m3/sec), although very

small flow it recorded in liters per second (L/s).

Measurement of discharge forms the most important data for engineers and hydrologist as

the peak discharge in the stream is very important in the design of any water resources

project. The measurement is required to develop hydrograph, Rating curve ,S-curve,

flood warnings, equal distribution of water supply and irrigation among the users, and

determination of annual and seasonal runoff.

3.1 Historical View of Discharge Measurement

The subject hydrometry is as old as human civilization.”Bibliography of Hydrometry” by

kolupaila is quite famous and comprehensive. The oldest hydrometic evidences are the

marking of flood stages of the river Nile cut in steep rock faces. Stage discharge

relationship was conceived long back in irrigation system to The Mughals in central Asia.

The famous Pitot tube for measuring the velocity in the river seine was proposed by

Henri De Pitot a French engineer in 1732.The price current meter which has been

extensively used through the world by measuring the velocity of river was initially

devised by T.G. in 1870 and subsequently redesigned by W.G. Price. A Parshall flume

which is extensively used in USA to measure discharge was developed by R.L Parshall in

1920. Ultrasonic method of velocity measurement was first reported by Swengel in

1995.Based on different hydraulic and electronic principles Hydrometry is developed

step by step .Many modern method and techniques have been developed.

3.2 Basic Principle in Discharge Measurement

A commonly applied methodology for measuring, and estimating, the discharge of a river

is based on a simplified form of the continuity equation. The equation implies that for any

incompressible fluid, such as liquid water, the discharge (Q) is equal to the product of the

stream's cross-sectional area (A) and its mean velocity (V), and is written as:

Q =

3.3 Discharge Measurement Method

Continuous measurement of stream discharge is very difficult. Direct measurement of

discharge is very time consuming and costly procedure. Two step procedures is followed.

First, the discharge in a given stream is measured and then in the next step the stage of

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the stream is observed. The observation of stage is easy, inexpensive, and continuous

reading can also be obtained. This method of discharge determination of streams is

adopted universally. Volumetric measurements are most appropriate for small flows,

dilution gauging for turbulent flows and artificial structures or natural control section for

permanent gauging sites. Stream flow measurement techniques can be broadly classified

into two categories. Under each category there are no‟s of methods, the important ones

are listed below.

3.3.1 Direct Determination of Stream Discharge

Area velocity methods

Electromagnetic method

Ultrasonic method Discharge by Velocity Area method

The most direct method of obtaining a value of discharge to correspond with a stage

measurement is by the velocity-area method in which the river velocity is measured at

selected intervals of known depth across a measured section of the river. Around 90%of

the world river gauging sites depends on this method (Shaw, 1994).

Measurement of Velocity

The measurement of velocity is an important aspect of many direct stream flow

measurement techniques. A mechanical device called current meter, consisting

essentially of a rotating element is most probably used instrument for accurate

determination stream-velocity field. Approximates stream velocities can be determined

by floats (Chow, V.T and Maidment, 1988).

1. Velocity Measurement by Floats

A floating object on the surface of stream when timed can yield the surface velocity by

the relation,


Sometimes it is called float gauging. This method of measuring velocity while primitive

still finds application in special circumstances such as (1) small streams in floods (2)

small streams with rapidly changing water surface (3) preliminary or exploratory surveys.

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While any floating object can be used, normally specially made leak proof and easily

identifiable floats are used.

Figure 18: Floats: (a) surface float; (b) canister float for mean velocity; (c) rod float by

mean velocity. (Reproduced with permission from R.W. Herschy (ed.) (2009) stream flow

measurement 3rd edn. © 2009, by permission of Taylor & Francis, oxford.)

Measurement by floats gives only the surface velocity and correction factor must be

applied to gives the average velocity over a depth. A factor of 0.7 is recommended for a

river of 1m depth with factor 0.8 for 6m or greater (BS EN ISO 748, 2007). Specially

designed floats can be made to travel at the mean velocity of the stream. However surface

floats are affected by surface winds. To get the average velocity in the vertical directly,

the special floats in which the part of body under water is used. Rod float in which a

cylindrical rod is weighted so that it can float vertically, belong this category.

2. Velocity measurement by Current Meters

The most commonly used instrument in hydrometry to measure the velocity is the current

meter. There are mainly two types of current meters, cup type current meter (price current

meter) and the propeller type current meter. The principle involved in both the meters is

that the water passing through the rotating element of the meter makes it revolve due to

unbalance drag force acting on it and speed of the rotating element is directly

proportional to the velocity of water. Historically, Robert Hooke (1663) invented a

propeller type current meter to measure the distance travelled by ship. The present day

cup-type instrument and the electrical make and break mechanism were invented by

Henry in 1868. There are two main types of current meter.

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a) Vertical Axis Meters

These instruments consist of series of conical cups mounted around a vertical axis. The

cup rotates in horizontal plane and a cam attached to the vertical axis spindle records

generated signals proportional to the revolutions of the cup assembly. The price current

meter and Gurley current meter are under this category.

Figure 19: Price Current meter

The tail vanes (fins) will always align the meter along the direction of flow. The purpose

of the fish weight with a stream line shape at the bottom is to keep the meter cable as

nearly vertical as possible. The usual weights recommended are 10,15,25,35 and 50kg.

The recorded unit consists of headphone work by the operator and an electric circuit with

a battery and the wire of supporting cable. Each time the wheel of cups make one

revolution the electric circuit is closed and this causes a click in headphone to be heard by

the operator. The normal range of velocities is from 0.15 to 4m/s .The accuracy of these

instruments is about 1.50% at the threshold value and improves to 0.30% at speed excess

of 1m/s.

b) Horizontal Axis Meters

These meters consist of propeller mounted at the end of horizontal shaft. These come in

wide variety of size with propeller diameter in the range 6 to 12cm and can register

velocities in the range of 0.15 to 4m/s. Neyrtec and watt-type meters are typical

instruments under this category.

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Figure 20: Propeller Current Meter

These meters are fairly rugged and are not affected by oblique flows of as much as

15degree.the accuracy of the instruments is about 1% at the threshold value and is about

0.25% at a velocity of 0.3m/s and above. The current meter is so designed that its rotation

speed varies linearly with the stream velocity v at the location of the Instrument. A

typical relationship is,

v= a Ns + b

Typical values of a & b for standard size 12.5cm price meter(cup type) is a = 0.65 and b

= 0.003 smaller meters of 5cm diameter cup assembly called pygmy meters run faster are

useful in measuring small velocities. The values of meter constant for them a = 0.3 and b

= 0.003

Figure 21: Impeller Current Meter

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Velocity Measurement Methodology

a. Six-Tenths Depth Method

For shallow water depths, less than 2.46 ft (75 cm) for the larger current meters and 1.5 ft

(45 cm) for the small current meters, the Six-Tenths Depth Method is used. A single

current meter measurement is taken at a relative water depth of 0.6 below the water

surface, which means 0.4 relative water depth from the bed of channel and the resulting

velocity is used as the mean velocity in the vertical.

In irrigation canals, this method is commonly used at the first observation from each

bank, while the two point‟s method is used at all of the other verticals in the cross-

section. Accordingly, the first vertical from each bank has a low velocity so that the

discharge in each section adjacent to the left and right banks represents a very small

portion of the total discharge in the cross-section.

b. Three-Points Method

This method is used when the velocities in the vertical appear to be abnormally

distributed, such as having an unusual velocity distribution. The three point method

combines both the two point method and the six-tenths depth method. Therefore, current

meter measurements are taken at 0.2, 0.6 and 0.8 of the flow depth. The mean velocity, V

in the vertical will be,

Vavg = (


Current Meter Ratings

Usually, a current meter is calibrated in a towing tank. The current meter is attached to a

carriage that travels on rails placed on the top of the towing tank. Then, a series of trials

are conducted in the current meter is towed at different constant velocities. For each trial,

the constant velocity of the carriage is recorded, as well as the revolutions per second “R”

(rev/s) of the current meter. This data is plotted on rectangular coordinate graph paper to

verify that a straight-line relation exists; then, the equation is determined by regression

analysis. Equation of our current meters is,

V = 2.2048 R + 0.0178

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Methods of Employing Current Meters

a) Wading

1. The wading method involves having the hydrographer stand in the water holding

a wading rod with the current meter attached to the rod.

2. The wading rod is graduated so that the water depth can be measured. The rod has

a metal foot pad which sets on the channel bed.

3. The current meter can be placed at any height on the wading rod and easily

adjusted to another height by hydrographer while standing in the water.

4. A tag line is stretched from one bank to another bank which may be cloth or metal


5. This tag line placed perpendicular to the flow direction.

6. The zeros length on the tag line does not have to correspond with the edge of

water on one of the banks.

7. This tag line is used to define the location of the wading rod each time that a

current measurement is made (recheck measurement each time and check units).

8. The wading rod is held at the tag line.

9. The hydrographer stands sideways to the flow direction, facing towards one of the


10. The hydrographer stand 5-10cm downstream from the tag line and approximately

50cm to one side of the wading rod.

11. During the measurement, the rod need to be held in vertical position and current

must be parallel with flow direction.

Figure 22: Wading Method for Open Channel

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b) Bridge

Many of the larger irrigation channels have bridges at various locations such as head

works, cross regulators, but they cannot be located at appropriate section for current

meter measurement.

1. However, culverts often prove to be very good location, with current meter

measurement usually being made on the downstream end of culverts where

parallel streams are more likely to occur.

2. Bridges often have piers, which tend to collect debris on the upstream face that

should be removed prior to undertaking current meter measurement.

3. Either a hand line or reel assembly may be used from bridge.

Figure 23: (a) Current meter in Culverts (b) Current meter in Bridge

In either case, weight is placed at the bottom of the line, which sets on the channel bed in

order that a line does not move as a result of water flow.

1. The current meter is then placed whatever location is required for each


2. For a hand line assembly, the weight is lowered from the bridge to the channel

bed and reading is noted on the graduated hand line, then weight is lifted until it is

setting on the water surface and the difference on these two readings is noted is

recorded as water depth.

3. Afterwards current meter is placed at the appropriate location on the hand line in

order to make the velocity measurement.

4. If a weight heavier than 10-15kg is required in order to have a stable, nearly

vertical, cable line, then a crane and reel assembly is used.

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5. The reel is mounted on a crane designed to clear the hand rail of the bridge and to

guide the meter cable line beyond any interference with the bridge members.

6. The crane is attached to a movable base for convenience in transferring the

equipment from the measuring point to another.

c) Cableway

For very wide canal, rivers, with water depth exceeds 150cm a cableway is placed above

the water with vertical supports on each bank that a heavily anchored for stability.

1. The cable supports a car (box) that travels underneath the cable using pulleys.

This car carries the hydrographer and the current meter equipment.

2. The cable has markers so that location across the channel is known.

3. A hand line or cable reel assembly is used depending on the size of the weight

that must be used.

Figure 24: Cableway Is Placed Above the Water with Vertical Supports on Each Bank

d) Boat

For some very wide channels such as those encountered in subcontinent the installation

of cableway is a significant expensive. Consequently a boat is commonly applied instead

of cableway.

1. This method is not as convenient as wading method and it takes longer to make

measurements, but it sometimes it is best alternative.

2. Personal safety is the limiting factors in the use of a boat on a stream having high

flow velocity.

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Figure 25: Use of a boat on a stream

Discharge observation by using boat method

Usually, all of these conditions cannot be satisfied. Select the best possible reach using

these criteria and then select an appropriate cross-section. After the cross-section has

been selected, determine the width of the stream. String the tag line at the measuring

section by un-reeling the line as the boat moves across the stream. After a tag line has

been stretched without a brake across the stream, remove the sag by means of a block and

tackle attached to the reel and to an anchorage support on the banks.

Gauging Procedure for Current Metering

At the gauging station or selected river cross section, the mean velocities for small sub

areas of the cross section (Vi) obtained from point velocity measurement at selected

sampling verticals across the rivers are multiplied by the corresponding sub areas and

product summed to give the total discharge.

Where n is the no of sub areas.

1. The estimate Q is the discharge related to the stage at the time of gauging,

therefore before beginnings of a series of current meters measurement the stage

must be readed and recorded.

2. The width of river is divided into 20 about sub-sections so that no sub-section has

more than 10% of the flow.

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3. At each of the selected sub division points the water depth is measured by

sounding and current meter operating at selected points in the vertical to find

mean velocity in the vertical e.g. at 0.6 depth (one point method) or at 0.2 and 0.8

depth (two point method)

4. For each velocity measurement the no of complete revolutions of the meter over

measured time period (about 60 sec) is recorded using stop watch. If pulsations

are noticed, then a mean of three such counts should be taken.

5. When velocity at all the sub-divisions points across the river have been measured,

then stage is read again.

Calculation the Discharge from Current Metering Data

a) Mid-Section Method

In the mid- section method, it is assumed that the velocity measured at each vertical

represents the mean velocity in a segment. The segment area extends laterally from half

the distances from the preceding vertical to half the distance to the next and from the

water surface to the sounded depth as shown by the hatched area in fig. the segment

discharge is then computed for each segment and these summed up to obtain the total

discharge. Referring to fig which shows diagrammatically the cross-section of the

streamed channel, the discharge passing through segment 5 is computed as,

(( ) ( ))

Figure 26: Cross Section in Mid-Section Method

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For the end segment 1 shown hatched the discharge can be computed as,



And the end segment n as,



The preceding segment at the beginning of the cross-section is therefore considered

coincident with vertical 1 and the next vertical at the end of the cross-section is

considered coincident with vertical 1.

b) Mean -Section Method

Segment discharges are computed between successive intervals. An example of one such

segment is shown hatched in fig. The velocities and depths for successive verticals are

each averaged, the segment discharge being the product of two averages.

Referring to figure the discharge passing through segment 5-6 is computed as,


) (

) ( )

It will be noted that the depth of flow at vertical 1 is zero and problem of computing the

flow in the end segments does not arise in this method nor does it arise when the bank is

vertical and the velocity can be taken as approximately zero at the end vertical. The

computation is therefore carried out for the end segments is exactly the same way as for

the other segments. Nevertheless this facility does not give the mean section method an

overall advantage over the mid-section method, the latter being simpler to compute and

therefore quicker if the calculations are being performed manually. There is little

difference in time, however, if a pocket calculator is employed for the calculations.

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Figure 27: Cross Section Mean -Section Method

Problems with The velocity Area Method

a) Large Rivers

In wide rivers there is difficulty in locating the instruments accurately at the sampling

points and inaccuracies will occur. Problem in locating the bed of river may also arise in

deep and fast flows then gauging across such river take many hour to complete. Check

the readings of stage such as operation. In deep, swift flowing rivers heavy weights

according to the velocity are attached, but the force of the current usually causes a drag

downstream from the vertical. For detailed instructions on the gauging methods used in

large rivers using the moving boat method see (Herschy, 2009).

b) Shallow Rivers

The depth of flow may be insufficient to cover the ordinary current meter. Smaller

instruments known as pygmy current meter are used for Shallow River and low flow

gauging. They are attached to the graduated rod and operated by the gauge wading across

the section.

c) Upland Streams

Streams with steep gradient and high velocities cannot be gauged satisfactory by the

velocity area method and alternative means must be used (dilution gauging).

Page 47: Rating curve design,practice and problems

33 Electromagnetic Method

The electromagnetic method is based on faraday‟s principle that an emf is induced in the

conductor (water in the present case) when it cuts a normal magnetic field. Large coils

buried at the bottom of the channel carried a current I to produce a controlled vertical

magnetic field. Electrode provides at the bottom of the channel section measure the small

voltage due to flow of water in the channel. It has been found that signal output E will be

the order of mille volts and it is related to discharge as Q.

Q = (

) n

Figure 28: Electromagnetic Method

This method is particularly for the rivers which undergoes considerable changes in their

cross sectional properties due to sedimentation, weed growth etc. Also in tidal channels

where changes rapidly with time both in magnitude and direction flow. Present day

commercially available electromagnetic flow meters can measure the discharge to an

accuracy of 3%. The maximum channel width that can be accommodated being 100m.

The minimum detectable velocity is 0.005 m/s (Subramanaya k, 2013). Ultrasonic Method

This is essentially an area velocity method with the average velocity being measured by

using ultrasonic signals. This method was first reported by swengel (1995) since then it

has been perfected and complete system available commercially.

Consider a channel carrying a flow with two transducer A and B fixed at the same level h

above the bed and on either side of the channel. These transducers can receive as well as

ultrasonic signals. Let A send an ultrasonic signal to be received at B after an elapse time

.similarly let B send a signal to be received at A after an elapse time . If C = velocity

of sound in water.

Page 48: Rating curve design,practice and problems


( )


L = length of path from A to B = Component of flow velocity in the sound path =


Similarly from figure we can see that,

Figure 29: Ultrasonic Method

( )



) =

= 2 v cos (


V =



The specific advantages of the ultrasonic system of river gauging are

1. It is rapid and gives high frequency

2. It is suitable for automatic recording data.

3. It can handle rapid changes in the magnitude and direction, as in tidal rivers

4. The cost of installation is independent of the size of the rivers.

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The accuracy of this method is limited by factors that affect the signal velocity and

averaging of flow velocity

1. Unstable cross section

2. Fluctuating weed growth

3. High loads of suspended solids

4. Air entertainment

5. Salinity and temperature changes.

3.3.2 Indirect Determination of Stream Discharge

Slope Area Method

Rating Curve By Slope Area Method

In slope area method the discharge is estimated by observing the water surface slope and

cross-section area. Accuracy of this method is less than velocity area method. When

magnitude of flows is high this method will be used.

A measurement reach is chosen for which three things are known (1) the cross sectional

geometry and properties at its ends (2) the value of Manning‟s n (3) water surface

elevation at its end. In the selected reach these three parameters are known. As far as

possible the length of reach should be such that the difference between the water levels at

the upstream and downstream gauges is not less than ten times uncertainty in the


Slope is computed from the gauge observations at either end of the reach, the

intermediate gauges are used to confirm that the slope is uniform throughout the reach.

The mean velocity is established by using known empirical formula which relates

velocity to the hydraulic mean depth, the surface slope corrected for the kinetic energy of

the flowing water and roughness characteristics. The discharge is computed as the

product of mean velocity and mean cross sectional area of the flow.

The resistance equation for uniform flow in open channel e.g. Manning‟s formula can be

used to relate the depth at either ends of the reach to the discharge. Fig shows the

longitudinal section of the flow in a river between sections 1 & 2.

The head at a section consist of water surface elevation and the velocity head. The head

loss is made up of two parts (1) frictional loss (2) energy loss due to expansion or

contraction. The frictional slope can be written as,

Page 50: Rating curve design,practice and problems


( ) (

) ( )

Where L is the reach length, k is the coefficient of energy loss its value is 1 for

contraction and 0.5 for expansion. According to Manning‟s formula the mean velocity in

reach 1-2 is calculated as,



Figure 30: Energy Profile Diagram for Any Open Channel

Where R is the hydraulic mean depth and n is manning‟s roughness coefficient, S is the

frictional slope. If A is the cross sectional area then discharge Q is,



The term 1/n A R2/3 is known as conveyance (Kc) of the channel and it depend upon

channel characteristics. As the flow in reach may not be truly uniform the average

conveyance of the reach is expressed as the geometric mean of the conveyances of two

end sections 1 and 2.

Page 51: Rating curve design,practice and problems


The discharge can be calculated by,

Q=K√ =√

The slope area method can be used with some accuracy in open channel with stable

boundaries. This method is also used in alluvial channel including channels with over

bank flow or non-uniform flow cross section and uncertainty in large value of roughness


3.3.3 Hydraulics Structures / Devices

Weirs, Notches


On small streams the flow can be measured with the help of hydraulic flow measuring

devices such as rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal weirs or flumes like venture flume

and Parshall flume. The discharge in all these cases is expressed as function of geometry

of the structure and some reference head. The discharge expression will also contain an

empirical coefficient.

These conventional structures are used in filed conditions also but their used is limited by

the ranges of head, debris or sediment load of the stream and the back water effects

produced by the installations. To overcome of many these limitations a wide variety of

flow measuring structures with specific advantages are in use.

The basic principle of governing the use of weir, flume or similar flow measuring

structures is that these structures produced a unique control section in the flow. At these

structures the discharge Q is the function of water- surface elevation measured at a

specified upstream location

Q = f (H)

Where H = water surface elevation measured from specified datum. Thus for example for


Q = K H n

Where H = head over the weir K & n = system constant

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Equation Q = f (H) is applicable so long as the downstream water level is below a certain

limiting water level known as the modular limit. Such flows which are independent of the

downstream water level are known as free flow. If the tail water conditions do affect the

flow, then the flow is known as submerged flow. Discharge under submerged condition is

obtained by multiplying a reduction factor to the free flow discharges. For example the

submerged flow over a weir is estimated by the Villmonte formula,

Qs = Q1 [1-(H2/H1) n]


n = exponent of head in the free flow head discharge relation for rectangular weir n =1.5

An existing dam across a stream, a bridge opening or a causeway may also be used as a

means of determining discharge indirectly. In the case of dam the discharge can be

expressed as a function of length of dam and head flow over the dam. In the case of

bridge opening the discharge is the function of the area of flow at the constriction and

drop in water surface in near the bridge. Weir

A weir is one of the simplest and oldest structures used to measure the flow. It is an

obstruction in an open channel which constricts the flow and causes it to fall over a crest.

Weirs consist of vertical plates; the top of the plate can be straight or notched. Weir

plates are available in fiber glass, aluminum, or stainless steel. A weir can be classified in

two broad categories.

a) Sharp-Crested Weir

Sharp-Crested weir has a sharp metal blade along the bottom and sides of the crest. The

top edge of the weir is thin. Various types include: triangular or V-Notch, rectangular,

and trapezoidal (Cipolletti). Sharp-crested weirs are most frequently rectangular,

consisting of a straight, horizontal crest. A V-Notch weir is better suited to low flow

streams. Rectangular weirs are able to measure much higher flows than V-Notch weirs.

Cipolletti weirs are less accurate than rectangular or V-Notch weirs.

Q =

Page 53: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Figure 31: Sharp-Crested weir having sharp metal blade along the bottom and sides of the


I. For rectangular weir

Q = CBh1.5


C = discharge coefficient, B = top width of weir or length of crest normal

to flow

II. V-Notch weir

Q =

√ tan

b) Broad-Crested Weir

This weir has a long, broad crest with no metal blade. It may also include a ramp on the

front of the crest to reduce head loss. This type of weir is also called the long-throated


Q = b√ (


Page 54: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Figure 32: Broad crest with no metal blade

I. Sluice

Q = b √

Mode of Operation

Weirs operate on the principle that an obstruction in a channel cause water to back up,

creating a head behind the barrier. The head is a function of flow velocity and flow rate

through the device. The discharge through weirs and flumes is a function of water level,

so water level measurement techniques must be used. Staff gages and float-operated

units used for flow measuring.

Weir Installation Requirements

The following points must be kept in mind for the installation of the weir:

1. The connection between the weir and the channel should be Water tight.

2. The weir should be ventilated, to prevent a vacuum from forming on the

underside of the nappy.

3. The height of the weir should be at least 2 times the maximum expected head of

liquid above the crest. This is necessary to lower the velocity of approach.

4. In a relatively large channel, water velocity approach should be less than 0.5


5. The crest must be set higher than the maximum downstream elevation of the

water surface, otherwise, a submerged flow condition will occur.

6. A drop of about 0.5 ft (6") or more in the channel is needed to establish free-flow

conditions over the weir.

7. The head measuring point of the weir should be located upstream of the weir crest

at a distance of four times the maximum expected head of the weir.

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8. For a triangular or rectangular weir with end contraction, the minimum distance

of the sides of the weir from the channel banks should be at least twice the

maximum expected head on the weir.

9. Avoid deposition of gravel, sand, and silt above the weir so that accurate water

measurements can be obtained.

Discharge Computation Procedure

Flow rate is determined by measuring the vertical distance (water depth) from the crest of

the overflow part of the weir to the water surface in the upstream pool. The weir

calibration curve then translates this recorded depth into the rate of flow at the device.

Discharge tables for standard measurement devices are available from the online version

of the USGS water measurement manual or in the printed version of the manual.

Advantages of Weirs

1. Simplest device

2. Lower cost than flumes

3. Relatively easy to install

4. Very accurate when used properly

Disadvantages of Weirs

1. Operate with a relatively high head loss

2. Higher maintenance cost than flumes

3. Accuracy affected by approach velocity

4. Needs to be periodically cleaned

Type of Weirs General Comments

a) Rectangular Weir

Most widely used weir able to measure higher flows than V-Notch weirs.When sizing a

rectangular weir, a crest length of 1 foot is the minimum that should be considered.

b) V-Notch Weir

Better suited for low flows streams, has reasonable accuracy for flows up to 10cfs. Very

accurate in measuring flows less than 1cfs.

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c) Trapezoidal (Cipolletti)

Less accurate than V-notch or rectangular weirs, commonly used to measure high flows.

Offer a slightly wider range of flows than rectangular weirs. Flumes

If at a certain reach X-section is reduced gradually, that part of the channel is known as

flume. Flumes are usually prefabricated devices that are installed temporarily or

permanently in a flow system. They can be a “flat-bottom” type. In the case of a flat-

bottom flume, the shape of the side walls creates a contraction of the flow of liquid.

Flume is the traditional method to measure the discharge in the agriculture system.

Normally, a flume consists of a converging section, a throat section, and a diverging

section. Flumes are designed with the idea of producing a critical depth in the flume

throat and creating a direct relationship between water depth and flow rate.

Figure 33: X-section is reduced gradually

Flumes are categorized in two main classes:

1. Long-Throated Flumes

Long-throated flumes are coming into general use because they can be easily fitted into

complex channel shapes as well as simple shapes (Replogle, 1975). Long-throated flumes

have many advantages compared to other measuring devices. Long-throated flumes are

more accurate, cost less, have better technical performance, and can be computer

designed and calibrated. Long-throated flumes are preferred over Parshall flumes.

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2. Short-Throated Flumes

Short-throated flumes control the discharge rate in a region that produces curvilinear

flow. The Parshall flume and the Cutthroat flume are the most common examples of this

type of flume.

The most popular flume design in use today includes the Parshall flume, the cutthroat

flume, and the trapezoidal flume. The long throated flume is the recommended choice for

most projects because of its simple design, easy installation and flexibility in placing


Figure 34: Parshall flume

Discharge Computation Procedure

Flow rate is determined by measuring the vertical distance (water depth) from the zero

reference at the bottom of the flume to the water surface. The flume calibration curve or

charts then translates this recorded depth into rate of flow.

Discharge through a Parshall flume can occur for two conditions of flow. The first, free

flow occurs when there is insufficient backwater depth to reduce the discharge rate.

Under free-flow conditions a phenomenon known as the hydraulic jump or "Standing

Wave" occurs downstream from the flume. The second condition of flow is submerged


Instructions for Placing Flumes

1. Locate the high water line on ditch bank where the flume is to be installed.

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2. Select from discharge curves the proper depth of water or head (Ha) that

corresponds with the maximum capacity of the ditch. For example assume that a

1-foot flume is to be used and that the maximum discharge is 4.0cfs, therefore, the

depth of water on the crest Ha is 1.0 foot.

3. Place the floor of the flume at a depth not more than 70% of head. In general, the

floor of the flume should be placed as high in the ditch as the grade and other

conditions permit. For example, allow 70% submergence, then 0.7 x 1.0 = 0.7

feet. Therefore, set the flume crest not more than 0.7 feet below the high water

mark. The loss of head will be 1 feet minus 0.7 feet = 0.3 feet.

Advantages of Flumes

1. Self-cleaning to a certain degree

2. Relatively low head loss

3. Accuracy less affected by approach velocity than weirs

4. Lower maintenance cost than weirs

Disadvantages of Flumes

1. High cost

2. Difficult to install

Type of Flume General Comments

a. Parshall Flume

Most widely known and used flume for permanent installations. Available in throat

widths ranging from 1” to 50ft to cover most flows. Fairly difficult installation requiring

a drop in the conduit invert.

b. Cutthroat Flume

Similar to Parshall flume, except that flat bottom does not require drop in conduit invert.

Can function well with high degree of submergence. Flat bottom passes solids better than

Parshall flume.

c. Trapezoidal Flume

Developed to measure flows in irrigation channels. Principal advantage is ability to

measure wide range of flows and also maintain good accuracy at low flows.

Page 59: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Discharge Calculation under Different Set of Flow Condition at a Barrage on River

There are three conditions of flow which are explained as below;

a) Free Flow Conditions with Gates of Barrage Are Fully Raised

Figure 35: Free Flow Conditions with Gates of Barrage Are Fully Raised


Q = C’BE13/2

Q = Discharge in cusecs

C‟ = h / E1 C

h = D/S Water level – Crest Level

E1 = U/S Total Energy Line (H + Va2/2g) – Crest Level

C = Coefficient of discharge = 3.8

B = Clear Water way.

Page 60: Rating curve design,practice and problems


b) Gates of Barrage Partially Down With Hydraulic Jump Flow Conditions

Figure 36: Gates of Barrage Partially Down With Hydraulic Jump Flow Conditions


Q = C’B (E13/2

- E23/2


Q = Discharge in cusecs

C‟ = h / E1 C

h = D/S Water level – Crest Level

E1 = U/S Total Energy Line (U/S Water level + ha) – Crest Level

C = Coefficient of discharge = 3.8

E2 = U/S Total Energy Line (U/S Water level + ha) – Bottom of Gates

B = Clear Water way.

c) Gates Of Barrage Partially Down With Submerged Conditions

Figure 37: Gates Of Barrage Partially Down With Submerged Conditions

Page 61: Rating curve design,practice and problems



Q = Cd A (2gH) 1/2

Q = Discharge in cusecs

Cd = 0.65

A = Area (B X Opening of Gates)

B = Total Clear Water way.

H = U/S Water level - D/S Water level

g = Acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft2 / sec)

Discharge Calculations of Head Regulator

Figure 38: Head Regulator


Q = C’ X B X (E13/2

- E23/2)

Q = Discharge in cusecs

C‟ = h / E1

h = D/S Total Energy Line = ((D/S Water level + hv) – Crest Level)

E1 = U/S Total Energy Line = ((U/S Water level + ha) – Crest Level)

E2 = U/S Total Energy Line = ((U/S Water level + ha) – Bottom of Gates)

B = Clear Water way

Gate opening = E1 – E2

Page 62: Rating curve design,practice and problems


4. Rating curve

Hydrologists very often need to know flow rates in streams under many different

conditions but they do not have time or resources to go in fields and measure these flow

rates .Instead they rely on rating curves to give them this information. When the time and

energy is taken to directly measure stream flow at a given time in stream, the stage of the

water is usually recorded at the same time. Using these data points of water elevation

(stage) and the measured flow rate, hydrologist can produce a rating curve.

A Rating curve is a graph of discharge versus stage for a given point on a stream, usually

at gauging stations. The development of river discharge versus stage curves is a key step

in any Hydrographer work (Bailey, J.F. and Ray H.A., 1966).

Flow is the variable usually required for hydrological analysis but, continuous

measurement of flow on a river section is usually impractical or it is expensive. However,

stage can be observed continuously or at regular short time intervals with ease and

economy. A relation exists between stage and the corresponding discharge at river

section. This relation is termed a stage-discharge relationship.

The rating curve is an extensively used tool in hydrology to estimate discharge in natural

and in artificial open channel. In early 19th century, discharge at suitable section is

measured by using current meter or other methods (Rantz et al., 1982; ISO 1100-1, 1998;

SIMN, 1998). The stage is also measured; a curve of discharge against stage can then be

built by fitting these data with a power or polynomial curve. The direct measurements of

discharge in open channels is costly, time consuming, and sometimes impractical during


A rating curve is established by number observations of Stage and discharge over a

period of time. At many locations, the discharge is not a unique function of stage,

variables such as surface slope or rate of change of stage with respect to time must also

be known to obtain the complete relationship in such circumstances.

The rating relationship established is used to transform the observed stages into the

corresponding discharges. In its simplest form, a rating curve can be illustrated

graphically, as shown in simple rating curve Figure.

Page 63: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Figure 39: Representation of stage discharge relation

4.1 Types of station control

The character of the rating curve depends on the type of the control which depends on the

geometry of the cross section, and the physical features of the river downstream of the

section. Station controls are classified into following types:

Section and channel controls

Natural and artificial controls

Complete, compound and partial controls

Permanent and shifting controls

4.1.1 Section and channel controls

When the control is such that any change in the physical characteristics of the channel

downstream has no effect on the flow at the gauging section, then such control is termed

as section control. In other words, any disturbance downstream the control will not be

able to pass the control in the upstream direction. Natural or artificial narrowing of the

cross section (waterfalls, rock bar, gravel bar) creating zones of acceleration are some

examples of the section controls.

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Figure 40: Example of Section Control

A cross section where no acceleration of flow occurs or where the acceleration is not high

to prevent the passages of disturbances from the downstream to the upstream, then such a

location is called as a channel control .The rating curve in such case depends upon the

geometry and roughness of the river downstream of the control. The length of the

downstream reach of the river affecting the rating curve depends on the normal depth

and on the energy slope S.


Where follows from manning equation,


( ⁄


Figure 41: Example of Channel Control

Page 65: Rating curve design,practice and problems


4.1.2 Artificial and natural controls

An artificial section control is one which has been constructed to stabilize the relationship

between stage and discharge and for which a theoretical relationship is available based on

physical modeling. Natural section controls include a ledge of rock across channel, the

brink of the waterfall, or a local constriction in width (including bridge openings). All

channel controls are natural.

Figure 42: Example of an artificial control

4.1.3 Compound controls or complex controls:

A complete control is one which governs the stage-discharge relation throughout the

entire range of stage experienced. However, station controls are the combination of

section at low stages and a channel control at high stages and are called compound or

complex controls.

4.1.4 Permanent and shifting controls

Where the geometry of a section and the resulting stage-discharge relationship does not

change with time, it is described as a stable or permanent control. Shifting controls

change with time and may be section controls such as boulder, gravel and sand riffles

which undergo periodic or near continuous scour and deposition.

1. Scour and fill in an unstable channel.

2. Growth and decay of aquatic weeds.

3. Over spilling and ponding in areas adjoining the stream channel.

Page 66: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Figure 43: Example of shifting control

4.2 Rating curves for steady uniform flow

The most commonly used stage-discharge ratings treat the discharge as a function of the

stage. These ratings follow a power curve of the form given by Equation (Herschy, 1995;

ISO, 1998; Kennedy, 1984; Rantz et al., 1982b).

( ) (2)

Where Q is the discharge, h is the stage and C, a, α are calibration coefficients. “C” is the

discharge when the effective depth of flow (h-a) is equal to 1, and “a” is the gauge height

of zero flow, “α” is the slope of the rating curve. (h-a) is the effective depth of water on

the control.

Equation 2 is based on the Manning equation, which is used as the governing equation for

steady uniform flow problems.

( )


Where n is the Manning‟s roughness coefficient, is the bottom slope, A is the area and

R is the hydraulic radius. However, Equation 2 is a simplification of the Manning

equation, the conveyance function AR2/3 can be described by a simple power function of

the water height in wide rectangular cross section, following equation is used


Page 67: Rating curve design,practice and problems


4.3 Rating curve for non-steady and non-uniform flow

The effect of non-steady and non-uniform flow on stage discharge curve will be

discussed in this section. Examples of hydraulic conditions with non-steady and non-

uniform flow which have an effect on the uniqueness of rating curve.

1. Scour and fill in an unstable channel

2. Growth and decay of aquatic(weed)growth

3. Formation of ice on the river

4. Variable backwater in a uniform channel

5. Rapidly changing discharge (for example when flood wave occurs)

Figure 44: Stage-discharge relation for different hydraulic conditions

The stage-discharge curves for the above hydraulic conditions are briefly discussed


Permanent control (Figure (44.a))

A control is permanent if the stage-discharge relation does not change with time.

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Sand-bed channel (Figure (44.b))

The movement of sediment affects the conveyance, the hydraulic roughness and the

energy slope. This makes the determination of a stage discharge relation difficult.

Aquatic vegetation (Figure (44.c))

The growth of weed decreases the conveyance of the channel and changes the roughness

with result that the stage for a given discharge is increased.

Ice covers (Figure (44.d))

Ice in the measuring section increases the hydraulic radius and the roughness and

decreases the cross sectional area. The stage for a given discharge is increased.

Variable backwater (Figure (44.e))

If the control reach for a gauging station has within a weir or a dam, a diversion which

can increase or decrease the energy gradient for a given discharge, variable backwater is


Rapidly changing discharge (Figure (44.f))

At some stations, generally those of low energy slope, the stage discharge relation is

affected by the rate of change of the discharge. If the discharge is increasing rapidly, it

will be greater than that for zero rate of change and, conversely, if it is rapidly decreasing

it well be less.

4.4 Difficulties in Defining Stage-Discharge Relationships

A simple stage discharge relation depends upon stage only. In complex rating curve

additional variables such as the slope of the energy line are required to define

relationship. The need for a particular type of rating curve can be obtained by first

plotting the observed stage and discharge data on a simple orthogonal plot. The scatter in

the plot gives a fairly good assessment of the type of stage-discharge relationship

required for the cross section.

Examples of the scatter plots obtained for various conditions are illustrated below. If

there is negligible scatter in the plotted points then smooth single valued curve through

the plotted points than a simple rating curve is required. This is shown in figure,

Page 69: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Figure 45: For Permanent Control

If scatter is not negligible then it further probing to determine the Cause of such higher

scatter. There are four different possibilities.

The station is affected by the variable backwater conditions arising due to high flows in a

tributary joining downstream. A smooth curve passing through those points having

normal slopes at various depths is drawn first. It can then be seen that the points with

greater variation in slopes from the corresponding normal Slopes are located farther from

the curve. This is as shown in Figures.

Figure 46: (a) Rating curve affected by Variable backwater (uniform channel) (b) rating curve

affected by Variable backwater (submergence of Low water control)

The stage discharge rating is affected by the variation in the local acceleration due To

unsteady flow. In such case, the plotted points can be annotated with the Corresponding

rate of change of slope with respect to time. A smooth curve (steady state curve) passing

through those points having the least values of rate of change of stage is drawn first. It

Page 70: Rating curve design,practice and problems


can then be seen that all those points having positive values of rate of change of stage are

towards the right side of the curve and those with negative values are towards the left of

it. Also, the distance from the steady curve increases with the increase in the magnitude

of the rate of change of stage. This is as shown in Figure.

Figure 47: Rating curve affected by unsteady flow

The stage discharge rating is affected by scouring of the bed or changes in vegetation

characteristics. A shifting bed results in a wide scatter of points on the graph. The

changes are erratic and may be progressive or may fluctuate from scour in one event and

deposition in another. Examples are shown in Figure.

Figure 48: Affected by scour and fill Affected by vegetation growth

If no suitable explanation can be given for the amount of scatter present in the plot, then

it can perhaps be attributed to the observational errors. Such errors can occur due to non-

standard procedures for stage discharge observations. Thus, based on the interpretation of

Page 71: Rating curve design,practice and problems


scatter of the stage discharge data, the appropriate type of rating curve is fitted. There are

four main cases.

1. Simple rating curve: if simple stage discharge rating is warranted then either

single channel or compound channel rating curve is fitted according to whether

the flow occur essentially in the main channel or also extends to the flood plains.

2. Rating curve with backwater corrections: if the stage-discharge data is affected by

the backwater effect then the rating curve incorporating the backwater effects is to

be established. This requires additional information on the fall of stage with

respect to an auxiliary stage gauging station.

3. Rating curve with unsteady flow correction: if the flows are affected by the

unsteadiness in the flow then the rating curve incorporating the unsteady flow

effects is established. This requires information on the rate of change of stage

with respect to time corresponding to each stage discharge data.

4. Rating curve with shift adjustment: a rating curve with shift adjustment is

warranted in case the flows are affected by scouring and variable vegetation


4.5 Extrapolation of rating curve

If the discharge measurements cover the entire range of stages experienced during a

period, and the stage-discharge relation is stable, there is no problem in defining the

discharge rating for that period. On the other hand, and if there are no discharge

measurements to define a part of the curve, then the defined part of the curve needs to be

extrapolated to the highest or lowest stage experienced as the case may be to find the

discharge at that stage. Such extrapolations are always subject to error, but these errors

can be minimized by proper application of hydraulic principles. Extrapolation of rating

curves can basically be classified as "low flow extrapolation" and "high flow


1. Extrapolation of rating curves is required because the range of level over which

gauging has been carried out does not cover the full range of observed levels. The

rating curve may fall short at both the lower and the upper end.

2. Calibration at very high instantaneous flows is particularly difficult as they occur

infrequently and are of short duration. They may occur at night. Peak flow

gauging requires the gauging team to be on site when the flood arrives, which

may not be possible.

3. Extrapolation is not a question of extending the rating from existing gauging to

extreme levels, a different control may apply, the channel geometry may change,

flow may occur over the floodplain and form and vegetation roughness

coefficients may change. Applicable methods of extrapolation depend on the

Page 72: Rating curve design,practice and problems


physical condition of the channel, whether in bank or overbank and whether it has

fixed or shifting controls.

4.3.1 Low flow extrapolation

Low flow extrapolation is performed on a rectangular co-ordinate graph plot because the

co-ordinates of zero flow can be plotted on such paper. It is to be noted that zero flow

cannot be plotted on Logarithmic paper. The stage for zero flow can be obtained by field

observations. After identifying the stage for zero discharge, the point of zero flow is

joined by a smooth curve to the defined part of the rating curve.

Figure 49: Example of Low flow extrapolation

Is the gauge height for zero discharge (meter)

4.3.2 High flow extrapolation

The following methods are considered below.

Double log plot method

Stage area method

The Manning‟s equation method

The conveyance slope method Double log plot method

High flow extrapolation is very complex and great care is needed in arriving at the

extrapolated values. When the hydraulic characteristics of the channel do not change

Page 73: Rating curve design,practice and problems


much beyond the measured range, then simple extrapolation of the logarithmic stage

discharge relationship may be applied. Graphically, the relationship in this case can

simply be extended beyond the measured range by projecting the last segment of the

straight line relationship in log-log domain. Such an extrapolation is illustrated by the

dashed straight line in figure 51 for the cross-sectional profile shown in figure 50.

Figure 50: Cross-sectional profile of channel

Figure 51: Example of double logarithmic extrapolation of rating curve

Page 74: Rating curve design,practice and problems


In the example presented in figure 51 a rating curve has been established for the river

flows up to flood plain level. This curve had to be is extended to cover the highest

observed water level, which was about 4 m above flood plain level. Double logarithmic

technique was applied for this extrapolation. Double-logarithmic extrapolation implies

that the same power type equation is used for the higher stages as well. The correctness

of the use of this technique for the cross-section shown in figure 50, which shows the

existence of a floodplain, is doubtful. One of the basic conditions for the application of

the double logarithmic method, namely no change in the hydraulic characteristics at the

higher stages, is not fulfilled. It is likely that this method will lead to an underestimation

of the discharge, since the contribution of the floodplain flows to the total river flow is

not taken into consideration. Stage-area / Stage-velocity method

Where extrapolation is needed beyond the measured range, then a combination of stage

area and stage-velocity curves may be used. Stage-area and stage-mean velocity curves

are extended separately. For stable channels the stage-area relationship is fixed. The

stage-velocity curve is based on current meter gauging within the measured range and,

since the rate of increase in velocity at higher stages diminishes rapidly, this curve can be

extended without much error for in bank flows. Discharge for a given (extended) stage is

then obtained by the product of area and mean velocity using extrapolated stage-area and

stage-mean velocity curves (Figure 49).


Figure 52: Extrapolation based on stage-area/stage-velocity technique

The mean velocity curve can also be extrapolated by the use of a logarithmic plot of

mean velocity against hydraulic radius. The hydraulic radius can be found for all stages

from the cross section. The logarithmic plot of mean velocity and hydraulic radius

Page 75: Rating curve design,practice and problems


generally shows a linear relationship. Mean velocity in the extrapolated range can be

obtained from this curve. Extrapolated discharge is obtained as the product of mean

velocity and the corresponding area from the stage-area curve. The Manning’s equation method

A slight variation of the stage-area-velocity method is the use of Manning‟s equation for

Steady flow. In terms of the mean velocity the Manning equation may be written:

Since for higher stages the value of Km

becomes nearly constant, the equation can be

rewritten as


K= V/

The relationship of stage „„h‟‟ to „„K‟‟ is plotted from discharge measurements. This

curve often approaches a constant value of „„K‟‟ at higher stages (shown in figure). This

value of „„K‟‟ may then be used in conjunction with extrapolated relationships between h

and A, h and

based on survey. Discharge for extrapolated stage is then obtained by

applying the Manning equation with „„K‟‟ and extrapolated values of A and


Figure 53: K versus gauge height

Page 76: Rating curve design,practice and problems

62 The conveyance slope method

In the conveyance slope method, the conveyance and the energy slope are extrapolated.

This method is recommended for use. It is based on the Manning equation:



Where the conveyance is

K =


Figure 54: relation b/w stage and K

For the assessment of k for given stage, are obtained from field survey of the discharge

measurement section and values of n are estimated in the field. Values of k are then

plotted against stage up to the maximum required level.

Page 77: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Figure 55: Conveyances as f (h)

Figure 56: Slope extrapolation

Values of S, which is the energy gradient are usually not available but, for measured


can be computed by dividing the measured discharge by its corresponding

value. S is then calculated and plotted against stage on natural graph paper and

Page 78: Rating curve design,practice and problems


extrapolated to the required peak gauge height, in the knowledge that S tends to become

constant at higher stages at the limiting slope of the stream-bed.

The discharge for given gauge height is obtained by multiplying the corresponding value

of k in computing K is compensated by a similar percentage error in the opposite

direction in computing


Page 79: Rating curve design,practice and problems


5. Calibration of flow measuring devices

If a flow measuring device such as an orifice plate or sharp crested weir is designed

according to the British Standard, the value of the equilibrium depth , Cd, can often be

obtained from the document. On the other hand, if the device is non-standard or is

installed in a non-standard manner, the device should be calibrated. For most devices,

calibration basically involves comparing the actual and theoretical discharge over the

possible range of flows so that the average Cd can be calculated.

The actual discharge can be determined by collecting the given volume of water in a

known time.

The theoretical discharge is obtained by using appropriate equation in which head of the

water and the dimensions of the device is substituted. For example we are performing a

practical on rectangular weir. Then for a rectangular weir

, we use

this equation and we need to calculate the head of water and also the dimension of the

rectangular weir.

In the equation of theoretical discharge of the rectangular weir, it is shown from the

equation that


The reliability of the calculations is improved if a graph of discharge is plotted against

the head. This graph helps to calculate the coefficient of the discharge. If a plot of actual

discharge is drawn against the head H, it does not give a straight line graph because

is not proportional to H, but it is proportional to H raised to some power.

It means the discharge and head relationships are the curves, not a straight line.


Device Discharge Equation Q-H Relationship

Venture meter √



Small orifice √

Large orifice ( ) (


Page 80: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Rectangular weir ( ) (


Triangular weir

tan (

)( )

Table 1: Comparison of Principal Discharge Equation

5.1 Lab practical for the calculation of co-efficient of discharge








( )


⁄ )


⁄ )


30 18.49 0.044 3.0581 1.6539 5.9* 0.27 0.0092

30 13 0.050 3.0581 2.3524 7.16* 0.32 0.0111

30 10.65 0.055 3.0581 2.8714 8.26* 0.34 0.0128

30 8 0.061 3.0581 3.8226 0.39 0.0150

30 7.09 0.063 3.0581 4.3132 0.42 0.0158

Table 2: Lab Practical for the Calculation of Co-Efficient Of Discharge

( )

Page 81: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Figure 57: Graph between Q_A and H*3/2

For a rectangular weir

( ) (


Where constant =


( ) )

Gradient of the line =



With b = 0.03 m

Constant =


( ) ) = 11.285

We know that









0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018

Rating curve

Page 82: Rating curve design,practice and problems



log -3.7815 -3.6284 -3.5419 -3.4176 -3.3652

log H -1.356 -1.301 -1.2596 -1.2146 -1.200

Table 3: Log Q and Log H Table

Figure 58: Graph between logQA and log H

Graph between log and log H, Where log H on horizontal axis and log on vertical


Form the graph, exponent N = ( )

( ) = 1.78

Between log H = -1.2 and log H = 0, change in log = 1.78*1.2 = 2.136

Intercept on log axis (when log H=0) = - (3.8-3.01) = -0.80

i = -0.80

j = antilog (i) = antilog (-0.80) = 0.160













-1.38 -1.36 -1.34 -1.32 -1.3 -1.28 -1.26 -1.24 -1.22 -1.2 -1.18

rating curve

Page 83: Rating curve design,practice and problems


= j = 0.160*

Also j =

( )

√ =

√ = 1.80

5.2 Error during Calibration of Discharge Measuring Device

Following errors may occur during calibration of discharge,

1. Volumetric error

2. Time measuring error

3. Instrument error

4. Human error

5. Computational error

Page 84: Rating curve design,practice and problems


6. Visit to Ambala head Shujaabad canal sub division

6.1 Buch Disty Canal

Off taking Rd = 300418 STD BR

Discharge = 38.44 cusecs

Bed Width = 11.50 ft.

F.S Depth = 2.20 ft.

Tail Rd = 37445 STD BR

Rating Curve of Buch Disty Canal at Head Ambala

Stage Discharge stage Discharge Stage Discharge

ft ft3/sec ft ft

3/sec ft ft


0 0 1.35 17 2.7 56

0.05 0 1.4 18 2.75 57

0.1 0 1.45 20 2.8 59

0.15 0 1.5 21 2.85 61

Page 85: Rating curve design,practice and problems


0.2 1 1.55 22 2.9 63

0.25 1 1.6 23 2.95 65

0.3 1 1.65 24 3 66

0.35 2 1.7 26 3.05 68

0.4 2 1.75 27 3.1 70

0.45 3 1.8 28 3.15 72

0.5 3 1.85 30 3.2 74

0.55 4 1.9 31 3.25 76

0.6 4 1.95 32 3.3 78

0.65 5 2 34 3.35 80

0.7 6 2.05 35 3.4 82

0.75 6 2.1 37 3.45 84

0.8 7 2.15 38 3.5 86

0.85 8 2.2 39 3.55 88

0.9 9 2.25 41 3.6 90

0.95 10 2.3 43 3.65 92

1 10 2.35 44 3.7 94

1.05 11 2.4 46 3.75 97

1.1 12 2.45 47 3.8 99

1.15 13 2.5 49 3.85 101

1.2 14 2.55 51 3.9 103

1.25 15 2.6 52 3.95 105

1.3 16 2.65 54

Table 4: Stage and Discharge Buch Disty Canal at Head Ambala

Page 86: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Figure 59: Rating Curve of Buch Disty Canal

6.2 Sikandar Abad Disty Canal

Off taking RD = 300418 STD BR

Discharge = 202 cusecs

Bed width = 29 ft.

F.S depth = 3.70 ft.

Tail RD = 92900 STD BR












-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120








Page 87: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Rating Curve of Sikandar Abad Disty Canal at Head Ambala

Stage Discharge stage Discharge Stage Discharge

ft ft3/sec ft ft3/sec ft ft3/sec

0 2 1.7 68 3.35 189

0.05 3 1.75 71 3.4 194

0.1 4 1.8 74 3.45 198

0.15 5 1.85 77 3.5 202

0.2 6 1.9 80 3.55 207

0.25 7 1.95 84 3.6 211

0.3 9 2 87 3.65 216

0.35 10 2.05 90 3.7 221

0.4 11 2.1 93 3.75 225

0.45 13 2.15 97 3.8 230

0.5 14 2.2 100 3.85 235

0.55 16 2.25 103 3.9 240

0.6 17 2.3 107 3.95 244

0.65 19 2.35 110 4 249

0.7 21 2.4 114 4.05 254

0.75 23 2.45 117 4.1 259

0.8 25 2.5 121 4.15 264

0.85 27 2.55 125 4.2 269

0.9 29 2.6 128 4.25 274

0.95 31 2.65 132 4.3 279

Page 88: Rating curve design,practice and problems


1 33 2.7 136 4.35 284

1.05 35 2.75 140 4.4 289

1.1 37 2.8 144 4.45 295

1.15 40 2.85 148 4.5 300

1.2 42 2.9 152 4.55 305

1.25 44 2.95 156 4.6 310

1.3 47 3 160 4.65 316

1.35 49 3.05 164 4.7 321

1.4 52 3.1 168 4.75 327

1.45 55 3.15 172 4.8 332

1.5 57 3.2 176 4.85 337

1.55 60 3.25 180 4.9 343

1.6 63 3.3 185 4.95 349

1.65 66

Table 5: Stage and Discharge Sikandar Abad Disty Canal at Head Ambala

Figure 60: Rating Curve of Sikandar Abad Disty Canal








0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400





Rating curve Of sikandarabad disty canal

Rating curve Of sikandarabad disty canal Linear (Rating curve Of sikandarabad disty canal )

Page 89: Rating curve design,practice and problems


6.3 Kachoor Disty Canal

Off taking RD = 300418 STD BR

Discharge = 20.00 cusecs

Bed width = 7.5 ft.

F.S depth = 1.85 ft.

Tail RD = 20104 STD BR

Rating Curve of Kachoor Disty Canal at Head Ambala

Stage Discharge stage Discharge Stage Discharge

ft ft3/sec ft ft3/sec ft ft3/sec

0 3 1.35 21 2.7 49

0.05 4 1.4 22 2.75 50

0.1 4 1.45 22 2.8 51

0.15 5 1.5 23 2.85 52

0.2 5 1.55 24 2.9 54

0.25 6 1.6 25 2.95 55

0.3 6 1.65 26 3 56

Page 90: Rating curve design,practice and problems


0.35 7 1.7 27 3.05 57

0.4 7 1.75 28 3.1 59

0.45 8 1.8 29 3.15 60

0.5 8 1.85 30 3.2 61

0.55 9 1.9 31 3.25 63

0.6 10 1.95 32 3.3 64

0.65 10 2 33 3.35 65

0.7 11 2.05 34 3.4 67

0.75 12 2.1 35 3.45 68

0.8 12 2.15 36 3.5 70

0.85 13 2.2 37 3.55 71

0.9 14 2.25 38 3.6 72

0.95 14 2.3 39 3.65 74

1 15 2.35 41 3.7 75

1.05 16 2.4 42 3.75 77

1.1 17 2.45 43 3.8 78

1.15 17 2.5 44 3.85 80

1.2 18 2.55 45 3.9 81

1.25 19 2.6 46 3.95 83

1.3 20 2.65 48

Table 6: Stage and Discharge Kachoor Disty Canal at Head Ambala

Page 91: Rating curve design,practice and problems


Figure 61: Rating Curve of Kachoor Disty Canal











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90





Rating curve(kachoor disty canal at head Ambala)

Page 92: Rating curve design,practice and problems


7. Conclusions and recommendations

7.1 Conclusions

Thus, based upon the obtained results from the study, we concluded that,

11. The observations made from the study suggested that systematic and

continuous discharge data is not actually observed; instead its records are

made from converting the water level data to discharge by using a stage-

discharge relationship.

12. If discharge data are desired for a particular period (e.g. hourly, 15 minute, etc.),

discharges from these time periods are determined by interpolating between the

key stage height points and re-converted to discharge using the rating curves.

13. The zero discharge in the stream “Qo” is a hypothetical value that cannot be

measured in the field.

14. All discharge measurements in open channel cross-sections are not free of errors.

While it is not possible to predict this error exactly, an estimation of its likely

magnitude may be performed by analyzing the individual velocity measurements

that are required to estimate the river discharge. Incorrect or faulty values may

come into record due to instrumental, computational or copying errors.

15. Rating-curves count a number of practical applications in hydrology, hydraulics

and water resources management. For instance, hydrological rainfall-runoff

models are usually parameterized on the basis of concurrent observations of

rainfall and discharge; discharge observations in turn are generally derived from

water-level observation by means of a rating curve.

16. Typically a rating curve is a single log-linear equation.

The equation form is a power curve:

Q = K

ln Q = ln K + n ln D


Q = flow as cfs and D = stage height in ft.

17. The Discharge equations are

d. Buch disty canal Q = 10.66

e. Sikandarabad disty canal Q = 22.07

f. Kachoor disty canal Q = 6.41

18. The rating curve of these canals is not straight line due to scouring. Silting,

growth of vegetation, back water curve, accumulation of debris, rapidly changing

discharge, over bank flow etc.

Page 93: Rating curve design,practice and problems


19. Peak discharge and low discharge cannot determine in the field due to changing

channel geometry, then extrapolate the rating curve and find peak and low


20. The rating curve on a man-made structure is always different with the rating curve

made on the natural streams because in the man-made channel, there is always a

constant discharge and on the natural streams, the discharge is changing with


7.2 Recommendations Based upon the study of this project, following recommendations are made:

1. Limited access to some important source of journals and conferences such as

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the International Association for

Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) has restricted this study. Full

Right to use these sources will definitely improve the research.

Page 94: Rating curve design,practice and problems



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