Page 1: Reading Street - Unit 1 - Week 1 Powerpoint

Unit 1 Week 1The Red Kayak

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Day 1 – Content Knowledge

Oral VocabularyCourage – Kids of Character – What inspires

people to act courageously? Class questions and discussion

Student book pages 20-21 look at the pictureClass questions and discussionBegin concept map

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Concept Map

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Read Aloud- “Run, Kate

Shelley, Run"

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Comprehension Skill: Character and PlotComprehension Strategy: Monitor and Clarify

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• Spelling – Short Vowels VCCV, VCV

• Pretest on Spelling CityWS DVD #1

• Conventions – Four Kinds of Sentences


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Day 2 - Content Knowledge Build Oral VocabularyCourage – Kids President Heroes – What inspires

people to act courageously?

“Run, Kate Shelley, Run.” Read passage below.“The rain fell ever harder. Mud and water made the

crossties slick and treacherous. How could anyone cross this bridge – caught between the wind, the rain, and the boiling, angry river?”

What does treacherous mean? Why would crossing this bridge be treacherous?

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Concept Map

Actions Feelings Characteristics Situations

Amazing Word:Revive: to bring back to life or consciousness

Look at the photographs on page 20-21. Discuss the word revive.

Discuss with a partner:What can you do to revive someone who is unconscious?Have you ever seen a character revive someone on T.V. or in a movie? What happened?

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Word Analysis

A suffix is added the the end of a base word to modify a word’s function in a sentence. The suffix -ly is added to an adjective to form an adverb.

In your reading spirals create this chart. Change the adjective to an adverb and then use it in a sentence.

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Literary Terms: Point of View

When a story is told from a third-person point of view, the narrator is not a character in the story.

Third person can have anomniscient point of view limited-omniscient point of view

What point of view is Brave Melissa in on page 23?

Think of another example.

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Vocabulary Skill: Homographs

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Red KayakGenre: Realistic Fiction

Fictional characters and events that could happen in real life.

Think about acting courageously as you read!

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Vocabulary- Centers

Spelling - Center

Conventions - Center

Research and Inquiry - Centers

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Day 3 – Content Knowledge

Build Oral LanguageCourage – Famous Failures


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Concept MapAmazing Word::

Look at the photographs on page

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Red Kayak Continuing the StoryMove into reading groups to read the rest of Red Kayak

with centersWS TR DVD 4 – Character and PlotWS Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook p. 46

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Think Critically

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Vocabulary- Centers

Spelling - Center

Conventions - Center

Research and Inquiry - Centers

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Day 4 – Content Knowledge

Build Oral LanguageCourage – 6 people found courage


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Concept MapAmazing Word:

Look at the photographs on page

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Social Studies in ReadingHow-to text give instructions for a procedure. Why would a person need to follow a procedure

or steps?What are some examples?

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How-to Text

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Vocabulary Discuss definition of

homographs If nobody objects, we can

move on to the next topic of discussion. It is not safe for babies to but small objects in their mouth.

What are the meanings for objects in that sentence?

Look up the words below in the story and write the word and the meaning in your reading spiral. Then use it in a sentence. winds (p. 28) bow (p. 29 and 33) minute (p. 41)

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Listening and

SpeakingWhen you are

interviewing make sure you are pretending to be Brady. Think about the thoughts and feelings he would have about rescuing Ben. Answer how ben would respond!

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Spelling –

Conventions -

Research and Inquiry –

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Day 5 – Content KnowledgeOral Language

Courage – Motivational Minute - Courage

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Concept MapAmazing Word:

Look at the photographs on page

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REVIEWComprehension SkillComprehension Strategy Word AnalysisLiterary Terms

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Vocabulary- Centers

Spelling - Center

Conventions - Center

Research and Inquiry - Centers
