  • Chiinu 2013

    serie nou vol. IX nr. 1

    Chiinu 2012

    Omagiu domnului Valentin DergacIOV

    cu ocazia mplinirii a 70 de ani

  • ISSN 1857-016X


    Redactor ef / Editor-in-chief: dr. hab. Oleg Leviki

    Colegiul de redacieDr. hab. igor Bruiako (Odesa), dr. Roman Croitor (Chiinu), dr. hab. Valentin Dergaciov (Chiinu), prof. dr. Svend hansen (Berlin), dr. Maia Kauba (Sankt Petersburg), prof. dr. Eugen nicolae (Bucureti), prof. dr. hab. Gheorghe Postic (Chiinu), dr. Svetlana Reabeva (Chiinu), prof. dr. Petre Roman (Bucureti), dr. hab. Eugen Sava (Chiinu), dr. hab. Sergei Skoryi (Kiev), prof. dr. Victor Spinei, mem. cor. al Academiei Romne (Iai), dr. nicolai Telnov (Chiinu), dr. hab. Petr Tolochko, acad. al Academiei Naionale de tiine a Ucrainei (Kiev), dr. Vlad Vornic (Chiinu)

    Secretar de redacie Larisa Ciobanu Prelucrarea materialului ilustrativ drd. Ghenadie Srbu

    Manuscrisele, crile i revistele pentru schimb, precum i orice alte materiale se vor trimite pe adresa: Colegiul de redacie al Revistei Arheologice, Centrul de Arheologie, Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural AM, bd. tefan cel Mare i Sfnt 1, MD-2001, Chiinu, Republica Moldova, , : , , , . 1, MD-2001 , Manuscripts, books and reviews for exchange, as well as other papers are to be sent to the editorship of the Archaeological Magazine, the Institute of Cultural Legacy of the Academy of Sciences of RM, bul. tefan cel Mare i Sfnt 1, MD-2001 Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova

    Toate lucrrile publicate n revist sunt recenzate de specialiti n domeniu All the papers to be published are reviewed by experts

    AM, 2013

  • CuPRinS COnTEnTSFelicitari ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Tabula Gratulatoria .................................................................................................................................................... 7Colaj foto V.A. Dergaciov n timp i spaiu ................................................................................................................. 8Lista publicaiilor dlui dr.hab. Valentin Dergaciov ............................................................................................... 12 (-). : 70 .................................................................... 19 (). : ..................................................................................................................................................... 21Dumitru Boghian (Suceava), Sergiu-Constantin Enea (Trgu Frumos). The Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complex between the West and the East ..................................................................................... 30 (). .................................................................................................................................................................... 48nicolae ursulescu (Iai). Questions soulevs par les sceptres prehistoriques recemment publis en Roumanie .... 54 , (). - - .................... 64 (). ........................................................... 72 (). ...................... 88 (). - : , .............................................................................................. 98 , (). : .............................................................................................................................. 108Cristian Schuster (Bucureti). Landscape and demographic dynamics in Southern Romanian Bronze Age. The larger Lower Arge Basin ................................................................................................................................. 117 (-). ....................................................................................................................... 131Bogdan P. niculic, Vasile Budui, Daniela Popescu, Liviu Popescu (Suceava), ioan ignat (Botoani). The Komariv (Komarw) settlement of AdncataSub Pdure (Adncata commune, Suceava county). Archaeological researches and habitat conditions ................................................................................................... 144 (). 35 - ................................................ 156 (), (). - ......................................................................................... 166 , (), (). ( - , ) .......................................... 188 (). ( ) ........................................................................................................................ 198Jan Chochorovski (Krakw). Scythian quiver (gorytos?) from the B skla cave in Moravia .......................... 221 , (). - 30-40 XX : ................................................................................................... 227Alexandra Coma (Bucureti). Anthropological data regarding the Hallstatt skeletons discovered in the Tumulus III from Trinca-Drumul Fetetilor, Republic of Moldova ........................................................................ 236LiSTA ABREViERiLOR LiST OF ABBREViATiOn ..............................252

  • La cea de-a 70 aniversare, putem sa spunem ferm c arheologia este destinul Dumneavoastr. Ai trecut cu brio prin coala teoretic a Catedrei de Arheologie a Universitii din Leningrad/ Sankt-Peters-burg, ai absolvit cu succes cursurile de doctorat de la Institutul de Arheologie al Academiei de tiine din fosta URSS, susinnd n 1978 teza de doctor n istorie i n 1989 pe cea de doctor habilitat n tiine istorice. Ai devenit unul dintre cei mai recunoscui specialiti n domeniul unui ir ntreg de culturi arheologice din spaiul carpato-balcanic.

    Avei n spate o bogat experien de cercetri arheologice de teren i drumul sinuos de la funcia de simplu laborant la cea de director al Institutului de Arheologie, apoi i al Institutului Patrimoniului Cultural al Academiei de tiine a Moldovei.

    Sfera intereselor tiiniice ale Dumneavoastr este foarte larg, incluznd cercetarea culturilor din epoca neolitic i cea a bronzului, studiul procesului de indoeuropenizare a comunitilor culturale din Europa de Est i Central, examinarea problemelor controversate referitoare la antichitile tracilor timpurii. n baza acestor elaborri au fost publicate o serie de lucrri, dintre care peste 20 de monograii i brouri, editate n Moldova, Germania, Romnia, Federaia Rus. Multe dintre tezele din crile Dum-neavoastr au fost prezentate cu succes la conferine tiiniice internaionale care au avut loc n Anglia, Italia, Germania, Belgia, Turcia, Cehia i alte ri.

    Evoluia tiinei arheologice nu este posibil fr o munc meticuloas, ce deseori pare de rutin. Studierea coleciilor uneltelor de metal din epoca bronzului, stocate n depozitele i vitrinele muzeelor din Republica Moldova, Ucraina, Federaia Rus, Romnia, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Serbia, analiza lor minuioas din punct de vedere tipologic, statistic i tehnologic V-a permis ieirea la nivelul elaborrilor de sintez n domeniul paleometalurgiei n particular, iar n general la cerceta-rea proceselor culturale n arealul Europei de Sud-Est, Est i Centrale. Analiza efectuat dup exa-minarea la fel de detaliat a sceptrelor eneolitice de piatr V-a condus foarte aproape de rezolvarea problemei constituirii sistemului simbolic de atribute militare i ale puterii.

    Pasiunea pentru ceea ce facei iat, probabil, trstura Dumneavoastr caracteristic, i noi tim c aceast calitate o apreciai n primul rnd i la colegi. Cu susinerea nemijlocit i efectiv a Dum-neavoastr muli cercettori ai Institutului de Arheologie au urmat stagii de specializare n mari centre tiiniice din Europa. Mult atenie acordai activitii pedagogice, att n Moldova, ct i peste hotarele ei ai predat cursuri studenilor de la universitile din Berlin, Heidelberg, Cambridge, Lige, Krakw, Budapesta.

    Pe parcursul activitii tiiniice, ai popularizat constant cunotinele arheologice preponderent n ar, dar i peste hotarele Republicii Moldova, prin diverse publicaii, participare la emisiuni radio i TV, interviuri n presa scris, prin lecii publice inute n timpul deplasrilor de serviciu.

    La frumoasa Dumneavoastr aniversare colectivul Centrului de Arheologie al Institutului Patri-moniului Cultural al Academiei de tiine a Moldovei V felicit cordial i V ureaz mult sanatate, noi descoperiri i succese mari n munca tiiniic creatoare. Nu ne indoim de faptul c i pe viitor vei continua s ne bucurai i s ne surprindei cu pasiunea i devotamentul deosebit pentru ocupaia prefe-rat arheologia.

    Multstimate Domnule DergacIov!

  • La data de 5 aprilie 2013 domnul dr. hab. Valentin Dergaciov, cercettor tiiniic principal la Cen-trul de Arheologie al Institutului Patrimoniului Cultural al AM, a mplinit vrsta de 70 de ani, peste 40 dintre care au fost dedicai arheologiei spaiului carpato-nistrean.

    Valentin Dergaciov i-a nceput activitatea n domeniul arheologiei, ca i muli alii, de la funcia de laborant n expediii. Ulterior, a fost angajat n statele Sectorului de Arheologie al Institutului de Istorie, reorganizat apoi n Secia de Etnograie i Studiul Artelor a Academiei de tiine a RSSM, reuind s susin teza de candidat i pe cea de doctor n tiine istorice la unul dintre cele mai prestigioase centre de pregtire a cadrelor tiiniice din fosta URSS Filiala din Leningrad a Institutului de Arheologie al Academiei de tiine a URSS.

    Din anul 1991 a devenit director al Institutului de Arheologie al AM, la conducerea cruia s-a alat pn n anul 2005. n 2006, drept rezultat al optimizrilor efectuate n cadrul AM, a fost numit direc-tor al Institutului Patrimoniului Cultural, funcie pe care a deinut-o pn n anul 2010. n prezent este cercettor tiiniic principal la Centrul de Arheologie al IPC.

    Pe parcursul activitii tiiniice savantul Valentin Dergaciov a descoperit i cercetat un numr impuntor de situri arheologice; a ntocmit numeroase rapoarte de sptur; a publicat peste 130 de lucrri tiiniice, inclusiv 19 monograii, 2 brouri, 28 materiale de sintez, 52 articole, 38 materiale ale comunicrilor tiiniice; a beneiciat de stagieri de lung durat n Anglia (1989), Germania (1991), Belgia (1994) i n alte ri; a participat la numeroase ntruniri tiiniice internaionale, devenind unul dintre specialitii notorii din domeniul arheologiei i preistoriei Europei de Est i Sud-Est.

    Recunoaterea la nivel internaional s-a manifestat prin alegerea sa ca membru al Consiliului al 13-lea al Uniunii Internaionale de Studii Pre- i Protoistorice (Paris), al Asociaiei Europene de Arheologie (LondraSauptgenten), al Consiliului Internaional de Studii Balcanice (ChiinuParis); prin desem-narea ca referent al mai multor teze de doctor i doctor habilitat susinute la Kiev, Sankt Petersburg, Bucureti, Iai etc.

    La nivel naional a fost desemnat preedinte al Consiliului tiiniic specializat DH din cadrul IPC, preedinte al Consiliului tiiniic specializat DH din cadrul IPC, membru al Consiliului tiiniic al IPC, membru al colegiilor de redacie ale revistelor Revista Arheologic i Stra-tum plus (Chiinu), redactor tiiniic al volumelor de sintez Istoria Moldovei. Epoca preistoric i antic (Chiinu, 2010); Moldovenii (Moscova, 2010). Rezultatele cercetrilor sale n domeniul socio-umanistic au fost apreciate prin cteva distincii de stat i academice: Medalia Meritul civic (1996); Ordinul Gloria Muncii (2006); Premiul AM (2008); Medalia Dimitrie Cantemir a AM (2010).

    innd cont de cele menionate i cu ocazia jubileului, Centrul de Arheologie al IPC a considerat binevenit editarea In honorem Valentin Dergaciov a unei culegeri de studii i materiale referitoare la eneoliticul, epoca bronzului i prima epoc a ierului din Europa de Sud-Est i de Est, iniiativ susinut de mai muli specialiti din ar i din strintate. Volumul de fa reunete, cu precdere, contribuii ale autorilor din Romnia, Ucraina, Federaia Rus, Polonia, Germania, crora le aducem sincere mulumiri i pe aceast cale.

    Urrilor colectivului Centrului de Arheologie al Institutului Patrimoniului Cultural de muli ani, sntate i noi frumoase realizri tiiniice se altur i un ir ntreg de personaliti marcante din domeniul arheologiei sau al tiinelor conexe, numele crora sunt trecute n Tabula Gratulatoria.

    Oleg Leviki

    Arheologul Valentin DERGACiOV la 70 de ani

  • Serghei AGuLniCOV (Chiinu)Stefan ALExAnDROV (Soia)Ludmila BACuMEnCO (Chiinu)Vera BALABinA (Moscova)Vadim BOChKAREV (Sankt-Petersburg)Sergiu BODEAn (Chiinu)Larisa BOGATAiA (Chiinu)Dumitru BOGhiAn (Suceava)nicolaus BOROFFKA (Berlin)Vasile BuDui (Suceava)natalia BuRDO (Kiev)Vitalie BuRLACu (Chiinu)ion CEBAn (Chiinu)Dmitrii ChERnOVOL (Kiev)Jan ChOChOROwSKi (Krakow)Larisa CiOBAnu (Chiinu)Alexandra COMA (Bucureti)Serghei COVALEnCO (Chiinu)Roman CROiTOR (Chiinu)Serghei CuRCEATOV (Chiinu)Lilia DERGACiOVA (Chiinu)Viktor DERzhAVin (Moscova)Alexandr DiAChEnKO (Kiev)Sergiu EnEA (Trgu Frumos) Jakob GERShKOViCh (Kiev)Vasile hAhEu (Chiinu)Svend hAnSEn (Berlin)Sergiu hEGhEA (Chiinu)Vasile iARMuLSChI (Chiinu)ioan iGnAT (Botoani)nicolai iLKiV (Cernui)Ana JAnEnKO (Kiev) Carol KACSO (Baia Mare)Maia KAShuBA (Sankt-Petersburg)Lev KLEin (Sankt-Petersburg)Victoria KOLESniKOVA (Kiev)Alexei KORVin-PiOTROVSKii (Kiev)Dmitrii KuShTAn (Simferopol-Cherkassy)Olga LARinA (Chiinu)


    Gheorghe LAzAROViCi (Cluj-Napoca)Oleg LEViKi (Chiinu)nicolai MALOV (Saratov)Tatiana MiShinA (Moscova)natalia MATEEViCi (Chiinu)Sergiu MATVEEV (Chiinu)Octavian MunTEAnu (Chiinu)Sergiu MuSTEA (Chiinu)Andrei niCiC (Chiinu)Vasil niKOLOV (Soia)Bogdan niCuLiC (Suceava)ion niCuLi (Chiinu)Valentin PAnKOVSKii (Kiev)Serghei PiVOVAROV (Cernui)Vasilii POLTAVEST (Chigirin)Daniela POPESCu (Suceava)Liviu POPESCu (Suceava)Gheorghe POSTiC (Chiinu)iurii RASSAMAKin (Kiev)Svetlana REABEVA (Chiinu)Petre ROMAn (Bucureti)Serghei RyzhOV (Kiev)Eugen SAVA (Chiinu)Anatolii ShAMRAi (Slaviansk)Valentina ShuMOVA (Kiev)Christian SChuSTER (Bucureti)natalia SKAKun (Sankt-Petersburg)Ghenadie SRBu (Chiinu)ion TEnTiuC (Chiinu) Tudor STAViL (Chiinu)Veaceslav STEPAnOV (Chiinu)nicolai TELnOV (Chiinu)ion uRSu (Chiinu)nicolae uRSuLESCu (Iai)Eugen uuRELu (Chiinu)Mihail ViDEiKO (Kiev)Vlad VORniC (Chiinu)Lilia zABOLOTnAiA (Chiinu)Aurel zAnOCi (Chiinu)

  • 81












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  • 1111

    V.A. Dergaciov n timp i spaiu1. Costeti, 1966.2. Calfa, 1962.3. Glinca, 1966.4. Trebujeni, 1968.5. Glinca, 1966.6. Krasnodar, 1981.7. Chiinu, 2007.8. Egipt, Karnak, 2005.9. Egipt, Cairo, 2005.10. Egipt, Valea Regilor, 2005.11. Egipt, Cairo, 2005.12. Chiinu, 2013.13. Trinca, 2011.14. Trinca, 2011.

    15. Balabanu, 1980.16. Balabanu, 1980.17. Balabanu, 1980.18. Albota de Sus, 1984.19. Chiinu, 1982.20. Chiinu, 2006.21. Chiinu, 2007.22. Chiinu, 2008.23. Chiinu, 2012.24. Chiinu, 2013.25. Trinca, 2011.26. Trinca, 2011.





    V.A. Dergaciov n timp i spaiu1. Costeti, 1966.2. Calfa, 1962.3. Glinca, 1966.4. Trebujeni, 1968.5. Glinca, 1966.6. Krasnodar, 1981.7. Chiinu, 2007.8. Egipt, Karnak, 2005.9. Egipt, Cairo, 2005.10. Egipt, Valea Regilor, 2005.11. Egipt, Cairo, 2005.12. Chiinu, 2013.13. Trinca, 2011.14. Trinca, 2011.

    15. Balabanu, 1980.16. Balabanu, 1980.17. Balabanu, 1980.18. Albota de Sus, 1984.19. Chiinu, 1982.20. Chiinu, 2006.21. Chiinu, 2007.22. Chiinu, 2008.23. Chiinu, 2012.24. Chiinu, 2013.25. Trinca, 2011.26. Trinca, 2011.





  • 1. . A- . . 3. -: , 1973, 126 c.

    2. xiii-Viii . .. - . : , 1975, 96 .

    3. . : , 1978, 76 .

    4. ( -). : , 1980, 205 .

    5. (1975-1976 .). : , 1982, 140 .

    6. . : , 1986, 222 .

    7. . : -, 1989, 74 . ( .. , .. ).

    8. -. : , 1991, 334 .

    9. Bestattungskomplexe der spten Tripolje-Kultur. In: Materialen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archologie. Band 45. Mainz am Rhein, 1991, 108 S., 119 Taf.

    10. institutul de Arheologie i istorie Veche/ institute of Archaeology and Ancient history. Chiinu: tiina, 1992, 60 p. Brour.

    11. Culturi din epoca bronzului n Moldova. Chiinu: tiina, 1994, 74 p.

    12. . - --- -. , 1997, 104 c.

    13. . , 1998, 120 .14. Die neolithischen und bronzezeitlichen

    Metallfunde aus Moldavien. In: Prhistorische Bronzefunde XX. .9. Stuttgart, 2001, 251 S., 134 f.

    15. . , 2002, 346 c. ( .. ).

    16. . . . In: Revista Arheologic. SN. Vol. I, nr. 2, Chiinu, 2005, p. 6-166.

    17. Secerile de metal din epoca bronzului trziu din Europa de Est. Iai: Golia, 2006. 540 p. (coautor V. Bochkarev).

    18. , , . -: -, 2007, 487 p.

    19. institutul Patrimoniului cultural al AM. Chiinu: Epigraf, 2008. 127 p. (coautor T. Stavil)

    20. - -. 1. . , 2010. 207 c.

    21. - -. 2. . , 2011. 459 c.

    LiSTA LuCRRiLOR PuBLiCATEale dlui Valentin DERGACiOV, doctor habilitat n tiine istorice


    19641. . : . , 1964, c. 221-228 ( .. ).

    19662. . : . , 1966, c. 244-250.

    19673. . . : V . , 1967, c. 48-49.

    19684. . : , . , 1968, c. 169 -172.

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    19708. . : 1969 . , 1970, c. 352.

    19719. - . : 1970 . , 1971, c. 359-360 ( .. , .. ).10. - . : III -- -- . , 1971, c. 26-28.

    197211. -. : - 1968-1969 . , 1972, c. 65-87.

    197312. . -. : 1970-1971 . , 1973, c. 90-100.

    197413. - ( .. .. ). : - 1973 . , 1974, c. 249-267.

    197514. - . : ( -). I. , 1975, c. 74-75 ( .. ).

    15. . . : 150 - ( ). , 1975, c. 68-69 ( .. ).16. - - . : 150 ( ). , 1975, c. 41-42.

    197617. ii i i i -i -. : i. . 19. i, 1976, c. 45-56.

    197718. . Die prhistorische Ansiedlung auf dem wietenberg die Sighisoara-Schssburg. Bonn, 1971. : i. 17. i, 1977, c. 107-109 ( .. ).19. . : 1976 . -, 1977, c. 457-458 ( .. -, .. , .. ).

    197820. i. : 1977 . , 1978, . 465 ( .. -).21. iii ii. : i. 28. i, 1978, c. 56-65.

    197922. . : . 3. , 1979, c. 239-241.23. . : . , 1979, c. 60-61.

    198024. . : - 1978-1979 . - XVIII . , 1980, c. 36-37 (- .. ).

    198125. . : 1974-1976 . , 1981, c. 35-45.

    Lista lucrrilor publicate ale dlui Valentin Dergaciov

  • 141982

    26. -. : - (1977-1978 .). , 1982, c. 129-137.27. ( ). : . . , 1982, c. 24-25.28. . : . . , 1982, c. 79.

    198329. 1980 . - i. : - 1979-1980 . , 1983, c. 112-136 ( .. , .. ).30. - . : - . , 1983, c. 128-151.31. Some Aspects of Early Bronze Age Funerary Customs in Thrace. In: Thracia Praehistorica. Supplementum Pulpudeva. 4. Soia, 1983, p. 324-328 (coautor I. Panayotov).


    32. . -. : . , 1984, c. 3-36.33. . . : - . , 1984, c. 98-108 ( .. ).34. Die Ockergrabkultur in Bulgarien. In: Studia Praehistorica. 7. Soia, 1984, p. 99-116 (coautor I. Panayotov).

    198535. . . : (1981 .). , 1985, . 64-82 ( .. ).

    198636. - . : - . - . 1. , 1986, . 54-65 (- .. ).

    198737. . . : . 1. , 1987, c. 11-22 ( .. ).

    38. . - - . : . . 1. , 1987, c. 39-45 ( .. -).39. . - . : - . 1. , 1987, c. 67-96.40. - - . : ( -). , 1987, c. 17-18 ( .. ).

    198941. neolithic and Bronze Age cultural commu-nities of the steppe zone of the uSSR. In: Anti-quity. Vol. 63, nr. 241. Cambridge, 1989, p. 793-802.

    199042. - . : , : . . 1990, c. 16-39.43. zum Problem des Vordringens stlicher Stmme in den Karpatischen Donauraum vom neolithikum bis in die ltere Bronzezeit. In: Praehistorica. XV-XVI. Internationales Symposium. Univerzita Karlova. Praha, 1989, S. 133-137.

    199144. Recent results of neolithic research in Moldavia (uSSR). In: Oxford Journal of Archaeology. Vol. 10, nr. 1. Oxford, 1991, p. 1-16 (coautori A. Sherratt, O. Larina).45. Depozitul de bronzuri din satul Dancu. In: Thraco-Dacica. Vol. XII, nr. 1-2. Bucureti, 1991, p. 39-55.46. inluences de type Vinca. Dans leneolithique ancien de Moldavie. In: Banatica. 11. Reia, 1991, p. 157-172 (coautor N. Ursulescu).47. . : . , 1991, c. 76-87.48. - - . : -. , 1991, c. 55-58 ( .. ).

    Lista lucrrilor publicate ale dlui Valentin Dergaciov

  • 151992

    49. . , . : - (1986 .). , 1992, c. 88-104 ( .. , .. ).50. . : - - . Chiinau, 1992, c. 26-31.51. zorii istoriei. Ornduirea comunei primitive. In: Istoria Moldovei din cele mai vechi timpuri pn n epoca modern. Chiinu, 1992, p. 6-26.

    199352. Modeles detablissements de la culture de Tripolie. In: Prehistoire Europeenne. Vol. 5. Liege, 1993, p. 101-118.

    199453. Arheologia Republicii Moldova. Retrospec-tiv istoric. In: Thraco-Dacica. Vol. XV, nr. 1-2. Bucureti, 1994, p. 7-18.54. Epoca bronzului. Perioada timpurie. In: Thraco-Dacica. Vol. XV, nr. 1-2. Bucureti, 1994, p. 121-140.

    199655. Cultural relations between the Late Bronze and Early hallstattian societies in the Car-pathian-Danubian-nord-Pontic region accord-ing to the data on metal artifacts. In: The 7th. International Congress of Thracology. Bucureti, 1996, p. 196-199.

    199756. - . In: Vestigii Arheologice din Moldova. Chiinu, 1997, p. 62-100 ( . , .-. , . -, . ).57. Piesele de metal - referine la problema genezei culturilor hallstattului timpuriu din regiunea Carpato-Danubio-nordpontic. In: Thraco-Dacica. Vol. XVIII, nr. 1-2. Bucureti, 1997, p. 135-205.

    199858. neue Forschungen zum neolithikum Ost-europas Egebnisse der moldowische-deutschen Gelndearbeiten 1996 und 1997. In: Praehisto-rische Zeitschrift. 73. H.2. Berlin New York, 1998, S. 151-166 (coautori K.-P. Wechler, O. La-rina).

    59. Kulturelle und historische Entwicklungen in Raum zwischen Karpaten und Dnepr. In: Das Karpatenbecken und Die Osteuropische Steppe. Prhistorische Archaologie in Sudosteuropa. B. 12. Mnchen, 1998, S. 27-64.60. - i. In: Revista Arheologic. Vol. 2. Chiinu, 1998, p. 166-182 ( .. , .. ).61. Laudasio. Mr. Acad., Prof., Dr. Vadim M. Masson. In: Buletin de Thracologie. Recherches paleobalkaniques et carpato-pontiques. IV. Mangalia, 1998, p. 240-243.

    199962. - -. - -, - . : Stratum-Plus (2). --, 1999, c. 169-221.63. Cultural-historical Dialogue between the Balkans and Eastern Europe (neolithic-Eneolithic). In: Late Prehistoric Exploitation of the Eurasian Steppe. Papers presented for The Symposium to be Held. 12-16 Januarie 2000. Vol.1. Cambridge, 1999, p. 54-67.64. 70 . : Stratum-Plus (2). -, 1999, c. 7-9.65. Cultural-historical Dialogue between the Balkans and Eastern Europe. In: Thraco-Dacica. Vol. XX, nr. 1-2. Bucuresti, 1999, p. 33-78.

    200066. : -? : . -, 2000, c. 79-81.67. The Migration Theory of Marija Gimbutas. In: The Journal of Indo-European Studies 28: 3-4. Los Angeles, 2000, p. 257-340.68. -. : Stratum-Plus (2). -, 2000, c. 188-295.69. Dou schie n susinerea teoriei migraioniste. In: Thraco-Dacica. Vol. XXV, nr. 1-2. Bucureti, 2000, p. 33-101.

    200170. O

    Lista lucrrilor publicate ale dlui Valentin Dergaciov

  • 16 -. : : -, ( -). , 2001, c. 93-94.

    200271. Two Studies in Defence of the Migration Concept. In: Ancient interactions: east and west in Eurasia. Ed. by K. Boyle, C. Renfrew and M. Levine. Cambridge, 2002, p. 93-112.72. ( 100- .. ). : Stratum-Plus (2). -, 2001-2002, c. 32-43.73. - ( - ). : Stratum-Plus (2). -, 2001-2002, . 335-369.74. . : Stratum-Plus (2). -, 2001-2002, c. 526-562 ( .. ).75. . , 100- .. . , 2003, c. 120-122 ( .. ).

    200376. -. : c a (2). , 2003, c. 92-103 ( .. ).77. - -. : - ( ., . 100- .. . 2-. -, 2003, c. 37-40.78. The novo-Danilovo Sites. (The problem of genesis and interpretation). In: Europeean Association of Archeologists. 90th Annual Meeting. 10-th 14th september 2003. St. Petersburg, 2003, p. 116-117.79. The domestication of the horse (Principial Solution of the Problem). : ii --i. i ii -ii. i, 2003, c. 38-42.80. ( 100- .. ). : ii --i. i ii -ii. i, 2003, c. 266-275.

    200481. o- . :

    i i --i ii. , 2004, c. 11-20.82. The Domestication of the horse (Principial Solution of the Problem). In: Tracii i lumea circumpontic. IX-th Congress of Thracology. Chiinu-Vadul lui Vod, 2004, p. 13-16.83. i. : -i ii iiii. 2. Ki, 2004, c. 352-353.84. . : i ii iiii. 2. Ki, 2004, c. 121-122.85. () . : i ii iiii. 2. Ki, 2004, c. 68-70.86. . : i ii iiii. 2. Ki, 2004, c. 90-91 ( . ).87. i .. : i i-i iiii. 2. Ki, 2004, c. 44.88. .i. : i -ii iiii. 2. Ki, 2004, c. 326.89. i .. : i i-i iiii. 2. Ki, 2004, c. 490.90. . : i ii iiii. 2. Ki, 2004, c. 213-214.91. ii i ii . : i ii iiii. 1. Ki, 2004, c. 111-113.92. - ( ). : -: . 77- . -: - - , 2004, c. 338-384.93. Le neo-Eneolithique Balkanique dans le contexte de processuses transgresif-maritimes. In: Cucuteni 120 ani de cercetri. Colocviu internaional. Piatra Neam, 2004, p. 22-23.


    94. - . In: Revista Arheologic. SN. Vol. I, nr. 1. Chiinau, 2005, p. 4-33.95. - . : i i ii i-i i. N 4. : . . . , 2005, c. 6-41.

    Lista lucrrilor publicate ale dlui Valentin Dergaciov

  • 17

    200696. - - . In: Revista Arheologic. SN.Vol. II, nr. 1-2, Chiinu, 2006, p. 56-77.97. The dynamics of the development of the do-mestic herd of the neolithic-Bronze period of the south of the Eastern Europe as a possible indicator of the paleoclimatic changes of the past. In: 2nd Plenary Meeting and Fild trip of Pro-ject IGCP-521 Black Sea-Mediterranean Corri-dor during the last 30 ky: sea level change and human adoptions. Odessa, 2006, p. 46-48.98. - - ( ). : - - - E . --, 2006, c. 22-25.

    200799. Population history of the Dniestr-Carpathi-an: evidence from alu markers. In: Journal of Human Genetics. Vol. 52, nr. 4. Springer Japan, 2007, p. 308-316 (coautori: A. Varzari, W. Ste-phan, V. Stepanov, F. Raicu, R. Cojocaru, Y. Ro-schin, C. Glavce, M. Spiridonova, H. Schmidt, E. Weiss).100. The Dynamics of neolithic Bronze Age Animal husbandry in the South of Eastern Europe as indicative of Past Climate Changes. In: Memoria Antiqvitatis. Vol. XXIV. Piatra Neam, 2007, p. 355-370.101. The neolithization of the north Pontic area and the Balkans in the context of Black Sea loods. In: The Black Sea Flood Question. Changes in Coastline, Climate and Human Settlement. Ed. By V. Yanko-Hombach, A.S. Gilbert, N. Pasnin, P.M. Dolukhanov. Springen, 2007, p. 489-514 (coautor P.M. Dolukhanov).

    2008102. Cucuteni-Trypillia: The history of the Research. Cucuteni-Trypillia. In: A Great Civilization of Old Europe. Rome, 2008, p. 21-28.103. Cucuteni-Trypillia: The Origins, the Phases, the Chronology. Cucuteni-Trypillia. In: A Great Civilization of Old Europe. Rome, 2008, p. 29-38.

    104. Black Sea levels luctuationas, climate change and the neolithisation of the north Pontic Area and the Balkans. In: - . Acta Musei Varnaensis VI. , 2008, p. 19-42 (coautor P. Dolukhanov).

    2009105. istoria. Comunitile cultural-istorice din spaiul Carpato-nistrean n epoca strveche. : Republica Moldova. Enciclopedia Moldovei. Chiinu, 2009, p. 127-132.106. - - . : - . . 13. : , 2009, c. 237-238.

    2010107. - - - . In: Revista Arheologic. Vol. VI, nr. 2. Chiinu, 2010, p. 120-129.108. Republica Moldova. introducere. In: Istoria Moldovei. Epoca preistoric i antic. Chiinu: Tipograia central, 2010, p. 6-70.109. Marile civilizaii de vechi agricultori i nomazi - Eneoliticul. In: Istoria Moldovei. Epoca preistoric i antic. Chiinu: Tipograia central, 2010, p. 219-264. (coautor V. Sorochin).110. Evoluia comunitilor patriarhale. Epoca bronzului. In: Istoria Moldovei. Epoca preistoric i antic. Chiinu: Tipograia central, 2010, p. 265-312.111. Perioada roman. Consideraiuni genera-le. In: Istoria Moldovei. Epoca preistoric i an-tic. Chiinu: Tipograia central, 2010, p. 502-504.112. - - . In: Revista Arheologic. SN. Vol. VI, nr. 2. Chiinu, 2010, p. 120-129.113. uniOniDAE - ( - xV). : - .. . : - , 2010, . 118-130 ( .. , .. ).

    Lista lucrrilor publicate ale dlui Valentin Dergaciov

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    114. - . : . V - , .. -. , 2-6 2011. , 2011, c. 292-300 (-: . , . , . -).115. - - . : . . 23-24 2011. --, 2011, . 26-28.

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    . : - . --, 2012, . 26-43.117. - - . In: Revista Arheologic. SN. Vol. VIII, nr. 1-2. Chiinu, 2012, p. 161-181.118. . In: Revista Arheologic. SN. Vol. VIII, nr. 1-2. Chiinu, 2012, p. 154-160.119. noi depozite i descoperiri izolate de piese de bronz din bronzul trziu hallstattul timpuriu din Republica Moldova. In: Probleme actuale ale Arheologiei, Etnologiei i Studiului artelor. Chiinu, 2012, p. 12-13.

    2013120. Cu privire la geneza i evoluia topoarelor-celt din epoca bronzului. In: Probleme actuale ale Arheologiei, Etnologiei i Studiului artelor. Chiinu, 2013, p. 12-15.

    Lista lucrrilor publicate ale dlui Valentin Dergaciov

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    1968 50- - 25- . , . ( 1961 .), ( 1966 .). . . ( .. , .. ) : 1969 . ( ). , , . , . , . , . .

    , . ( ), . , , : , . . , , . : , , . . , .

    1973 . . , 1975 , . 1978 . , 1990 . 1991 . , 20 . , . , , , , , , , , , .. , , , .

    , .

    1968 ., , . . , . , . , , , , . .. , . .. .. . 30 , 1998 ., , . , .

    2007 ., ( ) , ,

  • 20. , . . , . , . , , ( ) , , , .

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    Keywords: serpentine ornament, anthropomorphic characters, Southeastern Europe, Anatolia.Cuvinte cheie: ornament serpentin, personaje antropomorfe, Europa de Sud-Est, Anatolia. : , , - , .V.I. BalabinaSerpents and people: speciicity of identiications in the neolithic-Eneolithic Anatolia and Southeastern Europe

    This work analyzes new data related to the serpentine ornaments of early agricultural cultures, which allows specifying the geography, the history and the origins of the phenomenon. When searching for morphological correspondences with European materials, the author refers to the Anatolian inds pictures of snakes and anthropomorphic characters ranging from the ancient Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age.

    Materials, which have appeared relatively recently, allow revealing the origins of the phenomenon and determine its pre-agricultural basis, which dates back to the irst settlers of Anatolia.V.I. Balabinaerpi i oameni: speciicul identiicrilor n neo-eneoliticul din Anatolia i din Europa de Sud

    n articol se examineaz datele noi legate de ornamentul serpentin n culturile agricultorilor timpurii, care permit precizarea limitelor spaiale i cronologice, dar i originea fenomenului. Cutnd analogii pentru materialele din arealul european, autorul apeleaz la descoperirile din Anatolia reprezentri de erpi i personaje antropomorfe din intervalul de la neoliticul timpuriu pn la bronzul timpuriu.

    Materialele aprute relativ recent permit elucidarea izvoarelor fenomenului i stabilirea rdcinilor lui naintea apariiei agriculturii, la primii coloniti sedentari ai Anatoliei.

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    , - , . - , , 20 , - ( 1998). -

    - ( - ). (-, S-, ), (-, , ) (-, ).

    Revista Arheologic, serie nou, vol. IX, nr. 1, 2013, p. 21-29

  • 22

    , . - - , 1 - ()2. (, ).

    , -, , . - , , VII . BP, - , - 3.

    - - (- ) - , : (-, ). - , - , .

    - - ( , ) . () (EP-PPNA: 1000-9200 ..). , - (Rosenberg 1999: Fig. 11).

    - III (PPNA). . . (Peters, Schmidt 2004), 2000- ., (Enclosure) AD 28,4% -

    (Pillars [P]). -, (Peters, Schmidt 2004: Tab. 2). - (AD) 20022005 . 36 37 (Peters, Schmidt 2004: Fig. 3; Shmidt 2007: Fig. 2). , - . A, B, D , 24.

    - - , . - , - . () . , , . , , (Schmidt 2010: Fig. 9).

    (Peters, Schmidt 2004; Schmidt 2007; 2010), - , - : , , - . ( - ) ( ). - - () - ( ). - .

    - .

    1. , - - P22, D (. 1: 7)

    2. , P1 ( A). - . - ( , ), (. 1: 4).

    3. . 1 (.).2 VI.3 .: 2009; 2009; zdoan 2011.


  • 23. P30 (

    D) , (. 1: 5). 4, - (Kusura), EBA II. , , , -. , P30 .

    . P30 - - , (Peters, Schmidt 2004). - , , . ( ) . - . - , , . - - .

    . P20 ( D), -- - , - (. 1: 6).

    - - , -. P1 ( A) , (. 1: 4). 1 , P1 (80 ). - . , -.

    - . - ( 1 ) ( D), -

    4 (Peters, Schmidt 2004).

    . 1. - PPNA-PPNB: 1, 2 , ; 3-8 : 3 , 4 P1 ( A), 5 P30 ( D), 6 P20 ( D), 7 P22 ( D), 8 - ( ); 1, 2, 4, 8 Hauptmann 1999, 3 Schmidt 2007, 5, 6, 7 Peters, Schmidt 2004.Fig. 1. Images with horseshoe and triangular heads in PPNA-PPNB: 1, 2 crawling snake on the artifact from limestone, Nevali-Chori; 3-8 Gbekli Tepe: 3 stone seal, 4 reliefs on the front and side surfaces of P1 (Enclosure A), 5 reliefs on the front side of the P30 (Enclosure D), 6 reliefs on the front side of the P20 (Enclosure D), 7 relief on the front of the P22 (En-closure D), 8 plate with engraving (between the lion pillars); 1, 2, 4, 8 after Hauptmann 1999, 3 after Schmidt 2007, 5, 6, 7 after Peters, Schmidt 2004.

    : -

  • 24 () . , , , , . () (Shmidt 2010: 252, Fig. 24).

    - (. 1: 3). , - - ( - )5. - , - .

    - -, (P1) , . - (P20, P30) - , , , , (?). - (P30) , EBA ( -). P1 - (?). , ( - D), . - . . - , ( ) 6. (Shmidt 2010: 246) .

    () , -

    - (. 1: 8). II (PPNB) (Shmidt 2010: 246), (- 2006: 68). , - , - , - , (PPNAPPNB).


    - , , , , . - ( [. 1: 2] ) , 7. (. 1: 2). . - . (Shmidt 2010: 247)8.

    - . PPNA - (zkaya & Coskun 2009: Fig. 9: 3). . - : - (zkaya & Coskun 2009: Fig. 8). (zkaya, San 2007) - -

    5 .6 . . -

    C (Peters, Schmidt 2004: 184).7 (?) ,

    , , , . 8 , .. -,

    ( 2006: 62).


  • 25 , - . PPNAPPNB. - - , ( ), - (. 2: 8). -. - , , - . -- , -. - . . , - - , (zkaya, San 2007: Fig. 11)9.

    . . - (2004) Viperidae. , ( ) , , - . - , - . , --, . , , - . , , , - : , , -, ,

    . 2. (PPNA-PPNB) (EH- LH) - : 1 , ; 2, 3 ; 47 ; 8 (PPNA-PPNB), 9 11 (EH LH): 9, 10 (MH), 11, 12 (EH), 13 IV (LH); 17 -, 8 zaka, San 2007, 9, 10 Lichardus 1988, 11 1980, 12 1989, 13 Patroi 2013.Fig. 2. Snakes on the vessels from Anatolia (PPNA-PPNB) and SE Europe (EH-LH) and the exterior features of the Anatolian Echis: 1 skull snake, top view; 2, 3 coloring the back of Echis; 4 7 masks of Echis; 8 Snake in the ornament on a stone vessel, Krtik Tepe (PPNA-PPNB), 9 11 Snake in the ornaments of European Cultures (EH LH): 9, 10 the vessels KGK (MH), 11, 12 Precucutenian vessels (EH), 13 Salcuta IV vessel (LH); 1 7 various Internet resources, 8 after zaka, San 2007, 9, 10 after Lichardus 1988, 11 after 1980, 12 after 1989, 13 after Patroi 2013.

    9 , , .

    : -

  • 26 . - (. 2: 1, 47). , - - . , . Viperidae - . , , - -, , (. 2: 2, 3). - . - . , PPNAPPNB , , .

    , PPN - - () -: , , -, . - . -, Viperidae, .

    (CN ) VII V - - , . . - , -. - , - , , .

    - - , . , 10. - . IV - (. 2: 13). - - , (. 2: 910; 3: 45). - (PPNB, 92007800 BP11) (52004600 BP), , -- -, (. 2: 8, 11, 12). Vipera . . - - . , .

    - , PPNA, - . - , , (. 3: 1). , , . ( -). , , (Musular),

    10 ?11 2009.12 - .


  • 27

    . 3. - (PPNA, LH, EBA) (EN, LN, MH): 1 ( , PPNA); 25 : 2 PPNC, 3 - III (LH), 4 (), 5 (), 6 I (Magula Panagou, EN), 7, 8 (), 9 (-, EBA III), 10, 12 (EBA III): 10 - (Tomb H), 12 - (Tomb L). 11, 13, 14 EBA II-III; 1 zkaya & Coskun 2009, 2 zbaaran 1999, 3 Schoop 2005, 4 2005, 5 Nikolov 2004, 6-8 Hansen 2007, 9, 13, 14 Aydingul 2005, 11 Mellink 1966, 10, 12 Muscarella 2003.Fig. 3. Horseshoe-shaped and triangular heads of generalized anthropomorphic ers and women images of in Anatolia (PPNA, LH, EBA) and South Eastern Europe (EN, LN, MH): 1 engraved stone tiles (Krtik Tepe, PPNA); 25 generalized bone anthropomorphic igures with horseshoe heads: 2 Musular (PPNC), 3 Tigani III (LH), 4 Tell Azmak (), 5 Varna (), 6 a woman image on the amulet Chara I (Magula Panagou, Thessaly EN),7, 8 Female igurines, Rast (Vinca), 9 Figurine Head from Kthya Tavanli Beyky (-, EBA III), 10, 12 Alaca Hyk (EBA III): 10 gold applique (Tomb H), 12 bimetallic igurine (Tomb L). 11, 13, 14 Kltepe Type Idols (EBA II-III); 1 after zkaya & Coskun 2009, 2 after zbaaran 1999, 3 after Schoop 2005, 4 after 2005, 5 after Nikolov 2004, 6-8 after Hansen 2007, 9, 13, 14 after Aydingul 2005, 11 after Mellink 1966, 10, 12 after Muscarella 2003.

    , PPNC (. 3: 2). , III, LH (48005000 Cal BP) (. 3: 3). -, - , , 12 (. 3: 45).

    -. (PPNB), - EBA II-III . , - (. 3: 910, 12), - (Kusura) (. 3: 11, 1314).

    - , - - - . , , , (. 3: 714). - . , , (. 3: 6).

    - . - PPN EB ( ). ( -) : CNLH. , , , - , , . ( ), .

    : -

  • 28

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    , , ; . ., 19, , 117036, ; e-mail: [email protected]

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  • Dumitru Boghian, Sergiu-Constantin Enea

    The Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complex between the west and the East

    Keywords: Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye, Stichbandkeramik, Lengyel, Tisza, Tiszapolgr, Bodrogkeresztr, Baden, Malice, LublinVolhynia, inluences, acculturationCuvinte cheie: PrecucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye, Stichbandkeramik, Lengyel, Tisza, Tiszapolgr, Bodrogkeresztr, Baden, Malice, LublinVolhynia, inluene, aculturaie : /, - , , , -, , , , , , Dumitru Boghian, Sergiu-Constantin EneaThe Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complex between the west and the East

    In this paper the authors highlight the ties that were established during the Eneolithic period between the com-munities of the Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complex and the western ones from the northern part of the Middle Danube Plain and from the western, northern and north-eastern Carpathian Basin (Stichbandkeramik, Lengyel, Tisza, Tiszapolgr, Bodrogkeresztr, Baden, Malice, Lublin-Volhynia etc.). We attempt to reconstruct the complex Danubian and west Carpathian ethnocultural processes that caused the various population move-ments from the West to the East of the Carpathians, deining the archaeological indicators, especially the ceramic ones, on the basis of which the inluences and interferences between the various communities of the Neolithic and Eneolithic can be deined and the historical data can be obtained, which will allow a better reconstruction of the acculturations of the period. The authors found that, although these inluences existed, on account of having been exerted in different ways and at different intensities from stage to stage, even involving the demographic presence of alien elements, they did not lead to the Lengyelization, Polgrisation or Badenisation of the Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complex, which retained its individuality in its general lines, and that they only marked the differentiation processes of the regional aspects/variants of development, as a result of phe-nomena speciic to protohistorical and historical acculturations.Dumitru Boghian, Sergiu-Constantin EneaComplexul cultural PrecucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye ntre Vest i Est

    n prezenta lucrare, autorii evideniaz legturile care au avut loc, pe parcursul eneoliticului, ntre comunitile complexului cultural Precucuteni-Cucuteni/Tripolye i cele vestice, din partea nordic a Cmpiei Dunrii mijlocii i din Bazinul Carpatic de vest, nord i nordest (Stichbandkeramik, Lengyel, Tisza, Tiszapolgr, Bodrogkeresztr, Baden, Malice, LublinVolhynia etc.). Se ncearc reconstituirea complexelor procese etno-culturale danubiene i vest carpatice care au determinat diferitele deplasri de populaie de la vest la est de Carpai, deinirea indica-torilor arheologici, n special cei ceramici, pe baza crora pot i deinite inluenele i interferenele dintre diferitele comuniti neolitice i eneolitice i obinerea unor date de natur istoric, care s permit mai buna reconstituire a aculturaiilor din epoc. Autorii au constatat c dei exist, aceste inluene exercitndu-se n modaliti i cu intensi-ti diferite, de la etap la etap, presupunnd chiar prezena elementelor demograice alogene, acestea nu au condus la Lengyelizarea, Polgarizarea i Badenizarea complexului cultural PrecucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye care, n an-samblul su, i-a pstrat individualitate cultural, ci au marcat doar procesele de difereniere a aspectelor/variantelor regionale de dezvoltare, ca urmare a fenomenelor speciice aculturaiilor protoistorice i istorice. . , .-. /

    , / , , - ( , , , , , , , .). - , Revista Arheologic, serie nou, vol. IX, nr. 1, 2013, p. 30-47

  • 31 , , , - . , , . , , , , , - /, , , -. , .

    been highlighted (Dergachev, Sherratt, Larina 1991: 116; Larina 1994a; 1994b: 5168; 2009: 5070; Larina, Kuzminova 1994: 225240; 1999: 10140; et alii 1997: 62110; Pyzel 2009: 7179; Ursulescu 1990: 188224) and the effective participation, together with the bearers of Boian-Giuleti phase, to the genesis of the cultural complex Pre-Cucuteni-Tripolye A (Marinescu-Blcu 1974: 109121; 1993: 191241).

    As such, in this paper we intend to track and highlight the way in which, throughout its millena-ry existence, the Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complex interfered with other peoples and cultures and received countless Western inluences, speciically from the communities of the Middle Danube and the Western Carpathian Basin.

    This is not a completely new line of investiga-tion, since these ties were discussed before, albeit in an elusive and sequential manner, to the point of exposing, most prominently, certain Vina inluences (Ursulescu, Dergacev 1991: 157172; 2000: 207220; Marinescu-Blcu 1974: 132134) and the mutual ties established with the communities of the Petreti culture (Marinescu-Blcu 1974: 133134; Paul 1992; Gligor 2009: 233246) or with the Danubian, West-ern and Central Carpathian ones ( 1989: 141; Sorochin 1991: 213217; 1992: 6987; Burdo 2001: 538; 2001-2002: 141163; 2011: 357371).

    At the same time, we take note of a number of more recent contributions concerning the contacts between Tripolyans and their western neighbours, that leave grounds for assuming that successive processes of Polgrisation and Badenisation took place, which mainly triggered changes in the cultural proile of the Cucuteni-Tripolye tribes (Videjko 2000: 1368; Tkachuk 2000: 6985; Ts-vek 2000: 111132; 1996: 89113; Movsha 2000: 133167). We also cannot overlook the contribu-tions that focused on the presence of eastern ele-ments (Manzura, Sava 1994: 143192; 1999: 169221) in the Cucuteni-Tripolye milieu, increasingly visible in the second developmental stage of the cultural complex, during a historical continuum, especially since they sought, explicitly or impliedly, consciously and/or unintentionally, to

    i. introductionThe archaeological research conducted dur-

    ing the post-war period has outlined quite clearly the broad lines of development of the European human communities and the links between them in the highly dynamic and complex Neolithic and Eneolithic world. In this respect, the issue of the Near Eastern and Anatolian-Balkan origin of the Carpathian-Danubian Neolithic and Eneolithic was elucidated, in close relationship with the general processes taking place on the continent, involving, mainly, the action on the local back-grounds of the two main Anatolian-Aegean cur-rents (Sesklo-Starevo and Vina) (Perls 2004; Whittle, Cummings 2007; Davison et alii 2009: 1018), to which we should probably add the Impresso-Cardial one ( 2010: 213251), in a multitude of historical scenarios. Subsequent contacts between the Neolithic communities, tak-ing place in all directions, including the West-East one, caused multiple secondary processes of mi-gration, acculturation and cultural transformation, through which the late Neolithic and Eneolithic archaeological cultures were born, with obvious phenomena of continuity and discontinuity.

    Observed at a spatial and temporal macro-scale, these processes are conigured on a series of fundamental directions of ethno-cultural and historical interaction, among which the East-West and the West-East movements were the topic of numerous particular researches. Thus, the settling (the Neolithisation) of the East-Carpathian area was done by Starevo-Cri communities com-ing from Transylvania and Wallachia (Ursulescu 1984; Popuoi 2005), which interfered with the late Mesolithic and the Bug-Dniester human groups, the last especially in the Dniester River area ( 1974; Larina 2010: 177218; Marinescu-Blcu 1993: 191241).

    At the same time, conditioned by the effects of the population movement caused by the Vina waves, the displacement of the Western Linear Pottery com-munities towards South and Central Poland, Western Ukraine and the East-Carpathian area (understood in its entirety Romania and the Rep. of Moldova) has

    The Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complex between the West and the East

  • 32plead for certain theories of Indo-Europeanization (the kurgan waves hypothesis) (Gimbutas 1989: 197262; Rachet 1987: 5163; Anthony 2007).ii. Objectives

    Our endeavour aims to address, in a manner as complete and dynamic as possible, most of the archaeological indicators of these contacts and western inluences, as well to highlight their con-tribution to the formation of some regional aspects and to the transformation of the ethnocultural ensemble, in order to see to what extent were the cultural changes due to the internal evolution of the cultural complex, and/or to the inluences received over time. Unfortunately, the differently coverage of systematic excavations and the uneven publish-ing of the indings hindered our analysis and forced from us a certain dose of subjectivity in shaping the conclusions, albethey provisory.

    Therefore, without neglecting or underesti-mating the importance of any of the inluences ob-servable on the Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye communities, in this paper we will insist on the ties with the Stroked Band Pottery (Stichbandkeramik), Lengyel and Epi-Lengyel, Tisza, Tiszapolgr and Bodrogkeresztr, Malice, LublinVolhynia and, last but not least, the Baden communities.iii. Chronological framework

    Regardless of the periodization and chronology schemes employed, we can notice that, in its en-tirety, the Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural

    complex (including the inal cultures/groups, con-sidering the elements of continuity) had an existence spanning for more than a millennium and a half to two millennia, between the 50 and 30 centuries cal BC, being contemporary with the Lengyel and Epi-Lengyel, Tisza and Tiszapolgr-Bodrogkeresztr, LengyelPolgr, Malice and LublinVolhynia civi-lizations (Table I) (Stadler 1995: 102105, 210224; Lenneis, Stadler, Windl 1996: 97116; Dolukhanov et alii 2005: 14411458; Maran 1998: 497525; 2001: 733748; Wild et alii 2001: 10571064; Burdo 2005: 7584; Kovalyukh, Skripkin, Videiko 2007: 7178; Lazarovici 2010: 91114).

    It is therefore natural that the cultural phe-nomena to which we refer to were complex and diverse, from stage to stage, observing the mul-tiple processes of interference, acculturation and cultural transformation.iV. The geographic setting and the diffusion routes for the inluences

    The Neolithic and Eneolithic civilizations and cultural complexes of the Carpathian and peri-Carpathian sub-basins lourished in complex and complementary ecosystems, determined by the positioning along some major watercourses (the Middle Danube and the Tisza in the West; the Dniester, Prut and Siret in the East; the Oder, Vistula and San in the North) and their tributaries, at the meeting place of several major landforms units: plains (the Pannonian, Tisza and Bodrog plains); plateaus/hills (the North-West Hungar-

    Table i. Cultural-chronological synchronisms in the Neolithic and Eneolithic of the North Carpathian Basin and the adjacent areas

    Dumitru Boghian, Sergiu-Constantin Enea

  • 33ian and the East-Slovak plateaus); and mountains, of average elevations, not greater than 3000 me-tres (the Western Carpathians, the North-Eastern Carpathians, the Beskids, and all the related pied-montan chains), each with its own natural re-sources (Birkenmajer 1974: 127157; Geograia Romniei 1987: vol. III; Pop 2006: Dunre 1984: Mountains. htm).

    The primary and secondary hydrographical network crossed the Western and North-Eastern Carpathians and the Beskids, creating numerous lowlands and valleys, where man founded settle-ments as early as the Palaeolithic.

    At the same time, major transmontane pass-ing routes formed by the tracts of lands linking the sources of the various larger or smaller riv-ers, emerged as facilitators of population move-ments from one side (NW, NE and SE ones) of

    the mountains to the other and to adjacent areas, constituting real corridors during all the pre-historical and historical periods, while the lo-cal, intra-Carpathian passages favoured internal movements between the various depressions and ethnographic areas: Dukla (between the Bodrog-Ondava and Wislok, 502 m), Lupkow (between Laborec and Wislok/San, 640 m), U (between U and San, Dniester and Stryi, 889 m), Verecke (be-tween Latorytsia and Stryi Valleys, 841 m), Bere-ger/Volovec (1014 m) and Torunsky/Vyshkivsky (between Tisza tributaries, Dniester and Galician Bystritsa valleys, 930, 6 m), Jablunetsky/Tatar (between the Black Tisza and the Prut valley, 931 m), Prislop (the Maramure Depression the Dorna Depression, 1416 m), Prislop (1413) and Rotunda (1284 m) between Maramure and Bu-covina, TihuaBrgu (Dorna Depression East-Transylvanian Bistria valley, 1201 m), Tulghe

    Fig. 1. The geographic setting and the reference cultural framework (processed ap. William Parkinson html).

    (between Giurgeu/Harghita and Hangul/Neam Depressions, 1025 m), GhimeFgetPalanca (between the Western/Ciucurilor and Covasna depressions and those of the Eastern Carpathian/MoinetiComnetiDrmneti Depression, on the valley of the Trotu River, 1155 m, with a branch across the Uz Pass, 1085 m), Oituz (be-tween the same depressions, in the valley of Oituz River, 635 m) (ig. 2) (Bader 2001: 1539). In this regard, it can be noticed that a third of the major passes of the Carpathians lie in the northwest-ern, northern and northeastern sections. On these routes, people, ideas, technologies and products circulated during different ages.

    Far from being a cul-de-sac, the Middle Dan-ube Plain, the North-western, North-eastern and Eastern Carpathians, with all their adjacent ter-

    ritories, constitute a major area of convergence, a space of individualities and of multiculturality, a melting pot of prehistoric, protohistoric and historic syntheses. The Neolithic and Eneolithic populations that inhabited these macro- and mi-cro-areas and cultural and ecological niches in-teracted throughout time, at different intensities from period to period and from case to case.

    The movements of the prehistorical, proto-historical and historical human communities, for different distances and on various directions/vec-tors, from the primary/original areas, to secondary and tertiary areas of habitation, took place either following major natural (climatic and geographi-cal) changes, either as a result of cultural and historical events (political-military events the change of the balance and the centres of power,

    The Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complex between the West and the East

  • 34war and conquest; colonization currents; econom-ic speciicities; the displacement of the managed/built space; end of the world ideas: a new be-ginning in another time and space; etc.), either in search of new resources needed for living: sub/quasi-autochthonous and allochthonous (lands for tillage and pasture, mineral resources, rocks, salt, oxides, ores, etc.), which, depending on the technology of the era, were exploited, processed, consumed and/or meant for short to long distance

    trade (Turq 2000: 106107; 1266; Mester, Rcz 2010: 3031; Sandu et alii 2010: 225256; Boghian, Niculic, Budui 2012: 272291).

    After tracing diachronically the Neolithic and Eneolithic population movements on a macroscale, we ascertained several ways of intrusion for western elements and inluences to the East of the Carpathians, each with its speciicity and im-

    Fig. 2. The mountain passes of the Northern and Eastern Carpathians (ap. T. Bader 2001).portance: the Transylvanian route often con-sidered as the default and less emphasized in the dedicated literature; the route of the north Car-pathian passes (direct, between the upper basins of the Tisza, Dniester and Prut rivers); the Middle DanubeSouthern Poland route (indirect, from the upper and middle basins of the Vistula and San rivers) the so called Danubian cultural commu-nities of Southern and South-eastern Poland and the LublinVolhynia ones.V. The archaeological indicators of the westEast inluences

    Much data can be brought forward to attest the presence of western and northwestern ele-

    ments in the settlements of the Pre-CucuteniCu-cuteni/Tripolye cultural complex. To begin with, inluences are observed in some ceramic catego-ries, forms and decorations (including the plastic applications and the horn-shaped and multiple handles), the archaeological marker most sensi-tive to cultural changes, according to the chrono-logicalcultural parallels. In most cases, the tech-nological and compositional changes of the paste and of the decoration can constitute cultural-de-mographic indicators (Parsons 2012: 458466) of the presence of some allogeneous population(s), iniltrated as small groups and for short time pe-riods, and elements of direct inluence (see also the much-discussed Cucuteni C pottery), and not

    Dumitru Boghian, Sergiu-Constantin Enea

  • 35just replicas and/or imports (Biehl, Rassamakin 2008), although the coexistence of artefacts of various origins should not be excluded.

    In the case of the movements/colonisations of consistent human groups, we can notice strong inlu-ences and sudden and massive changes, as evinced by the ceramics, plastic arts and other artefacts, cultic constructions and elements etc., in terms of regional aspects/varieties of the cultural chronological enti-ties, of acculturations and cultural transformations, which implicitly had ethnocultural expressions, in many cases impossible to be veriied by archaeolog-ical means. Unfortunately, the selective publishing of the ceramic lots, particularly of the known materi-als, hindered our enterprise.

    For this reason, alongside various ceramic categories, useful as markers of inluences are also other indicators such as: chipped and/or polished and perforated lithic artefacts manufactured from raw materials and following alien technological processes (obsidian, Vistula chocolate lint, Vol-hynian lint, Prut-Dniester lint, volcanic rocks etc., native copper and from ores etc.), some types of bone and antler tools (the so-called polishers on artiodactyl metapodials), adornments from non-autochthonous materials (copper, gold, shells Spondylus, Glycymeris, Cardium, Dentalium, etc.), as well as the types of dwellings, fortiications and building methods, cult pieces anthropomorphic and zoomorphic plastic art etc., some of which were possibly distributed by trade or reproduced using another raw materials (see the skeuomorphic clay disks imitating the original gold and silver ones), others suggesting the immediate presence of the allogeneous individuals and communities that created the respective goods and technologies.

    At the same time, considering the criteria of cultural anthropology, not a single human culture, which expressed itself or not from an archaeologi-cal, ethnological or historical point of view, was a passive receiver of external inluences, but engaged in reciprocal cultural exchanges. In this sense, im-portant are the inluences exerted throughout time by the Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye communi-ties on the creators of the neighbouring cultures/cultural complexes. Similarly, we must remember the fact that in their movements from their original homelands to their secondary or tertiary ones, the Neolithic and Eneolithic communities suffered natu-ral transformations and gradually assimilated vari-ous inluences. This phenomenon can be observed in the case of the Stroked Band Pottery Culture (Stich-bandkeramik) Lengyel, Tisza and LengyelPolgr communities that colonised the different micro-re-

    gions from Southern Poland, giving rise to other cul-tural entities: mainly the Malice and LublinVolhyn-ia cultures. We also must not ignore the fact that the Danubian Neolithic milieu (the Lengyel and Tisza cultures) was penetrated by other central, northern and western European communities, as to imbue the former with a certain ethno-cultural heterogeneity/cosmopolitanism, also observable in the associated inluences, which contain various elements.Vi. western inluences in the Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complexVi.1. The Pre-Cucuteni-Tripolye A culture (49/48 46/45 cent. cal BC)

    Formed from the merger of BoianGiuleti communities with late Linear Pottery ones, in an area encompassing south-eastern Transylvania and south-western Moldavia, the Pre-Cucuteni-Tripolye culture extended north-eastwards and eastwards, and exerted and received in its turn, during its semi-millenary existence throughout the three phases, at various intensities, cultural in-luences (southern: Boian and Hamangia cultures; western: VinaTurda and Vina C, Petreti, Lengyel, Tisza, Stroked Band Pottery (Stichband-keramik), and Malice cultures; eastern: Bug-Dni-ester culture) (Marinescu-Blcu 1974: 109141; 1989: 171196; Garvn, Buzea, Frn-culeasa 2009: 2327) that were assimilated while preserving its distinctiveness in the larger ensem-ble of contemporaneous cultures.

    Because the Pre-Cucuteni I materials are little known and published, the question of eventual in-luences received by the respective communities is at this moment unapproachable. For the Pre-Cucuteni IITripolye A1 phase, V.S. Titov (Titov, Erdely 1980: 231; 1989: 141) cited the vessel decorated with thin white incised and inlaid lines unearthed at Rogojeni I, Republic of Mol-dova, as an example of an import from during the inal phase of the Bkk culture, while S.N. Bibikov mentioned for Luka Vrublevetskaja (Pre-Cucuteni IIITripolye A2) Tisza inluences (mainly reticular impressed motifs) (Bibikov 1953: 155156, ig. 61, tab. 65a, b, 66b, v, g, d, j, 67v, e; 1989: 141, ig. 81/1; Makkay 2004: ig. 46, 9, 1618, 2125), but these elements seem, at this stage of research, to have been much more numerous (fragments of scalemodel dwellings, of anthropo-morphic and zoomorphic vessels, the appearance of pyriform vessel similar to those from the Lengy-el area, including the tradition of raw red painting, also speciic to the Tisza culture).

    The Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complex between the West and the East

  • 36For the moment, it is dificult to speak of spe-

    ciic traditions and inluences in the genesis and evo-lution of the Pre-Cucuteni-Tripolye A communities on the basis of the coarse ceramics decorated with pinched and ingernail-impressed motifs in/on the clay slip layer, considered to be a Cri tradition (Burdo 2011: 259), because this ceramic species was likewise produced and used by the Linear Pottery communities, from which the Pre-CucuteniansTri-polyans inherited and kept it, almost unchanged, up to the end of the Pre-Cucuteni III phase.

    Nonetheless, after reanalysing the domes-tic ceramic ware from Luka Vrublevetskaja and Kormani (Pre-Cucuteni IIITripolye A2), N. B. Burdo highlights a series of similarities between the shapes and decorations of this species and the vessels speciic to the Lengyel and Tisza com-munities from the Tisza and Pannonian Danube plains and from southern Poland, which alongside the similarities in the lithic industries and in cer-tain architectural elements, would bespeak of con-nections between the respective communities, and even of the involvement of the Danubian compo-nent to the genesis of Bernashevka and KormaniLuka Vrublevetskaja type settlements (Burdo 2001: 538; 2007: 273276, ig. 24). However, we stress the necessity to establish these similari-ties of larger sets of ceramic materials and associ-ations of ceramic categories, resulting even from more recent research, because domestic ceram-ics display, in the case of the post-Linear Pottery communities, a remarkable uniformity generated both by the parental background, and by the same functionalities within quasi-similar economies.

    As expected, the archaeological investiga-tions conducted in the upper basin of the Dnies-ter River and in the Volhynian Plateau brought to light new evidence that complete the wider pic-ture of the Neolithic habitation in the area of the Upper Dniester, and the inluences that occurred between the different communities.

    Thus, after the Music-note Linear Pottery and elizovce habitations (Lenartovych 2009: 226261), in the northern part of the region, at Zalisky, there was discovered an inhabitation level dated to the classical phase of the Malice culture (4846 cent. cal BC) (Bandrivskij, Krushelnycka 2002: 441452). For this reason, it is normal for the Pre-Cucuteni II-IIITripolye A1-2 settlements from this area to ind materials typical to the Malice culture, including ones inluenced by the Stroked Band Pot-tery culture (Stichbandkeramik) (Tkachuk, Kochkin 2012: 308312), and not only as imports and imi-tations. Recently, ceramic materials have been dis-

    covered in the Pre-Cucuteni III/Tripolye A2 settle-ment from KozynaSolovche and Holyshiv, which display conspicuous Malice I B and proto-Tisza-polgr (Tiszapolgr A) inluences (Tkachuk et alii 2010: 219238; Pozikhovskyj 2010: 2839).

    On account of this fact, taking it as a working hypothesis, we hold the opinion that the technique for producing the early Pre-Cucuteni-Tripolye motifs with notched-dot stripes (with a denticu-late instrument, comb?), inlaid or not with white, could have been received, at least in the northern part of the cultural complex, also through Mal-ice mediation (phase I A and B, with Stichband-keramik inluences), and not only following the contacts with the Hamangia culture bearers (Ma-rinescu-Blcu 1972: 3536; 1974: 125).

    In point of fact, the Malice culture, the heirs of the post-Linear traditions in southern and west-ern Poland (as a local variant of the Stroked Band Pottery/Stichbandkeramik culture, even though it is almost identical to the one from the Czech Re-public) (Zpotock 1998: 31140, taf. 32160), re-ceived important Lengyel and Tisza inluences (via the groups located in southern Poland, particularly the SamborzecOpatw one) in the early phases, and Tiszapolgr inluences, during the late phases (Dombay 1960; Novotn 1962; Tlas, Raczky 1987; Kalicz 1970; 1985; Kadrow, Zakocielna 2000: 194206; Kadrow 2006: 6364), spread-ing to the Lublin Plateau and the northern part of the Podolian-Volhynian Plateau, and playing an important role in the Neolithisation of the area in question. As such, we believe that the investigation of the relationships between the Pre-CucuteniCu-cuteni/Tripolye and the Malice communities repre-sents an important research direction for the future.

    At the same time, the multiple Lengyel and Tisza (phases I-III) penetrations in southern Po-land can provide suggestions for also tracking these phenomena in the North-Eastern Carpathian area (the northern part of the Pre-CucuteniCu-cuteni/Tripolye cultural complex).

    In what concerns the inluences received by the Pre-Cucuteni-Tripolye A communities from the contemporary civilisations in Transylvania (VinaTurda II, Petreti and Iclod), or the Pre-Cucuteni elements present in the intra-Carpathian area, these issues, as shown above, have been already addressed in the dedicated literature (Paul 1992: 5455, 100, pl. XXII: 12, 46, 89, 1213; Lazarovici 1991; Lazarovici, Lazarovici 2006: 544545, ig. IVd1).

    Thus, besides the shapes and decorations with grooves, pleats, bands of alveoli etc., consid-ered of a Vina B2Turda and Vina C inluence,

    Dumitru Boghian, Sergiu-Constantin Enea

  • 37which can just as well represent legacies from the DudetiBoian background, the discussion men-tions the unmediated presence of PreCucuteni elements in Transylvania. This presence (Pre-Cucuteni I-II), at irst put into connection with Pre-Cucutenian impulses in the Turda (II) and Petreti (A) milieus (Marinescu-Blcu 1974: 127, 131134), has been documented in many Transyl-vanian sites, being considered contemporary with the late Vina (C1C2) culture (Draovean 1996: 92100; 2003: 3958; Maxim 1999: 98100).

    Except the south-eastern, these elements not formed a distinct cultural level in Transylvania. This is perhaps the reason why they were assigned differently, some specialists considering them be-longing either to some Boian-Bolintineanu and Giuleti and Pre-Cucuteni inluences (Luca 1998: 169173, abb. 12), either to an initial cultural background that suffered transformations (Gligor 2009: 233246). In our opinion, the greatest part of the putative Pre-Cucutenian artefacts (I-II phas-es) from Transylvania actually represent Boian-Giuleti ceramic materials that appeared concur-rently with the northward expansion of these com-munities, which in south-eastern Transylvania and south-eastern Moldavia mixed with Linear Pottery ones and gave rise to Pre-Cucuteni culture. In fact, subsequent inluences from the later phases of the Boian culture, present in the Foeni-Petreti cultural milieus, and others, similarly cannot be excluded.

    For the moment, no materials speciic to the Petreti culture have been found in Pre-Cucuteni phases I and II in the settlements east of the Car-pathians. These inluences are manifested in the Pre-Cucuteni III phase, being particularly noticeable towards the end of the phase, particularly within the Ariud cultural aspect (Lazarovici, Lazarovici 2010: 27108), as well as east of the Carpathians (Trpeti) (Marinescu-Blcu 1981: 60, 64, ig. 155: 3, 163: 7, 1012, 164: 5, 173: 1, 174: 23, 182: 5), including through the changes occurring in the techniques of ceramic decoration through painting before iring.

    At the current state of research, even though not numerous, the western inluences in the Pre-Cucuteni-Tripolye communities are a fact; the problematics of adequately highlighting them re-mains an important research direction. We do not dismiss the hypothesis according to which the gradual movement of the PreCucuteni-Tripolye communities from the Carpathian region towards the other areas of the MoldavianVolhynianPodo-lian Plateau occurred not only as a consequence of a local demographic increase, but also of succes-sive southern and west-north-western pressures.

    Vi.2. The Cucuteni ATripolye Bi culture (46/45 43/42 cent. cal BC)

    The most numerous discoveries attrib-uted to this phase, including the investigation and quasiexhaustive publishing of some sites (Hbeti, Trueti, Trpeti) (Dumitrescu et alii 1954; Petrescu-Dmbovia, Florescu, Florescu 1999; Marinescu-Blcu 1981), as well as the in-vestigations conducted in other settlements, have led to the accumulation of various archaeological materials, which allow for a more thorough as-sessment of the western inluences exerted on the Cucuteni-Tripolye communities.

    Thus, in the north-western part of the cultural complex, these inluences are linked with the north-ward and north-eastward advancing of the Lengyel IIIII communities and of the associated Kultura s moravskou malovanou keramikou/Mhrisch-Os-tsterreichischen Gruppe (MMK/MOG) and Tisza II-III/Proto-Tiszapolgr variants, following the eth-no-cultural restructurings taking place in Central Europe (the Middle Danube valley) (Pleiner 1978: 212214, ig. 47; Pavk, ika 1980: 140142, 147148; Podborsk 1993: 108145; Neugebauer-Maresh 1995: 57107), which led to the formation, in southern Poland, of the Pleszw and subsequent-ly Modlnica group (Kaczanowska 2006: 3752), and/or as certain inluences visible in the Malice culture (phase IC/IIA) (Kadrow 2006: 7172), and, later, in the LublinVolhynia culture (Kadrow, Zakocielna 2000: 208241; Zakocielna 2006: 7794; 2007: 297303, ig. 1218).

    Without delving into the discussion concern-ing the beginnings of the Cucuteni A (A1 and A2)/Tripolye BI (1-2) phase in the northern part of Moldavia, the Republic of Moldova and Sub-carpathian Ukraine, we can show that the area witnessed the development, during the Cucuteni A3/Tripolye BI/3 stage, of the so-called Horod-nitsaTruetiCuconetii Vechi regional aspect (Boghian 2001: 9799), in which certain ceramic shapes and decorations seem to be have been in-luenced by Lengyel III/proto-Tiszapolgr/Tisza-polgr A and B communities.

    Thus, at Trueti, as part of the ceramics with deepened, incised and grooved decoration, associ-ated or not with crude (raw) white or red colouring, but also with that painted before iring, a series of vessels, particularly decorated with angular, rhom-boid and reticular (textile decoration) motifs and the anthropomorphic vessels present similarities with those from the Lengyel III/inal Tisza/proto-Tiszapolgr milieu (beakers, amphorettes with four handles placed symmetrically under the lips

    The Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complex between the West and the East

  • 38ware, support vessels, lids with hornshaped lugs, craters) (Iercoan 2002: 163186; Diaconescu 2009; Petrescu-Dmbovia, Florescu, Florescu 1999: ig. 163: 15, 167: 7, 169: 9, 170: 11, 172: 3, 173: 4, 175: 5, 186: 12, 198: 4, 204: 11, 225: 4, 231: 6, 237: 6, 245: 4, 8, 259: 3, 265: 7, 268: 12, 276: 5; Boghian 1997: 6374). To these, we can add certain shapes of domestic ceramics, with mul-tiple handles, with inset lugs modelled as alveo-lated buttons, and plastic representations (Petrescu-Dmbovia, Florescu, Florescu 1999: ig. 313: 78, 314: 6, 910, 316: 12, 317317a, 318: 12, 910, 331: 14, 10, 335: 46, 337: 16).

    Such inluences can be noticed in the case of other Cucuteni A3 settlements, in the sites of Hbeti (Dumitrescu et alii 1954: pl. LXV: 3, LXVII: 4, LXIX: 56, LXXII: 13, LXXXVI: 2, CIII: 1, 15, CXI: 38, XVI: 14, CXVII: 1, CXX: 12), Preuteti (Ursulescu, Igntescu 2003: 150151, nr. 109, 112113), Scnteia (Chirica, Mantu, urcanu 1999: 49nr. 156, 51nr. 180, 118nr. 244), Scnteia (Chirica, Mantu, urcanu 1999: 49nr. 156, 51nr. 180, 118nr. 244), Trpeti (Marinescu-Blcu 1981: 169: 9, 170: 89, 171: 9, 10, 173: 4, 178: 7), some possibly mediated by bearers of the late phases of the Petreti culture and Ariud aspect (Maxim 1999: 100119). Further-more, similar inluences have been observed in the Tripolye B I settlements from Nezvisko, Polivanov Jar III, Krasnostavka, Rusetii Noi, Cuconetii Ve-chi etc. (Sorochin 1997: 21, 27, ig. 7: 3, 68, 13, 9: 1, 5, 10 (Jora de Sus); 10: 10 (Rusetii Noi); 14: 7 (Brnzeni IV); 34: 4, 7, 16 (Berezovkaja GES); 37: 5 (Kudrintsy); Burdo 2007: 280283, ig. 58; Popova 2003: 4142, ig. 2122, 71, ig. 38).

    The relations between the bearers of the Tisza-polgr B/Bodrogkeresztr culture and those of the Cucuteni-Tripolye culture also continued during the A4/B I/4 stage, visible in the Drgueni-Jura aspect either as LengyelPolgr-type horn-shaped lugs, some beakers, vessels with tiered bodies, lids, storage pots with multiple handles, short pedestal/support vessels, textile painted decoration, the beginning of vessel modelling on textile supports and on net-tings etc. (Crmaru 1977: 16: 1, 17: 1, 21: 7, 33: 7, 10, 35: 2, 37: 1, 4848; Marinescu-Blcu, Bolomey 2000: 184, ig. 90: 1, 91: 2, 103: 4, 6, 104: 12, 105: 2, 7, 9, 110: 12, 121: 4, 130: 1, 136: 3, 141: 2, 5, 145: 5, 150: 1, 7, 9). Such inluences can be also noticed in the case of the sites from Jura, Duruitoarea Nou i Duruitoarea Veche, Cuconetii Vechi, Putineti III, Drua I, Vasilievka (Sorochin 2002: ig. 60: 4, 11, 79: 710, 99: 4, 107: 3, 108: 7 (Jura); 62: 6, 63: 5, 65: 4, 73: 3, 74: 2, 5, 75: 3, 6, 77: 1 (Cuconetii Vechi);

    78: 3, 6 (Duruitoarea Nou); 91: 8, 98: 5, 7 (Putineti III); 112: 2, 3 (Drua I); 114: 1 (Duruitoarea Veche); 140: 5, 21 (Vasilievka) or in the settlements of the southern aspect, such as Dumeti (Alaiba 2007: pl. 21, 23, 26, 47).

    In point of fact, the existence of multiple ce-ramic traditions within the HorodnitsaTruetiCuconetii Vechi and Drgueni-Jura cultural as-pects reveals, directly or indirectly, the possible presence of communities that were different also from an ethno-cultural point of view, in a contact geographical area, with an important resource for the life of the Neolithic and Eneolithic peoplelint, with its different varieties (Prut, Dniester, Volhyn-ianPodolian, from southern Poland/Krakow, witokrzyskie etc.), which was exploited, was the object of short and long distance trade, having being found in Danubian Neolithic and Eneolithic sites, and was the object of intense contentions (Zakocielna 1996: 77109; Bir 1998: 9798; Boghian 2008: 3970; Kovcs 2013: 392394).

    Without dismissing eastern inluences, we do not exclude the possibility that in these move-ments of Danubian Eneolithic populations during the second half of the 5th millennium BC have been involved and mixed the late Lengyel III/early Lengyel IV/early Jordanow, early Ludan-ice, BalatonLasinja ethno-cultural elements and TRBK groups (phase A, the Sarnowo groups and the SchleswigHolstein/Rosenhof phase), which are relected at the level of the DraguseniJura re-gional aspect, considered to be early elements of the Cucuteni type C ceramic ware, but different in terms of shapes and decorations (crater vessels, with or without handles, decorated with linear an-gular bands and rhomboid motifs, tall frustoconi-cal bowl with straight lips, festoon decorations composed of concentric semi-circles accompanied by rows of impressed dots) from the vessels of the Skeljanskaja (Srednii Stog) phase/culture (Mari-nescu-Blcu, Bolomey 2000: ig. 113: 1, 3, 114: 9, 151: 1, 7, 153: 10 (Drgueni); Sorochin 2002: ig. 60: 10 (Jura); Dumitrescu 1955: 917922; Minich-reiter, Markovi 2011: 333335; Neustupn 2008: 3859; Midgley 1992: 4760, 7988, ig. 11: 14, 21:1, 6, 395396; Kotova 2006: 7492, 108118, 127131; Kovaleva 2012: 311). However, this issue requires an in-depth consideration.Vi.3. The Cucuteni A-BTripolye B i-B ii culture (43/42 40 cent. cal BC)

    For the Cucuteni A-B1/Tripolye BI-BII/1 phase, in the north-western part of the cultural complex, we can deine the regional aspect enti-

    Dumitru Boghian, Sergiu-Constantin Enea

  • 39tled Zaleshchik (Vinogradova 1972: 3656; 1983) or, following the new research, Vorniceni-Zalesh-chik. Unfortunately, the archaeological materi-als originating from the settlements of this phase were published unequally and selectively, and no monographic work is available so far (Boghian 2006: 163180). This deprives us of the possibil-ity to perform a factological analysis of the west-ern inluences during this time period, when it is assumed that inal Lengyel III(?) and IV, Tiszapol-gr B/Bodrogkeresztr A communities penetrated the north-eastern Carpathian area, and the LublinVolhynia culture emerged, which also triggered changes in the Malice culture (phase II A) (Kacza-nowska 2006: 3752; Kadrow 2006: 7174; Kad-row, Zakocielna 2000: 208241; Zakocielna 2006: 7794; 2007: 289314; CzekajZastawny, Kabaciski, Terberger 2011: 5588).

    It is generally assumed that in the archaeolog-ical materials of the Cucuteni A-B/Tripolye B I/B II phase, the western (LengyelPolgr) inluences are constituted by the presence of semispherical shapes (bowl, lids, and quasispherical beakers, some frustoconical bowls with multiple handles, reticular (textile) and meander decoration, an-thropomorphic statuettes with column feet, those with rounded heads or facial features rendered naturalistically, some polished stone tools etc.).

    Thus, in the case of the Zaleshchik aspect, a se-ries of discoveries (ceramics and plastics) from the eponymous settlement (Videjko 2000: 1415, ig. 23) and from Polivanov Jar II/1-2 (Popova 2003: ig. 54, 62: 5, 79: 3ab; Bem 2007: ig. 193) are brought forward. These artefacts display LengyelPolgr inluences, which are also found, manifested similarly of differently, in the sites from the Middle Dniester belonging to the so-called Solonceni aspect [Orheiul Vechi, Solonceni II/2, FloretiZagotzerno (Videjko 2000: ig. 5, 6: 1, 910, 14), Mrzeti, Al-exandrovka II, Gura Cinarului (Sorochin 2004: ig. 7: 14 (Mrzeti), 8: 2, 7 (Alexandrovka II), 13: 6 (Orheiul Vechi), 15: 1 (Gura Cinarului)] and in the settlements of the Southern Bug and Middle Dnieper area (Klishchiv, Veselyi Kut, Veremye etc.) that are part of the so-called Eastern Tripolye Culture (Zaets, Ryzhov 1992: 115117, 161; Gusev 1995: 91105; Videjko 2000: 1425, ig. 6: 28, 1113, 7; Tsvek 2000: 111132, ig. 3, 5; 2012: 225245; Movsha 2000: 133141, ig. 14), which drive us to the conclusion that we are these are communities with various cultural traditions interacting at differ-ent moments and intensities.

    The ceramic artefacts of Bodrogkeresztr inluence (Luca 1999: ig. 135) were also dis-

    covered in the southern area of the Cucuteni A-B phase, as exempliied by the four-lobed vessels painted polychromic with meanders (cucutenian interpretatio) from Calu-Piatra oimului (Dumi-trescu 1979: ig. 125), the ceramic materials with textile decoration from TraianDealul Fntnilor [Bem 2007: ig. 73: 1, 91: 4, 109: 3, 110, 158, 172, 196: 2, 203, 252254 (domestic ceramics), 292 (button handles), 396: 7 (spiralled pendant end)], Rdulenii Vechi (Bem 2007: ig. 181), Hui (Bem 2007: ig. 205: 3), as well as a number of discover-ies attributed to the so-called Horizon of the vessels with button handles (handles with discoid attach-ments) (Herculane II/IIIPecicaCheile TurziiHunyadiHalom) (Bartk 1997a: 155162; 1997b, 163172; Lszl, Sztncsuj 2010: 171194) etc.

    In the same train of ideas, we ask whether the Cucutenian crouched inhumations that ap-pear at the level of the A-B phase at Doboeni, Orheiul Vechi and Traian-Dealul Fntnilor (Du-mitrescu 1954: 400409; 1957: 97116; 1958: 407423; Szekely 1957: 149152; Vinogradova, Beilekchi, Brnea 1974: 70), are not evidence of the intrusion of western (Bodrogkeresztr) or north-western (LublinVolhynia I) communities (Zakocielna 2010; Enea 2011: 8692), groups for which necropoleis are well attested.

    We discuss only in passing the gold and cop-per artefacts discovered in the A and A-B phases of the Cucuteni (Tripolye BI and BI-BII) culture, which display a clear western contribution (Tisza-polgr and Bodrogkeresztr), fashioned from western, northeastern and eastern Carpathian or even Volhynian sources [axes of various types and sub-variants (Plonik, Vidra, Ariud, Drgueni), plurispiralled bracelets, enviolon and eye-glass pendants, bead strings etc.], discovered iso-lated and/or in deposits/treasures, and which we can consider important evidence of the WestEast interferences occurring during the Classical and the beginning of the Late Eneolithic (Dumitrescu 1961: 6593; Makkay 1989; Mare 2002; 2012; Pavk 2010: 229241; Klochko 1995: 235242; Klochko et alii 2000: 168186; Virg 2003: 129132; czycki 2010: 205240; Enea 2008; 2009).Vi.4. The Cucuteni BTripolye Bii-Ci/ i culture (40 37/36 cent. cal BC)

    During this time span, the mobility of the Cu-cutenian communities was, apparently, greater than during the previous period, having occupied the entire area of the culture at its maximum extent; si-multaneously, we can observe the coalescence of the different groups and regional variants of the culture

    The Pre-CucuteniCucuteni/Tripolye cultural complex between the West and the East

  • 40(Markevich 1981; Gusev 1995: 106132; Cuco 1999: 141156, ig. 2324, 59: 1, 3, 6; Kru
