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RightClickSaveAsBreaking Poland

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Breaking Poland - An Introduction

I. Introduction including background on purpose of presentation and artist.

II. Discuss objectives of strategy and USP. III. Discuss plan for UK market discussing existing

market conditions, potential for success and objectives/plan for strategy with timescales.

IV. Discuss plan for Polish market discussing existing market conditions, potential for success and objectives/plan for strategy with timescales.

V. Description of website including information on sales, after sales and order fulfilment.

VI. Budget information.VII. Potential development for future.

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Who is RightClickSaveAs?


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• Purpose of presentation.

• Territories to be explored.

• Who is RightClickSaveAs?

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USP and Objectives

The Strategy

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The Strategy

• The USP - What makes this strategy different and how will this help?

• Objectives - Main of objectives of strategy and how these will be met.

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Strategy for the Existing Market

The United Kingdom

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The United Kingdom

• Market Conditions

• Potential for commercial success

• Timescale of events

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Market Conditions

• Population – 61.1 million• Internet users – 46.7 million• Portable player users – 19.6 million

• Sales - $1,573.8 billion (+1.9% on 2008)• Breakdown: Physical - $1,156.3 billion, Digital - $295 million• Physical units - 119.4 million• Digital singles – 149.7 million, Digital albums – 16.1 million• Piracy rate – 76% of all downloads in 2009 were illegal

• Top indie labels – Bella Union, Cooking Vinyl, Delta, Demon, Dirtee Stank, Domino, MSHK, Naxos, XL Records

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Potential for Success

• Chart success of artists like Ellie Goulding, Hurts, Friendly Fires and Foals.

• Around 9000 YouTube video hits.

• Exploiting a niche in the electronic music market.

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M o n th

A c t iv i t y


Marke t re s e arch: d e m ograph ic ne e d s . R e s e arch into: m e rchand is e supplie rs , d is tribution se rvice s

Fe bruary

We bs ite d e s ign, be ta te s ting


F inal we bs ite te s ting, ord e ring of in itial allocation of m e rchand is e and album


We bs ite launch, Live d ate s in U K


S ingle re le ase , rad io and TV appe arance s to prom ote s ingle


Polish ass is tance


Polish ass is tance


E valuation of activitie s , cam paign for se cond s ingle re le ase

S e pte m be r

S e cond s ingle re le ase with supporting rad io and TV appe arance s

O ctobe r

We bs ite re -d e s ign and ne w cam paign for album re le ase

Nove m be r

Album re le ase

D e ce m be r

Album prom otion

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Strategy for the Emerging Market


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• Market Conditions

• Potential for commercial success

• Timescale of events

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Market Conditions

• Population – 38.5 million• Internet users – 20 million• Portable player users – 4.4 million

• Sales - $84 million (-3% on 2008, digital sales not included in 2009)• Breakdown: Physical - $79.5 million, Digital - $3.4 million (2008)• Physical units – 10.2 million• Music sales equate to 70.3% share in the music and video market• Piracy rate – 27% (physical rate, internet piracy rate around 20%

higher based on data from P2P and social networking sites)

• Top indie labels – Agora, Fonografika, Metal Mind Production, Reader’s Digest, Sonic

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Potential for Success

• Electronic music gets good airplay on Polish radio, with bands such as Hurts featuring high in airplay charts.

• At the Open’er Festival, the 2010 line-up featured similar sounding artists such as Ellie Goulding, Hot Chip, Klaxons and Empire of the Sun.

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M o n th

A c t iv i t y


Marke t re s e arch: be st route s of prom otion, d e m ograph ic acce ss ib ility and ne e d s . R e se arch into: locale s pe cific

re qu ire m e nts , m e rchand is e supplie rs , d is tribution se rvice s

Fe bruary

Marke t re s e arch cont


U K ass is tance


U K ass is tance


We bs ite d e s ign, be ta te s ting


F inal we bs ite te s ting, ord e ring of in itial allocation of m e rchand is e and album


We bs ite launch, s ingle re le ase , rad io appe arance s and live d ate s prom ote s ingle


U K ass is tance

S e pte m be r

E valuation of activitie s

O ctobe r

We bs ite re -d e s ign and ne w cam paign for album re le ase

Nove m be r

Album re le ase

D e ce m be r

Album prom otion

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The Website

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The Website

• Customisation

• What will be sold?

• After Sales Service

• Order Fulfilment

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Show Me The Money!

Budget Information

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Budget Information

• Budget Sheet

• Cash Flow Sheet

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What the Future Holds...

Future Development

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Future Development

• Areas for development

• Areas for consideration

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