
Rotary Club Prishtina


Three main projects:1.WASH2.Scholarships3.VFF

1. Elementary School in Breznice, Obiliq 2. Elementary School in Astrazub, Malisheve 3. Elementary and High School in Runik, Skenderaj 4. Elementary School in Drenoc, Decan 5. Elementary school in Sverke, Kline 6. Elementary School in Perqeve, Kline 7. Elementary School in Volljake, Kline 8. School and Kindergarden in Zlakuqan, Kline 9. School, Kindergarden, Sports Hall and Health Center in Prilluzhe, Vushtrri 10. Elementary School in Janjeve, Lipjan 11. Elementary School in Vasileve, Drenas 12. Elementary School in Bresalc, Gjilan13. Projekti Shkoze - Malisheve

WASH projects

14. Project Filters - Viti15. Project Gaçkç - Frizaj16. Elementary School “Ramiz Cerrnica” in Cerrnica, Gjilan17. Elementary School “Skenderbeu” in Kmetoc, Gjilan18. Elementary School “Ilaz Thaqi” in Hani i Elezit19. High School “Dardania” in Hani i Elezit 20. Elementary School “Selami Hallaqi” in Gjilane 21. Health Care in Novoberd22. Elementary and High School “Emin Duraku”- Kaçanik

WASH projects

WASH projects

Elementary School in Astrazub, Malisheve

WASH projects

Elementary School in Drenoc, Decan

Elementary School “Ilaz Thaqi” in Hani i Elezit

WASH projects

WASH projects

Started in 2013 with supporting• approximately 10 girls in 2013• 40 girls in 2014 • 100 girls in 2016, and following years

Support to girls from disadvantaged families in rural areas

• Girls are given lower priority than boys


• 35 euro per month for travel and food

– Total funding Euro 35000 for one year

– Approx Euro for 3 years excluding project costs

– Global Grant application

– Needs to become more “professional”

• Fundraising


Public awareness•General public through media•Ministry through reports and meetings

Aim is to empower women/girls and show that girls from disadvantaged families in poor rural areas can also achieve success.


Motivation and encouragement•Best girl to be awarded BA course•3 or 4 further education courses

Monitoring and evaluation•School directors and teachers•Rotary clubs

• Ferizaj• Gjakova• Gjilan• Viti• Mitrovica


VFF Violence Free Future for Kosovo

• Follow up from last year

– Visits to 6 areas considered most at risk

– Panel discussions, workshops, games

VFF Violence Free Future for Kosovo

• Coming school year modified project– More rural areas

• less education, more vulnerable

• Larger number of smaller schools

• New element– Debating societies

• Analysis

• Critical thinking

• Logical arguments

• Competitive