Page 1: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards

\fi 51.:1 " as me es-,,1 E-fi kr (tway)


(Bd. 111, Heft 2. I955.)

Der Amerikamsehe Plan Åíur die deutsehe WahrungsreÅíorni. EinÅíuhrmng. El- Sauermann•A PIan for the Liquidation oÅí War Finanee and the Finaneiai Rehabilitation of

Germany. - Plan fur die Iiiquidation der Kriegsfinanzierung' und die finanzi-

elle Rehabilitierung Deutsehlands (Deutsehe Ubersetzung). G Colm (et. al. )

Grenzltostenpreisprinzip und Wohlstandsmaxirnierung. H. Ohm.

WirtsehaÅítsdynamik und Unternehmungszusarnmenehlusse. E. Bayer.

JS([ikrosoziologie und Soziometrie. G. Gurvitcho

Die Reg'elung betriebsverÅíassungsreehtlicher Fragen dureh Tarifvertrag. '.F7.



(Neue Folge, Jg. 7, Heft 2, 1955•)

Kreditpolitik. ff. Linbardt-

Ein neuer Vorsehlag zm' Theoyie der Kameralreehung. E. Thiess.

Die Ermittlung der I"ixkostenstruktur eines Betriebes. HT. Glasxinski.

-(Neue Folge. Jg. 7. Heft 3, 1955.)

NachruÅí fiiv Eugen Sehmalenbaeh. [ZT. Beste. /Anpassun.crsprozesse im J{okerelbetrieb unter besonderer Berucksiehtigung der quantitativen und qualitatsmassigen Anpassung. E. HTeinen.

Absehreibung und Pinanzierung. Zur ]]"inanzierungsfunktion der Absehreibungen

Anmer}{ungen zum "Lohmann-Ruehti-EÅífekt". E. Scfaafer•

Weitere AEmerkunffen zum "Lol]man--Ruehti-i.i]7Åífekt". K. Hax. o




pt(NTeue IFrolge, Jg. 7, I{eft 4. 1955•)

Die Amsterdamer Schule der Betrlebswirtsehaftslehre. L. Perriclon. 'BegriÅíf der "Deel{ungsauflage" im Buehverlag. G. IiTalkenroth•

Betriebswirtsehaftliehe Untersuehung, Betriebsuntersuehung. BranehenanLer$uelmng,

Betriebsvergleieh. Eine begriEfliehe Klarstellung. E. Pljckel.


Eugen Schmalenbaen•

-t-- (Neue Folge. eJg. 7, Heft 5, 1955.)

T. Besie.


Page 2: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards






Die ResortauSteilung im Bankgewerbe. I}Vr. Krdhe.

DSe mathematisehe Auswertung von Kostendiagrammen. ll. Gaube.

Subjekt,ive Matktbedingungen als Gegenstand der MarktÅíorschung'. Iir. Fischer.


(VoL 30. No.3 - July, l955.)

Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R.


Staudards of Dlselosure Åíor Published ?inaneial Reports. Committee on Conce-

Pts & Standards•New Perspeetives on the History of Aeeounting• R de Roover.

Munieipal Auditing Stapdaids. D. M- Ber' ghts•

Direct Costing and the Uses of Cost Data• R• P• MarPle•

Dlrect Costipg-Should it be a Controversial Issue? R. L. Brummet. 'Management Thiaking Coneerning Corporate Annual Reports• R. D. Lfay.

Preliminary Anaouncement oÅí l955 Prograrn.

Centenary of the Seottish Iustitute oÅí Chartered Aeeountants. M. E. MzarPhy.

The Army Audit Agency Goes ProÅíessional. C L. SimPson.

Cencepts oÅí Depreeiatiop,. L. Goldberg•

An Analysis of ]M[issouri's Utility Earnlngs and Rate Base Formula-a Rejoinder.

H. G. Avery.

Starting Your Career in Publie Aeeounting. 1. L• flarvay•

Statistieal Relationship of Aeeoutiug an'd Eeonomies. K. iV. Perry.

Legal Deeisions on Aeeounting Reserves. S. L Simon.

Mie Finanelal Value of Early Tax Deduetions fer Depreeiation. G. ,FTalls.

Management Coatracts, Expense Sharing Agreements, and Tax Planning.

A. Beretvas.Aeeountiug Researeh. J. A. rvhite•


(Vol. 45, No. 4-Sept. 1955.)

Finaneial Aspee.ts eÅí Eeotomie Development. J. G. Gurlay & E S• Shaw.

Faetor Proportions in Undeideveloped Areas. R• S• Eckazas•

Cotton Meehanizatlon and Eeonomie Development. f. H. Street• iSpatial Equilibrium: Livestoek-Eeonomy• K. A. Fox & R• C• Taeza6er.

Soviet Priee Beduetions for Corisumer Goods. C.D. CamPbell & R.G. CamPbell.

Input-Output Analysis and Economie Strueture• L• Elurwicx.

-2 --

Page 3: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards

Ij6sch on Loeation. S. Valavanis•


(Vol. 61, No. 1- July, l955•)

The Vikivgs ap.d the Rise of Capltalisme R. Wax & M. I)Prax.

A Jewish Peer Group• M• B. Seialler & rvf- J. Ravitz.

The R•eduetion oE Strain in a Marginal Soeial Role. 'W. L Wardwell.

Adult Talk about NewspapeT Comies. L. Bogart.Soeioeeonomie Varlables in a Large City• G• Hochbaum & others.

Predieting Eleetion Turnout: A Test of a Behavior Hypothesis• T• C• McCor-

mick & J. R. VVahl.Cultuz'al and Marital Adjustment of Japanese X?Var Byides. G• 1. Scn' uePP & 'A•

M. Yasi. , --ee-(Vol. 61, No. 2 - Sept•, 1955.)

Soeiologieal Theory and Contemporary Polities. B• Moore.

Changing Crlminals : The Applieation oE the Theory of DifÅíerential Assoeiation•

D. R• Cressey.Whe Soaiology oE Seeularization: Rellglous Groups. U. I7V. I'faestx.

Soeioeeonomie Theory and Population Polley. f. f. SPengler•

A Soeiometrie Analysis oÅí ConÅílieting Role-Expeetaneies. L` G• VIVisPE.

Oeoupational DiÅíferenees in the Value Attaehed to Work. E. L. Lyman.

Soelal Class DiEÅíerenees in the Uses oÅí Leisure: C. R. }Vhite.

Aldditional Higher Degrees in Soeiology Conferred in 1954 and Doetoral Disser-

tatlons in Progress, 1954.

ANNALS of The American Academy of Political & Social Science

(Vol. 300 - July, 1955.)

-Tnterllal Seeurity and Civil Rlglits.-

Freedom oÅí Expression:

Seienee and Seeurityo Md S• Livingston. • Freedom of Expiession on the Air. U. E Fellows, Coneentration of Eeonorr}ie Power and Proteetion of Freedom oÅí Expression.

A. A. Berle.

Privaey and Personal Dignity:

Is Wixe Tapping Justified? P. M. Malin.








Page 4: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards






?assport-Right or Privilege? J• A• Fanelli

Subversivc Persons afld Groups:

Subversives in Government. LF• Biddle.

Controlling Subversive Gioups. E, van den IIaag•

Academie Freedom :

The Meavin,g and SigniÅíicanee of Aeademie Freedom• R. M. EIutchins.

The Dismissal of ?ifth Amevdment Professors. H. Taylor.

Security Through Book Burning• C. G. Bolte.

Job Security and National Seeurity :

The Operation of Personnel Seeurity Programs" R• S. Brotvn.

Due Proeess in Seeu]rity Dismissals: E Bontecou.

MoTale in the Federal Civll Eerviee. M. Jahoda.

InVestigatlons :

The Constitutional Privilcge Against Self-Incrimination. T. Taylor•

Due Proeess in Trials. T. t4mold•


-(VoL 301 - Sept. I955.)

-Higher Edueation Under Stress•-

Genei'al View :

A Lopg-Range View of Higher Edueation. F. J. Brown. The Purpose oE bearning. G. K• Chalmers.

Meetipg Manpower Needs. M- H. Trytten•Epeeial Areas:

Changing Patteros of Adrninistrative Organlzatlon in Higher Edueation. J.

D. Rttssell.

Reeent Developmemts in State and Reglonal P]anning oE Higher Edueation.

A• J• Brumbaugh & R. S. Sugg. Higher Edueation and the Federal Goverument. J. L. Morrill.

eampus Issues and Problems. H• 1• Carman.

The Flowering Curriev]a of Amerieap H,igher Edueation. Er. W. Stofee.

The Aecredltation Problem. F. O. Pinkham• Aeadernie Freedom: A Decade oÅí Challenge and Clarifieation. El. D. Gide-

onse. The Role of the University in International Relations. Iill. E. vailson.

Methods oÅí giinanelng Higher Edueation ;

A Conferenee Commemorating Ednund J. James: Program.

Partielpating Institutiolls and Their Representatives.

Whe Career of Edmund Janes James. E. M. Patterson.


Page 5: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards

t GoveTnment Support oÅí Publie Ur-lversities and Colleges. J• A. Perkinse

Government Support oÅí Private eolleges apJd Universlties. C- Davialson•

Alumpi Support and Annual Giving. E. T. Stewart. Corporation Support. W• ComPton•

Trends in Tuition Charges and Fees. U. S. Conrad & E. V. Uollis. How Mueh-and How-Should Students Pay for Hlgher Education? J. .FTe

Meck. Standar'ds oÅí Servi-ee in University Management. ll. L. Wells-

0perating Costs and University Management: .Methods to EÅífeet Eeonomies.

R. M- Paget. How to Finanee Higher Edueation in thc Futuxe. Ii{. M. variston.

Reeent Development in Flnameipg Higher Edueation. J. D. Milleti•

BOnPOCbl DKOHOM"Kif . (5• 1955)

BceMEpgo-KcTopifgecKag lle6ega coBeTcKoro Eapona B Be["ffoU OrregeeTBell.uoti

BoliEe• C- wtaHbrtoB. Il. IlyHaEoB.

O ffyTfix lloBhlmeHga ]poz3BoEzTelbHocTM ffipyga B 1!IamAEocTpoeJg,if

K- KrmMeffEo• TIomo,mellme pa6ogevo saaeca B 1)occmz HaKaHylle peBoirollmg 1905-1907vy-

Tl()fenKopp. A. ff. C(]Cl'. K. IIamz'rueB.

CTaTucnEa-]rorymecTBemoe opyAge gRoHo]1ifgec"oTo aEan3a• C• l]ypcBvav,.

PaCMzpeEIIe uoceBoB ttyEypyBffL-BaffirtevammZ pe3epB yBe[gueHfffl 6aloBszx c6opeB

3eplla. ]]. BaTyazE•

Bazzuoe cpegaTBo ynpemaeuug gKoEoasizNE Eoixe.?a. A• ApellbeB.

YCllexm glioHo"mgecrcoTo paBBMTmfl HapoREo-IeMoEpaTutgecreofi IIexocJ+oBaEmg. ll.


Bo3pomllellute ?viouollollmcmuecreoTo Eaffmaia B 3allaAHoti I"epNaffMg. II[voop. 3m--

r6epT ICaE. , --(S- 1955)

v Texnffgeqmni "perpecc m D"offoMmrva zpom3BOICTBa. ff ffeEpacOB.

BffmsHMe TexHvageclto}o ilporpeeea B lpoMNmlegEocT" Ha lloBNIueHxe sy[bTypm-

TexHugeefioTo ypoBHfi pa6ogmx. O. Ko3neBa.

, XoBflttcTBeHHNti pacgeT z MaTepga[b]oe noompeffme pa6oTHzNeB llpoMbllffIeHffoeTut•

E. Ig6epMaA. 9fiouoMmgecrtze BOffpoCli[ upmMeEeHEfl TellffoBowOfi Tarz Ha oEeffe3Hslx gopoTax


-5 --






Page 6: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards






M[!]C sam BanlleXmuU pHgap rocyllan, cTBeHHoro pylioBoncTBa nolxo3aMx•


06 gmoHoMzgeeftoM collepxlallmA ocuoBEux lloBaBaTeleva rJa3ButmlH 2muBoTEoBogcTBa.

A. Bpflllcitmii.

Kozxo3 ffa ffyTm lloJr6eMa• B• ])vfep3iftq.ttoB.

HaygENe ocEoBN llIaffxpoBaumfl fiapollffoDo xo3aBcTBa KgTaa. Cy CffH.

Bopb6a 3a gogseM CeabcRoTo xoBHficTBa B eBpoEelicE"x cTpavax llapopEOfi lleMO-

rcpaTT.•ll. B. 3oioTapeB, B. XcaeB.

IIporpeccmBfias pfioHobmgecliasi MNcAb g6pallnzR B 6opb6e EpoTptB peareqmoEHofi

MneoJIoTzm x nomTmKm• 3• I[aeTHeB.

RencoTopme oco6efiHOcTli Bocupoff3BoActrBa o5opynoBallpH B nallTri,rallmeirzgecRmx

cTpallax. H. 5IclloBcszfi.

3rcoffo]magecffafl gEcllaEcaa CMA B flEoHze E o6ocTpeHEe agoEo-aMepmgclEorcEx

ffpoTgBopegmtt. A. AxHKeBmg.

----(7' l955)

HertoTopsle BoffpocN paR.BmTRfl Dmo'EoblmgeeEffx Ece[eAoBaHmil uo cemcEooly xo3flva-

cTBy• B• Abflgeemo, K• 06oneifeKna. ,MmpHoe mclloibhoBaEae aTo)iHoE 3HepvxA x Texllldgeeazli llporpecc. B. Me3eElleB.

Coqma•EmcTmgecfioe copeBHoBaHme x Texllmecszti llI}orpecc. Z TiaHrnz.

ilyTg rrog6eMa pbT6Hoti llpubiiimieuEocTm. C. MzxafiffoB.

HoBNa fiepsnofi llIaEmpoBallEfl ceabeKoro xo3fiticTBa M BoEpocbl pa3Mell[eEzn ?rLM-

BoTHoBollcTBa llo 3oHaM. JI. 3albgMaE.

Il'a3BmTRe 3KoHoMmgecrtzx cBn3eva lylermny cTpaHaMff eogutaamCTzgeCftoro IaTepfl•

BnauzMEp Kafiri.Sopb6a pa6ogero Kiacca RallmTamcTmuecmux eTpaH B ]ocieBoellllNZ llepmoE- B.

IIoHoMapeB•Xop.fiBcTBeEEoe pa3Bmne cTI}aE uapozgoil zeMorcpaTzx. H. XBaEeB.

-iFT-(8. 1955)

O lleNoTopNx Boupocax opranm3agMm 3apa6oTHon u:aTN B llpoMNmleEHoeTm. H.

MacQoBa.I'oeyllapcTBellllag cTaTmeTmKa m llapogHoxo3fiitcTBeH]oe niallzpoBaHme• JI. Bo[o-


HeRoTopbie BollpoeN pa3BETzff 3HepreTEuz CCCP. [E. II[Telimay3.

06 fi6lloab3oBaEum llpoz3BogcTBeEHHx MolllHoeTeil ffpoMNIII[eEHNx fiT,empzstnn.

I]. Tziemc•

?aBBzTife cTpomTe[blloB mEnycTpRm B COCP. B• KoibgoB.



Page 7: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards


O MeTogo[orME zcgzczeHmfl TeMiloB pocTa BaloBofi itponyKggE llpoMNmleHHocTz•

C. I'eHuE.

HeEoTopNe BoupoeN pa3MemeHgs m pa3BmTAfl ttop)ToBova 6a3N o Koffxo3ax.

T. Sampbnff•O Bo3aeticTBffx coBeTcfioM ToproBzff lla llpo]y[Nmffelllloe llpota3BoJccTBo• ff• OploB•

I]IaBHNe gpo6Iely[N DEoHo]Iggecrcoro pa3Bmmfl IIoEbmE Ha coBpeMeEEoM 3Taue-

IIpoop. BpoHzciaB MmHq•3KoAoi![utgecKoe pa3BMTge KopeilcffoB ffapoAEo-.IEeMorcpaTzgecEofi Peeny6iMEm.

T. KuM.IfyTm o6ecllegeEzff BallrfTalgcTmgecRz)Iz lvro"oilolmfiMz sololllia[sHeva ]pva6NIu.

K- Z3MaimoB.

----(9• 1955)

lla3peBmze Bo"poeN pa3BmTmn cuei;malgsalizm g EoollepupoBaffRff B NamzEocTpo-

ellmz. A. EcozMoB•

K Bollpocy o ceoTBomeAmM o6mutx E cffe:mq}xgecRmx 3affoHoB eEoHoMmgecffoTo pa-

3Bmga. J[. J[m6omvall.

O ffeEoTopNx llpo6[eMax BoMazelicuoro pa3Blf'rmfl TpaHclopTa, 'E[leH-rcopp. All

CCCP. [l]. XaifaTypoB.BollpocN BHeapeHxfl xo3flZcTBeEHoTo pacgeTa B ]N![I]C. Z. Ky3HegoB.

emHaHcil KgTathcEoZ HapoAEol"f ?ee"y6IEsz Ea c[yoll6e nepBoro nflTifaeTHe]o

uiafia. S.Bo[ghlpeB.

JIecflTb ieT lleMoKpaTAgecfiofi Peclly6[zsg BbeTHaM. C• MxmTapaH.

lloBaH o6cTalloBKa B ABAK K 6epb6a 3a Ty[KpEllfi llyTs paooBmTmfi DItoEoMmKff fflloHmm.

A• BomsoB.K Bollpoey o6 oco6efiHocrrfix fioc[eBoefiEoyo K•afimaEucTmifecRopo qvaE[a.

A. Segua.Pocm rocynapeT3effHo-}TofiomoImcTmgecnoro Eafimam3Ma. B. I]IymBoB.

Bypmya3HNe 3EoHoMzeTK m rocyAapcTBeHEo--MolloffolzeTzgecKmit KaumalzBM.

B. gellpamoB.

O coBpeMeffffofi llolgTfigecKOil Drtollo"mE llpoMezayTogENx E[aecoB. •Z. BImMzg,

Z. nBopEmu.

• -(10- f955)O 3a[agax ffayglle-mcenegoBaTe[bcrcoli pa6oTN B o6[acma gKHoMffitm. B. JIbflgeHree•

J[efiTelbEocTb CoBeToB pa6ogzx geuyTaToB B 1905T. B 3moEoMMgeclioa o6nacTE.

B. OpmoB.

PmTMzgllaa pa6oTa MamzEocTpoxTegbHHx lpeMpmsTzfi g HaygHas opraHz3agmfl

llpog3BomeTBa. H. CioumeBxg.







Page 8: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards







[I]ex]fiueclcmva lporpecc M pocT IgpouaBonzTelbHocTx TpyAa B HeopTfiHova ]poMNm-

[euHocTx CeCP. M. BpeHHep.KgtvailcEafi Uapopmafl Peclly6agKa lla ifyTz coguarmcTggecmon x]gycTpptaim3agxm•

ro. ITei"meB•

3rcoEoMm'gecKme yc]exz ]]epMaHcKova Ae}iorcpaTMgecEot•l Pecffy6xmEx. I}'. I]e[oycoB.

3KoHoMldKa rpegepaTxBHoa HapogHoU ll'eelly6[fian IOrociaBgM. B. opellopoB, A,


06 DKoHoMmgecEoM pa3BmTuff coBpeMeEHoti ZHgzff. M. I?y6mHmTeUE.

---(11• 1955)

aspmJcpffx tl)miellbc-Be[mKxva 6opeg m ygttTeib llpoieTapmaTa. E. Ka[Ae[b.

[I]exuligecitmli nporpecc u gEo]o)mfi ]ia,repifaaoB B ]pobmm[eHHocTm• E)• J[o"ll(liH.

IEIa3peBmme BonpocN oKouoMmEz cTpourTeJ[blloiio [pog3BoAcrrBa. B• TzpoBcEzva•

UelgoTopNe BollpoeN opyallxBallzff pets[ollTa MamgH m o6opyAoBaffzfl B llapollgo]I

xo3fl}ÅëtcTBe CCCP. A. OMal)eBeEzZ•

TIyTg noBbTmeEmfl pema6eibllocTz eoBxoBoB. J[. TpeityaoB.

O MeToggffe zcgzeneHzfl M3gep2Hes llpOm3Bo[crrBa B Eolxo,Rax. B. BeHrmel}.

O bieTonzKe ]epecgeTa iallzollaibHoro nexoga CI[[A. M. CoGogKzff

OCo6eEffocTa IIzrt[ggecrtoro Bocfipog3BOncTBa s AllmmM llocue BTopofil bmpoBova

BofiJbt,. P.Co[ogmau.

--(12• 1955)

IImiil;xecflTtiieTrxe ilepBoE"t pyccitova peBoffroqzu. IE[• 1)y6all.

[I]ex}IKgecKzfi ]Iporpece x ]pegblyzaecTBeHHIiiE pOcT llpOM3BOnCTBa CpeACTB EI otab'-

BollcT•Ba. A• fioTItmg•

IEIemoTopene I[po6Ie}IN opTaHu3aqzm upog3BogcTBtl B upOMli[muleffffocTm. C- Xe.="ll-

blall•YpanMalll3aBol B meeTeZ ]stTzffeTBe. I]. I'[e6oBcBm"I.

O cuc'reMe ]IamMI B cenbcRo).co3flilCTBe]EoM En, om3BonCTBe• A. [I]o"Easfflla.

IY[emAyuaponEoe co•rpygmgecTBo B utc[oGsBoBaHEx aTolyEoft eHe,nvvaz B NmpHNx

ge[flx. Ae JIaBpnmeB-IX ]'ie;"lly}Iapoptmti ptomipecc gGolle]mcToB-arpanl llmtoB. A. 6olvoB.

K Bogpocy o ttalmTaJ[gcTmgeeliobl BocupomaBegcrrBe B ycloBmflx bmJ[E[Tapm3aqvaA 3Eo-

lloMENgL 9. 6peTe:b-06 mciloEb3oBallEg 6yp?"ya3Hova cTaTfieTMcx- ropreff Syggllcftffva•


(New Serjes; Vol. 22, No. 87 -- Aug,, 1955.)


Page 9: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards


Seven Centuries of Buildipg Wages. E. Lr• P. Brown & S. V. HoPkins.

A System oÅí National and Domestie Aceounts. G. Stuvel•

The I.C.F.C. Revisited. B. Tezv. Statistieal Caleulations of Tax Burdens. A• R• Prest.

The Delegation of Authority to SpeDd. L. Iiroldes.


(Vol. 31, No. 3- July, 1955.)

A Serviee ClassiEieation of Ameriean Cities. Iill. f. A]lelson`

Iron Ore Produetion at Krkenes, Norway. T• Lloyd. Changing Patterns oÅí Coal Produetion in the Eastern Interior Field. "• Gb


Riverine and Coastal Junl{s in China's Commree. El. f. JEPfiens.

[I]he Pattern oE Population [I]rends in Massachusetts. J. Laing.

--(VoL 31, No. 4-Oet. 1955.)

Hinterland Boundaries of New York Ctty and Bgston in Southeru New iT]ngland.

H. L. Green.

The Arneriean eentralizer Belt. L. Durand.

Labor MobMty and Growth. W. fl• Miernyk.The Sontl)ern Anthraeite Region-A Problem Area. E. 1]Y. Miller.

Institutional Bcarriers to Eeonomlc Development-Some Examples Åírom Bolivia.

17. L. Keller.

MaD, ping Cultural Groups in an American Industrial City. ll. E Creveling.


' (2nd Series; Vol. 8, No. I-Aug., 1955.)

The Ameriean Eeonomy qnd the FoundatiopH of the Britlsh Labour ?arty. H.


VITestminster Wages in the Manorial Era. L. Beverialge.

Tlie End of a Great Estate. .F'. M. L. ThomPson.

The L'rofits of Fiseal Feudalism, 154J-l602. ,}7. Hurstfield•

Tbe Anglo-iNorwegian Timber Trade in the Eighteenth Century. ff. S. K.


The eotton Broker and the Rise of the Liverpoel Cotton Matket. F, E EIyde

& others.British Steel and Spanish Ore, l871-1914. M. J]V. Fliun.






Page 10: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards





Essays in Bibliography aad Critieism XXXI. History oÅí Eeonomie Analysis.

L M• D- Little.


(Vol. 65, No. 259 - Sept,, l955.)

Eeonomie Froundatlons of Wag'e Poliey. J. R. Hicks.

What All is Utility? M• Friedman• •A Re.joinder. D. Robertson.

The Econornies of Soeialism Reeonsidered. H. Smith.

Convertlbiliey and rVriapgular Trade as Safeguards against EeontmieDepression.

C. M. IVright• .The Coneept and Measurement of Foreign Exehange Reserves. W. M. Brozvn'`' Produet-Elastieities of Substltution" in International Trade. R. J. Nicholson.

A Rejoinder. D. Macdozagalg.

Trade Imbalanee, Gains from 1"rade and National Ineome Change. V. K. Ra-

mas2vam2•Weehnologieal Change, the Terms of Trade av,d Welfare. M. C• •KemPt

Key"es and Supply Funetions. D. Robertson.

Mathematical Appendlx. H. G. Johnson.A Seeond Rejolnder. F- .T. de fong-

Industria! Produetion ap.d Profits in the United Kiagdom and the United States.

E. H• Stern.


(Vol. 33, No. 4 .- July-Aug. 1955.)

Business and the Good Soeiety. 1?• Damos.

It's Time to Research the Consumer. P. Martineau. -Managers in Transition. V. J Kalle]'ian & others•

Deeentralization and Intraeompany Prleing. J. Dean•

Who's Who in Personnel Adrninistration. R• Saltonstall.

Key Questious in Pension b"und IDvestment. W. D. Gradisan`

The Strategy oÅí Produet Poliey. C. H. Kline•

How to Evaluate Automation. J. R. Bright. ,A Business Look at Government Spending. S. B• Colgate.

Stimu!ate Your Exeeutives to Thiak Creatively. .FT. D. Ranalall.

-(VoL 33, No. 5 - Sept.-- Oet., l955.)

Adventure or Boutine. D. Md rvright.

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Page 11: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards

rvtttManagement and the Assembly Line. A. Al. 7Iurner.

Deeision Making in the Age of Automation. M..L. flurni.

Dilemma in lluman Relation. A• T• Collier.

"Cloeks" for Managemeat Control. A ?V. Rucker.

]Iow to Figure Equipment Beplaeement. P. A. Scheuble.

1"he Employee Performanee Reeord: A New Appraisal and Development Tool. f. C. Flanagan & R. K• Burns.Erosion oÅí the Tax Laws. W. L. Cary.

The Private Business of Public Housillg. J. L. Phalan•

Iudus"Lry Patterns oÅí Executive Compensation. A. Patton.


CVol. 100, No. 1- July, 1955.)

The Tax Praetiee "Quarrel". M. E Richardson.Bepeg'otiation Is Here `Lo Stay. P. 2Tlf• Trueger.

),Ianagement Counseling Åíor Small Business Firms. U. G. Brown.

Invevtory Diselosure ln Annual Reports. f. El. Myers.

i"Vhat Is a Coptroller? E. B. Cechran.

The Gregory Case. R• S• ffol.ty,man.

--mp-(Vol. 100, No. 2- Aug., I955.)

Employee Welfare Funds. ff. E. Erb.Tbree iMajor Teehnieal Problems. G. M. fi'ill.

The Easy Additlon oE iNumbers in Sequeoee. E. T. IVeely.

Will Aeeoumting Edueation Imporve? R• K. Ma"txThe Deereaslpg'-Charge Coneept oÅí Cost. O. S, Cellein.

The Pooling of Outside Ineome. F. W. Boydstun.

-.-(Vol. 100, No. 3-Sept. 1955.)

Aeeounting Refrom in Washpgton. J 1?Pr. McEachren.

Fraud, the Accoumtant, and Interpal Control. va. SPrague.

The Intangible Drillillg Deduetion. K. C. Miller.

The Auditor's Dilemmas in Cash-Basis Reporting. H. B. Carison.

Projeeting Capital Needs. R. M. Rothchild & P. Kircher.

British and Ameriean Auditing DifÅíerenees. S. A. Senn.

-"-(Vel. 100, No. 4-Oct., 1955.)

The C.LT. Case. S. Letty•

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Page 12: SA. - · Professer Dein, Mr. Alexander, and Supplementary Statement Number 2. C• R. llusbanal. Staudards




A Look' at the New book ini. Federal Taxation. P. K. ilYebster.

Notes to Financial Statemeuts. E B. Forderhase.

Helping the Small CIient wlth Bubget Prodlems. T. J]X. Leland.


(Vol. I5, No. 3 -• Sept. 1955.)

Criteria of Periodizatioo in Eeonomie ffistory. ff. Iilleaton.

Eeonomie Stagnation in Europe in the Interwar Period. P. F. Dowd.

Soviet Industrial Growth-The Early Plan Perlod. H. EXunter•

Stamp Dutles. f. M. Novotny.


(Vol. 37, No. 3- Aug. 1955.)

ehanges in the Strueture ofi Demand for ?arm ?roduets. K A. Fox.A Statistieal Analysis oÅí F"aetors That AfÅíeet Priees oL" CofÅíee. ff. ffoPp' dir

R. J• liTooie.

Agrieultural Interest in the Regulation of Truck Transportation. G. Black.

The Elastieity of Demand for Railroad Transportation of Florida Produee. E.

Limmer.Livestock and Graiu Market Reports-They Can Be Improved. F. B. It{f7cCor-

mick.A Method oÅí Farm Real Estate Valuation for Tax Assessment. ff. }V. Ottoson

& others•

AlternatYfe Methods of Figuring Depreeiation UDder the Internal Bevenue Code

of 1954. R. R. Botts & T. F. Uaygood•

An Extension Philiosophy Åíor Farm aNd Home Developrnent Work. P. Dorner.Trends in Number of Farms ClassiÅíied by Size. J. C. Elgickson.

ClassiÅíieatioa of the Agrieulture Population in the rJnited States. L•1 Dascoff.


(VoL 20, No. I- July, 1955.)

Sa!es Poreeasting by Sample Surveys. R. Eerber.

The Growlng Importanee oÅí the Srnall-town Store. E. J. ShePPard.

The Use oÅí Engel's Laws as a Basis Åíor Predieting Collsumer Expenditures. B•

S. Loeb.

Tourist Research-A Reeent Development at the Universitles. L. J. CramPon•

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