  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Sa!nah ALIFinal year B.Des, IIT Guwahati

    Interaction Design, User Centered Design, Healthcare, Learning sciences

    Design Portfolio

    goto: Final year thesis

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Beacona tangible user interface to tackle vulnerability

    Wearable Computing, Tangible User Interfaces

    Project 1


    User research: Users were interviewed on various situations of

    vulnerability. We then categorised the users in three categories

    depending on their stage of vulnerability: Critical, Anxious, Comfortable.

    The user was narrowed down to the Critical vulnerability domain.!"#$%&'

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    Conceptualisation: Areas of research were !rst outlined. After

    de!ning user needs we designed the primary concept of the product.

    Scenarios of use were detailed. Existing products in the domain were

    identi!ed and a benchmark map was drawn.

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Beacona tangible user interface to tackle vulnerability

    Wearable Computing, Tangible User Interfaces

    Project 1


    Concept presentation: The design concept was presented to

    workshop mentors and fellow participants. The scenarios were

    enacted. We gathered useful feedback from the !rst pitch session.

    Use cases and product sketches: Use case for the twin band

    system was elaborated. We designed multiple use cases based on

    user reviews. Key features of the product were listed. Initial product

    sketches were drawn.

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Beacona tangible user interface to tackle vulnerability

    Wearable Computing, Tangible User Interfaces

    Project 1


    Prototyping: We used basic electronics and Arduino processing to prototype the product.

    Product presentations: The working prototype was presented. The product idea received a positive feedback.

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Cyborg for Desktop ( experience design of cyborg - kindle editor tool

    Guide: Mr. Tom McDonald, Senior UX Design & Mr. Sridhar Godavarthy, senior SDE,

    Project Members:Sa!nah Ali

    Abstract: The project was carried out as a part of my internship at Amazon Development Centre, Chennai. The project

    involved development of the User Experience of a desktop based authoring tool for creating, editing and enriching kindle

    content. Followed the Amazon User Centred Design methodology to deliver UX speci!cation of the tool. Work involved

    Usability Evaluation, User Research, Persona building, Scenarios, User Journeys, Wireframing and Visual Design. The

    project was carried out in a multi-disciplinary team of software developers, operators, interaction designers and graphic


    User Experience Design, Information Architecture

    Project 2


    May - Jul 2014
  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Cyborg for Desktop ( experience design of cyborg - kindle editor tool

    User Experience Design, Information Architecture

    Project 2


    May - Jul 2014

    User personas:5 personas were developed Task !ows:Tasks were divided in 6 categories and

    task "ows were made

    Conceptualisation:Product attributes required several rounds of brainstorming and feedback
  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Cyborg for Desktop ( experience design of cyborg - kindle editor tool

    User Experience Design, Information Architecture

    Project 2


    May - Jul 2014

    Paper prototyping:Low !delity prototypes were developed. Rapid prototyping was done to test on users and

    gather feedback

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Cyborg for Desktop ( experience design of cyborg - kindle editor tool

    User Experience Design, Information Architecture

    Project 2


    May - Jul 2014


    A UX speci"cation document was delivered.

    The document speci"ed the detailed layout

    of the tool and the wireframes of all features

    included in the tool. Interactions were

    speci"ed with the document. A working

    prototype was developed an tested with theusers. The project is ongoing in Amazon.
  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Accessibility in smartphones (Samsung)designing innovation solutions for improving accessibility in smartphones

    Guide: Professor Keyur Sorathia (IIT Guwahati)

    Sponsor:Samsung Research and Development Center, Bangalore

    Project Members:Sa!nah Ali, Huzefa Kanchwala, Ishpreet Batra, Tuhina Dargan, Arushi Singh

    Abstract: Research project to propose innovative UX design solutions aimed at improving Accessibility of Samsung

    Smartphones. Explore the domain of disabilities. The project submitted interventions in accessibility features for visually

    disabled users, users with motor disabilities and cognitive disorders. Project involved User Research, Contextual Inquiry,

    Design thinking, IA, Task "ows, Rapid prototyping, Wire framing and Usability Evaluation. The project was carried out in ateam of 12 researchers in the Embedded Interactions Laboratory in collaboration with the Samsung Research and

    Development Centre, Bangalore.

    Accessibility, User Interfaces

    Project 3


    Aug - Dec 2013

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Accessibility in smartphones (Samsung)designing innovation solutions for improving accessibility in smartphones

    Accessibility, User Interfaces

    Project 3


    Aug - Dec 2013

    Task !ows

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Accessibility in smartphones (Samsung)designing innovation solutions for improving accessibility in smartphones

    Accessibility, User Interfaces

    Project 3


    Aug - Dec 2013

    Concept generation

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Accessibility in smartphones (Samsung)designing innovation solutions for improving accessibility in smartphones

    Accessibility, User Interfaces

    Project 3


    Aug - Dec 2013

    Concept generation

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Sound in Learningresearch project to evaluate the bene!ts of audio cues in learning

    Guide: Professor Ravi Mokashi (IIT Guwahati) & Mr. Om Deshmukh (Xerox Research Center India)

    Sponsor:Samsung Research and Development Center, Bangalore

    Project Members:Sa!nah Ali, Akash Harlalka, Ankit Kumar, Jatin Bajaj

    Abstract: A framework for using audio cues interspersed with the content to improve student engagement and learning

    outcomes. Drew from cognitive theory of multimedia learning, modelling of working memory. Project involved Experiment

    design, Interviews, Questionnaires, Statistical analysis. The project was carried out in collaboration with Xerox Research

    Centre India.

    Sound, Learning Sciences, Experiment Design

    Project 4


    Jan - May 2014

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Sound in Learningresearch project to evaluate the bene!ts of audio cues in learning

    With the aim of improving education, we wanted to work on something that can help students improve their learning. With

    multimedia content being increasingly used in the context of E-learning, we tried to explore the possibility of sounds in

    improving the learning. After getting insights from the several papers on cognitive theory of multimedia-based learning,

    working memory model and application of sound in the !lm industry; we prepared a framework in which we taught some

    students using audio cues and checked their performance against those studying without any audio cues.

    On a set of 20 freshmen engineering students, we demonstrate that the systematic use of audio cues led to a 37.6%

    relative improvement in learning outcome and 44% relative improvement in long-term retention. Post-study interviews

    establish that the students associated improved recall and engagement to the presence of audio cues.

    Sound, Learning Sciences, Experiment Design

    Project 4


    Jan - May 2014

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    CaptuRinga tangible imaging tool for e"ective brainstorming

    Guide: Professor Keyur Sorathia (IIT Guwahati)

    Project Members:Sa!nah Ali, Bhawna Agarwal, Neeraj Talukdar, Vikas Goel

    Abstract: This project introduces CaptuRing - an adjustable tangible tool for designers to support and augment their

    brainstorming process. The tool enables selective capturing of required information from a table top surface meant for

    brainstorming, storing it and accessing the stored information using intuitive interactions. This provides a framework to

    creatively build on each others ideas while eliminating the need of everyone being present at the same time in a design

    o#ce. The project was carried out as a part of the course Tangible User Interfaces in my pre-!nal year.

    Publication:S. Ali, B. Agarwal, N.Talukdar, V.Goyal. CaptuRing - A Tangible Imaging Tool for Brainstorming

    ACM proceedings (Indian HCI conference)

    Tangible User Interfaces, Imaging

    Project 5


    Jan - May 2014

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    CaptuRinga tangible imaging tool for e"ective brainstorming

    Tangible User Interfaces, Imaging

    Project 5


    Jan - May 2014

    The tool using "exible shape

    changing rings to selectively crop

    images from a brainstorming

    board. The rings are closed to

    capture the images. Di$erent

    images are linked together to link

    ideas. The board can now bereused and the initial

    brainstorming is stored in the


    The processing language (JMyron

    library) was used. Additionally, we

    used the ReacTIVision technology

    and Fiducial markers.

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    CaptuRinga tangible imaging tool for e"ective brainstorming

    Tangible User Interfaces, Imaging

    Project 5


    Jan - May 2014

    Capturing as a tool allows for temporal discontinuity in brainstorming sessions, which can be of vital essence

    especially in busy environmental settings where it is not always possible for all the members to be available for

    discussion at the same time. The tool itself supports a work"ow wherein the participants can have access to

    previous information, contribute ideas and opinions, and store it with ease for other participants. Thus, "exibility is

    provided in terms of time.

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    CaptuRinga tangible imaging tool for e"ective brainstorming

    Tangible User Interfaces, Imaging

    Project 5


    Jan - May 2014

    Anonymity is another aspect which Capturing succeeds to address when it comes to generating, reviewing and

    critique of ideas. It should be noted that the main essence of brainstorming still remains intact, which is to build up

    on each others ideas by referring to information already stored in the CaptuRings.

    CaptuRings provide is the "exibility of space. Instead of a conventional whiteboard where space is limited,

    multiple CaptuRings can be used to account for a larger number of ideas, which can then be easily brought into

    the active frame of the table top as and when required for viewing.

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Savouran application to identify food in a foreign location

    Guide: Professor Sharmistha Banerjee (IIT Guwahati)

    Project Members:Sa!nah Ali, Tuhina Dargan, Shruthi Chivukula, Vishesh Kumar

    Abstract: Savour is a food discovery and comprehension mobile application, designed for our 5th semesters Interaction

    Design courses project. The course involved us carrying out every step in the Design process of a product up to making

    low !delity mockups. The interaction process involved user research, user analysis, interviews, personas, scenarios, card

    sorting, information architecture, prototyping, wireframing, visual design and usability evaluation.

    Interaction Design

    Project 6


    Jul - Dec 2013

    Food & Travel

    Cant understand the local food?



    Authentic food in

    a new place

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Savouran application to identify food in a foreign location

    Interaction Design

    Project 6


    Jul - Dec 2013




    TravellersDont know

    local language

    Family Members

    Local people

    Tour Guides




    Travellers from the

    same country/area




    People looking

    for new food

    Recently shifted

    to a place





    asking about foodasking ingredientsorders, bills

    understanding the food itemsknowning the ingredientsdeciding what u want

    asking about foodingredients, spice leveladvice


    asking about foodasking ingredientssocializing observe their food

    asking about foodsocializing

    asking about food / costasking ingredientsorders, bills

    Co-diner Other diners Reception

    Someone who is in the restaurant and

    wants to get information on food ite ms

    Read menu Pack food

    Call waiterFinding seat

    Give order

    Pay bill


    Reception TableReception Table



    AC/Music Crockery

    Wallet Bill

    Credit card


    Cellphone Packet









    Table/chair Menu card


    Stakeholders: Users, A$ected, In"uenced Users, Activities, Environment, Objects, Interactions

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Savouran application to identify food in a foreign location

    Interaction Design

    Project 6


    Jul - Dec 2013

    Insights of User Research



    What is this? Where is that?



    Menu cards

    Waiters Categories



    Food items

    Reads the Menu

    Selects items

    Ask the waiter for advice/specialities

    Ask ingredients

    Language barrier

    New names

    Nutrition valueGood Menu card

    Good serviceNo language barrier

    Good FoodBad service


    Bad taste

    Ask timeAsk spice levelAsk co-diners preferences

    Gives orderPreparationNutrition value


    Spice levelHelpless (language) Ambience

    Waiters advice

    Co-diners preference

    Order revision





    Spice level




    What is this? Where is that?



    Menu cards

    Waiters Categories




    Food items

    Reads the Menu

    Selects items

    Ask the waiter for advice/specialities

    Ask ingredients

    Language barrier

    New names

    Nutrition value Good Menu card

    Good service

    No language barrier

    Good FoodBad service


    Bad taste

    Ask timeAsk spice levelAsk co-diners preferences

    Gives orderPreparationNutrition value



    Stuffother people get

    Spice levelHelpless (language) Ambience

    Waiters advice


    Co-diners preference

    Order revision






    Spice level


    Empathy mapping

    The Person already knows where to have and we will help him decide

    what to have? The purpose of wanting to identify a food item, is to be

    able to decide whether or not to have it. We need to choose and

    prioritise factors, with this in mind.

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Savouran application to identify food in a foreign location

    Interaction Design

    Project 6


    Jul - Dec 2013

    Contextual Inquiry

    What are they currently doingabout these problems?

    Vinit Shah


    Age : 34 years Profession : Marketting executive Frequent Traveller

    Vinit is a young marketting executive from Gujarat who works

    in an Indian MNC. He travels a lot on business trips. He usually

    travels to US, UK, France and other European countries. He is abachelor and usually travels with colleagues. He stays in

    hotels booked by the company.

    User behaviour

    He likes to explore food in a new place. He tries to nd out the

    local delicacies.

    He is a vegetarian. He likes spicy food.

    He prefers economical food. He does not spend a lot on food.

    He eats in restaurants near his place of stay.

    He generally goes with a localite to help him identify food.


    He wants detailed information about vegetarian food avail-

    able in a place.

    He wants some help to know about new food(detailed) in aplace.


  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Savouran application to identify food in a foreign location

    Interaction Design

    Project 6


    Jul - Dec 2013

    User interfaces

    Wireframes were developed in Balsamiq Mockups. Post wireframing, User Interfaces were designed with visual

    design principles. Heuristic evaluation was conducted on the User Interfaces to evaluate usability

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    The cracked egga furniture design

    Guide: Asad Firdosy (Director, Asad Firdos Design Studio, Nagpur)

    Project Members:Sa!nah Ali

    Abstract: Post my freshman year, I worked at the Asad Firdos Design Studio in Nagpur, India to design and manufacture a

    furniture product. The product developed was an egg chair. The project involved product conceptualisation, prototyping,

    ergonomics, manufacturing techniques, moulding and casting processes, jointing, cushioning, painting and !nishing.

    Ergonomics, Product Design, Furniture Design

    Project 7


    May - Jul 2012

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    The cracked egga furniture design

    Ergonomics, Product Design, Furniture Design

    Project 7


    May - Jul 2012

    Concept: The concept behind the chair is the egg shell cavity. I wanted to develop a sitting place in which you can get

    cozy into your own private shell, this ignited the idea of something exactly similar that nature has given us, an egg shell.

    What attracted me was the unique way in which an egg cracks open. Also, sitting in an egg always fascinated me.

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    The cracked egga furniture design

    Ergonomics, Product Design, Furniture Design

    Project 7


    May - Jul 2012

    Prototyping: Scaled down prototype of the

    model was developed with wires and paper

    coating. Dimensions were decided after astudy of human body dimensions. Principles of

    ergonomics play a huge role in product details

    and ratio. The prototype served as a blueprint

    for the !nal product design.

    Metal frame and roping: For making a clay structure, an initial

    metal frame was welded. The frame was then wrapped in ropes to

    hold the clay. The jute roped were woven with synthetic !ber ropes.

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    The cracked egga furniture design

    Ergonomics, Product Design, Furniture Design

    Project 7


    May - Jul 2012

    Clay mould and Plaster of Paris: The round shaper of the egg was

    made in clay with an inner metal and rope framework. To make themould of the !nal egg, plaster of paris was coated on the clay. The PoP

    was separated by metal plates for easy separation from the clay as it

    dried. Di$erent parts of the PoP were numbered and pulled out to have

    a set of mould pieces.

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    The cracked egga furniture design

    Ergonomics, Product Design, Furniture Design

    Project 7


    May - Jul 2012

    Casting in moulds: Glass !bre re-enforced plastic was used for casting. The PoP moulds were used for structure.

    Jointing Cushioning

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    The cracked egga furniture design

    Ergonomics, Product Design, Furniture Design

    Project 7


    May - Jul 2012

    Final product after "nishing

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Samsung Cluba series of native android applications for samsung mobile

    Guide: Ms. Priyanka Agarwal (Director, Fractal Ink Design Studio, Mumbai)

    Project Members:Sa!nah Ali, Priyanka Agarwal

    User Experience, Information Architecture, User Interface Design

    Project 8


    May - Jul 2013

    Abstract: Designed

    wireframes and visual

    designs for a series of 6

    native applications for

    Samsung mobile. The

    application is now live in two

    languages. The project was

    carried out as a part of my

    Sophomore year internship

    at the Fractal Ink Design

    Studio in Mumbai.

    I was given the entire wire

    framing and user journey of

    the applications under the

    guidance of my mentor.

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Signage Designfor the academic department of design

    Guide: Dr. Prasad Bokil (IIT Guwahati)

    Project Members:Sa!nah Ali

    Abstract: Designed icons, sign boards, panels, plates and room signages for the Department of Design, IIT Guwahati

    User Experience, Information Architecture, User Interface Design

    Project 9


    Sept - Nov 2014


    Department of Design, IIT Guwahati

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Signage Designfor the academic department of design

    User Experience, Information Architecture, User Interface Design

    Project 9


    Sept - Nov 2014




    C la ss ro om s Wo rk pl ac es F ac ul ty ro om s L abo ra to ri es U ti li ti es


    Map panel : Department of Design, IIT Guwahati

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Ecoa learning game for economic and ecologic sustainability

    Guide: Professor Sharmistha Banerjee (IIT Guwahati)

    Project Members:Sa!nah Ali, Vishesh Kumar

    Abstract: In this paper we introduce and describe the conceptualization and design of Eco a game based on

    communicating Ecological & Economic sustainability concepts to children. This project was carried out as a part of the

    Usability Engineering project in our seventh semester.

    Given the target of spreading sustainability education in an interesting manner to primary/secondary school children, we

    chose the domain of educating players about making environmentally sound decisions, in tandem with !nancial decisions

    conveying how being ecologically aware and planning economically in the long term, often go hand in hand, and shouldbe prioritized over short term choices.

    User Experience, Information Architecture, User Interface Design, Visual Design

    Project 10


    Sep - Nov 2014

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Sex-ratio in Indiadata visualisation of sex ratio in states of india

    Mentor:Dr. Prasad Bokil (IIT Guwahati)

    Project Members:Sa!nah Ali

    Abstract: The project was carried out as a part of the elective course Information Visualisation. The idea was to visualise

    the sex ratio of the major states of India. Data visualising techniques for e$ective communication were used.

    Data visualisation

    Project 11


    Aug - Oct 2014














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  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Wearable interventions in healthcarethesis project on wearable interventions

    Mentor:Professor Keyur Sorathia (IIT Guwahati)

    Project Member:Sa!nah Ali

    In my thesis project, I am working on a wearable device that uses persuasive technologies to motivate a patient diagnosed

    with Impaired Glucose Tolerance (A pre-diabetic disorder) to e$ectively follow the lifestyle changes prescribed by the

    physician. The aim of this project is to persuade users for recommended lifestyle changes to delay progression to Diabetes

    Mellitus. A technology intervention is proposed to monitor real time vital data of the user and provide intelligent

    suggestions for lifestyle interventions that aid reversion from IGT to normal. This data monitored in real-time by the use of

    sensory monitors is to be reported to the endocrinologist. The device requires to have a reminder system to aid the userin getting regular diagnostic tests to monitor Glucose levels. A Persuade - Monitor - Report - Remind system is suggested.

    The project involves studying user behaviour and technology acceptance. After an extensive literature review, I have

    conducted user and expert interviews. Post research analysis, I have designed the various parameters of the design

    solution and the application of persuasive design. At this stage, I am prototyping the monitoring system of the wearable. I

    plan to develop the tool by early March and test it for checking the e$ect on user behaviour.

    Wearable computing, Healthcare

    Project 12 - Bachelor Thesis Project



    P j 16 B h l Th i P j

  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Wearable interventions in healthcarethesis project on wearable interventions

    Wearable computing, Healthcare

    Project 16 - Bachelor Thesis Project



    Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is a pre-diabetic state of hyperglycemia associated with insulin resistance and

    increased risk of cardiovascular pathology. IGT patients su$er from blood glucose levels higher than normal levels

    but less than Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Timely correction of IGT delays the onset of Type-2 DM.

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    Research shows that for treatment of IGT,

    Pharmacotherapeutic interventions such as

    Metamorphin Troglitazone is less e$ective as compared

    to lifestyle modi!cation methods such as regulation of

    sleep patterns, physical activity and BMI.

    Extant literature on the use of persuasive theories in conjunction with leveraging advantages of a wearable system was

    reviewed. The continuous monitoring enabled by a wearable is used to identify triggers, at which introduce persuasive

    interventions by an engine. There is lack of experiment on the content delivered by such an engine that learns upon the

    users input, and utilises a$ective parameters to design such content.

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  • 8/9/2019 Safinah Ali - Student Portfolio


    Sa!nah Ali | Final year B.Des I Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

    Email: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Phone: +91-8011-1196635

    Address: Room C38 Subansiri hostel Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati North Guwahati Guwahati Assam India 781039

    Reach out

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]