Page 1: Sales Conversation Example - Amazon S3 · Gina: Cool, tell me a little about you, do you have a business or are you interested in starting a business. Prospect: I have an MLM business
Page 2: Sales Conversation Example - Amazon S3 · Gina: Cool, tell me a little about you, do you have a business or are you interested in starting a business. Prospect: I have an MLM business

The Power Of Clarity ©2016 Gina DeVee • [email protected] • 2

What you see in this document are actual transcriptions of calls that I did with Divine Living Academy prospects. A team member had actually started the Discovery Session and when the prospect and team member got to a place of being stuck I then took over the conversation. Many of these prospects got stuck around the point of money and coming up with the money.

Sales Conversation ExampleThis prospect had already decided she wanted to be in the program

and needed support around finding the money.

Gina: Hi, how are you?

Prospect: I’m good.

Gina: Where are you calling in from.

Prospect: I’m from ________.

Gina: So, I know you’re interested in The Academy and interested in signing up.

Prospect: Yes.

Gina: Cool, tell me a little about you, do you have a business or are you interested in starting a business.

Prospect: I have an MLM business but I’ve always wanted to start my own business.

Gina: Well you must be entrepreneurial if you started your own MLM business.

Prospect: Yes, and I was with another MLM for awhile and have always been into personal development. I came across coaching program and did a meditation program through them

Gina: Oh, wow, __________ is a good friend of mine.

Prospect: Yes, he answered a lot of our questions in the program. And I came across you through this other program. I’ve done the other Masterclasses but when I came across you it really resonated with me, it’s exactly what I want.

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The Power Of Clarity ©2016 Gina DeVee • [email protected] • 3

Gina: Cool, well I’m here to give it to you all year long.

Prospect: Awesome.

Gina: Yes, yes, so you don’t have your own business already started, you’ve done the MLM route.

Prospect: I’ve wanted to get a license and I’m working on the financial side now.

Gina: We’ll get there in a minute. But you don’t already have your own business.

Prospect: NO not yet

Gina: So you’re going to do this to start your own business?

Gina: So you’re already jumping to the finances do you know you want to join that’s why you want to talk about finances?

Prospect: Yes, I’ve decided and it’s just about the finances.

Gina: You’re not gonna miss out on those hotel bonuses?

Prospect: Yes!!

Gina: I get so excited about paying for people hotel rooms because the events are really amazing. So you’ve already decided you want to be in and you want to be in by the end of the month.

Gina: So which track? Certification or Business Track?

Prospect: I want certification but I don’t have the full amount right now.

Gina: You can get in with the $2,500 and come up with the rest later.

Gina: So, where’s the $2,500?

Prospect: I think what I’m going to do is take out a loan for this and as I’m getting paid for MLM, I’m going to use that to pay off the loan.

Gina: Okay, so let mask you a quick Q, how much do you have in savings?

Prospect: About $500 in savings and my husband just got a new job.

Gina: Okay, and how much credit card access do you have available?

Prospect: Um…let’s see, I have a few credit cards, I want to say I have at least $2,000 access in credit cards.

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Gina: So what if we just split this up and put it on a few different credit cards?

Prospect: Yes, I guess we could do that.

Gina: Well let’s do it!

Prospect: LOL

Gina: Let’s get you in and get you your bonus!

Prospect: I’m not quite sure on the details of how much credit I have on the credit cards.

Gina: Well, we’re about to find out.

Prospect: LOL, Okay.

Gina: Alright, I’ll tell you what we’re going to do, I’m going to hand you over to our finance department. She’s going to take down your billing address and contact information and you give her the different credit cards and she’ll put in in the system and we’re going to get you registered tonight because I want you to have that hotel bonus.

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The Power Of Clarity ©2016 Gina DeVee • [email protected] • 5

Sales Conversation ExampleThis prospect had already decided she wanted to join the program,

however, she has some areas of uncertainty about herself and whether or not the program would work for her.

Gina: Does that mean you’re enrolling?

Prospect: I’m totally on board with the concept of it as far as my mental appreciate for this kind of thing is huge, I’ve had enough experiences that mentoring and accountability …I t really benefits people and you are very big on community and accountability. Where I get stuck is that…I worked in an academic position for 25 years with benefits, took the leap, crashed and burned…just over 50 and have nothing left. I’m starting over and at this point in a woman’s life you don’t go out and re-educate yourself in college, I’ve got to do the fast track. So I’ve been exposed to a lot of MLM’s, but something along the lines…I like the coaching concept so my question is, I don’t have a specific idea about exactly what I want to do so I’m worried to jump into a program, so should I wait until I get more clear on what I want to do.

Gina: Not necessarily, we go through quite a process helping women discovery what they want to do. Do you have a sense of what you want to do?

Prospect: The coaching concept is very appealing.

Gina: Do you want to be a coach you just don’t know what kind of coach?

Prospect: No, I’m not opposed to if I had like let’s say I had a specific business, like a photographer, I’m not opposed to working hard, I know I don’t’ want to do life insurance sales,. I want to apply this program to that career and become a coach that would be awesome. I think this is more of a self-confidence thing because I’m in this gray area I want to make sure that I have the time to learn these skills, I don’t want to not apply the work. I just want to hear from you that I’m willing to work hard, I have the time and the desire I just don’t know where I want to go specifically and that’s my worry.

Gina: Well, you’re gonna have to figure it out, how else are you going to figure it out. What is the answer for the life you want?

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The Power Of Clarity ©2016 Gina DeVee • [email protected] • 6

Prospect: I’m not giving you a direct answer, that’s my concern. I love to travel and everyone tells me I should be in the travel business. If I could apply my skills to a travel business I’d do it but I think it’s a funny world with everything online right now. It’s very competitive so maybe I don’t have all the skills I need. I really sound like I have no clue.

Gina: It’s a matter of a decision.

Prospect: Um…okay so what we do is pick something and come up with all the reasons why it won’t work and then we learn to overcome those hurdles so we learn that in this course?

Gina: Yep.

Prospect: That’s helpful. So are you saying basically that you do what you want to do.

Gina: Yes.

Prospect: LOL, you make it sound very simple that way. Um…alright the other thing is from the coaching perspective, if I could help women in my age range who feel like they’re not prepared financially for the next phase, there are many people not financially set up to live out their lives. I like that idea also. If I could coach plus do something travel related that’s my choice.

Gina: So, you’re thinking about joining a coaching certification program that has you traveling the world to 4 global destinations in a year.

Prospect: I know I love that part. I understand that the promotion for the hotel bonus end tomorrow.

Gina: Do you have the money to get in today?

Prospect: Technically no. I have shared CC with my boyfriend, I need to inform him that I plan to use those to get started because we share that card. One of my underlying goals is to get more independent. If I can do this that would be great.

Gina: So, what are you going to do?

Prospect: I don’ t have to have all the answers to enroll?

Gina: Half of the women know what they want to do and half of them have no idea.

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The Power Of Clarity ©2016 Gina DeVee • [email protected] • 7

Prospect: Okay, there’s something else, there are a lot of coaches popping up online and I will tell you that my daughter and I have talked to a few we are not impressed with. If you want to be a coach do you go over how to stand out and be unique.

Gina: Extensively, yes.

Prospect: Okay because there are so many out there that are garbage.

Gina: I’m aware, you’ve got a world class coaching program here. It sounds like something needs to change in your life right now so what’s it going to be?

Prospect: I know I can just go online I have all the emails and sign up that way and I’m gonna tell my boyfriend that I’m gonna do this and I’ll sign up before tomorrow afternoon.

Gina: Which track?

Prospect: Well, when you say coaching cert my understanding is that you don’t have to be certified?

Gina: No, the point is that you get certified. That’s what the coaching certification track is. You go through a specific coaching curriculum.

Prospect: I must have understood the difference. I thought it was the same program and the difference was rather you got certified or not?

Gina: It is.

Prospect: Okay.

Gina: But you don’t have to be certified to get in to it.

Prospect: Oh I remember that I can decide which one.

Gina: If you aren’t sure I’d say….how much access in on the credit card? Pay in full or deposit.

Prospect: Deposit and payment plan.

Gina: Is there $2,500 available?

Prospect: Yes. I mean you know what people don’t like to tell people like you that they can’t afford it right. Technically I really don’t have this money right now but I’m gonna have to make it work.

Gina: What percentage of people are in your position that are enrolling.

Prospect: Probably a lot

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Gina: I’d say a good 70%

Prospect: That’s why I’m doing it I don’t want to live month to month.

Gina: Exactly.

Prospect: And I didn’t used to! That’s what makes my fire stronger because I had the money and I don’t anymore.

Gina: It’s not comfortable that’s for sure. So there will be $2,500 on the credit card and how will you do the monthly payments? Will you be able to pay $846 each month?

Prospect: Yes, that will come out of my regular income.

Gina: So you got this darling you’re in! And You’re gong to get the 8 night hotel bonus so you can travel.

Prospect: I know and I think that’s a great bonus and I fully want to do it!

Gina: So you’re going to go to LA, Florence, Paris and Miami and I’m gonna pay for your hotel and we’re gonna have a blast. So when are you going to talk to him and when are you going to enroll?

Prospect: Tonight and I’ll enroll tomorrow. I’m not saying that to put you off.

Gina: Of course!

Prospect: I really want this and I have done enough programs I don’t need to have the mindset that this is the right thing to do it’s just getting comfortable with is this the right choice.

Gina: Absolutely, I get it.

Prospect: Thank you for your time I appreciate it are the trips, do people come early?

Gina: Yes, some come early and some come late it just depends.

Prospect: I’d like to come to Paris a few days early! And you’ve been doing this for how long?

Gina: 16 years.

Prospect: And when you look back would you change a thing?

Gina: Take a look at my life, what do you think?

Prospect: And I love your magazine too.

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Gina: Thank You.

Prospect: It’s just, you hear these complements yours is different, it’s genuine and I’m sharing it with my daughter and I wish we could do it together but she’s not in a position. Now, your program do you run like for example, she can’t get it, so would she wait a whole year?

Gina: For TA, yes, it’s only once a year but I’ll have other programs throughout the year.

Prospect: Ok. Alright very good. I actually wrote down a couple of questions but we covered them all. The only thing I need to finish working on is if I need certification and I think if you’re gonna coach people they’ll want to know your credentials but I also read in the FAQ’s where you talk about people who do audits for college so I’m like do you need the certification?

Gina: Don’t think about that now. Think about one thing. Getting in and getting the hotel bonus. We’ll talk about certification after that.

Prospect: Ok.

Gina: Lots of love!

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Sales Conversation ExampleThis prospect knew she had a desire to grow her business and had invested a large amount of money and time in other personal development programs so she was hesitant to sign up for another because she had not seen an ROI yet

from the other programs.

Gina: Hi, _____ how are you doing today?

Prospect: Great, thank you!

Gina: So, I see that you’re interested in joining The Academy this year.

Prospect: Yes, definitely.

Gina: Do you already have a coaching business in place?

Prospect: Well, in my previous career I was at a very high level in my industry making millions of dollars a year and I wanted to get of corporate because I was so exhausted and brunt out. I’ve started my own business and it’s not making any money. I started my business about a year ago and I just can’t find any clients.

(prospect talks for about 5 – 8 minutes, let them talk so that they feel connected to you)

Gina: Well, it sounds like your package doesn’t make sense. I’ll help you create your package, and a package that sells when you’re in the Academy. The good news is that we know why the clients aren’t coming to you, the package doesn’t make sense. Once you’re in the program I’ll help you create your target market, your brand, your pacakges, etc.

Gina: With your vast background I’m assuming you’re a quick learner? What questions do you have for me about the Academy?

Prospect: I just can’t afford it because I’ve invested so much money in my personal and professional development. The conversion rate to the US dollar in my country is so terribly high.

Gina: What is your conversion with the __________?

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The Power Of Clarity ©2016 Gina DeVee • [email protected] • 11

Gina: Let’s just look at the deposit of $2,500. That amount in the _______ is _________ amount. How much of that do you have access to in a Credit Card or Savings?

Prospect: I have nothing in savings and I have the last amount to live off of the next couple of months. I have about ½ of the $2,500 right now.

Gina: How much to you have available in credit cards?

Prospect: yes, I probably have enough in credit cards.

Gina: You manifested your deposit!

Prospect: Yes, but it’s just one more course I’m signing up for and I’ve already taken so many.

Gina: I’m going to help you take a short cut from the programs you’ve taken. They aren’t step by step online empire building programs. You get a new module every 2 weeks that a new coach needs in order to make money. It takes one full year to get your business up and running. For someone like you, you’re going to dive in quickly, you’re going to fast track the modules!

(here you can give examples of past clients and how they’ve done)

Gina: I hear you’ve invested in a lot of personal development programs and I have compassion for you. I say pull the trigger and begin using the materials.

Prospect: Well, I need to think about that.

Gina: What thought would you need?

Prospect: I made a promise to never take another program. I didn’t get the results from the last program I took and I still can’t articulate my niche clearly.

Gina: Let me ask you, what part of you wants to do this?

Prospect: My heart.

Gina: That’s the most important part. How coachable are you?

Prospect: Well, I’m very coachable.

Gina: I want you to delete $11,500 (the total investment of program) from your brain or you’ll set yourself up for sabotage. Only focus on the $2,500 deposit. You already have it. The heart part of you wants it, the brain is jumping too quickly into the HOW (masculine). Be in your power. Be in the

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present moment. The Universe has supplied the money to say Yes to your desires. Take some breaths, we’re reprogramming here.

Gina: Tell me your vision for your business over the next year, what do you reasonably want to make in the next year?

Prospect: $5k in the first month and once I start earning I want to go to $20k+ months and grow from there.

Gina: Give your brain a break, What is your heart’s vision?

Prospect: $15,000 a month

Gina: Write that down, so that’s real for you and more than reasonable.

Gina: Here’s an easy month….Create a $3k package and sell 5 of them

Gina: Is that something you’d like to step into? With me?

Prospect: I’m still so disappointed that I haven’t gotten what I already invested in

Gina: On a certain level how are you going to grow your business if you don’t work with me or someone else?

Gina: If you do the program the way it is intended it will work, you must be on all the live calls, do all the modules thoroughly, attend the live events. You are doing a massive disservice to yourself if you focus on anything beyond the present moment.

Gina: Don’t make your business harder than it needs to be. Take it one step at a time, right now it’s step by step, take a few steps, and then you’re going to be in a quantum leap.

Gina: Beginnings are everything, I’ll wait for you to get your credit card, take your time.

Gina: Walks prospect through making payment online.

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The Power Of Clarity ©2016 Gina DeVee • [email protected] • 13

Sales Conversation ExampleThis prospect was a stay at home Mom so there were some beliefs about not

being available for her children, worried to talk to her husband about the investment and ultimately it was time for her to get out of drama and give

herself permission to move forward.

Gina: Hi, how are you _______?

Prospect: Great!

Gina: So why do you want to become a coach?

Prospect: I do not want to trade dollars for hours any longer and going back to work isn’t an option.

Gina: So what I hearing you say is (repeat back what they said).

Gina: Do you know what kind of coach you want to be?

Gina: How old are you?

Gina: What kind of stuff do you want to do?

Gina: Then why haven’t you signed up? And you have the money.

Gina: You are a woman who wants more for herself. This is about your own empowerment and what you are modeling for your kids.

Gina: What’s it going to take to break the mold?

Gina: The whole point is to show your kids you can be a Mom and work and delegate, etc.

Gina: What is this fear with your husband?

Gina: What do you really think he’s going to say?

Prospect: I think he’ll have some concerns and then eventually say yes.

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The Power Of Clarity ©2016 Gina DeVee • [email protected] • 14

Gina: So why aren’t you going for your dreams because you know he’s going to say yes?

Gina: If you’re not 100% committed in this industry and what it’s for then don’t go to your husband

Gina: What are your concerns about this being a real industry?

Gina: Are you the type of person who signs up for programs and doesn’t do anything with it?

(find out about other courses they’ve taken about building a business and making money)

Gina: Are you going to turn your modules in on time?

Gina: So, what’s your decision?

Gina: Finally, let me be the first to welcome you!

Gina: The faster you get yourself out of drama the faster you give yourself permission. All the up and down and all around will wear you out as an entrepreneur. It’s Yes or No – funnel all that energy into something else that serves you

Gina: So you’re in avoidance of making a decision?

Gina: Where did that indecisiveness come from? Your mother or father or both?

Gina: Did this start when you had kids?

Gina: So you started losing yourself and even the ability to make decisions.

Gina: So by what time do you need tonight to talk to your husband?

Gina: I want to give you the time and space to do that and if you register by 9:00 pm tonight I’ll give you the bonuses.

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The Power Of Clarity ©2016 Gina DeVee • [email protected] • 15

Sales Conversation ExampleThis prospect had a previous Discovery Session and asked if her husband could

join the call to ask his questions. The below script is from the conversation with the prospect, her husband and Gina.

Gina: Hi, is this _____?

Gina: Hi this is Gina DeVee calling.

Jane: Thank you so much for calling.

Gina: My pleasure. I understand you and your husband have some questions about TA?

Jane: Yes, actually my husband is here too, he’s on speaker.

Gina: Awesome, Hi John nice to meet you.

John: Nice to meet you too.

Gina: Well, I’m wide open, feel free to ask me any question and then I’ll ask you all some questions if that’s going to help clarify anything so I’ll let you begin.

John: Jane and I listed to one of the calls that you had and I think it was part 2 of a series of calls and you did an overview of what TA was all about and there was Q&A at the end. After listening to that I have a few questions for you and how what you teach in TA relates to what Jane does. So, I just want to know have you ever had anyone in the network marketing industry go through TA?

Gina: Yes

John: How do you incorporate that into network marketing?

Gina: Well, in all transparency, TA is not designed specifically for MLM however because it is so holistic in perspective the people who have used it for MLM what they have reported back to me is that specifically the personal mastery work that they do it strengthens them so much. If you’re in MLM on a certain level you are a coach, you’re helping facilitate the process

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The Power Of Clarity ©2016 Gina DeVee • [email protected] • 16

to someone’s abundance in whatever way, health, finances, etc. As we develop ourselves, we’re the instrument. When you’re turning the instrument and developing yourself you’re going to be that much better at what you do. So that’s one thing. Another thing they’ve told me is the WC and money mastery has been huge for them in terms of thinking bigger and getting stronger around universal law around money and being more confident. There’s plenty of sales modules in there and obviously for MLM you’re using the sales skills for recruiting or selling the product itself. The high vibrational community aspect is also really important. Whatever anyone is selling, and it’s not like everyone in the TA is a coach, we have restaurant owners, people in real estate, chiropractors, doctors. All kinds of people take it but the point is when you’re in an environment where people are totally going for it and hitting $10k, $20k, $30k and $50k months, when you’re there at one of the live events and you’re sitting beside someone who just had a $50k month it’s pretty inspiring to see that so you go create that for yourself and you see how possible it is for you too. Plus women entrepreneurs you’re largely behind your computer in your Lululemons working it. So to be in community and have colleagues and have fun is also really important. In terms of the marketing, the biz modules, social media, all the outreach it’s all going to apply you’ll just need to tweak it specifically for your MLM>

John: Ok. So I’m glad you led into that. So on the marketing side of things, going into the website design and things of those areas, how is that module set up. You talk about you’re going to guide through the steps of creating a web design. Is it literally at the end of that module she’ll have an up and running website or how does that actually work.

Gina: Sure. The website module or any marketing module we’ll do in terms of building a list doing webinars, squeeze pages, landing pages. Yes. Howe the program works, the first week of the month you’ll get the video training module teaching the subject and then there is a supporting module that goes with it. There are templates to fill out the copy that will go on your website. Typically the module takes two weeks to complete. The first week you’ll get your module, the second week you’ll get a Q&A call with me and this is where people get to customize it. You get to ask me your personal questions and get customized feedback on your specific area of focus. Then you have the rest of the week to finish that modules. The third week you get the next module and then the 4th week you have a Q&A call. Every 90 days there is a live event so you get to be in the room live with me and get coached. For something like the website module, it’s not like 2 weeks late it’s done. I help them prepare and plan out everything from the copy to the branding to the photoshoot so we give them a couple of months, you know we kind of like step it, do it step by step out so that over a couple of months the website is actually completed. At the end of the year, if they do the work, each woman’s business is completely built with a brand, squeeze page, sales page, social media, list building, everything you need to grow your business and make money. By the end of the year the business is built.

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John: I guess, two things on that. With the website itself, I’m focused on that a little bit and I understand it doesn’t happen overnight. As far as setting it up, you said that they submit the stuff at the end of the month and if they want feedback on what was submitted is there an additional fee for that?

Gina: Sure, I’m happy to explain it and it’s laid out on our website. It’s part of the package if you have selected the coaching certification track – it’s part of what comes with that package. At the end of every two weeks anyone in that track is assigned their own personal credentialer and they provide feedback. Every two weeks if someone has chosen this track they get feedback.

John: What type of feedback would she get if she were going through the Business Track program?

Gina: Every other week she’d have the opportunity to ask me her questions on the calls and get my coaching and feedback on it and every quarter she’d have the opportunity to attend the live events and get her questions answered by me there as well.

John: How many people attend the live event?

Gina: I would say depending on the group and depending on the location roughly 50% of enrollees or more will show up live.

John: Would that be 200 people or 500?

Gina: Oh, in the past 2 groups we’ve had 200 people and the program has been capped, and we usually have 100 – 150 people at the live events. This year we’re anticipating more than that. I keep my community big enough but small enough. Big enough so that people really have a global rolodex but then small enough so that I really do know everyone who is at least highly participatory asking me questions on the live calls and at the live events. The high touch aspect is my favorite part.

John: What ratio of people are from the states? I know during the talk you said you have a strong presence in other countries, what’s that mix?

Gina: I think it’s approximately 50% of my clients come from North America and 50% are from the rest of the world.

John: Ok. The people you were saying who make $10 to $20k a month are you talking about people who mostly use this as a coaching business? One of the ladies you were talking about was a photographer – its sounded like she designed everything toward other photographer so she set up a business where she was coaching other photographers to set up their own photography business. So what types of business are they building?

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Gina: It’s diverse. The majority of people are coaches or desire to be but certainly we have business coaches, health coaches, femininity coaches, real estate agents, doctors, lawyers, restaurant owners. People use it for whatever their dream is.

Jane: Okay. Um….I think John’s fear is just about my current business which I keep telling him I’m not completely happy with and I’m not going to let that go because our income obviously, we do well. You know, I’m definitely having good 5 figure months and so you know I think his fear is a lot of my time now is, how am I going to split my time up. When I first started building my business I ran out of the gates, I was full speed ahead and didn’t have time for the family and that’s his fear now and how would I incorporate this or he always says you can’t ride two horses at one time. Is there a possibility to incorporate? I enjoy the business coaching side over the health coaching. I still feel stuck like something is missing like I hit a wall.

Gina: So Jane, share with me about you and why you want to be in TA?

Jane: Well, I’ve watched all your videos and have listed to your calls and it just speaks to me on a certain level. I have been feeling stuck.

Gina: You’ve mentioned that a couple of times, what are you feeling stuck about?

John: I’ll answer that because we’ve had a lot of conversations about that and

Gina: Hey, can I jump in here. I just need to use my humor a little bit because you’re gonna get to know me now if you’re gonna be in this program, do you two usually speak for each other? She’s telling me what your fears are and now you’re telling me what she feels stuck about.

John: Not usually I think it’s just now we’re in such odds about this. The background is that I have my own profession I’m in.

Gina: What profession are you in John?

John: Construction management.

Gina: OK.

John: And I’ve always done that right out of school, so then we researched starting a business and we did two years of research and ended up going with a Jimmy Johns franchise. Then Jane went into direct sales and then after that we stumbled upon ________ MLM company.

Gina: Who’s team are you on?

Jane: Who’s team? ______

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Gina: I used to do ________. Do you know _______? If you need a referral about me ask her.

Jane: Okay, she’s a doll.

Gina: Anyways so keep going.

John: So we continually started new endeavors and we’re always starting back from ground zero and as you know it takes a lot to start things from scratch and we’ve gotten to a point now where with _________ we’re both earning an income after 4 years. It took 3 years to get to this point and now if we go to another business I feel like we’re starting from ground zero again because she doesn’t have the clientele and I think it would be very hard to incorporate coaching with anyone in ___________ because that market is already, they already have coaches within the community. Then it goes back to my point, my fears are when Jane gets her mind around something it consumes her and so.

Gina: Is that your way of saying that your wife becomes a wild success at anything she goes after?

John: yes, she does. You know and I guess she’s saying she’s still going to do ___________ and at the same time she’s going to be coaching. So I guess in your honest opinion is that something that you can do for 4 or 5 hours a day and then still spend time doing the other or is that something you have to do full time to get it going?

Gina: Great question. Before I can answer that I’d need to hear more from Jane and since you two are a couple I’ll also then ask you a couple more questions too John.

Julie: How old are you?

Julie: 38.

Gina: At this point in your life if there were no consequences or limitations what’s your dream?

Jane: To be happy. To wake up every morning and to spring out of bed. Feel fulfilled. To help people, the right people.

Gina: And you know enough about creating a business, what’s your business dream? If there were no consequences or limitations and realistically how much money do you want to be making and what do you want to be doing?

Jane: Well, I can tell you that in what I’m currently doing I don’t feel fulfilled.

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Gina: I noticed that you didn't answer my question, how much money a month do you want to make and what do you want to be doing to earn that money?

Jane: I want to make enough that I can retire my husband and bring him home at least $5000,000 a year to cover everything.

Gina: So $50,000 a month, give you a little buffer, and what do you want to be doing?

Jane: I want to travel, be able to inspire people, add value to people’s lives, empower people….

Gina: In what specific way?

Jane: Helping them to reach their dreams.

Gina: Ok

Jane: Showing them the roadmap to get there

Gina: And reach their dreams, if you could pick the people, are their dreams to call in their soul mate, write a book, lose weight, who are these people you want to have an impact on?

Jane: Um……Well I can tell you those I don’t want to deal with that I’ve dealing with for 4 years. You keep talking about high vibrational, I love that. That’s what I want to attract.

Gina: Well, you can attract high vibrational people that want to lose weight….and you don’t have to know the answer, I’m just checking to see, if you did know…

Jane: Probably not to lose weight, probably more of making money. Business side and mindset. The mindset is so powerful, it all starts within yourself, to believe you can create the life you want to create and not be stuck in a 9 – 5 or 7 – 7 and go live the life of your dreams and not have that mindset that I’m just going to settle because I feel like life is more than that. So the business side for sure, not the health side.

Gina: Okay, I’m complete, John?

John: Yes?

Gina: You got an issue man. I’m many things and honest is one of them and I’m not going to sugar coat this for you. Your wife is lit up turned on and clear and nothings gonna stop that. I’ve worked with women all over the world and it’s not that often I get that speech in this phone call.

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John: I know.

Gina: You married her and this can’t be a surprise to you! How long have you been married?

John: 9 years. And that’s what I’m telling you when she has her mind made up about something it’s all in.

Gina: It’s clear, it’s clear. Your wife wants to become a business coach, what’s wrong with that?

John: There’s nothing wrong with that. If you were to ask me the question of what I want, I want to be debt free, we’re on our way to finally being. And to have enough money to have our kids go completely through college and for us to have retirement so that at 55 I’m done, that’s what my goal is.

Gina: Oh my God, how old are you?

John: 37

Gina: How old are your kids?

John: 5 and 1

Gina: Are you available for a little unsolicited feedback?

John: Sure!

Gina: You have so much more to look forward to than that plan.

John: Ok

Gina: And it can happen way sooner than 55.

Jane: Thank You

Gina: LOL! I hear you. I think it’s awesome the amount of protection you have for your family and the vision and goal you have and I just I mean I know that so much more is available so much more quickly because of what I do and in my own life and what happens in my client’s lives year after year. Coaching is the second fastest growing industry right outside of tech so it’s a real business and it’s a real industry. There’s a lot of different directions I can go in so, let me just check in here. So I hear your desires to get out of debt, retire, college paid for and maybe the rest of their lives from the sounds of things, right?

John: Right! I guess were um…the buy in, since we’re speaking openly here the buy in for _____________…the goal was that I was going to that was the road that would provide us due to the success others had in it and the

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success we had already had in other businesses.

Gina: Woah….let me ask a couple more questions, hold on a minute. Hold on. Jane, do you have different desire than your husband in terms of, do you also desire to get out of debt, have a savings, retire and pay for your child’s college?

Jane: Yes!

Gina: Great, so you have a unified goal and vision and that’s great because not every couple can say that.

Jane: Thank You

Gina: You’re welcome! Jane, how much money are you making in _______ right now?

Jane: About $20,000 a month.

Gina: And how long did it take you to get up to $20,000 a month?

Jane: About 2 years

Gina: And how long did it take you to start making $20,000 a month consistently?

Jane: Part time

Gina: Oh you did it part time, really? Ok Cool. So now you want to do something else, business coaching.

Jane: Yes, because if anyone else talks to me about the taste of a shake I might punch them in the face, that’s not what I want to talk to people about, that’s not what I’m here for. I love the company, I love the products, but I’m burnt out.

Gina: I get it. You have a different plan for your Sunday nights other than strangers being in your living room.

Jane: LOL

Gina: Come on let’s keep it real.

Jane: I’ve yet to do an in-home but I know what you mean, I’ve gone into other people’s living rooms.

Gina: So, um…

Jane: I feel, so Gina I’m gonna tell you how I feel. I feel that everything is moving

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online. An online biz is smart and an additional income stream, why not? The fact that all I need is a phone, computer, any where in the world is appealing to me. I think group programs are phenomenal. I don’t ‘really coach 1:1, my coaching is on a group or on a stage talking to hundreds of people and I’m just not getting pad for it.

Gina: Let’s cut to the chase here because I know it’s getting late for you all, the writing’s on the wall and I want to be in service. Jane, you’ve done all this work in the past and it’s all training to become a business coach. All the speaking, marketing skills, all of that is going to benefit you and catapult your coaching business quickly. You want to do this, you both have unified goals in terms of the money you want to make and Jane you have found a more modern way to leverage your time and do it from anywhere in the world. So where does this leave the two of you? John, are you still breathing and how are you about this.

John: LOL. I’m still breathing. I’m open-minded to it and I’m always open-minded and Jane always comes up with ideas and I guess I still need to maybe just talk to her about it. I’m open-minded and I’m thankful you took the time to talk to us because you did mention and make things much clearer for me. I appreciate it.

Gina: My pleasure. And what is it you still want to talk to Julie about?

John: The balance of how she plans on doing this.

Gina: Are you available for me to ask a few more questions on that so we can get that taken care of real quick?

John: Sure

Gina: Jane, which track to you want to do the Certification Track or the Business Track?

Jane: Business Track

Gina: Okay, so it’s $11,500

Jane: Correct

Gina: How do you want to pay for that full pay or payment plan?

John: Realistically we would just do the full pay

Gina: I would think so too John. It’s $11,500 she’s gonna make that back in like in a minute, are you kidding? Okay, so now Jane has decided on the Certification Track and you’ve decided to give her the full pay discounted price because it is more on the payment plan and considering we are in the last week of being able to get the 8 night hotel bonus, so John I’m not

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sure if you’re aware of this but there are 4 live events and I’ll be paying for Jane’s hotel if she signs up now. So that’s pretty awesome. Plus when Jane signs up she gets to jump into Orientation which is already started so she doesn’t miss out on any more of that but there is still some time to do that between now and when the program starts, meet the other women in the program, really getting acclimated and look at things like schedules and completion and what needs to be put in place so what you’ve got in your life now and the program can all still happen. Now that we have that settled, what other questions do you have?

John: I think everything is clear and well laid out. I don’t ‘have any other questions at this point.

Gina: Awesome John. What do you think about it now?

John: You know to be honest I still need to organize my thoughts on this because Jane came to me with this about a week ago that she had been thinking about this for a month or two so this coaching side is I guess is a completely new avenue that I’ve never thought about or have looked in to or known anyone to go through this path before. Obviously we’ve listed to a lot of people coach through the MLM because they do a lot of that with Jane and we’ve coached quite a bit so we know coaches that way but I never thought of branching out and doing coaching.

Gina: I get it, it’s kind of one of those odd things where even though it’s been around for decades it’s really hit momentum now and for some people it’s super new. I can share with you there’s a couple other women who are reminding me of Jane. Have you ever followed Emily Williams or Jess Nazarali?

Jane: Yes.

Gina: So John, Emily is one of my clients who (tells Emily’s story) (tells Jess Nazarali’s story)

Gina: These stories go on and on and on….when they follow the curriculum and actually do it which is not an issue for someone like Jane, the money comes in big and it comes in quickly and men all over the world are retiring well before the age of 35 even, so you don’t have to wait until you’re 55.

John: Ok

Gina: It’s pretty exciting.

John: It is it’s very exciting. How many people have gone through the program?

Gina: Over 400, this is my third round. And for whatever it’s worth, if you are new to the program I have compassion for you, my husband knows that gig as

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well. He too has a wife who has an idea, goes for it and shows up and says I have an idea and he cringes but he’s there because he’s totally supportive. I used to be a psychotherapist and was one of those people who thought I had to go to college, get a job…I have a master’s in clinical psychologist and I’ve been doing this work for 16 years (tells rest of her story) (tells Glenn’s story of going from Chiropractic to working with Gina) There definitely are a lot of real businesses being created in this industry.

John: Ok.

Gina: Good for you, it’s a lot of new information and it’s a little WTF and it’s a little sudden and exciting and it’s like is this stuff really real? I get it I really get it and Jane I know you’re going to do great things with it and I know you know that too. I’m personally just really honored to have the opportunity to work with you this year Jane. I know that with zero question that you’re going to be one of the women I’m featuring next year talking about what she’s done and who knows maybe even retiring her husband during the year of TA.

John: I like the way that sounds!

Gina: LOL. Awesome! John you gonna go register your wife tonight and show her how supportive you are?

John: Absolutely

Gina: Beautiful! Are there any other questions or concerns you have?

John/Jane: Not at this time, thank you so much!

Gina: Lots of love, Bye!

John/Jane: Thanks Gina!

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Questions to Ask When Exploring Where the Money Might Come From

Get specific details like:

• Tell me about yourself.

• What is your age?

• Where do you live?

• What kind of coach are you? Or Do you know what kind of coach you want to be?

• What do you do for work?

• Why do you want to become a coach?

Then move into exploring where the money might come from:

• What do you have available in your savings account?

• How much do you have available on credit cards? ◽ If they say their credit cards are depleted…

• Can you get another credit card?

• What about your husband…can he get a credit card?

• Would your husband be willing to help you?

• What would get him to say yes?

• What about your parents? ◽ If they say they asked recently and said No…

• Is there any other option we aren’t exploring? ◽ You might be surprised at what people will say. People could have an inheritance they

just need to get with their lawyers about, etc.

• Do you have anything you can sell? ◽ Sometimes people will have land, antique furniture from an inheritance they no longer

want, etc.

• What’s the best case scenario out of all of these options?

• Great, call me back tomorrow at 2:00 pm.

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You might be wondering what to do if…

What if at the end of a Discovery Session the prospect says YES and is ready to begin working together, but they don’t send the payment when they say they would and they don’t respond to my emails?

More than likely if this person hasn’t sent payment and they’re now avoiding your emails you might have ended the Discovery Session too early and this prospect is dealing with a confidence issue. And perhaps you are as well!

Sometimes when a client says YES at the end of a Discovery Session they aren’t as serious and committed as that YES sounds to you on the other end of the phone. It’s okay to challenge the prospect and ask them if they are 100% sure they are ready for this level of commitment to transforming this area in their lives and doing the work to move in the direction of their desires.

In terms of not receiving the payment from the prospect, be sure to remind people about how being a client of yours really works. A prospect only turns into a client once an exchange of money has occurred between the two of you. When a client says, “Yes, I want to do this, I’m in!”, your response can be, “Great, I’m so glad to be working with you! Now, in order to officially become my client, the next step is for you to make your payment. So, let me walk you through how to do that right now.”

This is about taking decisive action and training your now new client to say YES when they mean YES and take the next action step.

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What if I don’t know what questions to ask next in the Discovery Session?

There isn’t a certain set of correct questions that you’ll ask every single prospect. There are some general questions that can be made more specific and personalized for each individual prospect you have a Discovery Session with…after all, each prospect will be different.

A great question to ask after a prospect tells you what they desire is to then go into what might be holding them back. If they were able to achieve their goals and overcome their obstacles on their own they would have done it already and wouldn’t be talking to you. They are talking to you for a reason, so ask them about that by saying:

“Why do you believe you haven’t achieved (fill in what they said they wanted) yet?”

This will help both you and the prospect uncover the limiting belief they are holding on to. What makes this useful is that your client doesn’t come to you knowing I’ve got ‘xyz’ limiting belief and I need your help to overcome it. YOU know there is a limiting belief, but they don’t see that which is exactly where you come into the picture as a coach! This is why they need you….to see what they don’t yet see.

What if I’m thinking too much about what I’m going to say or ask next during a Discovery Session?

The point of a Discovery Session is not for you to put on a performance or audition for a big role in an upcoming blockbuster movie. Your purpose is to come from a heart-centered place, be present with your prospect and facilitate the process of the prospect making a decision and commitment to either move forward with coaching or not to move forward with coaching. All you have to do is drop the drama and serve your prospect.

The more you go out and help people and serve, the more your calendar will be filled up with Discovery Sessions!

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What if I ask to someone I know, someone I meet at an event or a past co-worker about coaching with me and they have an weird reaction that creates an awkward moment?

Rather than jump out and ask a person too soon (even if you already have a relationship with her), ask them other questions about her life, her family, what she’s up to these days. You’ve probably noticed that most people you have a conversation with in your everyday life start mentioning things that aren’t going well very quickly in that conversation.

Start by showing a genuine interest in people and what’s going on in their world. People like talking about themselves so ask questions. If the conversation goes in a direction where the other person is revealing things to you that you know you can help them with THEN invite them to have a deeper conversation about it and ask if they’d like your help.

If they’re interested you can set up a time to get back together over the phone and do a more formal Discovery Session.

What if I’m super nervous about having a Discovery Session with a new prospect?

Guess what? Most of your prospects are going to be way more nervous than you. This person is experiencing obstacles and challenges in her life that she is coming to reveal to you and trust in you to possibly help her in a long term coaching relationship. For many people change is very scary, transformation is not something everyone is up for.

Set your prospect at ease by creating a relaxed, safe and inviting environment for them to be open and honest. The beginning few minutes of a Discovery Session is to get to know your prospect by being curious and asking her questions.

You’ll know when it’s appropriate to dig deeper and even to challenge your prospect. By creating a relaxed environment to start the Discovery Session your prospect will be more open for clarity and transformation.

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What if I’m conducting a lot of Discovery Sessions and I’m waiting to hear back from a lot of clients on whether or not they want to work with me? They aren’t saying NO but I feel like I’m waiting around to hear from them or chasing them down to get an answer.

Spend some time evaluating your Discovery Sessions after each one that you have until you’ve gotten so good at conducting them that no one hangs up making promises to call you back in a few days. Continue to improve your system and your conversation skills with prospects. Typically, but not always, when a prospect says they promise to get back to you in a few days and you find yourself chasing prospects down it’s a red flag.

When you find yourself waiting to hear back from a prospect you’ve switched roles and they now have all the power. Waiting around can create panic, neediness and a feeling of suspense throwing you off your game and putting all your eggs in the basket of this one prospect who is still ‘thinking about it’. Do you see how much energy that can take up?

This is an opportunity for you to step up and strengthen your skills! Typically if a prospect must think about it and get back to you later they haven’t been provided enough value and don’t believe that working with you is going to be helpful enough for them to make an investment in coaching with you.

What if no one purchase coaching packages from the emails that I’m sending out to my list? Isn’t that the whole point?

Building a list and consistently building a relationship with your community through email marketing, providing value, providing resources and providing them with opportunities to work with you and consume your product is an amazing way to help you build your coaching practice…or any other business for that matter.

The goal of your solo-mailers is not necessarily to have people purchase a $5,000 coaching package from the email itself. The goal of the email is to transition the person on your list reading your emails to a conversation over the phone if they’re interested in coaching with you.

Your emails alone may not sell a $5,000 coaching package, but what they CAN DO is focus on helping people solve their problems. People must get that you ‘get them’ and their problems. Once you’ve done this then you can ask them to take the next step and consider coaching to transform their lives…and the next step is a Discovery Session. Stay in the possibility of changing their life! People must feel that you genuinely want to help them, not just increase your bank account.

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What if I am having a hard time saying what I charge for my coaching and I’m even changing the price every time I talk to a new prospect?

The price you choose for your coaching packages must feel good to you and you must feel confident in saying that price out loud to your prospect and then being silent on the call. Let them process for a moment. Slow down.

So, how do you decide on a price? Write down the price you think you’d like to charge right now for your package, stand in front of the mirror and say it out loud. Next, write down a number lower than that number, stand in front of the mirror and say it out loud. Then, write down a number higher than your original number, stand in front of the mirror and say it out loud. What would be a fun price for you to charge?

You’ll know where to start! Go with the price that is in alignment with where you are at in your evolution as a coach.