Page 1: School magazine contents page

Table of Contents Photo shoot

These are some of the products of my photo shoot:

I did a photo shoot in order to gain images for my Contents page in my school magazine. I had to plan this photo shoot beforehand in order to be clear on the image idea I was to

create. In this planning I had to consider the item/model that would be used in the image, the type of shot and what

distance the image would be taken from, what kind of lighting would be used, what would appear in the background and the positioning of where the image would appear on my Contents


I also had to think about the relevance of the images I was taking in comparison with the details on the front cover of my magazine as well as practicality measures

such as back-up plans pending on situations. This came in very handy as on the day of my photo shoot,

the 2 main models that I was going to use initially were absent so I had to use my back-up models Lettie

and Nicole.

Page 2: School magazine contents page

Choosing the imagesFrom the previous slide, it is clear that not all of these images are suitable to appear on the

Contents page of the magazine. Below I have highlighted why some images are inappropriate.

This image cannot be used as it was a practice shot and neither of the models were ready for the photo to be taken. One of the models is still applying her make-up, her make-up bag is seen in the shot and

neither of the props (the bags) are seen properly. The focus of the image also seems quite blurred and not

at a fixed position.

Although not a terrible shot, this image still cannot be used because of the darkness. I experimented by

taking the photos whilst being both on and off flash to see what effect it has. In this case, the darkness

seems too unrealistic and doesn’t give the impression that the models are in school.

Page 3: School magazine contents page

Choosing the imagesThis image cannot be used due to the funny face the model on the left is pulling. The shot is supposed to

communicate true school life and not make the viewer realise that the images were from a photo shoot. It

would also make the Contents page look unprofessional as well as draw the viewer’s attention

away from the bags, to the model’s face.

This image is unsuitable due to the motion caught on camera by the model on the right’s hand. This usually

happens when the camera attempts to capture an image of a moving object. This may be picked up on

by the reader of the magazine and they would spend time noticing the imperfection instead of thinking of

the significance of the image.

Page 4: School magazine contents page

Choosing the images

This wouldn’t be a good image to use for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is clear that this is a student

attempting to look pregnant and not a teacher. The lighting is too dark and the objects in the

background can not be seen properly. Finally, the model’s facial expression, the calculator and other stray objects reinforce that the model is in fact a

student and not a teacher.

This image cannot be used due to the lighting. Flash was used in this shot and it made it appear a lot

darker than it actually was. I also think that this shot is slightly over-posed and to avoid the issue of the

magazine reader concentrating on this point, a shot that looks natural should be used. The drink in the model’s hand on the left also diverts the attention

of the shot.

Page 5: School magazine contents page

Choosing the imagesBelow are my chosen images that will appear in my Contents page and the reasons for

choosing them.

This is one of my chosen shots as it is a natural-looking image as I captured it as the models were actually in proper conversation. It is also a well-lit

image enabling the viewer the see the models’ faces clearly. The posters in the background demonstrate that the models are in school which make it suitable

for my school magazine.

This is another of my chosen images and I picked it for a number of reasons. Firstly, the photo is well-lit as flash wasn’t used and there is natural light coming from the left side. Once again, the models are in a natural pose reaching for their food. Both bags can be seen properly which is essential in advertising where to eat and there is no rubbish in canteen background.

Page 6: School magazine contents page

Choosing the imagesThis is a suitable image because the model used

could pass for a teacher that is pregnant. A prop of a thick hoodie was used in order to achieve the look of having a pregnant ‘bump’. Jessica was my back-up

model and had to be used because no female teachers were available at the time of the photo

shoot. I had previously asked her to dress in quite formal clothes in order to communicate her teacher status and look how the teachers look in their attire.

This is a suitable image as it is relevant to the magazine’s content of school activity. The spiral in

which the books are arranged in adds interest to the image, rather than just having a single book. The

number of books present in the image reflects the number of A-levels that most students will gain at the end of the second year they are at sixth form. The image also adds something the student can

relate to as all will have text books.