Page 1: School magazine: treatment & planning

School magazineIn this task we were expected to produce a school magazine front cover and contents page. We first had to sketch what our magazine would look like and then upload it. We did audience research to find out what we needed to base our stories on. We analysed two other school magazines that we found off the internet and picked out the good points and bad points of them to make sure we didn’t make the same mistakes.

Page 2: School magazine: treatment & planning

AS Media Studies Preliminary Task – School Magazine Front Page Proposal Form

Target audience: (age range, interests)Although it is a school newsletter you still have to think about your audience and how to appeal to them.

The target audience is mainly school students. It can also be shown to the parents of the students to know what's going on at the school.

Possible title ideas: (masthead / title block)What is your magazine going to be called?

Priory Zone.

Main image:What will be the focal point of your front page, remember, your work “must include a photograph of a student in a medium close-up”

The main image will be a medium close up of a priory school student either sixth form or student showing priory logo.

Main cover line:What will be the main story?

A main event that is happening at the school at the time that the magazine is out. For example in December the Christmas fair.

Additional key images:What other images will be on your front cover?Remember, it is a school magazine.

School logo. Images of the school. Images that relate to the main story.

Additional cover lines:Other features, stories or selling points which will be inside the magazine, these need to be audience appropriate.

News that’s been happening during that week of school.

Typography: (style, size, colour of copy)Think about the writing and the style of the writing on your front page.

A large font with a colour that relates to images on the page or school logo. The masthead will be the largest text as it needs to stand out.

Background colour/image:What will be in the background, remember you don’t want to take the focus away from the main image.

The background will be a different colour to the text and images so that the text can be easily read. The background needs to be simple so it doesn’t

Technical considerations:(equipment, setting, props, costume, lighting)Be realistic and creative, think about what you have access to and how you could use it.

Camera, white background, grey jumper, grey jumper or sixth form.

Page 3: School magazine: treatment & planning

Preliminary exercise: produce a front page and contents page of a school magazine. Front covers must include a

photograph of a student in a medium close-up with appropriately laid out text and use of an image manipulation

programme (Photoshop).

Below start to sketch what the front cover of your newsletter will look like.

Page 4: School magazine: treatment & planning

Preliminary exercise: produce a front page and contents page of a school magazine. Front covers must include a

photograph of a student in a medium close-up with appropriately laid out text and use of an image manipulation

programme (Photoshop).

Below start to sketch what the contents page of your newsletter will look like.

Page 5: School magazine: treatment & planning

The Masthead shows the name of the school which shows the audience that the magazine is aimed at.

The boy has his top button undone which shows that the school takes a more laid back approach and allows the students to express themselves however they want.

All of the stories are based around music which suggests that the school wants to promote itself as music based.

The text in the bottom right says ‘’Head boy’’ and is the second largest text after the title which shows that it is the main focus. The magazine is also promoting the students blogs and encouraging the audience to go and read more about them.

The amount of text is very limited meaning that the audience is more likely to read what’s on the page. The text is also quite clear and easy to read as it is a suitable size and colour.

The magazine has no price suggesting that the school want the magazine to be available to as many people as possible.

Page 6: School magazine: treatment & planning

The colour scheme is very co-ordinated making the magazine seem very professional and also the text and the boxes are laid out very effectively with images from the school adding to the idea of it being professional.

The magazine has the date Included to make sureParents know when itWas issued and so they can Update on what’s been goingOn at the school.

The magazine contains a lot of text which may not catch the eyes of the students as they don’t want to read a load of text that they may not understand.

The masthead says, ‘’Notes form the Head teacher’’ showing that the main focus of the magazine is to inform parents on how the head teacher thinks the school is going and any information they may need to know about.

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Page 9: School magazine: treatment & planning

Audience researchFeature Demand

Music 3

Sport 2

Message from the head 1

GCSE results 5

Music reviews 4

Film reviews 2

Think pink 5

Page 10: School magazine: treatment & planning

Price(P) Demand

0-10 16

10-20 10

20-30 7

30-40 6

40-50 4

50-60 4

60-70 2

70-80 1

80-90 0

90-£1 0