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Screw You Acne

Screw You Acne!

The Definitive Guide to Getting Rid of Acne Once and For All

Seth Rose

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This book contains no medical advice. This book is written for entertainment purposes only. Seth Rose cannot be held liable for any actions you take or health issues that occur. Please speak to a medical professional before implementing of the information provided in this book.

Copyright All rights reserved. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the expressed written consent from Seth Rose. Copyright © 2014 by Seth Rose. All Rights Reserved

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Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3

What Causes Acne? ....................................................................................................................................... 4

Dermatologists: What are they good for? .................................................................................................... 9

Accutane: My thoughts and Experiences.................................................................................................... 12

The Kitchen Sink Approach ......................................................................................................................... 16

Going Forward ............................................................................................................................................ 24

additional information ................................................................................................................................ 26

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I remember it like it was yesterday… It was the 7th grade. Me and my pals were sitting at our usual lunch table. One of my friends is blabbing as usual “Yada, yada, yada” and then out of nowhere he says, “Yeah I’m starting to get a little acne, but it’s nowhere near as bad as Seth’s.” What a jerk. Who says that? And what the hell is acne? Seriously, I don’t think I knew what acne was, but I would get to know it oh so intimately over the next 10 years. For the years my acne was worse my life was hell. I’d wake up in the morning and as I lay in bed I thought about how I’d face the world for another day. I’d think about what sides of the hall I’d walk on or what side of the classroom I’d sit on and whether or not my acne would be at a high or low visibility. I would walk into the bathroom and spend several minutes intensely studying every pore on my face. Once I got to school I did my best to avoid conversations and contact, especially at close distances to others. I would start to count the hours until I could be in the safety of my on home again, away from those preying eyes. Then its rinse, wash and repeat for a few years. Eventually I got on Accutane and it was like a dream come true. I even got my first compliment on my skin. Eventually my acne came back. Not as bad as before, but still enough to be a damper on my life. Although no one probably cared in the least about my skin, I was convinced they did. Copernicus believed that we lived in a heliocentric universe, but my theory was that my face was the center of it all. As you’re reading this there are people starving over the world, or dying of a horrible disease or being sold into sex trafficking, but we’re not paying

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attention to any of that. That’s not how the human mind works. Our minds are concerned first and foremost with our wellbeing and our survival; our skin and appearance is a part of that. We perceive acne to be the number one problem in the universe. While you can convince yourself it’s not, in the back of your mind it will always be eating at you. Every time you look in the mirror it’s there. While acne is a physical problem, the mental and emotional havoc it can wreak on us is devastating. I started Screw You Acne! And wrote this book so that I could prevent as many people as possible from having to go through what I went through. Below I will share everything I know: Experiences, ideas, research, past articles and comments and more. Whatever it takes. I truly hope that you take the time to read this carefully and hopefully it helps you get rid of your acne once and for all. Good luck and God speed! Now let’s get started, shall we?


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After putting a man on the moon, you’d think that getting rid of a few red dots on our face would be a piece of cake. We can understand quantum mechanics and neuroscience, but the cause of acne has escaped some of the world’s brightest minds. One of the main issues is that the modern medical community believes in a certain set of causes, whereas those embracing a more natural and holistic approach have a completely different view point. Both sides have failed to reconcile, and that leaves millions of acne sufferers confused about how to best approach their acne. Like all things in life, there is a happy medium between everything. When it comes to acne, there is no exception. While I tend to ere towards the side that embraces holistic and natural treatments, the modern medical consensus should by no means disregarded. (Note: Before we get into the causes of acne, please keep in mind that I am not a doctor or medical professional of any kind. This is simply to be used for informative purposes and not medical advice. Please refer to the disclaimer for more information.)

Why It’s Important to Understand the Causes if Acne With the thousands of skincare products, blogs, websites etc. it’s difficult to navigate through the bevy of conflicting information out there. This is problematic because if we ever wish to cure acne, we must first know what causes it. Over the years, through vigorous research and less than pleasant experiences, I feel like I’ve narrowed down acne to be the result of one or more of the three following causes:

• Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies, • Hormonal Imbalances, • Digestive Issues and Diet (E.g. poor gut flora, indigestion,

constipation etc.)

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I don’t claim to have all the answers, and these could potentially be off base, but I’m confident that if you’re suffering from acne, you’re likely plagued by at least one of the above three. Let’s look at these three causes a little more in depth:

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies I don’t recall all the details, but I recall it was about prisoners of wars in Japanese camps during World War II. The prisoners suffered horribly from a variety of ailments, but the most prevalent disease was what is known as beriberi. Those inflicted with the disease suffered problems to organs and muscles and began to waste away. While the Japanese were not overly concerned with the well-being of their prisoners, the prevalence of beriberi was a curious case. What was causing this brutal disease and why was it so prevalent? It was eventually discovered that beriberi was a result of the diet of the prisoners. Their diet consisted almost entirely of rice. As poor of a diet that is, the rice was heavily processed, and had been stripped of the husk which normally covers rice. The husk of this rice contained a lot of vital nutrients, one of which was vitamin B1, known as Thiamine. I found it incredible that one single vitamin deficiency could have such a devastating effect. This is nothing new though. For instance, scurvy is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. This begs the question: If diseases like beriberi and scurvy can be caused by vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies, isn’t it possible that acne could be as well? The evidence of this seems to lead to the conclusion that the answer is a resounding yes. So which ones cause acne?

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From personal experience and research, I believe the top 3 vitamin and mineral deficiencies that contribute to problem skin are vitamin A, vitamin D, and Zinc. If one looks at the role of these nutrients individually, it’s clear that they all play a role in the health of the skin. Vitamin A influences the physiology of the skin by promoting epidermal differentiation, modulating dermal growth factors, inhibiting sebaceous gland activity, and suppressing androgen formation. As it promotes cell turnover in the skin, vitamin A is effective in preventing the formation of comedones that cause the most common forms of acne.1 Zinc 2 assists in the proper structure of proteins and cell membranes, improves wound healing, has anti-inflammatory effects, and protects against UV radiation. Vitamin D is so essential that we produce it just by being in the Sun! Vitamin D is essential for growth and repair of skin cells. If you have acne, than I suggest you start supplementing your diet with all three of these. If you’re acne persists, then you’re going to need to look into other issues such as:

Hormonal Imbalances

Acne is by nature a hormonal disease. Our hormones are responsible for the development of the oil glands in our skin and once fully developed these glands obtain the capability of forming acne. While it is not known exactly how hormones affect acne, we do know that the skin is a target for hormones and can even produce hormones itself.3 Balancing our hormones is a lot more difficult than say taking a few vitamins daily. Your best bet is to seek out a dermatologist. While there are supplements that can help with hormones (such as the aforementioned ones),

1 2 “” “” 3

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modern medicine has developed medicine that is potent when it comes to treating hormonal acne.

Digestive Issues and Diet

If you’re not a teenager or a woman experiencing her period, and you take plenty of supplements daily, your acne may be caused by digestive issues. Modern medicine says that the link between diet and acne is not strong, but based on personal experience, and anecdotal evidence, that doesn’t seem to be the true. Foods such as dairy and sugar, may have an impact on our skin. On top of that I’ve found high protein diets can cause a lot of digestive stress and inflammation which manifests itself on our face as acne.

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DERMATOLOGISTS: WHAT ARE THEY GOOD FOR? If you walk into a dermatologist’s office, I can predict one of three things will happen:

• They prescribe you an antibiotic like doxycycline, • They put you on Accutane or, • They give you a topical or other medicine that targets hormonal

imbalances. I’ve personally experienced all three options, and will go over them individually.

They prescribe you an antibiotic like doxycycline This is by far the least effective option of the three. As I’ve said, the root causes of acne cannot be traced to an excess of bacteria… The purpose of antibiotics is to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. Sure, that will help solve the sort term problem, but antibiotics do nothing to solve what’s actually ailing you. Next!

They put you on Accutane A lot of people shudder at the idea of taking Accutane, but the reality is that it is a fantastic drug. For more information on my thoughts and experiences with Accutane, scroll down below. The reason Accutane works is because it is a vitamin-A derivative, and thus fulfills one of the criteria for the causes of acne. The problem is that you can’t take Accutane and its sister drugs forever. However, it is a step in the right direction.

They give you a topical or other medicine that targets hormonal imbalances

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This is probably your best bet. Just as Accutane fulfills the criteria of vitamin deficiencies, some topicals help to balance hormones. Whereas you can take over the counter vitamins, I know of no effective, proven supplements that balance hormones. If you do, then great! Don’t forget to share it too. Beyond being given treatments for acne, there are numerous other reasons to seek out the help of a medical professional. Let me pose you this question:

What do you do when you have a problem? Personally, I like to take matters into my own hands. I’ll think about my experiences and do some research to come up with an answer. If I’m still stumped I’ll seek out family and friends. And of course, when it comes to my skin, I like to handle things myself. I mean, I have my own website, so I should be able to handle myself. Not quite. You see, a while back I noticed I had some redness and inflammation under my eyes. I shrugged it off at first and wanted to let it take its course to see where it went. Things started getting worse, so my first instinct was to use cortisone cream. Of course, the cream worked. However, the problem with cortisone cream, like Benzoyl Peroxide, is that it doesn’t actually solve the underlying problem at hand. It’s simply a Band-Aid treatment to temporarily mask the physical manifestation on the face. I quit the cortisone cream and it came back, worse than before. I was stumped. I had no clue what this was. I went to see dermatologist and he told me that I had some eczema possibly be caused by allergies. He told me to take some allergy medicine and provided me with a topical cream. He also told me that cortisone cream

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should NEVER be used around the eye (You learn something new every day right?) A few days later my eye was back to normal. Had I never gone to the doctor, I never would have been able to figure out what was wrong.

Lose The Ego

Some of you may have too much pride to see a dermatologist. You probably scour message boards and forums looking for the answer to your woes in the form of natural and holistic remedies, yet oftentimes that doesn’t come. The reason why you should see a dermatologist is because they are experts, and know more about the skin than people online including me, by far! Sure, Western medicine has its flaws, but still knowledge is a valuable asset which dermatologists have a lot of when it comes to the skin. If you’ve been suffering from acne for a while, there’s a good chance you’ve seen a dermatologist. Perhaps their solution didn’t work out for you. Unfortunately that’s how things work sometimes, but at least you tried. At least you made the effort to expose yourself to a new set of ideas. Yet, some of you may have never seen a dermatologist, or refuse to see one again. This I believe is a problem. I really wish that we could cure our acne by just taking some over the counter medications and some heath foods, but that’s not how things work. Dermatologists have the skills and resources that we don’t and you should take advantage of that. I know I may sound like some shill from the American Dermatological Association, but objectively I think it’s the right move. If you have been suffering from acne for some time now and haven’t seen a dermatologist yet, what are you waiting for?

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ACCUTANE: MY THOUGHTS AND EXPERIENCES I was at a friend’s graduation party back in high school. We were standing outside and someone was talking about acne. The topic of Accutane came up and the person said:

“Seth used Accutane, and his skin looks great!” It was the first compliment I ever got on my skin; I’ll never forget it. While I remember having a few blemishes at that party, my skin was clearer than it had been in years, all thanks to Accutane. I really wish my dermatologist had prescribed it sooner, but it is a [powerful drug that is only to be used in certain cases. If I had to do it over again, I would have used my current methods of skincare first, but if that didn’t work out than I’d have no problem using Accutane. I want to share with you my thoughts and experiences on this drug, but first please note: The medical information is provided for informative purposes only, and is not to be used for any diagnostic purposes. This information is not a professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before considering the use of Accutane and similar drugs.

What Is Accutane?

Accutane, which is the name commonly attributed to Isotretinoin is a retinoid, which is “a class of chemical compounds that are related chemically to vitamin A.” Accutane is “used primarily for severe cystic acne and acne that has not responded to other treatments” (Wikipedia). As you may know, I’m a big fan of vitamin A when it comes to treating your acne. Whether it’s Cod Liver Oil or Carrot juice, vitamin A is the way to go when it comes to skin care. Vitamin A is so important when it comes to skin care because of the role it plays in the growth and repair of skin cells.

How Does It Work?

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The means by which Accutane accomplishes its goals are still not totally understood, but there are several ways it is believed to help clear up skin: 1. It dramatically reduces the size of the skin’s oil glands (35%-58%) and even more dramatically reduces the amount of oil these glands produce (around 80%).8-9 2. Acne bacteria (P. acnes) live in skin oil. Since oil is dramatically reduced, so is the amount of acne bacteria in the skin.9 3. It slows down how fast the skin produces skin cells inside the pore, which helps pores from becoming clogged in the first place.10 4. It has anti-inflammatory properties. (

Who Should Take It? Again, I am not a doctor, and only a dermatologist knows who should and can take Accutane or similar drugs. In my opinion, people suffering fro moderate to severe acne may consider using it. Consult with a doctor, and see if it’s right for you.

What To Expect You can expect that by the end of the duration of your Accutane cycle, your acne should almost entirely have subsided. With the exception of a few blemishes, your skin will likely be entirely clear. This process does take about 4-5 months depending on the time frame your dermatologist has set up for you. Be patient, because Accutane is usually incredibly effective. In the first few weeks, however, you may experience an initial worsening of acne. This is a result of the sebaceous glands going into overdrive, pumping out more sebum (or oil) which is what causes acne. This usually subsides within the first month after initial use.

Side Effects

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When the topic of Accutane comes up, people are always quick to point out the side effects, as they should be. People should be well aware of the effects of a drug before taking them. The only side effect I personally experienced were chapped lips. Many complain of joint pain, while others state that suicide or thoughts of suicide may be a result of taking this drug. Instead of theorizing what the truth is, I’ll let data do the talking:

(Penn State) As you can see, dryness of the lips and skin are really the only side effects to be expected. The rest are outliers that exist with taking other prescription drugs as well.

My Experience

It was probably around my Junior year of high school when I started Accutane. My acne had reached a point where I was unwilling to keep trying mediocre antibiotics and topicals; I wanted the good stuff.

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Accutane didn’t disappoint. It took about two months before the results started becoming noticeable, and by the fifth month my skin was looking better than it had in 5 years. Unfortunately, that didn’t last. Like all acne treatments, they only last for as long as you use them. When it comes to natural treatments like Cod Liver Oil and juicing, you can, and should be consuming those for the rest of your life, whereas with Accutane it can only be used for a few months. Thus is the great drawback with Accutane. My acne post-Accutane was much more mild then before, but it was still frustrating nonetheless. I can’t tell you what the right decision is, but I hope that you use this info to weigh your decision.

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THE KITCHEN SINK APPROACH How many times have you heard someone say, “I just did [X] and now my skin is fantastic!”? Too often. The issue I have with this is that people like myself spend years fighting acne, but often have nothing to show for it. For example, many people say eliminating dairy will cure acne. Well, I tried eliminating dairy from my diet and still had acne. Am I supposed to just accept my fate and do nothing to help clear my skin? When people say that just one thing made their skin better, they’re failing to take into account that everyone is different, and not everyones skin responds the same to products and methods. This is why I suggest what I like to call the “Kitchen sink” approach. Basically what it means is that you’re throwing everything and the proverbial kitchen sink at your acne. Don’t mistake this for meaning that you should put dozens of products on your face, rather it means that you need to take a multi-faceted approach to acne. It’s not a one and done operation, it’s a lifestyle. Get that through your head now, if you’ve been suffering from acne for a while now and not much has seemed to work, stop looking for a quick fix. Stop searching for that Holy Grail that will give you Hollywood skin, it’s not there. If you ever want to have clear and healthy looking skin you’re going to have to overhaul your current lifestyle. Sure, this is going to an investment of time and money on your part, but that’s what it takes. If you want to spend the next few years moping around and shying away from mirrors and a social life because of ur skin, then it’s time to get down to work. If you’ve taken the time to read this far, you probably have the motivation to get rid of acne once and for all. Let’s get to it:

Lifestyle I was going to title this section “Routine” but it’s not a routine. Again, it’s a lifestyle.

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I’m not going to tell you to use pretty, scented washes or exfoliators. In fact, to start I’m going to tell you to ditch most of your skincare products. Skincare companies make billions of dollars every year shoving products in your face (literally) promising that they will make you look beautiful. Oftentimes it’s the exact opposite. Here’s the deal: Because acne is an issue that shows itself on the surface, it would seem that it would be treated by topicals. There an innumerable number of creams, masks, topicals, lotions, oils etc. that we are told that if we put them on our face, our skin will look better. I’ve tried more than my fair share of these and rarely did I notice a significant difference from these products. Actually I take that back; sometimes I did notice a significant difference, but for the worst.

Have you ever considered that maybe your skin care products may be causing breakouts?

The problem with treating acne as a “cleaning problem” is that it’s not actually an issue of cleanliness. Acne comes to fruition largely as a result of what’s going on inside the body. And because of that we should be more concerned what we’re putting in our body, than what we put on it. This is why the top items on my Products I Use are meant to be put in your body, not on it. Sure, for some people Salicylic Acid may be just what they were looking for, bu they likely only had a few blemishes here and there. For people who have more than a few spots on their face, it’s likely a result of the above two reasons. Putting different products you bought over the counter will never heal your acne for good because your only attacking what’s on the surface. Essentially it’s a band aid for a much larger issue. Heal your insides and you will truly cure what’s ailing you. Not only do these products usually fail to make a difference, but they often exacerbate the problem. Putting numerous products on your face can cause several issues:

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• Disrupt the ph balance of your skin • Cause you to have an allergic reaction • Dry your skin • Irritate your skin

There are only several topical products that do neither the above, and tackle the original two problems. Those products, however, are rarely found in your local pharmacy, rather you’ll need a prescription for them. Instead of worrying about the next best product to put on your face, starting worrying about what’s going on inside your body. If you have a face full of pimples, then you probably won’t be overly concerned with a single, solitary spot. Rather, you should be concerned with tackling the underlying causes of the problem. For many people however, a single pimple is enough to give them a cause for concern. In this instance there are certain steps to take to prevent that pimple from becoming a monstrosity and a bane to your existence. The most important mantra to remember is that:

“The best offense is a good defense.” While that pertains more to sports, it does hold value when it comes to skincare. In order to prevent pimples from surfacing, you have to make sure you’re doing everything right in the first place to stop them from coming into existence. This includes following the routine your dermatologist laid out for you, eating a healthy diet, taking the proper vitamins and minerals, additional health supplements, juicing fruits and vegetables, getting adequate sunshine and more. If you fail to follow these with consistency and persistence, then you can guarantee you will have many breakouts in the future. I used to fall into this trap. My skin would look great for a few days, I’d slack off on my health and skin regimens, and then like clockwork I’d notice a few

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blemishes. I’d then furiously hop back on my routine, and within a few days my skin would clear up. I would then slack off again, I’d breakout and the vicious cycle would continue. It is CRUCIAL that you follow this program to a T day in and day out if you want your skin to look its best every day. I know it’s tough, but if you make it a top priority it won’t be difficult for long. Now, let’s get down to business.

The Action Plan

I’m going to assume that you woke up one morning and you noticed a pimple getting ready to surface. Usually a spot won’t op up without fair warning. The biggest ad gnarliest bastards tease you and slowly surface. For the entire day you should limit, if not entirely avoid, and foods that may exacerbate your skin. More importantly though, you want to eat foods that help reduce inflammation. I say that because from what I noticed, consuming particular fruits and vegetables do more to help my skin than junk food does to hurt my skin. Does that make sense? I have a juicer and what I’ll do is make one with at least half a dozen organic carrots. While Cod Liver Oil provides the lion’s share of vitamin A, juiced carrots give my body a ton of vitamin A in the form of Beta-Carotene. I’ll also add in some leafy greens and a little fruit to taste. My skin is noticeably better the day after one of these juices. If you don’t have a juicer, it’s something I would urge you to look into. Check out my recommendation. In addition to a juice, you want to consume additional whole fruits and vegetables. You should also seek to limit excessive carbohydrates, and eat healthy fats like almonds, avocados and fish.

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The next step is to make sure you’re supplementing properly. If you notice a blemish(es) surfacing then you’re going to want to bump up your typical dosages. Here’s my recommendations:

• Cod Liver Oil: 3 tsps. • Vitamin D: 10000 IU (Depending on the weather) • ACV: 3 tbsps. • Coconut Oil: 3 tbsps. • Zinc: 60 mg

These are by no means dangerous amounts to consume, but not amounts you need to consume every day. For a few days though it’s what I would follow to stop a breakout. Hopefully it’s a nice day outside, if so, spend as much time outside as possible, almost to the point where you’re going to get a sunburn. What this will do is to make sure your body I getting more than enough vitamin D. While excessive sun is bad for your skin long term, in my opinion it’s fantastic for helping to get rid of spots. I’ll put it this way: My acne has never been worse the day after I’ve spent a ton of time in the sun (except for sunburn). That’s just anecdotal evidence, but I stand by it. Now, if you do get a ton of sun, there is no need to take any vitamin D that day. However, if it’s winter or a gray day outside, then stick with the 10,000 IU I recommend. To cap it all off, at night, use the 10% Benzoyl Peroxide. I don’t recommend this often, but when you feel a spot surfacing, or after it already has surfaced, then is the time to use it.

Additional Words of Wisdom Make sure to through the day without worrying and obsessing over one spot. That won’t help you physically or mentally. Remember that all spots will go away eventually, so there’s no point in obsessing over it.

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A few other things to keep in mind: No hot showers (at least on your face) and there is no need for cleansers (“cleaning” a blemish is pointless since it’s already there). Also, try to avoid makeup and for God’s sake stop putting crap on your face!

The Next Day The day after you follow this routine I can guarantee your skin is going to look a whole lot better. There’s one little problem though… Following a routine like this means that your immune system is going to be functioning at full capacity, which in turn means that white blood cells will be on the hunt for nasty bacteria. These white blood cells will make their way to the blemish you’ve been trying to get rid of and camp out there. This is the ‘head’ of the pimple. Most people like to pop these; dont. Don’t!

DO NOT POP THE PIMPLE!!! Sure, popping it gets rid of the whitehead, but only temporarily. And even so, you’re going to be left with a bright, red spot. My suggestion is to just suck it up and deal with the whitehead. It’s just a little speck, it’s not the end of the world. It should subside within another day or two. On the other hand, sometimes the pimple will actually subside altogether, depending on how early you caught it. Regardless, if you follow the routine, these types of things won’t happen much in the future. I mentioned quite a few products I use, so if you want to learn more about them check out this page.

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Mental and Emotional Health One of the reasons I started Screw You Acne! Was to help people cope with the emotional and mental trauma that acne can have on people, but once I started writing I started to develop a different approach. My belief now is instead of focusing on how to cope with acne, that time and effort should be spent on clearing up your skin. If you don’t have acne anymore, then you’ll have nothing to worry about. Simple right? The only problem is that you can’t get rid of acne with a snap of the fingers. It takes time. In fact, there’s a chance the advice I provide you in this book may not even work. That’s just the way it is. So while your main focus should be on getting rid of acne, there are some steps we can discuss to make this time of your life not only bearable, but enjoyable. For years, I woke up every morning and stared in the mirror, cursing that I’d have to face the world again for another day. When I did go out into the world, Id make an effort to limit human contact as much as possible. It was torture. You probably can sympathize with me on this matter, as you may have a similar story too. When I think back to it though, it wasn’t my acne holding me back, it was my mind. I didn’t need to change the way I interacted with people, rather I felt that I needed to change it solely because of my skin. It’s easy for people to say, “Don’t Let It Bother You,” but they probably don’t understand. You can’t ignore something that’s on your face, and it’s even harder to pretend that others don’t see it. What I don’t like about people saying to ignore your acne, is that you need to accept that you have acne and do everything in your power to get rid of it; if you don’t have acne, then you won’t have anything to worry about.

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Like I said, pretending acne doesn’t exist is a pipe dream; you know it’s there no matter what you try to do. My belief is that you need to accept your acne, but continue to live your life in spite of it. So take talking to a friend: I would often avert their eye contact, look down, and try to break off conversation as soon as possible. And that was with my friends! Because I was so anxious my mind would immediately focus on my acne; it was an unconscious reaction. While I could pretend it’s not there, not only would that likely not work, but I would be so focused on my damn skin that I would forget about the person talking to me. What you need to do is to say “Screw You Acne!” and go about living your life regardless of your skin. This means putting yourself in uncomfortable social situations and putting your face out there for the world to see. This will be difficult at first, but over time, your mind will feel more at ease with you socializing with acne. The only way to get rid of a fear is to face it head on. You don’t pretend it doesn’t exist, rather, you persist in spite of its existence.

The Program

The best way to accomplish something like getting over a fear, is to have a plan of attack. So what I want you to do is write down a goal and plan of action for not letting acne ruin your life. For example: Goal: To be able to socialize with friends and strangers. Plan: Have 3 meaningful conversations every day, and plan one social activity per weekend, for the next 10 weeks. Remember: The most important thing is to take action. Without that, you will never change your life.

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GOING FORWARD This book has been an outpouring of my thoughts, emotions, experiences as well as previous articles and comments I’ve written. It’s the kitchen sink approach to writing a book. I wanted to write this book to give those suffering from acne a clear and concise guide to getting rid of their acne once and for all. I writhe and cringe thinking back to my years suffering from acne, and I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I sincerely hope this book has given you some helpful actionable advice that you will implement. Remember, one of the most important facets of any acne regimen is consistency. Without consistency, we are vulnerable to allowing acne to resurface. This means that in order to get rid of acne you are going to have to be extremely dedicated and disciplined. There is no quick fix for acne, nor is there a ‘one size fits all’ method, but there is a way. The other most important aspect is time. While I have found supplements like cod liver oil do wonders in days, that may not work for everyone. Maybe you’ll need Accutane (although both contain high levels of Vitamin A). Whatever it is that works for you, stick with it! I wish you the best of luck and if you ever have any comments or questions, feel free to contact me or leave a comment. While I do charge for consultations, I’d be more than happy to spend time helping you free of charge. The consultations exist more for the appearance of having a professional operation, I don’t like charging people for things. That’s why this book is free. Don’t be shy, hope to hear from ya!

Your friend,

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Seth Rose


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I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this and that it helps you on your quest

to clear skin. If you’re looking for more information from me, you can check

me out in a few places:

Screw You Acne Website

Screw You Acne YouTube Channel

Thanks for your support!
