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To learn is to live.

Live and Learn

Newsletter Date

Volume 1, Issue 1

Meaning of Life Top Ten


Influenced How I am as a friend Time Capsule


Memories What I’ll Miss Goals


My Greatest Moment Kim Kardash and Kanye?!? Miley, where’s your hair?


Gun Control Three Women Found Good Day


My Reflection on Good day Regrets a& Live and Learn


My Way 8


Inside this issue:

This is the story about, Madison Chase.

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The beauty of the meaning of life is that

it’s based on our choices and opinions. We

were put on this earth to have the chance to

live our lives how we want and not how

others want us to. I live my life based on

the codes and values that I have chosen for

me. I live every day to the fullest, never re-

gret anything, do what makes me happy,

and try not to waste time impressing any-


The Meaning of Life

and be loved in

return.” Moulin


5. “Love means nev-

er having to say

you’re sorry.”

“That’s the dumb-

est thing I ever

heard.” What’s up


6. “If you love me

you have to love all

the things about

me.” Dirty Danc-


7. “I'm more man

than you'll ever be,

and more woman

than you'll ever

get!” Car Wash

8. “After all, tomor-

row is another

day.” Gone With

The Wind

9. “To call you stupid

would be an insult

to stupid people!”

A Fish Called


10. “Well, you know

what they say: if

you don't have an-

ything nice to say

about anybody,

come sit by me!”

Steel Magnolias

Top Ten Favorite Movie Quotes

1. “We belong to no-

body, and nobody

belongs to us.”

Breakfast at Tiffa-


2. “Don’t dream it,

be it.” Rocky Hor-

ror Picture Show

3. “Ah. Yes, the past

can hurt. But the

way I see it, you

can either run

from it, or learn

from it.” Lion


4. “The greatest

thing you'll ever

learn is just to love

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Time Capsule

How I am as a friend

Even though

its clique, my mother

is the one who has

influenced me the

most. Watching her

struggle to raise my

brother and me alone,

has taught me how to

be independent and to

appreciate the smaller

things in life. She also

taught me how to stay

strong through any

situation and never to

relay on anyone but

myself. If I want to

make it in the world, I

have to work hard and

nothing ever comes

easy. Since my mother

has sacrificed

a lot for me

made me re-

alize the im-

portance of

my family.

sort things out. I also always

tell them how I truly think and

I try my hardest to stop them

from making the wrong deci-

sions. But at times I feel like

since they think I’m so strong

willed that they don’t have to

put as much effort to helping

me out as I do for them. The

advantages of me being such a

good friend is that I’m obvi-

ously trustworthy

and reliable and

those are great traits

to have but the dis-

advantages are

much worse. I

sometimes forget to

put myself before

others and that

makes it difficult to

focus on my life and not theirs.

In my opinion, I think I’m an

amazing friend. I’m very caring

and reliable when it comes to

my friends. I treat them like

family and I’m there for them

no matter what. I feel the need

to always protect them and

make sure they do the right

thing. I always listen to them

when they tell me their prob-

lems and I always help them

Solo Cups – While in high

school, I went to many parties.

I got to interact with my

friends and also got to meet

new people. Since I’m so out-

going, I really enjoyed all those

parties. The solo cup really

represents me being the social

butterfly I became to be in

high school.

Scrubs – Because I worked in

the nursing homes while trying

Concert Tickets – All through

high school I went to many

concerts. I got to see all of my

favorite music artists and had

the opportunity to even meet

some of the band members.

Because I love going to con-

certs and being in the crowd

while listening to live music,

the concert tickets really repre-

sent who I am and my love for


to get my CNA, I had to wear gray scrubs. It

represents me finally get my degree and all the

memories I’ll remember from J.E.L.

Subway – First off, the BLT sandwich is by far

my favorite thing to eat at subway. I would put

it in my time capsule because it represents how

every Wednesday I would get subway and

watch a new episode of my favorite TV show,

Duck Dynasty.

Bed – Even though I loved always being

around my friends, my bed represents my en-

joyment of sleeping.

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Let’s be honest, I’m not the

brightest blub in the tanning

bed. Sounds a little harsh,

but I do lack a little in the

common sense department.

It was my 7th grade year

when I decided to stick my

tongue to a pole in the mid-

dle of winter on the bus

stop. After about 3 seconds,

I pulled back and my tongue

came right off. So I tried it

again and this time I stuck

my whole tongue on the

pole and kept it on there a

little longer. The bus then

arrived and my tongue was

still stuck. Panicking, I took

my fingers and pulled my

tongue off the pole and ran

to the bus. When I arrived

at school, it seemed as if

everyone already knew. Peo-

ple came up to me and lec-

tured about how I could

have lost my tongue like the

little boy in the Christmas

Story. Well in my defense I

never saw the movie, so

there’s no way I would have

known my tongue could

actually stick to a pole dur-

ing winter.

my college intuition and per-

sonal expenses. My degree

for becoming a ultrasound

technician will require approxi-

mately six years of education.

Two of them will go towards

my x-ray technician degree,

and the other four will go to-

wards my bachelor’s degree in

ultrasound. When I secede in

all of my schooling, I plan on

moving to Florida with my

family and start my life there.

I have many goals that I

would like to achieve in

my future. First I would

like to get my CNA job

so I can save money up

for my first car and a

place of my own. I then

would like to start col-

lege to become an ultra-

sound technician. While

attending college, I plan

on still working as a

CNA part time to pay for

I’ll get an ultrasound job at a

hospital in Florida and buy a

house. Maybe after some

time, I’d like to settle down

with someone and start a fam-

ily of my own, but I have to

finish school first. I’m going to

achieve all these goals by

working very hard and by

making sure I do everything I

said I would.


My Goals

do my own laundry, and

pay my own bills. Being

in high school basically

gave me an excuse to still

be a kid. So of course I’ll

miss seeing my friends

every day and goofing off

in class, but that’s not

what I’ll miss the most.

I’ll miss being a kid and

having no responsibilities.

And now all those years I

took school for granted

are now coming back to

haunt me.

What I’ll Miss

Recently I had a wakeup

call. After I graduate, I’ll

be considered an adult.

I’ll actually have to go

into the real world and

start taking care of my-

self. I’ll have to get a full

time job, get my own

place, feed my own self,

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My Greatest Moment

Miley, where’s your hair?

Kim Kardash and Kanye?!?

I was forced by my mother

to take the CNA class at

J.E.L. and I absolutely des-

pised it. Every day I would

tell my teachers how I hated

the class and how I was

forced by my own will to

take it. Literally, no one

thought I would end up

getting my CNA by the end

of the year, not even my

mother. After a couple

months passed I started to

actually like the class and

the fact that I was helping

people out in the nursing

homes. I was doing things

that I never thought I could

be able to do before, like

cleaning a bed pan or giving

someone a shower. Taking

this class has really helped

me grow up and actually

start taking more responsi-

bility over other things than

just myself. After a while,

my grade and attitude really

started to improve and eve-

ryone could see a big differ-

ence in me. When the end

of the year came, I passed

my state board test and got

my CNA licenses. From this

experienced, I’ve learned

not to come to conclusions

so fast and try to make the

best of every situation.

ple. I think she has the

right to have a child with

anyone she wants without

people judging her. Kim

is obviously really excited

about having her child, so

why not be happy for

her? Instead of people

judging both Kim and

Kayne, they should just

be happy for them and

move on to other celebri-

ty drama.





It’s true. Kanye West an-

nounced on stage that

Kim Kardashian is having

his baby even though if

you want to get technical,

she still married to Kris

Humphries. To be hon-

est, Kayne and Kim hav-

ing a baby doesn’t bother

me like it does must peo-

about her fans opinions and

kept tweeting pictures of

her new haircut. But why

care what other people do

with their own hair? If Miley

likes it, then leave her alone.

Why try to change

someone’s style? It makes

the person their own and

unique, and that’s why her

Miley wanted a big change,

and change is what she got.

Cutting her long locks to an

edgy undercut look really

stirred up her fans. As soon

as she tweeted a picture of

her new haircut, fans had

nothing but bad things to

say. But still feeling pretty,

Miley couldn’t care less

fans like her so it wouldn’t

make sense to judge her for







"Another angel to

welcome to our

family. Overwhelmed

with excitement!" -

Kim Kardashian

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'if you don't have something

nice to say don't say anything

at all. my hair is attached to

my head no one else's and

it's going bye bye :)'

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The United States is try-

ing to ban certain guns in

American. Guns that have

a large magazine clip or

the assault rifle must go in

their opinion. Ever since

the Sandy Hook shooting,

guns have been frowned

upon and gun control has

been wanted. Politicians

seem to think it’s the guns

and not the people that is

the problem. But if you

think about it, the people

are the ones who shoot

the guns and make them

dangerous, the gun its self

is not the problem. Ban-

ning certain guns won’t

solve anything; it would

just make more problems

in the long run. We

should control the prob-

lem which in this case, the

people who are shooting

the guns. Punishing them

just makes more sense to

me rather than banning

the guns.






Gun Control

the police come before 52-

year old, Ariel Castro, came

back home. He was then

arrested and the women

were check in the hospital

and reunited with their fam-

ilies and loved ones. The

fact that three women were

kept in a house for over a

decade and never found

really scares me. It shows

that people can get away

with stuff for so long when

they shouldn’t be able to. It

may sound horrible but I real-

ly do hope for the worst for

the guys that were involved

with this whole kidnapping.




Three Women Found

Over a decade ago, three

women that were taken in

their late teens have now

just been found. Amanda

Berry, one of the women,

escaped from the house she

was kept in and made a

shocking police call. “Help,

I'm Amanda Berry ... I need

police. I've been kidnapped;

I've been missing for 10

years. I'm here and I'm free

now.” She demanded that

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“You know today I just woke up and I said

You know instead of waitin' on a good day

Waitin' around through up's and down's waitin

On something to happen I just say

We're gonna have

We're gonna have

We're gonna have a good day

And all my homies gonna ride today

And all these mommies look fly today

And all we wanna do is get by today


We're gonna have a good day

And ain't nobody gotta cry today

Cause ain't nobody gonna die today

Save that drama for another day

Heyyy we're gonna have a good day”

Good Day

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My Reflection on the song Good Day

happen; we should just

make a good day our-

selves. It says how some-

times we just need to for-

get about our ups and

downs and just relax.

Every time I listen to this

song, it instantly makes

me happy. The song

taught me that I can’t

control others but I can

control myself and what

kind of day I want to

have. If I want a good

day, I have to make it

happen and not wait for it

to come around.

Of course since I love

music so much, I obvi-

ously have a lot of favor-

ite songs. But one song

that really impacts me is

Good Day by Nappy

Roots. It starts out talking

about how we shouldn’t

wait on a good day to

we wanted at that partic-

ular time? I think they

say “I regret it” because

it’s just convenient after

the fact that they did

something that wasn’t a

good choice. I’m also a

strong believer in “you

live, you learn”, so the

“Never regret anything

because at one time it

was exactly what you

wanted.” I don’t believe

in regrets. When people

make a mistake and then

regret it, I tend not to

believe them. How can

we regret something that

fact that you lived and

made a bad decision,

helped you learn not to

do it again. So when say-

ing “I regret it” is basical-

ly saying you regret living

and learning a lesson that

could be very valuable

later in life.

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Regrets & Live and Learn

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It’s crazy to think I walked into Fishers High School as a kid

and walking out as an adult. I’ll never forget the four

years I spent there and all the different people I met.

But now it’s time to move on and start my adult life.

So all I can say is goodbye and thank you.
