
PowerPoint Presentation

Smart Risk-Based Auditing

Quantitatively monitor, control and improve your operational risks


Quantitatively measure and control operational risks within user-specified limits.

Unlike other auditing and inspection systems, Compliance Master quantitatively measures and controls operational risks, within user-specified limits.

At the same time, the softwares in-built analytics will significantly reduce the amount of time and effort - your employees spend collecting, analyzing and reporting audit and inspection results.

There is simply no other software that incorporates Compliance Masters smart, risk-based auditing and inspection technology.2

Operational risk is the prospect of loss resulting from inadequate or failed procedures, systems or policies. Employee errors. Systems failures. Fraud or other criminal activity.

How can I consistently measure and compare my operational risks?

All organisations are subject to operational risk. But finding a common system, that can objectively measure and compare operational risks organisation-wide, has always been a challenge.


Quality Safety Finance Security Common Weaknesses

Unnecessarily high costs Inconsistent reportingSuboptimal decision makingIll-informed risk taking

Without a common system, operational risk monitoring and control tends to operate in siloes; which often leads to unnecessarily high monitoring costs, inconsistent reporting, suboptimal decision-making, and worse still, ill-informed risk taking.



Non-conformance %

Acceptable Risk

Unacceptable Risk

Process / SystemRisk Assessment


ExampleAccept riskApprove dispatchApprove receipt

Example100% inspectionMitigate riskStrengthen controls

Unlike other software solutions, Compliance Master uses proven statistical sampling methods, to quantitatively assess the consequence and rate of process and system failure.

This information is then analyzed to determine whether operational risk levels have exceeded an organisations specified limits, and if so - what actions are needed to mitigate risk levels and strengthen risk controls.

Conversely, should process and system failures fall within an organisations risk limits, products and services can be approved for use, dispatch, payment or acceptance into production, or service.


Objective Performance Rating

Process / System

Achieves risk limits all of the time

Achieves risk limits most of the time

Exceeds risk limits most of the time

Another powerful feature of Compliance Master, is its ability to assign each process and system an objective performance rating.

Put simply, if a process or system consistently achieves an organisations risk limits all of the time, it is assigned an Excellent performance rating.

If it achieves these limits most of the time, it is assigned a Good performance rating.

Conversely, if it exceeds these limits most of the time, it is assigned a Poor performance rating.

This rating system to continuously optimise auditing efficiency and improve process performance.

For example, a switch from a Good to an Excellent performance-rating will result in a smaller sample-size requirement for the processs next audit.

While the production of user-specified protocal a reduction in auditing or inspection frequency, and to reward process-owners and suppliers for achieving this quality milestone.

Conversely, a switch to a Poor performance-rating, can be used to increase audit frequency, or to initiate an investigation into a processs unacceptable risk performance.

This dynamic risk-based approach to process monitoring and control, is far more efficient and effective than conventional nonconformance auditing and inspection solutions.

Most importantly, it also fully conforms to the new process and risk-based thinking requirements outlined in ISO 9001 2015.


Significantly improve your organisations risk monitoring, control and improvement capability

Im a genius!

By incorporating this information in an easy-to-follow performance dashboard, board-members, top-management and other stakeholders can quickly understand where an organisation is most risk exposed; and the extent of that exposure.

From here they can ensure the organisations limited improvement resources, are always directed to those processes and systems most in need.

The software can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of these improvements over time.


Improve stakeholder assurance, collaboration and continuous improvement

With a simple click of the mouse, or a tap of the screen, process-owners and suppliers can objectively benchmark and compare their operational risk performance against the organisations risk targets.

They are also able to identify the causes of unacceptable risk performance, and work more collaboratively with other stakeholders to ensure they dont reoccur in the future.

They can also take advantage of the softwares full audit trail, to view individual audit and inspection results, auditor and inspector comments, attached documentation and photographic evidence, view product and service approval and rejection details.

But the benefits dont end here.



Smaller sample-sizeReduced audit / inspection frequency

Larger sample -sizeIncreased audit / inspection frequencyObjective Performance Rating

Process / System

Another powerful feature of Compliance Master, is its ability to significantly improve an organisations risk monitoring efficiency, by adjusting the level of rigor applied to each audit and inspection.

For example, a process with an Excellent performance-rating, is assigned a smaller sample-size and auditing-frequency, than a process with a Good or Poor performance rating.

This dynamic, risk-based approach to auditing and inspection, is far more efficient and effective than conventional solutions. This is because it focuses an organisations limited auditing and inspection resources, on those parts of its business that are most risk exposed.

Most importantly, this approach conforms to the new process and risk-based thinking requirements outlined in ISO 9001 and ISO fourteen thousand and one.


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Contact us now to organise your FREE consultation and software trial!

Call us now or visit our website, to organise your FREE no-obligation consultation and trial of the worlds most advanced operational risk monitoring and control software.