
So, what do you know about Canada, eh?

Northern Indians, Temagami, Ontario

Inuit Family

The First Europeans in Canada

Port Royal - Today

Yeah, she was our Queen too

You can still find her everywhere... really, everywhere...

Free at last!

We celebrate our independence day on July 1st!

...although some people take it more seriously than others...

I mean, really seriously...

Saying you’re Canadian doesn’t mean much...

The Great Canadian Quiz

#1. Canada’s National Animal

But then...what’s a LOON?

This is a LOON

They sound a little like this...

#2. Canada’s National Winter Sport

Lacrosse is not a new sport

Maybe this looks more familiar

Curling...not an adrenaline sport

#3. We have a specific Macaroni and Cheese in mind

I can’t believe I used to eat this stuff...

#4. We love our money so much, we named each and every coin

#5. Oh, come on. Really?

#6. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police

#7. The Bluenose(why does everyone always say RED?)

#8. Ottawa, of course.(For those of you who slept through geography.)

So, to finish off, I’d just like to say...
