
Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

1 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE1.1 questions forms1 Underline the correct alternative.

1 What/Who’s his name?2 What/Where nationality is he?3 What/Who’s his boss?4 How old/How age is he?5 What/Where did you meet him?6 What/Which of his brothers works here?7 How much/How many information do we have about him?8 How often/How long was his application letter?

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 1 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Make questions with the prompts. Use the present simple and the past simple.

1 Where / you / from?____________________________________________________________________________

2 When / you / arrive / here?____________________________________________________________________________

3 Why / decide / to come / Ireland?____________________________________________________________________________

4 Who / you / know / in the class?____________________________________________________________________________

5 Where / your / accommodation?____________________________________________________________________________

6 How many / Spanish students / be / in the class?____________________________________________________________________________

7 How often / you / see / Sonia?____________________________________________________________________________

8 Which / café / you / go / to?____________________________________________________________________________

9 How / you / know / Sonia?____________________________________________________________________________

10 What / nationality / she?____________________________________________________________________________

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1.2 past simple1 Complete the table with the regular and irregular past simple forms of the verbs.

Verb Past simplebe (2 forms)agreearguearriveaskbecomebegincalldecideeatemailfallfinishgetgogrowhaveknowleavelooklovemarrymeetsayseestartstudy

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2 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.A: I 1didn’t have (not/have) a good day yesterday.B: Really? I 2_____________________________________________(have) a fantastic day.A: The weather 3_________________________________________________(not be) good.B: The weather here 4_______________________________________________(be) great.A: I 5____________________________________________________ (not/meet) my friends.B: I 6__________________________________________________(meet) Sandro and Carla.A: I 7______________________________________________________________(not/eat) out.B: I 8__________________________________________________________________(eat) out.A: I 9________________________________________________________(not/have) any fun.B: We 10_____________________________________________________(have) a lot of fun!A: And 11__________________________________________________(not/finish) the homework either!B: Hmm. I 12_____________________________________________________(finish) mine last night.

3 Rewrite the text in the past.Sam meets Sally in a café. They get on really well. They decide to go to a restaurant for dinner. Sam has the fish and Sally has the pasta. They don’t finish their desserts. They leave. Unfortunately, Sam falls ill during the night. He doesn’t call Sally the next day … Sam met Sally in a café.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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1.3 making conversation1 Match statements and questions 1–6 with responses a)–f).1 Did you have a good weekend?2 This is my brother, Tom.3 Nice to meet you.4 So, where exactly do you live?5 Let’s keep in touch.6 What do you do?

a) Right in the centre of town, opposite the old museum.b) I’m in advertising.c) Nice to meet you, Tom.d) Nice to meet you, too.e) Yes, I’ll email you next week.f) Yes, brilliant thanks.

2 Number the sentences from the conversation in the correct order, 1–10.a) Hi. Are you Tom’s friend? 1b) So, what do you do Marco?c) Yes, I am. We went to the same university. I’m Sue, by the way!d) Hi Sue. I’m Marco.e) I’m in the travel industry.f) Downtown. In the Max building.g) I’d love a coffee. We’ve got a lot to talk about!h) I don’t believe it! I work there too! Which floor?i) Really? I am too! Where exactly do you work?j) The third. Hey, would you like a drink?

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Consolidation1 Choose the best option, a), b) or c), to complete the dialogue.A: Hi, I’m Fred. 1____________________________________________________your name?B: Hi Fred. I’m Marta.A: 2________________________________________________________________________ to meet you, Marta.B: Thank you. So, 3_______________________________________________________________are you from?A: Well, I 4_____________________________________born in Chile, but I 5________________ up in Spain.B: Really? 6_____________________________________exactly in Chile 7____________________ you born?A: In Santiago. 8____________________________________________?B: Because I 9__________________________________________________born in Chile too; In Valparaiso.

10______________________________________________old 11_____________________ you when you left?A: Five, so I don’t remember much. Oh! Lesson time. 12_________________________________________

you like to have a coffee sometime?B: That would be great! 13__________________________________________ you soon.

1 a) What’s b) Who c) What2 a) Let’s b) Hope c) Nice3 a) where b) which c) how4 a) be b) was c) am5 a) grew b) growed c) didn’t grow6 a) Why b) Where c) How7 a) where b) were c) was8 a) So b) Why c) How9 a) was b) were c) is10 a) When b) What c) How11 a) are b) did c) were12 a) Would b) Did c) So13 a) Meet b) See c) When

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2 Find and correct the mistakes. There is a mistake or a missing word in each sentence.

emailed1 She emailled last week.2 How much people were there?3 Nice day, is it?4 They marryed last year.5 What time did you left?6 They didn’t began on time.7 What of these do you want?8 How age is she?9 What you do?

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Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

2 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE2.1 present simple and continuous1 Put the words in the correct order to make a conversation.A: Sam / working / at / the moment / not / is

_____________________________________________________________________________B: looking / job / a / for / he / is?

_____________________________________________________________________________A: find / to / in / trying / is / he / work / travel industry / the / yes,

_____________________________________________________________________________B: speaks / languages / three / he

_____________________________________________________________________________A: likes / with / dealing / he / people / difficult

_____________________________________________________________________________B: he / does / well / work / under pressure?

_____________________________________________________________________________A: great / deadlines / isn’t / he / with

_____________________________________________________________________________B: colleagues / his / do / well / get on / him / with?

_____________________________________________________________________________A: popular / is / he / very / a / his / member / of / team / yes,

_____________________________________________________________________________B: looking / am / I / for / assistant / him / ask / so / call / me / to / an


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2 Underline the correct alternative.1 We are hiring/hire new people at the moment.2 The employees are choosing/choose their own work hours.3 We are having/have great relationships with our customers.4 We are expanding/expand into different cities.5 Many companies are offering/offer low salaries.6 The employees are working/work from home on Fridays.7 Does the boss get on with/Is the boss getting on with her staff right now?8 We’re taking/We take our final exams at the moment.

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Use the present simple or present continuous.Sam 1_____________________________________________________(look for) his first job.He 2_________________________________________________(buy) the paper every day,3_________________________________________(look for) jobs and 4__________________________ (write)to everyone he can think of. He generally 5______________________________________________ (do)well at interview because he 6______________________________________________________(be) quiteconfident and friendly and 7__________________________________________________________ (get on)well with people, but he 8_______________________________________________________________ (find)it difficult to get an interview at all. He 9_______________________________________________ (want)to work in travel because he 10______________________________________(like) change and varietyand he 11_________________________________________________(not want) a desk job.

2.2 adverbs of frequency1 Match the words with the percentages.1 rarely a) 100%2 usually b) 0%3 never c) 50%4 always d) 80%5 sometimes e) 10%

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2 One sentence in each pair is correct. Circle the correct sentence, a) or b).1 a) We never go to the theatre.

b) Never we go to the theatre.2 a) I am late for usually school.

b) I am usually late for school.3 a) They call me late at night always.

b) They always call me late at night.4 a) She rarely eats red meat.

b) She eats rarely red meat.5 a) He never has problems with customers.

b) He has problems with customers never.

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2.3 expressing likes/dislikes1 Complete the table with the words in the box.

can’t stand like don’t mind keen on hate not very keen on absolutely love don’t like love




2 Number sentences a)–h) in the conversation in the correct order, 1–8.a) Hi Bella. How are things? 1b) Wow! Congratulations! I like fashion too, but I’m not keen on the long working hours.c) Yes, let’s.d) It is. It’s in the fashion industry, and I absolutely love fashion.e) Great actually. I’ve got a new job.f) Yes, I’m not keen on sitting at a desk all day either. Let’s have a drink to celebrate!g) Really? That sounds exciting.h) Thanks! I don’t mind doing the long hours for a job I love. I can’t stand office jobs.

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Consolidation1 Choose the best option, a), b) or c) to complete the text.

Jon hates his job. He 1____________________________________________________in a busy office in thecity centre. The problem is he 2_________________________________________________ indoors and he3____________________________________ stand being in the city. He loves 4_________________________outside. He 5____________________________________________________for long walks every day in theparks and 6___________________________________________________if it’s cold and raining. His friends7_________________________________________he should get a new job, but he 8_____________________ever has any time to look. Today, he is on holiday and he 9_____________________________________at job advertisements. He 10___________________________________________________________he wouldlike to work on a farm, or maybe in the travel industry.

1 a) works b) is working c) worked 2 a) doesn’t like work b) doesn’t like working c) isn’t like working 3 a) isn’t b) doesn’t c) can’t 4 a) be b) being c) been 5 a) is going b) went c) goes 6 a) doesn’t mind b) not minds c) isn’t minding 7 a) tell often him b) often tell him c) often telling him 8 a) almost b) hard c) hardly 9 a) looks b) is looking c) looks10 a) sometimes thinks b) sometimes is thinking c) sometimes

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 12 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

3 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE3.1 present continuous: be going to1 Underline the correct alternative.1 We’re having/We have dinner with friends tonight.2 Do you go/Are you going to the cinema on Saturday?3 I’m not seeing/I don’t see Tom tonight.4 We playing/We’re playing tennis this afternoon.5 Is she writing/Does she write her essay?6 I’m going to study/I’m study dentistry in the future.7 You’re not stay/You’re not staying out late tonight!8 I’m not going to study/I’m not study this weekend.

2 Find and correct the mistakes. There is a mistake or a missing word in each sentence.

going1 We aren’t go out tonight.2 What are you going do?3 We’re visit the Louvre on Saturday.4 They’re take the 10.30 train.5 I not meeting them until tomorrow.6 He’s is having a snack before the show.7 She’s not have dinner with him.8 I’m go to apply for that job.

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3 Write questions to complete the conversation using the verb tense in brackets.A: 1Where are you going next summer? (present continuous)B: We’re going to Spain.A: How 2___________________________________________________________there? (present continuous)B: We’re getting the train.A: 3______________________________________________________________________? (present continuous)B: No, we’re not staying in a hotel this time.A: Where 4_______________________________________________________________? (present continuous)B: We’re renting an apartment.A: What 5_______________________________________________________________________ ? (be going to)B: We’re going to visit all the art galleries?A: What 6_______________________________________________________________________ ? (be going to)B: Tom’s going to learn Spanish.A: How long 7____________________________________________________________? (present continuous)B: We’re going to stay for a month!A: When 8_______________________________________________________________? (present continuous)B: We’re coming back on 4th August.A: Who 8_________________________________________________________________? (present continuous)B: Hugo’s meeting us at the airport.

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3.2 questions without auxiliaries1 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1 A: invented / who / the world wide web____________________________________________________________________________?B: Tim Berners-Lee.

2 A: went / composer / which / deaf____________________________________________________________________________?B: Beethoven.

3 A: water / oil / what / mix / you / happens / when / and____________________________________________________________________________?B: They separate.

4 A: composer / wrote / which / silent piece of music / a____________________________________________________________________________?B: John Cage.

5 A: smile / whose / famous / is____________________________________________________________________________?B: Mona Lisa’s.

6 A: sank / luxury / which / ship / 1912 / in____________________________________________________________________________?B: The Titanic.

7 A: artist / which / ear / his / cut off____________________________________________________________________________?B: Van Gogh.

8 A: plays / whose / performed / Stratford-upon-Avon / are / in____________________________________________________________________________?B: Shakespeare’s.

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3.3 making phone calls1 Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

speaking catch morning calling problem back sorry speak

A: Good 1__________________________________________________________. Jane Thompson.B: Hello. I’d like to 2___________________________________________________ to the Product Manager.A: 3__________________________________________________. Who’s 4________________________________?B: It’s Tony Clarke from Process Engineering.A: Sorry, I didn’t 5_____________________________________________that. Which company?B: Process Engineering.A: I’m sorry, Mr Clarke. I’m a bit busy right now. Can I call you 6_______________________________?B: No 7_________________________________________________________. The number is 0207 5967812.A: 8___________________________________________________________________, was that 0207 or 0208?B: 0207. I look forward to hearing from you.A: OK. Thanks for calling.

2 Write the conversation in the correct order.a) Hi. Luke speaking.b) Can you tell him the party is tomorrow, not Saturday?c) I’m afraid he’s not here at the moment.d) OK … party tomorrow, not Saturday. I’ll ask him to call you when he gets in.e) Of course.f) Hi Luke. It’s Sara. Can I speak to Tom?g) OK. Can I leave a message?h) Thanks Luke. Bye.1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________4 ___________________________________________________________________________________________5 ___________________________________________________________________________________________6 ___________________________________________________________________________________________7 ___________________________________________________________________________________________8 ___________________________________________________________________________________________

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Consolidation1 Jack is on the phone to Rob. Underline the correct alternative to complete the conversation.Jack: Hello, Jack 1talking/speaking.Rob: Hi Jack, 2it’s/I’m Rob.Jack: Hi Rob! How are you?Rob: I’m well thanks. I have some exciting news! We 3go/’re going to Tanzania next year.

We 4help/’re going to help build a school there. I 5fly/’m flying out in July and Lucy is6join/joining me in August. We’re 7stay/going to stay with a local family, which shouldbe really interesting.

Jack: Oh wow, that sounds great. Who 8organised/did organise it?Rob: A travel company which arranges voluntary work – they organise everything! We’re

going to 9spend/spending four weeks with a family, then we 10’re going totravel/travelling to a different town, and stay with a different family. It’s a brilliantscheme!

Jack: That sounds great! Who 11told/did tell you about the organisation?Rob: Dave – he went to Tanzania last year. Jack I’m 12going to ask/asking Jane if she wants

to do something similar with me next year.Rob: Sorry, I didn’t 13catch/receive that. Can you speak 14high/up please?Jack: Yes – perhaps Jane and I can do something similar next year.Rob: Jane? Oh no, it’s not a good idea to ask Jane – she hates travelling!

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Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

4 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE4.1 present perfect + ever/never1 Complete the table.

Verb Past simple Past participlebuydocatchcomeeatflygivehavemakesleepspeakstudywrite

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 18 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions. 1 you / have / eaten / food / Korean / ever?

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 never / have / I / tent / slept / a / in

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 has / never / outside / village / her / been / she

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 lived / has / she / whole / life / there / her

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 never / I / have / given / boyfriend / present / expensive / an / my

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 done / stupid / ever / you / have / something?

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 never / he / has / difficult / made / decision / a

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 they / have / ever / before / flown?

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 bought / you / have / ever / mistake / by / something?

____________________________________________________________________________________________10 caught / I / wrong / plane / never / have / the!


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3 Complete the text using the prompts in brackets. Use the past simple or present perfect.What 1__________________________________________________________(be) your holiday like last year?2______________________________________ (you / sit) on the beach and feel bored? Are you looking for some excitement?3______________________________________________________(you / ever / wonder) what it is like to sailaround the Caribbean on a luxury yacht? Last year, 340 couples and families4______________________________________________________(sail) around the Caribbean on one of ouryachts and they 5________________________________________________ (love) it! Why don’t you comeand sail with us?Paul from Cornwall 6__________________________________________________________(book) his holidaywith us, and he says, ‘I 7_________________________________________________________ (never / be) tothe Caribbean and I 8______________________________________________________(never / sail) before.This holiday is perfect because I can go somewhere new and learn a new skill at the same time.’ Do you agree with Paul? 9_______________________________________________(you / ever / try)sailing? What are you waiting for? Book today and join Paul on the holiday of a lifetime.

4.2 can/have to/must (obligation)1 Select the sentence which has a different meaning.1 a) You must do your homework.

b) You have to do your homework.c) You can do your homework.

2 a) We don’t have to go in.b) We can’t go in.c) We mustn’t go in.

3 a) It’s not necessary to use a pen.b) You don’t need to use a pen.c) You mustn’t use a pen.

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2 Complete the dialogue by writing the opposite responses for B.A: Our school’s great. We can choose which lessons to go to.B: 1Really? We can’t choose which lessons to go to.A: We don’t have to wear a uniform.B: 2___________________________________________________________________________________________A: We don’t have to go to school.B: Really? 3___________________________________________________________________________________A: We have to do music every day.B: Strange! 4_________________________________________________________________________________A: We can call our teachers by their first names.B: 5___________________________________________________________________________________________A: We don’t have to call them Sir or Miss.B: 6___________________________________________________________________________________________A: But we must be polite to our teachers!B: So must we!

3 Find and correct the mistakes. There is a mistake or an extra word in each Sentence.

workA: Can I working flexible hours?B: Yes, but you must to be in the office by 11 o’clock.A: Do we have to wearing smart clothes?B: Not really. But you mustn’t to wear jeans.A: Can we to bring in our own sandwiches?B: You can, but you don’t must to.A: You can to eat in the office canteen.

4.3 giving advice1 Underline the correct alternative.

1 I think you should to learn/learn another language.2 You’re right/good.3 Why we don’t/don’t we check out that new language school?4 That’s a good idea/good thinking.5 You shouldn’t/couldn’t only speak English.6 I think you’re/you are being right.7 I don’t think/not think it’s a good idea to learn by yourself.8 I suppose yes/I suppose so.

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2 Rewrite the advice so that it has the same meaning.

1 It is not a good idea to eat a lot of sugar.You shouldn’t eat a lot of sugar.

2 It is a good idea to do some exercise.You________________________________________________________________________________________

3 I don’t think it’s a good idea to diet.I don’t think you___________________________________________________________________________

4 You should eat healthily.It’s ________________________________________________________________________________________

5 I don’t think you should go to the gym.I don’t think it’s ___________________________________________________________________________

6 It’s not a good idea to worry too much.You________________________________________________________________________________________

7 It’s not a good idea to watch a lot of TV.You________________________________________________________________________________________

8 It’s a good idea to go to the doctor.I think you ________________________________________________________________________________

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Consolidation1 Use the prompts to complete the dialogue.

A: (you / ever / be / in a talent show?)___________________________________________________________________________________________

B: No, never. (you?)___________________________________________________________________________________________

A: Yes, I have actually. (I / take part / competition / last year)___________________________________________________________________________________________

B: Really? (what / do?)___________________________________________________________________________________________

A: (I / do / some magic)___________________________________________________________________________________________

B: Wow! (you / have to / practise / a lot?)___________________________________________________________________________________________

A: Yes, I did. (magicians / need / do / a lot / hand exercises)___________________________________________________________________________________________

B: Hand exercises?___________________________________________________________________________________________

A: Yes, (you / have to / have / fast / hands!)___________________________________________________________________________________________

B: So, (how / you / do / in the competition?)___________________________________________________________________________________________

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A: (I / come / third)___________________________________________________________________________________________

B: Well done! (I / never / do / anything like that!)___________________________________________________________________________________________

A: (why / you / try?)___________________________________________________________________________________________

B: Me?___________________________________________________________________________________________

A: Yes, (you / should / come / the Magic Club / with / me)___________________________________________________________________________________________

B: You’re right, I should!___________________________________________________________________________________________

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 24 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

5 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE5.1 past simple and past continuous1 Underline the correct alternative.Last year, we 1went/were going on holiday to America. We 2flew/were flying to Florida and 3visited/were visiting Disneyworld, before going to Miami. While we 4stayed/were staying in Miami, we 5met/were meeting a great couple. They 6spent/were spending a year travelling around the USA. We 7talked/were talking all night and they 8told/were telling us about their favourite American cities. We 9decided/were deciding to go to New Orleans with them.

So, we 10hired/were hiring a car, and 11drove/were driving along the coast and through the national forests. It 12was/was being a long journey, so we 13stopped/were stopping at different places on the way. When we 14were having/had a break in Tallahassee, we 15saw/were seeing someone we knew. It 16was/was being our neighbour from our village in England! What a coincidence!

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2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.1 The match____________________________(start) at 7.30 in the evening. It ________________ (rain)

as the players_____________________________(come) into the stadium but it ___________________(be) a great game.

2 My father__________________________________________________(drive) home late one night whenhe___________________________________________(hit) a tree.

3 I_______________________________________(like) the film a lot and I _______________________ (see)it three times.

4 I ____________________________________ (talk) to my friends online when I _____________________(get) the message.

5 When the postman_______________________________________________ (arrive),I _________________________________________________________ (look) at all the envelopes.

6 When the postman______________________________________ (arrive), I _________________________(have) a shower.

7 They_______________________________________________________(knock) down that building whenthey_________________________________________________(find) the old coins.

8 He_________________________________________ (break) his leg while he _________________________ (climb) in the mountains.

3 Find and correct the mistakes. There is a mistake in each sentence.didn’t go

1 I wasn’t going to work yesterday.2 She talked on her phone when she fell.3 What you were doing when you met your husband?4 He was giving a presentation when I was first seeing him.5 They didn’t do their work when the teacher walked in.6 Gosh, you’re wet! You didn’t have a shower, were you?7 I fell asleep when the phone rang.8 She was paying the taxi driver.

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5.2 verb patterns1 Are the verbs followed by -ing or infinitive with to? (Two verbs can be followed by either pattern.)

Verb -ing / infinitive with toavoid -ing


2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.1 I ______________________________________ (expect / travel) to India next month.2 I ________________________________________(love / spend) time in exotic places.3 I’ll try to _______________________________________ (avoid / eat) very spicy food.4 Amy_________________________________________________(want / come) with me.5 We___________________________________________________(like / travel) together.6 She has_____________________________________________ (decide / leave) her job.7 And I______________________________________________(finish / work) last month.8 She______________________________(hope / get) another job when we get back.9 We___________________________________________________(need / get) visas first.

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5.3 asking for/giving directions1 Put the phrases in the correct order to make directions.1 along / go / road / main / the

_____________________________________________________________________________2 second / left / the / take

_____________________________________________________________________________3 turning / the / past / go

_____________________________________________________________________________4 you / front / of / in

_____________________________________________________________________________5 reach / going / you / until / keep


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2 Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the box.Go straight along Can you show me on the mapKeep going until you reach You can’t miss itIs it far Turn right at the corner Excuse meCan you tell me the way to go along the High Street

A: 1__________________________________________________________________.B: Yes?A: 2___________________________________________________________the City Museum.B: Um … the City Museum … oh yes! A: 3________________________________________________?B: No, it’s only about ten minutes from here.A: Great! 4____________________________________________________________________?B: Yes, of course. Let me see. 5_______________________________________________ the High Street.A: Is this the High Street?B: Yes, it is.A: So, I 6_______________________________________________________________?B: That’s right. 7_______________________________________________________________.A: So, I need to go right?A: Yes, right. 8_______________________________________________________the traffic lights. The City

Museum is on the left. 9_____________________________________________________.B: Thank you, very much.

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Consolidation1 Choose the best option, a), b) or c) to complete the text.Tony 1__________________________________________________ to work one day when it happened. He2_______________________________________________________________________ in an office downtown. He liked 3___________________________________________________________ to work by bike because itkept him fit. He decided 4___________________________________________________ the new bike path.He went 5______________________________________________________________________the High Street.

Then, he 6_______________________________________________________to turn left onto the bike path.

He 7____________________________________________________left when a lorry crossed in front of him.Tony 8___________________________________________time to think. He 9____________________________himself onto the road. The lorry 10______________________________________________ right over him!

’Are you OK?’ 11___________________________________________________________________ a passer-by.’Yeah, I’m fine,’ Tony 12________________________________________________________.’I think you should got to hospital – it 13________________________________________________.’’Yes, maybe. Can you 14____________________________________________________________?’’Sure. It’s past the station, 15_______________________________________________. I’ll take you there.’

1 a) cycled b) was cycling c) cycles 2 a) was working b) works c) worked 3 a) to go b) going c) goes 4 a) using b) to use c) used 5 a) straightly b) straight c) along 6 a) signals b) was signalling c) signalled 7 a) turned b) was turning c) turns 8 a) didn’t have b) wasn’t c) hasn’t 9 a) was throwing b) threw c) throws10 a) was passing b) passes c) passed11 a) asking b) asks c) asked12 a) answered b) answers c) was answering13 a) is far b) isn’t close c) isn’t far14 a) show the way b) show me the way c) show the way me15 a) on the left b) in the left c) on left

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Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

6 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE6.1 present perfect + for/since1 Complete the table with the words and phrases in the box.

1990 ages several hours 15 years he was 15 yesterdayI was little Monday a long time



2 Underline the correct alternative.1 I haven’t felt well for/since a long time.2 We’ve been here for/since 10 o’clock.3 Have you had your phone for/since more than a year?4 She hasn’t flown anywhere for/since the accident.5 They’ve become much healthier for/since they stopped eating sugar.6 Has he heard anything for/since he sent in his application?7 I haven’t run anywhere for/since years.8 Has she been waiting for/since a long time?

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3 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verb in brackets and for or since.1 They ’ve lived (live) in that house since 1990.2 We _________________________________________ (be) here _______________________ several hours.3 She _________________________(drive) the same car_____________________15 years.4 He______________________________________(work) at that shop _____________________ he was 15.5 ______________________________________________(you / see) Jill _____________________ yesterday?6 We_____________________________________________(not eat) _____________________________ hours.7 I ___________________________________________ (not see) them _____________________ I was little.8 _______________________________________ (you / have) this headache ____________________ long?9 He___________________________________(not visit) your parents ___________________ a long time.

6.2 may, might, will1 Complete the sentences with may, might or will/’ll. Sometimes two answers are possible.A: I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve got a headache and a sore throat.

It 1____________________________________________________________________be flu.B: Yes, or it 2____________________________________________________ just be a cold.A: Do you think I should I call the healthcare helpline? They 3___________________________________

tell me what’s wrong.B: No, don’t do that, they 4________________________________________________be much too busy!A: But I feel terrible. My head really hurts! I 5_____________________________have a serious illness.B: Or you 6______________________________________________ not. We 7________________________ have

some cold medicine in the bathroom, I’ll go and look … Here, take this.A: Thank you, I hope it helps!B: Don’t worry, I’m sure you 8_________________________________________________feel much better

in the morning.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 32 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Write the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.1 There’s a chance of rain.

It may/might rain.2 It’s possible that they will be late.

They _______________________________________________________________________________________.3 I predict rain.

I think it ____________________________________________________________________________________.4 We’re considering buying a van.

We_________________________________________________________________________________________.5 Do I have permission to leave early?

____________________________________________________________________________________________?6 He’s not sure about travelling to India.

He__________________________________________________________________________________________.7 I predict a win for the government.

I think______________________________________________________________________________________.8 She isn’t certain about moving house.


Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 33 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

6.3 seeing the doctor1 Put the words in order to make sentences between a doctor and a patient.

a) Doctor: this / like / how long / felt / you / have?_____________________________________________________________________________

b) Doctor: the / what’s / matter?_____________________________________________________________________________

c) Patient: feel / terrible / I / absolutely_____________________________________________________________________________

d) Patient: three / days / for_____________________________________________________________________________

e) Patient: got / I’ve / throat / sore / a_____________________________________________________________________________

f) Doctor: exactly / problem / what / is / the?_____________________________________________________________________________

g) Doctor: Hmm, about / nothing / it’s / to / worry_____________________________________________________________________________

h) Doctor: look / I / can / have / a?_____________________________________________________________________________

i) Patient: course, / of / brushed / teeth / my / but / I / haven’t / last night / since!_____________________________________________________________________________

j) Doctor: home / go / rest – / and / better / soon / you’ll / feel_____________________________________________________________________________

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 34 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Put the sentences in Exercise 1 in the correct order to make a conversation.1 b 6 ______________________________________________2 ______________________________ 7 ______________________________________________3 ______________________________ 8 ______________________________________________4 ______________________________ 9 ______________________________________________5 ______________________________ 10 ______________________________________________

Consolidation1 Find and correct the mistakes. There is a mistake or a word missing in each sentence.1 We’ve been here since hours.2 I haven’t seen her since she has been six!3 How long you have had that cough?4 I’m sure he might win the competition!5 She mays arrive later today.6 You haven’t said anything since ages.7 We didn’t go there since we met.8 My leg pains when I walk.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 35 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Choose the best option, a), b) or c) to complete the text.A: Good morning. So 1_____________________________________________ the matter?B: I’m worried 2___________________________________________________________ Sam.A: Really, what’s 3____________________________________________________problem?B: He 4____________________________been to one of our team meetings 5________________ months.A: Really? And 6________________________________________________ he given good reasons for this?B: He says he 7_________________________________________________had other projects to deal with.A: Well, that’s true. He has 8_____________________________________a lot of extra work this month.B: But he 9_____________________________________________________ taken extra time off to do that.A: Hmm. 10_______________________________________________________you spoken to him about this?B: Not 11______________________________________________________the last meeting, no.A: Well, he 12__________________________________________________ just be overworked.B: Or he 13__________________________________________________________not like our meetings!A: I’m sure that’s not the case. Would you like me to talk to him?A: That would be great! I think he 14_________________________________________________talk to you.B: Fine. I 15_____________________________________had a proper chat to him 16_____________________

he got divorced.

1 a) what b) what’s c) why 2 a) on b) in c) about 3 a) the b) a c) one 4 a) isn’t b) hasn’t c) has 5 a) since b) several c) for 6 a) has b) have c) did 7 a) was b) did c) has 8 a) has b) had c) did 9 a) has b) have c) didn’t10 a) Has b) Hasn’t c) Have11 a) since b) for c) because12 a) can b) might c) need13 a) must b) may c) have to14 a) will b) won’t c) must15 a) hasn’t b) has c) haven’t16 a) for b) since c) when

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 36 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

7 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE7.1 used to1 Underline the correct alternative.1 When I was young we used to live/living in Spain.2 I used to speak/speak fluent Spanish.3 I didn’t use/used to go to an English school.4 My parents use/used to ask me to translate for them.5 Dad never use/used to understand anyone in the shops.6 And the Spanish people used/use to stare at the clothes he wore.7 We used to have/having a dog in Spain.8 Did you use/used to have any pets?

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 37 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Write sentences with the opposite meaning. 1 I used to have a stressful job.

I didn’t use to have a stressful job. 2 I used to have to get to work early.

I___________________________________________________________________________________________. 3 There didn’t use to be time for a break.

There______________________________________________________________________________________. 4 We all used to eat our lunches at our desks.

____________________________________________________________________________________________. 5 I used to have headaches all the time.

____________________________________________________________________________________________. 6 My children didn’t use to see me every day.

____________________________________________________________________________________________. 7 I used to spend most of the weekend working.

____________________________________________________________________________________________. 8 I didn’t use to have time for myself.

____________________________________________________________________________________________. 9 Work used to be my life.

____________________________________________________________________________________________.10 I didn’t use to sleep very well.


Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 38 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

7.2 purpose, cause and result1 Match the questions and the replies.1 Why did you give up your job?2 Why did you travel around the world?3 Why didn’t you go to university?4 Why did you learn Portuguese?5 Why did you write a blog?6 Why did you become a nurse?7 Why did you move to Scotland?8 Why did you get a part-time job?

a) To keep in touch with my family and friends.b) To pay for my studies.c) Because I hated the long hours.d) So that I can help people.e) Because there was nothing I wanted to study.f) So that I could speak to people when I got to Brazil.g) Because there is a good teaching hospital in Edinburgh.h) To learn about different people and cultures.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 39 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Join the sentences using so, to or because. 1 She bought a dictionary. She wanted to look up difficult words.

She bought a dictionary to look up difficult words. 2 He gave up his job. He hated it.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 I was very late. I took a taxi.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 We had to study hard. We needed to pass our exams.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 He went to the doctor. He felt ill.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 He is an artist. He can draw very well.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 She’s thinking about becoming a dentist. Dentists earn good money.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 She felt very tired. She decided to have a break.

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 He arrived late for the interview. He missed the bus.

____________________________________________________________________________________________10 She bought some chocolate. She wanted to make a cake.


Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 40 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

7.3 finding out information1 Put the words in the correct order to make a conversation.A: me, / could / you / help / please?

_____________________________________________________________________________________________B: try / I’ll!

_____________________________________________________________________________________________A: bookshop / opens / you / know / when / do / the?

_____________________________________________________________________________________________B: opens / think / 9.30 / I / it / at

_____________________________________________________________________________________________A: nine / half / past? / discount / students / there / is / for / a?

_____________________________________________________________________________________________B: get / you / 10% / off

_____________________________________________________________________________________________A: there / get / coffee / a / you / can?

_____________________________________________________________________________________________B: café / there’s / second / on / a / the / yes, / floor

_____________________________________________________________________________________________A: also / me / tell / can / you / where / is / student centre / the?

_____________________________________________________________________________________________B: going / now – / I’m / there / you / take / I’ll / there

_____________________________________________________________________________________________A: kind / very / that’s


Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 41 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Consolidation1 Find and correct the mistakes. There is a mistake or a missing word in each sentence. 1 She didn’t used to have long hair. 2 Do you know where is the station? 3 We went there for have a sandwich. 4 I used to went skiing when I was young. 5 Can you tell me what time is it? 6 Did you used to work in a shop? 7 I moved to Italy so the weather is so good here. 8 He isn’t eating much so he’s on a diet. 9 He’s overweight because he’s on a diet.10 I use to dream about a new job.

2 Choose the best option, a), b) or c) to complete the text.A: Hi, Tom! Have you seen Linda?B: No, not 1_____________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, why?A: She 2___________________________________________________ to be quite conventional, didn’t she?

She used 3___________________ have long hair and used to 4___________________________________smart clothes.

B: Yeah. I 5______________________________________________________ to think she was really pretty!A: Well, she’s shaved her hair off completely!B: 6________________________________________________________________ you say ‘completely’? Why?A: She says it’s 7___________________________________________________________fit in with the crowd.B: Which crowd?A: She’s become a DJ.B: Really? Well, she always 8_____________________________________________ to play music in

her bedroom as a teenager.A: That’s true. She’s living in Berlin now.B: Berlin? 9_________________________________________________________ she use to live in Brighton?A: Yes, but she’s moved to Berlin 10_______________________________________________________that’s

where the music scene is.B: Wow, what a change! 11________________________________________you know where she’s DJ-ing

12______________________________________________________________ that we can go and visit her!A: No, but I can find out.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 42 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

1 a) for b) since c) because 2 a) use b) used c) didn’t use 3 a) to b) for c) – 4 a) wore b) wearing c) wear 5 a) use b) used c) didn’t used 6 a) Did b) Do c) Didn’t 7 a) to b) for c) so 8 a) use b) used c) didn’t use 9 a) Don’t b) Do c) Didn’t10 a) because b) to c) so11 a) Do b) Did c) Didn’t12 a) because b) to c) so

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 43 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

8 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE8.1 relative clauses1 Underline the correct alternative.1 She’s the girl which/who has seven brothers.2 They live in a house that/who has seven bedrooms.3 It’s in an area which/where there are lots of large houses.4 She has a tiny room which/who is at the top of the house.5 Her parents are the people which/who run the local supermarket.6 It’s the place which/where my parents like to shop.7 Mum left her credit card there once which/who they brought back to our house.8 That’s how I met Tania which/who is now my best friend.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 44 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Complete the sentences with who, which/that or where. 1 What’s that place called_________________________________________________you can buy meat? 2 I don’t like going to shops__________________________________________________they don’t show

the prices clearly. 3 I don’t like going to shops_____________________________________don’t show the prices clearly. 4 He’s the guy________________________________________________________called round yesterday. 5 He left a note____________________________________________________I put beside the telephone. 6 It’s an expensive brand_____________________________________________only the rich can afford. 7 People ______________________________________________________ can afford to shop there don’t

even ask what things cost. 8 We like going to markets__________________________________________________________ there’s a

great atmosphere. 9 People _____________________________________________________ hate going to shops sometimes

like shopping online.10 The most expensive thing__________________________________________________I’ve ever bought

is my mobile phone.

8.2 too much/many, enough, very1 Complete the table with the phrases in the box.

too much money not enough time too large enough peoplenot enough people too pretty very pretty enough moneyvery interesting



Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 45 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Put the words in the correct order. 1 work / too / to / got / I’ve / much / do

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 enough / hours / aren’t / there / the / day / in

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 many / online / too / spend / I / hours

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 air / fresh / enough / get / don’t / I

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 work / the / very / is / challenging

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 we / eat / time / to / enough / don’t / get

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 money / earn / enough / we

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 salaries / good / our / very / are

____________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 much / too / there’s / stress / enjoy / life / to

____________________________________________________________________________________________10 up / give / should / I / good / job / very / this?


Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 46 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

8.3 buying things1 Choose the correct option, a), b) or c). 1 Can I __________________________________________________________________you?

a) help b) aid c) work 2 No thanks, I’m_____________________________________________________ looking.

a) first b) just c) want 3 I need a larger_____________________________________________________________.

a) stuff b) size c) fits 4 It’s______________________________________________________________pasta dish.

a) stuff b) a kind c) a kind of 5 Would you like to__________________________________________________________?

a) try on it b) size it c) try it on 6 Where are the_______________________________________________________rooms?

a) fitting b) fit c) change 7 It doesn’t_________________________________________________. I need the smaller size.

a) fitting b) fit c) enough 8 Are you paying by___________________________________________or credit card?

a) money b) notes c) cash 9 Can you enter your________________________________________________, please?

a) PIN b) PYN c) NIP10 Do you sell______________________________________people use for sticking posters to the wall?

a) that kind b) that stuff c) thing11 Here’s your________________________________________________________________.

a) reciept b) receive c) receipt

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 47 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Complete the conversation with phrases from Exercise 1.A: Hi. Can I help you?B: Sure. This is too small – 1____________________________________________________A: We’ve got it in a 12. 2_______________________________________________________B: Good idea. 3_________________________________________________________________A: They’re over there.A: Any good?B: Yes, the 12 fits well. I’ll take it.A: Great. 4_____________________________________________________________________B: By credit card.A: OK … 5______________________________________________________________________B: Sure.A: 6____________________________________________________________________________B: Thank you. Goodbye.

Consolidation1 Complete the text with one word in each gap. Use language from this unit: relative clauses, too much/many, enough, very and language for buying things.Tia loved her job. She worked with 1______________________________ creative people andthe work was challenging 2_________________________ to be interesting, without being3____________________________ stressful. Her boss was a 4________________________dynamic person 5___________________________ inspired everyone. The office was in a great area 6____________________________ there were lots of good restaurants and interesting shops. The salary wasn’t 7______________________________ high, but Tia didn’t mind too 8____________________________. It was 9_________________________ to live on. Her friend Hugo was working as an ’intern’ – a kind 10______________________________volunteer. He worked in a bank 11_____________________________ no-one seemed to have12__________________________________ time to talk to anyone, and everyone wasin 13___________________________________ much of a hurry to even eat. Tia and Hugo met for coffee one Saturday.Barista: Can I 14____________________________________ you?Tia: Yes, please. Two large coffees.Barista: Cash or 15____________________________________________ card?Tia: Cash.Tia: Right. Here’s your coffee Hugo – now tell me all about your job …

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 48 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Find and correct the mistakes. There is a mistake or a missing word in each sentence. 1 It’s too much interesting. 2 She hasn’t got money enough to buy it. 3 That’s the film who I was telling you about. 4 Paris is the place who I’d love to live. 5 I’m looking for a jacket where is very formal. 6 There are too much tourists in summer. 7 I’d like to pay with credit card, please. 8 He was very small to get a job in the army. 9 Can I try on it?10 She’s working at the café where sells Argentinian food.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 49 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

9 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE9.1 comparatives & superlatives1 Underline the correct alternative.Bad? It was the 1worse/worst experience of my life! The hotel was much 2more/most expensive than we imagined. It was also 3bigger/bigger than it looked in the photos – not a boutique hotel at all. The staff never seemed to smile – they were 4unfriendlier/the most unfriendly people I’ve ever met. They were also the 5noisiest/noiser! Every night there wassomething going on. The journeys between towns were 6difficult/more difficult than they said. The one good thing was that the weather was 7hot/hotter than I expected. Next year will be 8the better/better! Nothing could be as bad as this!

2 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.1 stressful / more / holidays / than / are / home / at / staying

_____________________________________________________________________________2 looking / the / wonderful / most / for / is / everyone / experience

_____________________________________________________________________________3 difficult / is / it / more / people / than / imagine

_____________________________________________________________________________4 less / is / there / space / hotel rooms / in

_____________________________________________________________________________5 creates / opportunities / this / more / arguments / for

_____________________________________________________________________________6 ‘staycations’ / be / can / best / option / the


Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 50 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

3 What do these sentences mean? Choose a) or b).1 Tom’s phone is much more expensive than Sam’s.

a) Sam’s phone is much cheaper than Tom’s.b) Sam’s phone is a bit cheaper than Tom’s.

2 Walking isn’t as good as swimming.a) Walking is better than swimming.b) Swimming is better than walking.

3 Rice is as healthy as pasta.a) Rice and pasta are equally healthy.b) Rice is healthier than pasta.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 51 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

9.2 articles1 Choose the correct option, a), b) or c).I love 1_________________________ wildlife parks. You can see 2____________________________________animal in its natural habitat. We went to West Wild Park in 3____________________________________Wales for my birthday yesterday. It’s 4___________________________________biggest in the country.We saw lots of animals, including 5______________________________________lions. But my favouritewas 6_____________________________________________parrot. It was outside 7_______________________café. As 8__________________________________________________customers went in, it spoke to them.When they turned round, 9_____________________________________________________parrot told thema joke! It was 10___________________________________________________funniest thing I’ve ever seen!

1 a) a b) – c) the 2 a) – b) a c) an 3 a) – b) the c) a 4 a) a b) the c) – 5 a) a b) an c) – 6 a) an b) a c) – 7 a) an b) a c) – 8 a) – b) a c) an 9 a) the b) a c) an10 a) a b) – c) the

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 52 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Find the odd one out. Think about articles.1 Spain, Portugal, USA2 lion, elephant, alligator3 Amazon, Sahara, Australia4 UK, England, France5 strongest, shorter, fastest

9.3 making guesses1 Put the words and phrases from the box in the correct place.

can’t be must be might be could be maybe perhaps definitely not

100% certain (+): ____________________________________________________________

________________________ / _____________________ /50% certain: ________________________ / _____________________

100% certain (–): can’t be / _______________________

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 53 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Use the prompts to write sentences. There may be more than one possible answer.

A: Who’s that over there? I think it 1could be/could is Helen.B: No, it 2can’t/must be, Helen’s much taller!A: Oh, you’re right, it’s 3definitely not/must be Helen.B: Look! I think that 4might/can be Sally.A: Yes, it is! And 5must/perhaps that’s her new boyfriend, Peter.B: The man with the brown hair? No, that’s 6definitely not/maybe Peter, Sally said he has

blonde hair.A: Oh. Then he 7might be/being one of her friends from work.B: Yes, he 8must/can’t be a colleague, because he’s wearing a suit.A: Come on, let’s go and say hello.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 54 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Consolidation1 Find and correct the mistakes. There is one mistake, an extra word or a word missing in each sentence.1 I’m tallest than my brothers.2 Everyone is shorter me.3 Lots of the people think I’m a giant.4 ’Look! He must to be a giant’, they say.5 I’m not. But I’m the better at baseball!6 Because of my height, buying clothes is most difficult for me.7 I go to special shop in town.8 It’s in a Superb Shopping Centre.

2 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.the (x5) an (x2) more must (x2) might a (x4) can’t than (x2)

A: Well Sammy, it’s 1__________________________ last day of 2_____________________holiday, so shall we do something special?

B: Yes, please Mum! But you probably want to visit 3___________________________________________ art gallery, or 4___________________________________________________museum.A: No! Let’s do something much 5________________________________________ interesting than that!

Would you like to see one of 6_________________________________________most sociable animalsin 7________________________________________________________world?

B: Yes, please! That 8________________________________________________________ be an elephant …or it 9_______________________________________________________________be a monkey …

A: No, it’s not 10________________________________________ elephant or 11__________________________ monkey – we’re not going to 12__________________________________________________________zoo.B: Oh, then where are we going? It 13______________________________________________be Wildstone

Park – it’s too far away.A: You’re right. The place I’m thinking of is closer 14____________________________________________

Wildstone Park … and it’s wetter 15__________________________________________________ the zooor the wildlife park!

B: Oh, it 16_______________________________________________________be the aquarium!A: That’s right!B: I know! We’re going to see 17_________________________________________ dolphin.A: No actually, we’re not! We’re going to see 18_________________________________________________

beluga whale.B: Wow! Let’s go now!

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 55 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

10 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE10.1 uses of like1 Underline the correct alternative.1 What’s your home town is like/like?2 It is like/is very beautiful.3 We are like/like all the art galleries.4 They are/are like really good.5 We don’t/aren’t like the pollution.6 What are/What is the restaurants like?7 They are like/are excellent.8 We like/are like ‘Le Escargot’ best.

2 Find and correct the mistakes. There is a mistake or a word missing in each sentence.1 What’s Sao Paulo likes?2 It’s like very big and exciting.3 I don’t know. I am not like history!4 What you like best about Sao Paulo?5 I’m like all the restaurants best.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 56 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

3 Write questions for the answers.1 A: What’s your boss like?

B: My boss? He’s OK – not bad.2 A:__________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: No, I don’t like big cities.3 A:__________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: Mexico City? It’s very big and busy.4 A:__________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, Sara likes living there.5 A:__________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: I think she likes the night-life best.6 A:__________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: The weather? Yesterday? Hot!7 A:__________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: No, we don’t like the food much.8 A:__________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: It’s a bit tasteless and boring.

10.2 present/past passive1 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions in the present and past passive.

1 caught / thief / the / was / schoolgirl / a / by_____________________________________________________________________________________________

2 arrested / was / he / shoplifting / for_____________________________________________________________________________________________

3 clothes / by / who / are / made / your?_____________________________________________________________________________________________

4 album / the / produced / in / was / London_____________________________________________________________________________________________

5 prison / sent / were / boys / the / to_____________________________________________________________________________________________

6 music / where / is / played / this?_____________________________________________________________________________________________

7 paid / when / you / were?_____________________________________________________________________________________________

8 taken / Paris / to / we / trip / school / on / were / a_____________________________________________________________________________________________

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 57 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Rewrite this newspaper report using passive tenses.Mobile Phone Theft On The IncreaseSome people stole 35 mobile phones yesterday. They took them from a supermarket. A store detective chased the thieves. He caught them at the end of the road. The police took the thieves to the police station. They charged the thieves with theft. They sent them to prison.

People steal hundreds of mobiles every day. They sell them in shops around the world. People tell me that this crime is growing in all our cities.

Thirty-five mobile phones were stolen yesterday. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10.3 complaining1 Complete the sentences with words/phrases from the box.

work wrong sorry complaint right excuse could problem look understand

1 This phone doesn’t_______________________________________________________________properly.2 I’m afraid I have a ________________________________________________________________________.3 ___________________________________________________________I speak to the manager, please?4 _______________________________________________________________________________________me.5 What’s the_______________________________________________________________________________?6 I’m very________________________________________________________________________about that.7 I’ll ask someone to have a ____________________________________________________________at it.8 What’s_____________________________________________________________________________with it?9 I ____________________________________________________________________you have a complaint.10 We’ll do it__________________________________________________________________________away.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 58 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Complete the dialogue with sentences from Exercise 1.A: Excuse me.B: Yes, madam. How can I help?A: 1____________________________________________________________________________.B: Oh dear. I don’t deal with complaints.A: 2___________________________________________________________________________?B: Of course. I’ll call her right away.C: Good afternoon. 3___________________________________________________________.A: Yes, I do. 4__________________________________________________________________.C: Ah. It’s a CT500. 5__________________________________________________________?A: It keeps switching off.C: 6__________________________________________________. Our phones are considered very reliable.A: Well not this one.C: 7____________________________________________________________________________.A: Thank you. Will it be long?C: No. 8________________________________________________________________________.A: Good. Thank you.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 59 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Consolidation1 Complete the letters with the correct form of the words in the box.

complain (x2) build sorry destroy afraid knock downtell like (x2) dominate love into

Dear Sir,I am writing 1to complain about the plans to extend the airport in Tolltown.The airport 2_________________________________________________________10 years ago. The GreenSite 3___________________________________________, beautiful old houses 4_______________________and many of us 5___________________________________________ about the noise and the pollution.We 6________________________________________________________ that this wouldn’t happen again.The citizens of Tolltown 7________________________________________________their city. But what isTolltown 8___________________________________________________________ today? A noisy, polluted,place that 9_____________________________________________________________________________by anairport, which the council now wants to extend.I would like you to reconsider these ridiculous plans and stop the building.I look forward to hearing from you,Herbert Smalling

Dear Mr Smalling,Thank you for your letter.I am 10______________________________________________that you do not 11________________________our proposals for a larger airport.We will look 12________________________________________________________your concerns, but I am13_____________________________________________________________there is nothing we can do untilafter the summer holiday.Yours sincerely,Tony Cross

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 60 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

11 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE11.1 present perfect + just/yet/already

1 We don’t know what’s happening because we …a) haven’t heard from them yet.b) didn’t hear from them yet.c) haven’t heard from them already.

2 I’ll give you my new number because I …a) already have bought a new phone.b) ’ve just bought a new phone.c) ’ve bought a new phone yet.

3 You …a) ’ve already bought a phone this year.b) ’ve just bought a phone this year.c) ’ve yet bought a phone this year.

4 You’re back early! …a) Did you post the photos yet?b) Have you posted the photos already?c) Have you posted the photos yet?

5 I wonder what Gina’s been doing. She …a) hasn’t updated her blog yet.b) hasn’t updated her blog already.c) didn’t update her blog yet.

6 I’m going out to meet Ivan because I …a) did the homework already!b) ’ve already done the homework!c) ’ve yet done the homework!

7 What are you doing here? Obviously …a) you haven’t read my email already!b) you didn’t read my email yet!c) you haven’t read my email yet!

8 I’m tired because …a) I’ve already been to the gym.b) I’ve just been to the gym.c) I’ve been to the gym yet.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 61 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Write sentences with the opposite meaning. Use the words in brackets1 I’ve just finished my essay.

I haven’t finished my essay yet. (yet)2 I haven’t spent hours on the internet.______________________________________________(already)3 And I haven’t watched lots of videos._______________________________________________(already)4 I’ve already started on the next unit.___________________________________________________ (yet)5 I’ve read the first few pages.___________________________________________________________ (yet)6 But I haven’t tidied my room yet._______________________________________________________(just)

11.2 first conditional + when1 Put the words in the correct order to make a conversation.Tom: we’ll / when / for / look / hotel / get / there / we / a

_________________________________________________________________________________________Sue: if / book / don’t / we / now, / won’t / to / we / anywhere / have / stay

_________________________________________________________________________________________Tom: Jon / help / will / us / arrive / when / we

_________________________________________________________________________________________Sue: doesn’t / he / if / us / meet / the airport, / at / be / I’ll / furious!

_________________________________________________________________________________________Tom: OK / it’ll / when / the / get / on / plane / be / we

_________________________________________________________________________________________Sue: if / start / you / I’ll / packing / be / happy / soon!

_________________________________________________________________________________________Tom: nervous / less / feel / you might / worrying / if / stop / you!

_________________________________________________________________________________________Sue: if / start / you / I’ll / packing / be / fine!

_________________________________________________________________________________________Tom: I’ll / when / it / do / I’ve got / time


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2 Find and correct the mistakes. There is a mistake or a word missing in each sentence.1 If it will rain, we can go to the cinema.2 She’ll to do the work when she has time.3 If you will be late, I’ll be worried.4 When they arrive, we tell them.5 If it will be a long film, I’ll be bored.6 What you will do if he leaves?

11.3 giving opinions1 Underline the correct alternative.1 In my/mine opinion it’s true.2 I’m not sure/surely about that.3 I’m afraid/frightened I don’t agree.4 I totally/Totally I agree with you.5 That’s right absolutely/absolutely right.6 I’m sorry, but I agree/disagree with that.7 I’m not sure/afraid about that.8 I don’t think so/that.

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2 Use the prompts to complete the conversation.A: So 1what do you think about technology?

(you / think / technology)B: 2____________________________________________________________________________________________.

(I / think / great)A: Really? In what way?B: 3____________________________________________________________________________________________.

(opinion, / it / make / our lives easier)A: Hmm. In some ways.B: 4___________________________________________________________________________________________?

(what / you / mean)A: Well, I think it’s made our lives faster, but not easier.B: 5____________________________________________________________________________________________.

(totally / disagree)A: Really?B: Yes. 6_______________________________________________________________________________________.

(I / think / we / be / more connected / today)A: But 7_______________________________________________________________________________________!

(people / not talk / each other)B: 8____________________________________________________________________________________________!

(sorry, but / that / not true)A: Not true?B: 9___________________________________________________________________________________________?

(what / we / do / right now)

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Consolidation1 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.

yet (x2) opinion I’ll just if when (x2) true dohaven’t already will you

A: Have you ever been to Tibet?B: No, I 1___________________________. It’s on my list but I haven’t been there 2__________________.A: What list?B: The list of the places I’ll go to 3________________________________________________ I’ve got time.A: 4__________________________________________________________ you think it’s important to travel?B: Definitely. In my 5___________________________________________ travelling is good for everyone.A: That’s 6______________________________________. I love travelling. I’ve been to lots of countries.B: So where 7________________________________________you go if you get a long holiday this year?A: Actually, I think 8______________________________________________________________stay at home.B: Really?A: Yes. There’s so much I haven’t done in the house 9__________________________________________

and I’ve 10______________________________________________________had a long holiday this year.B: Oh, sorry, I’ve got a text message. Oh, It’s Sam. He’s 11______________________________________

sent a text. He wants to know: will we go to Spain with him 12________________________________he arranges the accommodation? What do 13_________________________________________ think?

A: I think that’s a brilliant idea! The jobs in my house can wait! I’ll buy the TravelSpainapp 14____________________________________________________________________________I get home!

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Name ________________________________________________________________ Class _____________________________________________

12 SPEAKOUT EXTRA PRE-INTERMEDIATEGRAMMAR PRACTICE12.1 reported speech1 Match sentences 1–10 with a)–j).1 ‘It’s a great film.’2 ‘The director thinks it’s his best film.’3 ‘The main actor wears fabulous clothes.’4 ‘The main actor is wearing fabulous clothes.’5 ‘The studio doesn’t use trained actors.’6 ‘The studio isn’t using trained actors.’7 ‘The extras can act well!’8 ‘I’m going to see it again.’9 ‘I’ll see it again.’10 ‘Tina will come with me.’

a) She said it was a great film.b) She told me that the extras could act well.c) She said she would see it again.d) She told me the main actor wore fabulous clothes.e) She said the studio didn’t use trained actors.f) She told me the studio wasn’t using trained actors.g) She said the director thought it was his best film.h) She told me the main actor was wearing fabulous clothes.i) She said that she was going to see it again.j) She told me Tina would go with her.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 66 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

2 Complete the reported speech. 1 ‘I love documentary films.’

He said____________________________________________________________________________________. 2 ‘We don’t like science fiction.’

They told me______________________________________________________________________________. 3 ‘I’m taking Jim to see the new thriller.’

She said___________________________________________________________________________________. 4 ‘I’ll call you later.’

He said____________________________________________________________________________________. 5 ‘I can’t talk to you right now.’

She said___________________________________________________________________________________. 6 ‘I haven’t got any money.’

She said___________________________________________________________________________________. 7 ‘I’m going to be late.’

He said____________________________________________________________________________________. 8 ‘I’ll have a go.’

She said___________________________________________________________________________________. 9 ‘I’ll be on holiday next week.’

He said____________________________________________________________________________________.10 ‘I’m really enjoying this.’

She said___________________________________________________________________________________.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 67 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

12.2 second conditional1 Underline the correct alternative.1 If I am/was a politician, I will/would make universities free.2 What would you/you would do if you not have to/didn’t have to work?3 I wouldn’t live/don’t live in the city if I don’t/didn’t work there.4 If I will have/had time, I will/would learn another language.5 I think I will/would hate it if I am/was very famous.6 If he study/studied harder, he passes/would pass all his exams.7 They wouldn’t hire/didn’t hire you if they didn’t think/don’t think you were good.8 Where do you/would you be right now if you can/could be anywhere?

2 Use the prompts to write sentences using the second conditional.1 if / I / have / more time, / I / travel

_____________________________________________________________________________________________2 she / not say / that / if / it / not be / true

_____________________________________________________________________________________________3 how / he / feel / if / we / ask / him / to change?

_____________________________________________________________________________________________4 they / not be / so successful / if / they / not work / so hard

_____________________________________________________________________________________________5 what / you / do / if / you / win / the lottery?

_____________________________________________________________________________________________6 we / practise / every day / if / we / can

_____________________________________________________________________________________________7 if / I / not speak / English, / I / have to / learn another language

_____________________________________________________________________________________________8 if / she / can / afford / a car, / she / not go / by bus


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12.3 requests and offers1 Put the words in the correct order to make questions or sentences.1 A: recommend / bookshop / you / could / good / a

_________________________________________________________________________________________?B: Yes, there’s one in the High Street.

2 A: for / I / tickets / shall / the / theatre / book_________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, good idea!3 A: me / join / a drink / would / you / like / be / to / for

_________________________________________________________________________________________?B: Sorry I can’t, I’m meeting my parents for dinner.

4 A: be / my / to / would / help / me / you / homework / with / able_________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: Sorry, I can’t. I’m too busy.5 A: to / the / like / window / me / would / shut / you

_________________________________________________________________________________________?B: Yes please, it’s cold in here!

6 A: possible / would / be / it / change / to / ticket / this / hello,_________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, of course madam.

Speakout Extra Pre-intermediate Recursos < 69 > © Pearson Education Limited 2015

Consolidation1 Find and correct the mistakes. There is one mistake in each sentence. 1 She said me that she would be early. 2 If I wasn’t so hungry, I won’t eat this. 3 Will I get you the tickets? 4 It would be not easy, if we didn’t have the instructions. 5 I told to him that he was being stupid. 6 What you would do if you were me? 7 Would you like to me make a reservation? 8 They said it is easy! 9 Can you give me moment please?10 If I not like that actor, I wouldn’t see the film.

2 Find and write the ten missing words in the dialogue below.said

A: So what do you think? Tom he would get the tickets for us.B: Did he? He me that he was going to check the prices first.A: Well, he did and they’re £20 each. So do you to come?B: Hmm. £20 … Plus transport, plus food, plus drink.A: True. But we went by car, it would cheaper.B: OK. you like me to drive?A: That would brilliant.B: Fine. I borrowed my Dad’s van, we could all fit in.A: Great idea. Thanks. So I call Tom and ask him to go ahead?B: Yes, please. Let’s see Mary can come too.A: Hang. What’s Marta doing?B: She she was busy this weekend.A: Ah, never mind.

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