Page 1: St. Cornelius Church...the W.S. Merwin poem that Jeremy had sent to me, I later quoted in Celebra on (May 2012), and they are well worth repea ng here. Merwin’s poem, “A Message

St. Cornelius Church June 28, 2015

Fr. Mike Gleeson, Pastor Fr. Pat Sheary, S.J., Associate Pastor

Fr. Joseph Kennedy Savariyar, In residence Richard Boucher, Permanent Deacon Sr. Kathleen Burns SND, Parish Sister

5500 E. Wardlow Rd. Long Beach, 90808

Phone: 562-421-8966 Fax: 562-421-5096

E-mail: [email protected] Secretary’s Email: [email protected]

Mass Schedule Saturday 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass

Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. 12 noon & 5:00 p.m.

Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Friday 8:15 a.m. & 5:00 p.m.

Confession Schedule

Thursday & Friday a er 5:00 p.m. Mass Saturday a er 8:00 a.m. Mass

Saturday 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

St. Cornelius Catholic School: Principal - Nancy Hayes 3330 North Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90808, Phone: 562-425-7813

Page 2: St. Cornelius Church...the W.S. Merwin poem that Jeremy had sent to me, I later quoted in Celebra on (May 2012), and they are well worth repea ng here. Merwin’s poem, “A Message


Pilate’s Ques on: “What is Truth?” Doing “good” with one’s life can’t be about winning a prize

by Gabe Huck


Searching my laptop files for a certain text I wanted for this May Celebra on, I found a le er to my son Jeremy. The two of us, over the 30 or so years since he le home for college, have exchanged many long le ers, most of which traveled by postal mail. Switching to email strangely made our le ers (and I mean le ers, not simply communica ons) shorter and less frequent. When I wrote this par cular le er in 2011, I was living in Damascus and Jeremy was living in Moscow. Reading it now, I found more than what I had been searching for. I found in fact a way to write what I wanted for this essay. The lines of the W.S. Merwin poem that Jeremy had sent to me, I later quoted in Celebra on (May 2012), and they are well worth repea ng here. Merwin’s poem, “A Message to Po Chu-I,” is wri en as a le er from the present to a Chinese poet of the ninth century C.E. This poet, Po Chu-I, was o en banished for offending those in power. In his exile, he lived among starving soldiers and civilians. Once, the poet bought a goose that was about to be killed and eaten by soldiers, and he kept the goose alive. What madness drove such a gesture? (For the whole poem, see: Here is the substance of our exchange, with the lines of the poem we talked about: Dear Jeremy: I have reread your most recent le er, the one you ended with an excerpt from a W.S. Merwin poem. I think he is the U.S. poet laureate now, perhaps the officials who so honored him had yet to read these lines: I have been wan ng to let you know the goose is well he is here with me you would recognize the old migrant he has been with me for a long me and is in no hurry to leave here the wars are bigger now than ever greed has reached numbers that you would not believe and I will not tell you what is done to geese before they kill them now we are mel ng the very poles of the earth but I have never known where he would go a er he leaves me This simple repor ng in a le er of what is everyday knowledge, if one pays a en on, makes Merwin’s poem so amazing. Somehow also those lines remind me in tone and content of the Coetzee novel I read this summer, Wai ng for the Barbarians. The voice is so like that of the narrator there. Those lines above are the clear seeing of anyone willing to

be an observer and not only a par cipant. I guess that’s some-thing I never quite grasped: that par cipant isn’t everything, in fact it’s o en worse than nothing without the observer balance. We used to talk about ac ve/contempla ve in ma ers of religious life. Balance was said to be the genius of the Rule of St Benedict. You probably never had occasion to read it, but it is one of the best efforts of making prac cal what a good life in community might be. Find it and read the prologue and I’d also suggest these chapters (all the chapters are very short, some just a paragraph): 2 (because it’s about leadership), 58 (admi ng new members), 64 (elec on of the abbot, but really a con nua on of Chapter 2), 68 (“when commanded to do impossible things” - I always liked whatev-er in Benedict made him include this li le chapter), 73 (the last chapter). But some wonderful lines are sca ered throughout. The Rule was wri en in the early 500s in Italy. Benedict had many sources for previous instruc ons for the monas c life, some of them from Egypt and some from here in Syria. And Benedict had his own experiences too. Some would say that the core of Benedict’s rule is realism, modera on, the possi-ble. It is such an interes ng ques on as to why write or read biography or autobiography. When I was in elementary school I tried to read every single biography that was in the children’s room of the public library. I can s ll see them on the shelves there: poli cal people, sports people, explorers, military people, on and on. But a er that, I haven’t read biog-raphy that much. An excep on several years ago was reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ first volume of his autobiography, Living to Tell the Tale. He’s only about 19 when you finish the book at Page 500. Reading Out of Place by Edward Said this summer was an-other good excep on. Did I tell you about it? He wrote this rather long account a er he was diagnosed with the disease that took his life in 2003, and the book is only about his first 25 years, years he thought of as a painful me for him. He was not a happy kid. He’s strongly cri cal of many teachers and others, tells both sides of mother and father, largely ig-nores his younger sisters. He writes much about how he came to love and play music, how he discovered various writers, how he endured his ever-cri cal father (cri cal o en of what a mediocre and even lazy student he perceived his son to be), but also caught what was good and gracious in his father. Same mix for his mother, who nurtured his reading especially. The story is also an insight

Page 3: St. Cornelius Church...the W.S. Merwin poem that Jeremy had sent to me, I later quoted in Celebra on (May 2012), and they are well worth repea ng here. Merwin’s poem, “A Message

Siempre Adelante, Fr. Mike

PASTOR’S CORNER (Cont’d) 2 into Pales ne, Egypt and Lebanon from the late 1930s through the 1950s as the family deals with al-Nakba. Said says in the introduc on what an elderly friend of ours, wri ng his memoirs, told me last summer: Only when he sat down to write did he realize how much of those years had been hiding in his memory. Your story about reading Genesis with Ma hew makes me think how you didn’t stay long enough in Damascus to visit the cave on Mount Qassiun (the mountain that is the north-west side of Damascus itself). There is a mosque there and one only approaches this place on foot, too steep for driving. The story is that this is where Cain killed Abel (though the two brothers have different names in the Qur’an). Visitors are shown the imprint of the angel’s hand in the ceiling of the cave. God was angry a er the murder and sent a great earth-quake. Cain and the other humans would have been killed in the earthquake but for the angel saving them by holding up the roof of the cave. They also tell the story there of how Cain discovered, by watching birds I think, what one does with a dead body. Syria seems to have these places associated with the stories of Genesis and the Qur’an. Perhaps someone has tried to discover how these places and stories became linked and when. I admire the way the “historical” ques on of “Did it really happen, and here?” is not raised, isn’t an important ques on. There is that sense that Damascus itself as a place on earth is part of an area where many ancient stories hap-pened. Aleppo also. One can hold to what-really-happened and to these stories as somehow both being true at the same

me and not be fussy. When Ma hew asks, “Is it true?” he’s buying into, as so many do, the no on that “true” is about science and facts. Ge ng the true confused with the factual is a modern ail-ment. Is Genesis true? Are Frost’s poems true? Is “King Lear” true? I think it’s best to say that “true” should be our word and no on for this more profound way of speaking about the human and natural reality — but recognizing that we cannot prove what’s true or agree on what’s true. Facts are fine in their place. This was the struggle of the 19th and 20th centu-ries in the Western churches about scripture. Was it true? Saying yes doesn’t mean it “happened” in the sense that ge ng out of bed this morning “happened.” But is “true” then “true for me” and not the same as scien fic truth? Should we have separate words? So much revolves around this. So-called fundamentalists, religious and otherwise, want all facts to flow from their truth, their myth, their way of enuncia ng truth. One really has to face up to this when it comes to death and beyond. Somewhere I probably told you about a remarkable li le book (I s ll have it) from the ’50s by an Anglican bishop, John A.T. Robinson. In the ’60s he became famous/infamous for his book Honest to God. This earlier book of his was In the End, God … He took the tle from the first words of Genesis but with “end” instead of “beginning.” What I remember is this: Just as we’ve learned to understand that the truth of

Genesis and other biblical material isn’t about “did it really happen?” but rather is about a far deeper truth, so the truth of the other side — the end of crea on, the end of one’s life — isn’t spelled out literally in the images of judgment, heav-en, hell, end of the world. Just as Genesis is really about “us” and about “today,” so are the stories of the “end” about us and about today. The stories (e.g., Ma hew 25 on “I was hungry and you gave me food”) aren’t about some literal facts of what’s going to happen to us at death or the “judgment day,” they are about what is true of life now. The teller of this cared about what we do now, and maybe the listeners understood that. To me, this was an immense help all those decades ago. It s ll is. Granted, it is hard to move out of the literal — just witness what happens at almost any Chris an’s funeral. But following Robinson’s insight, we wouldn’t do so much fool-ishness with our sappy words and images and non-scriptural pictures of a erlife. Why are believers afraid to say “We don’t know” and “We don’t need to know”? These feel-good images we hear aren’t worthy of what one should mean by “belief.” We believe things like: It ma ers how we treat one another, how we conduct our lives and our world, how we condone this and that and oppose this and that. Doing “good” with one’s life can’t be about winning a prize. It has to be about fidelity to a certain understanding of the world one has accepted in a very deep sense. It amazes me how people who live prosperous U.S. lives (and not only U.S. lives, but that’s what I know best) can be living at the same

me with a bunch of literally held images of an a erlife. What’s missing here? For one thing, even the slightest glim-mer that judgment and last day are about the 24 hours I’m living now. But there are also people who may mouth the pie es and the pre y pictures, but do grasp that every day is a “last” day and live like that. The church has the language and images in the liturgy to speak to this, but only if liturgy recovers in prac ce what it must be, the ritual work of an assembly ever in forma on. What will happen here in Syria? So much has been need-lessly lost and it becomes harder to imagine what will ever — outside of a drawn-out ba le — bring an end. As foreigners from the West, we’re a much rarer species these days, but that mostly seems to bring an even more sincere “Welcome!” People are very aware of how Western governments have acted in telling their people to leave and they seem grateful that some of us have stayed. Love, Dad

Page 4: St. Cornelius Church...the W.S. Merwin poem that Jeremy had sent to me, I later quoted in Celebra on (May 2012), and they are well worth repea ng here. Merwin’s poem, “A Message


MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, June 28 8:00 a.m. Father’s Day Novena Jim & Marc Koblensky (RIP) 10:00 a.m. Father’s Day Novena Maria Francisca De Gonzalez (RIP) Dave Daylor (RIP) Karen Keb-Will 12 noon Father’s Day Novena Shirley O’Brien (RIP) 5:00 p.m. Father’s Day Novena Monday, June 29 8:00 a.m. Father’s Day Novena Lawrence Tovar (RIP) 5:00 p.m. Father’s Day Novena Frank & Tina Casanova Tuesday, June 30 8:00 a.m. Viola Diement (RIP) 5:00 p.m. Frank Daylor (RIP) Colleen Alm Wednesday, July 1 8:00 a.m. Jim & Marc Koblensky (RIP) 5:00 p.m. Leona Clerigo (RIP) William Terrio, Sr. Thursday, July 2 8:00 a.m. Joey Salazar (RIP) 5:00 p.m. Dr. Donald Hemphill (RIP) Friday, July 3 8:15 a.m. John Burke (RIP) 5:00 p.m. Mai Gleeson (RIP) Saturday, July 4 9:00 a.m. People of St. Cornelius 5:00 p.m. Sandi Terrio Dr. Eddie Malphus Sunday, July 5 8:00 a.m. John G. Weisenborn (RIP) Fr. Larry Darnell & All Priests Leo Poissant (RIP) 10:00 a.m. Hasse Family Martha LeClair (RIP) 12 noon Fr. Ed Broom & All Priests Irene O’Neil (RIP) 5:00 p.m. Fr. Larry Darnell & All His Assoc. Priests

WEEKEND MASSES Saturday, July 4th 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lectors: Kathy Cabral Sunday, July 5th 8:00 a.m. Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector: Joe Theuma 10:00 a.m. Fr. Pat Sheary, S.J. Lector Bert Howard 12 noon Fr. Mike Gleeson Lector Cheryl Sandel 5:00 p.m. Fr. Joseph Savariyar Lector: George Mora

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK Please pray for: Helen Whitwell, Victoria Falealili, Ellen Bollinger, Mar n Metz, Alexis Teodosio, Jason Taylor, Michael Perez, Andrea Boyles, Donna Williams, Sarah Irvine, Maureen Walsh, Michelle Stevens, Alma Woods, Lori Garcia, David Wheeler, Karen Rigney, Adam & Carla Mars, Mary Larkin, Alan Wells, Harper Deaton, Niko Greco, Antoine e Uthoff, Michelle Car-ranza, Jake Kasten, Fran Kelly, Brenda Erickson, Tim Ginne , Olivia Alvillar, Sandy Bradley, Marge Hengehold, Jim & Ursu-la Hall, Pete Tisei, Mercedes Gonzalez, Rivaldo Family, D.J. Barwick, Clara I. Jimenez, Ricardo Fernandez, Francis Fernan-dez, Denise Easley Pearson, Sherri S llwell, Albert & Olivia Howard, Bob Early, Peggy Hasse , Luis Barreto, Dolores Lounsbury, Peggy Boylan, Connie Gu errez, Randy Kunkel, Roger LaPorte, Karen Keb Will, Elizabeth Gerphiede, Mary Maguire, Jennifer Perez Carey, Marta L. Rodriguez, Julienne Aoga, Danny Castaneda, Jeff Newon, Eric Fairchild, Barbara Bain, Marty Jadus, Gabriela Paradiso, Monica Frank, Juan Carlos Andrade, Patrice McAlpine, Arlene DeWalt, Jack Dea-ton, Martha Burris, George Roxburgh, Jenni Rojas, Frances Bourdreau, Ray Tanguay, Sergio Tamayo, Hugo Pennock, Fernanda Otero, Richard Zavala, Niko Greco, Lee Hicks, Den-ise Rivera, Jack McAllney, Irene Brauer, Ana Maria Menen-dez, Joe Malagamalii, Silailai Tamasoa, Rosa Claudia Lopez, Mary Maglione. Christopher Cathart, Kathy Keheley, Tom and Deborah Hennessy, Jerry Siler, Doreen Hooker, Luke Johnson, Jason Rosier, Todd Johnson, Blanca Johnson, James Lynch, Henry Sarnecki, Kathy Anderson, Sam McCarthy, Jere-miah O’Brian, Paka Tuiloma, Helen Walsh, Monica Frank, Diane Miskiel.


ADORATION Come join us for medita ve prayer before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament every 3rd Tuesday of the month from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.

FOURTH OF JULY MASS SCHEDULE Masses will be at 9:00 am & 5:00 pm

Please join us for a Special 4th of July breakfast immediately following the 9:00 am Mass in the Paye e Pavilion.

Page 5: St. Cornelius Church...the W.S. Merwin poem that Jeremy had sent to me, I later quoted in Celebra on (May 2012), and they are well worth repea ng here. Merwin’s poem, “A Message


FAITH AND FICTION St. Cornelius Book Discussion Group

The next mee ng of the book club will be held on Monday, July 20, at 7:30 pm in the school library. The book we will be discussing is: “Defending Jacob”, by William Landay. We meet on the third Monday of every month. You are welcome to join us. For further informa on, call Katy Ellis at 607-1100.

CONNECTING THE DOTS Spirituality Book Club

We'll be discussing chapters 5-8 of "Jesus: A Pilgrimage" by James Mar n, S.J. on Thursday, July 16 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm at Norma Duffy's. Call Deacon Rich Boucher or Norma for details at 562-429-1094.

RCIA Becoming Catholic

♦ Interested in Becoming Catholic?

♦ Want to receive Bap sm? Confirma on? Eucharist?

♦ Know anyone who does?

♦ Do you have any ques ons about what it means to be Catholic?

Please call Sr. Kathleen at 562-496-3224 or email at [email protected].

(Classes meet on Tuesday evenings, 7 –9 pm in the small hall be-ginning in September)

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Psalms of Ascent The Psalms of Ascent is a beau ful 7-week journey of learning through Psalms 120-134 with true and honest direc on for our daily lives. Please join other terrific ladies, and be blessed in strengthening our rela onship with God in acts of praise, blessing, peace, security, trust and love. These meaningful readings will guide us in expressions of gra tude and praise, and in other

mes of sorrow, fear, or forgiveness.

We begin on Thursday, June 18th, 7:00-9:00 pm in the 8th-grade classroom. Course materials are $12. Ques ons or to sign up, please contact DiAnne Jahn at 562-431-5682 or email [email protected].

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Gospel of Ma hew We are star ng a Men’s Bible study that will meet in the Holy Family Room on Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:00 pm. Our first study will be the Gospel of Ma hew (a 10-week study) beginning on September 15th. All men are wel-come. For more informa on, course materials or to sign up, please contact Erick Fischer at (562) 425-5542 or e-mail, [email protected].



Please support our Fireworks Stand and help us support Catholic educa on. Proceeds fund our Scholarship Programs @ St. Cornelius, St. Cyprian, St. Joseph & St. Maria Gore .

Hours 9 am -- 9 pm Wednesday to Saturday JULY 1st through JULY 4th

Knights of Columbus Stand Located at 4265 Woodruff Ave., Lakewood North of Carson directly in front of SPROUTS


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ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY In today’s Gospel we see how in faith, Jarius asked Jesus to heal his daughter and how Jesus then answered his prayer. In prayer we also come to know that we are loved by God, and in that trust we ask for healing for ourselves, our loved ones and all those who are suffering.

During the month of May, through your gi s, you brought the love and care of Jesus to the poor by as-sis ng 43 people, providing $603 in food, $906 for u li es, rent and other bills, etc. Bless You!

Page 6: St. Cornelius Church...the W.S. Merwin poem that Jeremy had sent to me, I later quoted in Celebra on (May 2012), and they are well worth repea ng here. Merwin’s poem, “A Message



No Rosary and Mass for Life in July.

Babies Saved 59 - the number of babies given the chance at LIFE and their 59 moms who made the ‘choice’ of a life-

me. Thank you for your con nued prayers for our unborn brothers and sisters, and moms in crisis preg-nancies.

Pennies from Heaven Keep those baby bo les comin’! There are about 300

baby bo les that have not been returned. If you have a bo le, filled or empty, please return it to the Rectory as soon as you can. Each bo le costs us $1, so every bo le that’s returned saves us the expense

of replacing it. Thank you!

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Registra on con nues Our annual Vaca on Bible Camp will be held July 13-17, 9:00 am-Noon at St. Maria Gore Parish. Registra on forms are available online ( Cat-echist in service Sunday, June 28th, 1:30-3:30 pm at St. Maria Gore . Helper in service Thursday, July 9th, 10:00 am-12noon, also at St. Maria Gore .

Proposed Schedule for Fall ‘15 - Spring ‘16 Religious Educa on Sessions Preschool through Middle School

The projected schedule for Fall will be as follows: Sunday, August 30, 9:00 am—12:00 noon, registra on begins. To save on resources, we would like to send an email to families of con nuing students as a reminder to come in and register. If we have no email address on file, REMINDER POSTCARDS will be mailed. Registra on packets for new students may be picked up in the RE Office or from the parish website:, beginning the second week of August.


SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Did You Know? By teaching “total body safety” we further efforts to stop abuse Parents and caregivers should stress that a child’s en-

re body is private and be watchful of adults who might be “grooming” a child by constantly ckling, kiss-ing, or hugging them. A child will o en tell a parent he or she does not want to hug or kiss someone – and par-ents should listen and respect their wishes. By teaching “total body safety” to adults, children, and young peo-ple, we are furthering our efforts to stop abuse and to make the world a safer place for all of God’s children. For a copy of the VIRTUS® ar cle, “Beyond the myth of the bathing suit,” email: [email protected].

Page 7: St. Cornelius Church...the W.S. Merwin poem that Jeremy had sent to me, I later quoted in Celebra on (May 2012), and they are well worth repea ng here. Merwin’s poem, “A Message

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Page 8: St. Cornelius Church...the W.S. Merwin poem that Jeremy had sent to me, I later quoted in Celebra on (May 2012), and they are well worth repea ng here. Merwin’s poem, “A Message

7 7 COMMUNITY NEWS PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION In the collec on today, we are suppor ng Pope Francis in his charitable works. The Peter’s Pence Collec on is taken up worldwide to support the most disadvantaged: vic ms of war, oppression, and natural disasters. This is an opportunity to join with our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and be a wit-ness of charity to our suffering brothers and sis-ters. Please be generous in today’s collec on. Envelopes are in the pews.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Save The Date The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive. The date is Sunday, August 18, 2015 in the St. Cornelius Small Hall. The hours are 8:00 am un l 2:00 pm. The need for blood is serious. Call Manny Vieyra at (562) 425-8811 to make an appointment.
