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Weekly Reflection

In today’s Gospel according to St. Matthew, we hear of three wise men who

travelled by camel and on foot from the East to Bethlehem.

They most likely have read and discussed the prophecies and were anxious to

see when this King of Israel, this Messiah would appear. God led them by means

of an extraordinary star across the desert to the little town of Bethlehem where

Jesus was born. In their thirst for the knowledge of God, they willingly left their

home and country to pursue that quest. In their diligent search, they were led to

the source of true knowledge – Jesus Christ, the Light and Wisdom of God.

When they found the newborn king they humbly worshiped him and gave him

gifts fitting for a king.

The travels of the wise men were both a physical journey as well as a journey of

faith. All of us are in a journey - to experience life, to find out what our lives are

really all about, and in that process, to find God in our lives at the same time.

There is that search for a higher being, a worthwhile cause that is beyond our

lives and this cause is God’s Kingdom.

In our journeys, we will all experience joys, successes, failures, trials and

difficulties. That’s just part of our lives and we simply have to accept these as

part of God’s work in us. St. Augustine says in his book, the Confessions, “You

have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in

you.” As we all know, any physical travel is really exhausting. The spiritual

journey, the journey of faith, is equally exhausting. We will only find true peace

and rest in eternal life with God.

With all the ups and downs of our lives, we must simply continue with our

journeys – to love God, to love each other, to forgive one another, to care for

those who are poor and needy and to support one another. This is where faith,

hope and love kick in. We must hang in there, be patient with life’s difficulties

and persevere in our search for God, just like the three wise men. Know that God

gives us a star to light our pilgrim way, to guide us in our lives. God also gives

us our guardian angels to guide and protect us.

And whenever we find God in lives, through Jesus Christ, we must always

remember to thank Him, to praise and worship God. We must always thank God

for the many gifts and blessings He has given us in our lives. Then, like the three

wise men who offered Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, we offer our

gifts – the gifts of ourselves, our work, our families, our service to the Church

and so on – we offer all these gifts back to God.

- Taken from a homily by Alvin D. Paligutan, O.S.A.

This Parish is Child Safety Aware and also complies with Australian

Privacy Laws Child Safety and Protection of Vulnerable Adults (policy):

Saint Rita’s Catholic Parish takes the safety and vulnerable adults seriously.

For information please visit and then click the

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Monday 9th January

8:30am Rosary (Chapel)

9:00am Mass (Chapel)

11:00am Mass (Renaissance)

7:00pm Knights of the Southern Cross (Ruby room)

Tuesday 10th January

8:30am Rosary (Chapel)

9:00am Mass (Chapel)

Wednesday 11th January

8:30am Rosary (Chapel)

9:00am Mass (Chapel)

9:30am Mothers Prayers (Chapel)

4:00pm Choir Practice (Church)

Thursday 12th January Friday 13th January

8:30am Rosary (Chapel)

9:00am Mass & Holy Hour (Chapel)

Saturday 14th January

11:00am Liturgy (Coochiemudlo Island)

4:00-4:30pm Reconciliation (Church)

5:00pm Vigil Mass (Church)

Sunday 15th January

7:00am Mass (Church)

9:00am Mass (Church)

6:00pm Mass (Church)

St. Rita’s Catholic Parish Incorporating Victoria Point, Thornlands South, Redland Bay, Mount Cotton,

Coochiemudlo Island and the Southern Bay Islands.

Postal Address: 37 Benfer Road, Victoria Point Q. 4165


Parish Priest: Fr. Joseph Vattaparambil CMI Parish Secretary: Meagan Ladewig Emergency Contact: 0406 562 884 Finance Secretary: Beverley Van Schie Office/Presbytery: Ph: 07-3207 9177 School Principal: Ms Anne McKenny Email: [email protected] School Ph: 07- 3207 6628 Fax: 07- 3207 6734 Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-1:00pm Parish Website:

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31 December 2016/1 January 2017 $2,615.94

Maintenance and Improvements

Recent Activities – installed new cleaners’ storage cabinet, new church sound system installed on

the 22nd of December, Multi-pest investigating possums in church roof

Current projects – replacement or removal of gas bottle and hot water system in the church

kitchen, investigating replating of tabernacle door (plating worn out by polishing), installation of

new statues in Columbarium after security lights and cameras are installed (still awaiting

school-funded installation of cameras)

Possible Future projects depending on availability of funding – replacement of old air

conditioners in Ruby Room, air conditioner in Presbytery bedroom

Second Collection



Envelopes, Loose,

Direct Debits.

Please take a moment to pray for:

All those who are ill, those who seek healing in their lives and for all those who care for


Recently deceased

We commend the recently deceased

to the loving embrace of God.

Parish News and Meetings

PRAYER AND PRAISE GROUP: Our group is having a break for the Christmas holidays. We will be meeting again on Tuesday 7th February 2017. From all of us at the prayer group, we wish you a safe and holy Christmas season and may the light of Christ burn brightly in your hearts. PRO LIFE ROSARY GROUP: We will be having a break over Christmas from the 15th December and resume on MONDAY the 16th of January 2017 at 9:30am, as we are changing to Mondays. MARIAN ROSARY GROUP: The Monday Marian Rosary Group will finish for a break from the 12th December and resume on Tuesday 17th January 2017 at 9.30am, as a Tuesday Marian Rosary Group.

LITURGY COMMITTEE: Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 14th February 2017 at 7pm in the Ruby Room.

We would like to thank the Craft Group

for their fundraising efforts to

facilitate the purchase of the

new sound system for the Church.


1ST READING (JB): Isaiah 60:1-6

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 71:1-2, 7-8, 10-13

2ND READING (JB): Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6

GOSPEL (JB): Matthew 2:1-12


1ST READING (JB): Isaiah 49:3, 5-6

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Psalm 39:2, 4, 7-10

2ND READING (JB): 1 Corinthians 1:1-3

GOSPEL (JB): John 1:29-34

St. Rita’s Catholic Parish Victoria Point

Consider a Bequest.

Preparing a Will is the best way to ensure that the people you care about are properly provided for. When preparing your Will, your heart and mind turns firstly to your family and loved ones, to ensure they are provided for. It is also a unique opportunity to make a significant gift to those people and organizations you care about. Please prayerfully consider including a gift to our Parish. Your gift will help carry forward the gospel message to future generations. For more information about how to make a gift in your Will please contact the Catholic Foundation at 07 3324 3200 or [email protected]

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Our life is a journey

“The destiny of every person is symbolized in this

journey of the Magi of the East: our life is a journey,

illuminated by the lights which brighten our way, to find

the fullness of truth and love which we Christians

recognize in Jesus, the Light of the World. Like the

Magi, every person has two great “books” which

provide the signs to guide this pilgrimage: the book of

creation and the book of sacred Scripture. What is

important is that we be attentive, alert, and listen to

God who speaks to us, who always speaks to us. As the

Psalm says in referring to the Law of the Lord: “Your

word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”

(Ps 119:105). Listening to the Gospel, reading it,

meditating on it and making it our spiritual nourishment

especially allows us to encounter the living Jesus, to

experience him and his love.”

From the Homily of Pope Francis, 6th January 2014, Vatican Bascilica


Sat 5pm


Help needed


May Richardson

Sun 7am



Help needed

Sun 9am


Cheryl Lawie


Shelley & Joseph


Sun 6pm

Doris Williamson

Mass Co-ordinators

Christopher Tucker

Shaun Hennessy Bernie Sturdy

Jennifer Fielding

Amanda Hosking

Ministers of

the Word

Dianne Thomas Jeremy Thomas

Anne Josefski John Josefski Phil Ellis

Frances Connor Angela Clarke Rianne Loft

Leanne Dyer Robin Clark Amanda Hosking



Ross Cooper Katrina Hardie Anne Maree Reed

Kay Grieve Bill Mellor Eddie Dunne

Kerry Horvath John Evans Jennifer Fielding

Garrie Bamford

Altar Servers

Christopher Tucker Rhylee Ball

Christopher Tucker

Jacob Dunne




Bob Snoke

Bernie Sturdy

Amanda Hosking

Children’s Liturgy

Saturday: n/a Sunday: n/a

Ministers to the Sick

Group 1: Phil & Dorothy Ellis Group 2: Garry Bamford

Church Cleaning : Team 3

Office Volunteer : Tracey Cutler

The Little Kings Movement for the Handicapped The Little King’s Movement once a year conducts a door Knock and a

Parish Appeal. The Movement caters for people with

disabilities in social and spiritual activities. There is no government

funding and the movement is staffed by volunteers. Each year the calls

for their services are increasing. The movement, though based on

Catholic beliefs is truly ecumenical, and all members are welcomed and

respected for their own beliefs. There is no charge for any of the

services provided by the movement. Donation envelopes are on the

back table of the church.


Thank you to all our fellow Parishioners and friends who

donated food, gifts, toys and finance towards our Christmas

Appeal and to those who helped with the sorting and

distribution. We would also like to acknowledge support

from: The Management, staff, retailers and customers of the

Victoria Point Shopping Centre; Daniel Connor and the staff

at Bank of Queensland, Victoria Point Branch;

The staff, families and students at Carmel College;

The staff, families and students – especially the MiniVinnies

Group – at St. Rita’s Primary School;

Staff members at the Redlands Hospital; St. Rita’s Craft

Group; The residents of Oak Tree Retirement Village.

Your combined efforts enabled us to make up and deliver a

record 69 Christmas hampers to 69 grateful families and

individuals in our Parish area, including the Bay Islands.

These are all families who have recently been seeking our help

and who we know are having a tough time but who we hope,

with a little help and support, can soon get their lives back on

track. It is on their behalf that we thank everyone.

We received cash donations totalling $3,710.40 – some of

which were very generous - and which not only helped

supplement the donated goods but will also assist us to carry

on with our work into the New Year. God Bless you all!


MINISTRY ROSTER 2017 14th/15th January 2017

Saturday 5:00pm

Sunday 7:00am

Sunday 9:00am

Sunday 6:00pm

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