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Blair Bucci

SPED 40529 November 2012

Assignment B

General Expectations

As part of my general expectations for any classroom I teach, the most important thing I will

expect is that my students are to be respectful to myself and their peers. This includes not calling

other students or teachers names, keeping hands, feet, and all materials to themselves and no

yelling. I want my classroom to be a safe environment for all of my students in which they feel

comfortable to participate and be themselves. I will also expect that students complete all

assignments before class, and not during other classes. Because this expectation will be crucial

to daily lessons, I will also include it in my list of rules to reemphasize it to students. Along with

not completing homework during other classes, I will also expect that my students complete

work on their own and do not cheat on any assignments, including copying work, giving

answers, looking off of someone else’s paper. If students need help on an assignment they can

ask peers for clarification, but not answers, for the most part, all assignments should be clear and

able to be understood as we will have gone over materials together during class.

All general expectations will be given to students the first day of class in their syllabus so that

they can always have them. I will state all expectations to my students and articulate that these

are things that they should have seen before and should be familiar with and able to comply by.

Rules will be explained at this time too, but will also be clearly posted in the class for all to see.

Ideally, I would like to compile my classroom list of rules as a whole with my students, but not

matter what the students come up with, these rules will be added as well to ensure classroom


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Miss Bucci asks that you please… 

1.)  Come prepared to class! Be in your seat ready to learn with materials before the bell rings

2.)  Do not leave your seat while the teacher is talking! Only one student should be out of the

room at a time.

3.)  Note that all late work will be deducted 10% everyday it is late!

4.)  Absolutely no bullying!



 Rule #1 “Come prepared to class” 

I will ask this of my students so that they can practice being organized and responsible. I want

my students to be ready to start class as soon as the bell rings so that we can begin class. If 

students were to just be in the room when they bell rang, it would take up time waiting for them

to get all of their materials out and be ready to begin class, so I will use this rule to save time so

that we can utilize as much time as possible in a positive way.

 Rule #2 “Do no leave your seat while the teacher is talking and only have one student leave the

classroom at a time” 

I will not ask my students to raise their hands to leave their seats to things such as to sharpen

their pencils, get a tissue, go to the bathroom; however I do not want them to cause any

interruptions or miss any important information so I will ask that they stay seated until the

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teacher is done talking. If the students are to leave the classroom they will take a pass and sign

out at a designated area saying where they are going. I want my students to feel as though they

are being treated as adults, with the expectations that they will in return act like adults.

However, I do not want students to abuse this privilege, so only one student will be allowed to

leave at a time. If I believe a student is taking advantage of this, then I will limit said student to

only being able to leave a certain amount of times each week.

 Rule #3 “ Note that all late work will be deducted 10% everyday it is late” 

Because turning homework in on time will be a general expectation I did not want also make it

an additional rule. I still want students to be reminded to turn homework in on time, so by

making students aware of the consequences of not turning in complete work on time I feel it will

motivate them to turn it in on time. I do not want to harm students’ grades if they turn in work 

late, but I want them to practice responsibility by having to turn in work on time. If there is a

conflict which arises for a student, then after discussion a reasonable time for extension will be

given for the student to complete work. If a student is absent, they will receive 1-2 days time for

an extension depending on the assignment, only if the student is absent on the day the

assignment is given! If a student misses class the day before they know an assignment is due,

that assignment will still be due the next day. If students miss class the day a small assignment is

due, such as a worksheet, they will turn it in the first day they return. If they miss a large

assignment, such as a paper, I will ask to, if possible, receive it through e-mail, or at least be

given some notice. Depending on the circumstances, it will be decided if this assignment will be

considered late.

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 Rule #4 “Absolutely no bullying” 

While this is also part of my general expectations, I feel very strongly about it and therefore want

it to be more strongly enforced and emphasized as much as possible. I will explain to students

that this rule will be enforced in and out of my classroom; if they are seen bullying in any way,

teasing, threatening, name-calling, on school-grounds, during and after school, they will face

consequences. If a student is being bullied I ask that they will report this behavior to me or

another staff member.

 Rule #5 “Take risks and always do your best” 

This rule is meant to promote student performance and achievement. I want this as one of my

rules because I do not ever want my students to be afraid to share something they think. I want

to encourage my students to take risks because they may have a great original idea, but think that

it is not correct because it is not like what others are saying. Especially in an English class,

creativity and new ways of thinking will enrich all students’ learning experiences so I want to

expose students to as many different perspectives as possible. Also, I will ask that my students

always do their best with whatever they are doing in the class. Again, I would have this as part

of my general expectations, but I feel it is important enough to restate and have the students see

this rule continuously. If students do not do their best, they will only be hurting their own

learning progress, so it is in their best interest to do so.