
State and FederalLegislative and Policy Updates

Alameda County Early Care and

Education Planning Council

April 17, 2015

Overview --Updates

1. State Budget Update

2. Federal Update

3. Local Updates (Oakland)

Budget Hearings are Under Way

On Tuesday, Budget Subcommittees met to consider the Governor’s ece proposals

A group of statewide advocacy groups has requested:

Access Increase 4,000 preschool increase from

last year by 10,500 slots starting in June, 2015

Add 10,500 infant and toddler spots

Statewide Advocates RequestRate and COLA increase

SRR and infant and toddler “multiplier” RMR ceiling so families can access 85%

of programs

Quality increase Expand $50 million QRIS block grant from

last year to infant and toddler providers Create statewide ECE community college

workgroup for CCC quality and alignment to lay foundation for CTC ECE permit matrix and credential recommendation

Statewide Advocates RequestQuality in all Settings, Continued

Prepare for CCDBG Requirements Increase funding for annual inspections Create alternative models for meeting

inspection requirements for license exempt programs

General Fund support for these efforts and not CCDF quality funds

Federal A grandmother and tireless children’s

advocate is running for President of the United States for the Democratic ticket!

Local ECE Related Activity Packard Oakland Starting Smart and Strong

Strategy includes support for Quality Rating and Improvement assessment at ece programs

Bay Area Health Inequities Initiative is focusing on early childhood issues Bay Area wide

Natalie will reach 25 centers this year and Kim is working with 12-15 Green Ambassadors
