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Group 2

Winky (16)

Penny ()

Kelly (23)

 Yanny (24)



“Now turn to page 23, Michael, the first paragraph,” Mr. Woo said. The 2R

students were sitting in the classroom and reading the reader, Dragonwings.

Suddenly, Mr. Woo shouted, “Nuts! Where is Black dog? He should be in the

book! How can I teach you guys when Black Dog disappeared?” The students

were in a fog while Mr. Woo was muttering and staring at the book. By the

way, what the hell was going on?



In 19xx, Windrider and Miss Whitlaw wanted to fly again, so they made the

second creation, Chickenwings. Unfortunately, after they finished it, Black Dog

stole their creation; because the brotherhood wanted to kill him. And so he

needed Chickenwings to help him to escape.

While Black Dog was flying in the sky, suddenly lightning hit him badly.

Chickenwings broken and he swooned. He fell on a hill. Later, a woman

discovered him and took him to the hospital.

On their way, Black Dog woke up, “who are you?”

“Oh, you wake up! My name is White Cat. Do you remember what happens

 just now?” The woman answered kindly.

“No, I can’t remember. Where are we going to?” Black Dog was confused.

“We are going to the hospital now.”

“No! I’ll never go to hospital! Leave me alone!” Black Dog was agitated.

“Okay, calm down. I am so sorry but I am in a hurry. Can you go home byyourself?”

“I can’t remember where I live.”

“Huh? Alright, would you mind to come with me? I work in Yau Ma Tei.”

“I have no choice.” Black Dog followed White Cat to Yau Ma Tei.



While White Cat was driving, Black Dog tried to remember what happened;

he remembered nothing, but his name.

30 minutes later, Black Dog and White cat arrived in Yau Ma Tei. White Cat

gave Black Dog 50 dollars,” I must go now. I guess you haven’t had your

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breakfast yet. Here is McDonalds, you can eat something here. I will come

back at twelve, wait for me here.” Then she rushed out.

After having breakfast, Black Dog was bored so he went out for a walk. He

walked to Temple Street. He saw a temple, many trees and people. He felt

familiar to the Temple but he didn’t like the smoke, so he walked away. Then,

he walked further and saw a classical police station; but beside that, he saw

more tall buildings. He was petrified because the highest house he had seen

had been only 5 layers. He liked the police station very much but he didn’t

know it might be dismantled later on.



After that, Black Dog went to the park outside the temple; an old man asked

him to play Chinese chess, and he accepted. While they were playing, White

Cat found Black Dog around the McDonalds, it was twelve.

“Hey, where have you been? I told you to stay at McDonalds and wait for

me.” White Cat was angry and she dropped the papers in her hand. Black Dog

took and started to read.

“White Cat, what is this?”

“It’s a horse riding competition.”

“What does it called?”

“It’s called the Olympic Games.”

“Maybe I should join it. I know how to ride a horse.”

“Are you really good at riding a horse? The people who join that competition

are the best class in the world.”

“I think so, because just now I found a horse riding golden medal in my

pocket. I think I am good at riding horse before.”

“Oh! That’s great! You have six months to practice but you must sign up

quickly, the deadline is Friday!”


-----------------On the other side, in the 2R classroom, Mr. Woo and the classmates were

turning on the television. “Hey, class, watch the Olympic match on television

now!”, said Mr. Woo.

While the class were watching the match, Muky shouted suddenly,” oh no!

 That man is Black Dog!”

“ Oh my god! That was really Black Dog! Why does he join the competition

but not stay in the book?” Mr. Woo said angrily.

“Let’s go debunk him!” said Bonnie. And all the students agreed with her. So

they went to the competition arena immediately.


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“Here is the result! The second runner up is Mr. Chan Siu Ming from Korea!”

All spectators clapped their hands.

“The first runner up is Mr. Black Dog from Hong Kong! And the champion

is...” the people clapped their hands ardently again, and especially White Cat.

Black Dog and she looked at each other.

After the ceremony, Black Dog and White Cat ran to each other but there

were many reporters and cameraman.

Finally, Black Dog caught White Cat’s hand and shouted to the reporter,”

listen! I want to say something. At one time, I knew nothing about this world,

even myself. If you ask me how I can get to that stage and this medal, the

answer will be this hand that I am holding.”

Black Dog looked at White Cat and promised, “White Cat, I love you! You

have helped me so much; let me take care of you in the future!” White Cat

was touched and wanted to accept.

“Never! Mrs. White Cat don’t trust him! He is only a character in a book

from 19xx and he had dead already!” Mr. Woo yelled.

“What are you talking about?” White Cat and Black Dog were confused.

“Get back into the book! Don’t deceive my friend!” Mr. Woo howled to Black

Dog wrathfully.

“No! I love her! I can’t let go!”

“Ha, silly guy! The person who will not let go is me!” Mr. Woo said archly

and then took out Dragonwings.

“Get into the book!” Mr. Woo opened the book and the book inhaled Black


“No!” The book closed, Black Dog disappeared with White Cat.

“Oh! Damn it! Why do you go with him, White Cat? The only person who

loves you is me, not him.” Mr. Woo said sadly.


------------------“Everyone take out Dragonwings 2 and turn to page 299...” Mr. Woo started

to read the story and taught again.

“Finally, Black Dog and White Cat married and lived happily in America. This

is the end of the book. Do you like this story? Next lesson, we will go through

another book, Chickenwings. You can go now, bye!”

All students approve this happy ending and Mr. Woo blessed Black Dog and

White Cat also. It seemed to be a satisfactory thing, but the organization of the

Olympic Games was very angry about this and they didn’t know how to explain

the disappearance of a winner in the competition to all.