

Palm Beach Community College


uring the Fall term of the 1998-99 academic year, Palm BeachCommunity College began a five-yearcomprehensive strategic planningprocess. That Strategic Plan hasserved as a vehicle for helping theinstitution respond to a dramaticenrollment increase during that period, as well as a myriad of otherchallenges associated with providing aquality education in a dynamic learning environment. This strategicinitiative focused on systematic initiatives at the College and was driven by the ideas and a commitmentfrom trustees, faculty, staff, students,and community and business leadersto improve student success.

To maximize the outcomes from theFY 1998-99 Strategic Plan, theStrategic Planning Team developed aStrategic Planning Model, whichincluded the Belief, Vision andMission Statements, as well as a list ofObjectives and Strategies. More than250 staff, faculty and students workeddiligently to prepare Action Plans toachieve the Strategies that will move ustoward the achievement of our Mission.Our planning process received a“Commendation” from the SouthernAssociation of Colleges and Schools(SACS) during the reaccreditation processin 2001, and our accomplishments underthe initial Plan have led us to a uniqueplace in the history of the College.

In February 2005, a second StrategicPlanning Team met to develop a newthree-year Strategic Plan for 2006-2009.The Vision, Mission and Belief statements developed for the initialfive-year Strategic Plan continue toprovide a clear expression of our aspirations and function; therefore,

continue to focus our attention and energies on one major outcome: STUDENT SUCCESS. The Plan for 2006-2009, however, redefines theinstitution’s objectives and strategiesto reflect the current and emerging needsof our students. The Plan presented herewas adopted by the PBCC District Boardof Trustees on May 10, 2005.

We enter this new phase with fivemajor areas of emphasis:

Student EngagementTechnologyFinancial AidAlumni AwarenessDiversity

This collaborative process would nothave been as productive without thehard work, dedication and commit-ment from trustees, employees andstudents alike, at Palm BeachCommunity College. I want to thankand commend each of you for yourparticipation in this initiative.


Dennis P. Gallon, Ph.D.President


Introduction Contents

D Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Acknowledgements . . . . . .2

Beliefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Goals 2006 - 2009 . . . . . .4

Objectives Supported byStrategies 2006 - 2009 . . .5

Additional Recommendations 2006 - 2009 . . . . . . . . . . .7

Strategic Planning Team . . . . . . . . . .8

“ Our Strategic Plan hasresulted in a commonpurpose, a unified sense of direction, priorities forchange and a blueprint for action.”

PBCC PresidentDennis P. Gallon, Ph.D.

nsuring that this strategic planremains a living document would notbe possible without the leadership ofPalm Beach Community CollegePresident Dennis P. Gallon, Ph.D. It ishis vision that strategic planning atPBCC be a major tool for determiningthe College’s direction and focus. Allactivities and initiatives of the Collegecontinue to support our PBCC Mission.

Thanks are extended to the Board ofTrustees for leadership, support, andrecognition of the participatoryprocess necessary to guide Palm BeachCommunity College into the future.

This Strategic Plan was developedunder the leadership of the formerdirector of institutional effectiveness,Dr. Seymour Samuels, Ed.D. Hiscommitment, leadership, humor, tirelesseffort, coordination and ‘magic’ guidedPBCC’s strategic planning processsince the inception of the originalStrategic Plan in 1998.

Special appreciation also goes to thevice president for academic affairs,Sharon Sass, Ph.D. and to the associatedean for academic services, GingerPedersen, Ed.D. for their unflaggingleadership, boundless energy, and professional support during the entirestrategic planning process.

To the President’s Leadership Team,thanks are due for continuing to provide the leadership, knowledge, creativity and support necessary forthe development and implementation of the Strategic Plan.

A debt of gratitude is owed to theOffice of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, including Jeff Nowak, senior research analyst,David Edmonds, research analyst, andSandra Livingston, administrative assistant,for support and technical assistance inthe strategic planning process while promoting the use of data foraccountability and decision-making.

A special note of gratitude also goesto Ana De Armas, professor of mathe-matics, for her intelligence, creativity,hard work and faculty input requiredfor the creation and implementationof the PBCC Online InstitutionalEffectiveness Process to support theStrategic Plan.

A sincere “thank you” to the members of the Advisory Committeeon Implementation, chaired by Dr. Richard Holcomb, associate deanand Professor Joseph Millas, speechcommunication, for coordinating thefeedback necessary to keep theCollege focused on the plan.

Thanks to the staff of College Relations and Marketing under theleadership of Grace Truman, Ed.D.,and supported by Toni Wolf, collegerelations and marketing specialist; Tabatha B. McDonald, college relations and marketing specialist; Kari W. McCormick; senior graphicdesigner, Candy Lall Dass, graphicdesigner I, and Sue Rathbone,administrative assistant, for beingthere at the beginning and supportingthe process through all phases.

Strategic Planning is a participatoryprocess, and a debt of gratitude isowed the Strategic Planning Team,action teams, administration, faculty,staff, United Faculty, FACC, students,Florida Atlantic University, PalmBeach County Public School Districtand representatives of the greater Palm Beach County community fortheir tireless efforts, professionalism,caring and commitment to the students and the PBCC community.

Jennifer D. Campbell, Ph.D.Director of Institutional Research andEffectiveness



“Strategic planning providesa wonderful means for allmembers of the Collegecommunity to participate inits development. At PBCC,it is not a one-time effort,but an ongoing, continuallyevolving process.”

Professor Joseph MillasSpeech Communications

“The Strategic Plan is the vehicle to move theCollege toward recognizing and honoring thecontributions of our faculty, students and staffevery day.”

Professor Mike Miles Psychology


We believe:• Students are our first priority.

• Appropriate resources forfaculty/staff training anddevelopment must be provided toenhance learning.

• The College must be responsiveto the needs of the community.

• Lifelong learning enhances thequality of life.

• Strong partnerships enhance thedevelopment of the College andthe community.

• Each student should leave withskills necessary to achieveindividual goals.

• Everyone should have access toan affordable, quality education.

• The College must preparestudents for future leadership roles.

• Participation of all members of theCollege community will enhancethe decision-making process.

• Students must be prepared foran ever-changing globalenvironment.

• Providing a quality education isworth the cost and effort.

• Instruction should meet thevarying learning styles of students.

• We must hold anuncompromising commitment toexcellence.

• Equity and equality ofopportunity are essential.

• A safe, supportive and secureCollege climate is essential.

• Diversity should be embraced asa reflection of society andenhances the educational process.

• The College should preparestudents to be responsible andproductive members of thecommunity.

• Knowledge of options isessential.

• All of our students are capableof experiencing success.

• Increased student interactionwith the College and thecommunity enriches learning.

The Vision statement is a

values-based description of the

College’s desired future and its dis-

tinctive characteristics of success. It

clarifies what the College should

look like and how it should conduct

itself as it fulfills its Mission.

Vision:We envision a College that is a

diverse community of active learners

where achievement occurs in an

environment without boundaries.

We envision a responsive

collaborative institution committed

to the ongoing renaissance and

enrichment of its community.


Beliefs Vision Mission

Palm Beach Community College, a

comprehensive two-year institution with

a rich history of achievement since 1933,

is dedicated to serving the educational needs

of the residents of Palm Beach County by

providing the associate in arts, associate in

science and associate in applied science

degrees, professional certificates, workforce

development and lifelong learning.

The mission of Palm Beach

Community College is to provide an

accessible and affordable education

through a dedicated and

knowledgeable faculty and staff, a

responsive curriculum and a strong

community partnership, which

together will enable students to think

critically, demonstrate leadership,

develop ethical standards and

compete effectively in the global


Beliefs describe the moral character of the College. They represent

a consensus of personal values of those who make up the College.


Goals - Strategic Plan 2006 - 2009

“As an original member ofthe college strategic planningcommittee and now, as thechairman of the districtboard of trustees of PBCC, Ican see, firsthand, that theaction plan and goals havebeen put into place. Bydoing so, Palm BeachCommunity College isfulfilling its mission andservings as an intellectualand cultural center of PalmBeach County.”

David H. TalleyBoard of Trustees


“Strategic planning at Palm Beach Community College is a living process that serves to give us focus in our dailyactivities of creating the optimal learning environmentfor students.”

Ginger L. PedersenDean of Curriculum, Planning and Research

PBCC will sustain an uncompromising commitment to excellence inteaching and learning.

PBCC will continually assess and improve productivity, cost effectiveness and accountability.

PBCC will provide maximum access and seamless articulation withPreK-20 education systems to enhance educational opportunities.

PBCC will partner with and support Palm Beach County business,industry and government to sustain economic development, provide a skilled workforce and enhance the quality of life.

PBCC will ensure an environment that embraces and celebratesdiversity in all areas of the college.


“Strategic planning is acontinuous process ofmaking entrepreneurialdecisions systematically,and with the best possibleknowledge of their future,organizing systematicallythe effort needed to carryout these decisions andmeasuring the expectationsthrough organizedsystematic feedback.”

Peter DruckerNational leader in


Preface:It is clear that the following two over-arching initiatives are in support of all of the College’s objectives:

• Each campus will continue to develop and implement a campus strategic plan that supports the mission, goals, objectives, and strategies of the college, and of course

• We will have fun! (a.k.a. #26)

1. PBCC will increase retention, graduation and completion rates by 10% by 2008. A. We will develop and implement a strategic enrollment plan to increase retention, graduation and completion rates by

race/ethnicity, disability and gender.

B. We will develop and implement a student tracking system to support data-driven decisions.

2. PBCC will have 100% of students, within six months after leaving PBCC, either placed in a new job, continuingemployment, enrolled in further education or having achieved personal improvement. A. We will develop and implement a student tracking system to support data-driven decisions.

3. PBCC will continue to incorporate current technology in teaching, learning, curriculum and administrative functions. A. We will continue to develop and implement programs and services to incorporate current technology in support of

teaching and learning, and administrative functions.

4. PBCC will significantly increase efforts and dollars to address unmet student financial needs.A. We will develop and implement programs and services to address unmet student financial needs.

5. PBCC will significantly increase recognition of PBCC’s quality programs and services, student success and programmatic needs, by alumni and the community. A. We will develop and implement programs and services to increase recognition by alumni and the community of

PBCC’s quality programs, student successes and programmatic needs.

6. PBCC will continue to incorporate diversity in all areas of the college.A. We will develop and implement programs and services to incorporate diversity in all areas of the college.

“I was impressed at thebreadth of issues addressedthrough the process as well as the methods used to makesure grand plans turned into real actions. I also was pleased to see thecommitment to making theeducational programsrelevant to the needs of thelocal business community.”

Nat RobertsBusiness representative

Objectives Supported by Strategies - Strategic Plan 2006 - 2009


Additional Recommendations - Strategic Plan 2006 - 2009

The following additional recommenda-

tions were made at the strategic

planning meeting. The teams can

incorporate them into their Quality

Enhancement Plans (QEP) to avoid

fragmentation and achieve the Objective.

• We will develop and implement

programs and services to

facilitate success for

developmental students in

college-level courses.

• We will develop and implement

programs and services to

increase student (faculty, staff)

engagement both inside and

outside the classroom.

• We will develop and implement

programs and services to

increase service learning

activities for students.

• We will continue to increase

and implement services to

students with special needs.

• We will develop and implement

efforts to integrate Foundation

activities with the College’s

marketing plan.

• We will continue to develop

programs and services to

celebrate, value and respect


• We will develop and implement

programs and services to recruit

and maintain personnel from

underrepresented populations.

• We will develop and implement

programs and services to recruit,

enroll and retain a diverse student


“Strategic planning remains our collective view ofPBCC’s future. This plan and its values continueto govern our strategic thinking and acting to makethe future our present.”

Richard HolcombAssociate Dean,

Academic Affairs

“It was great to see everyonecome together to create theplan. It is even better to see the opportunity forinvolvement that all College stakeholders have in implementing it. But thebest is to be part ofimpacting the direction ofthe College.”

Professor Ana De ArmasMathematics

Mark AlexanderTheatre Manager, Lake Worth

Patricia AndersonProvost, Palm Beach Gardens

Silvio ArangoProfessor III

Sabrina AudantLake Worth Campus (Student)

Verdenia BakerCounty Deputy Office (Administration)

Celeste BeckProvost, Boca Raton

Richard BeckerVice President of Administration & BusinessServices

Freddie BennettDean of Educational Services

Michele BowlesFinancial Aid Director

Carla BryantAssociate Professor

Jennifer CampbellSenior Research Analyst

Jeff ClarkStudent, Palm Beach Gardens

Albert ColomFlorida Atlantic University

Ana De ArmasProfessor l

Gisela DiazAssociate Professor

David EdmondsResearch Analyst I

Zenaida EspinosaProfessor

Helen FrankeProvost, Belle Glade

Dennis GallonPresident, PBCC

Jody GleasonPalm Beach County Commisioners Office

Ellen GraceHuman Resources Director

Vernon HaleyVice President of Student Services

Dolly HandFormer member, PBCC Board of Trustees

Richard HolcombAsssociate Dean

Jeannette HornChair of the Board of Trustees, Foundation

Ardease JohnsonManager Employement & Assistant toPresident

Tracy JoinsonAssociate Professor

Ann KilletsPalm Beach County School District

Steve KonopackiProfessor lll

Sue LevineExecutive Administrative Assistant

Sandra LivingstonAdministrative Assistant ll

Erin McColskeyEx. Asst to the President for CollegeAdvancement & Communication

Penny McIsaacDean of Student Services

Joe MillasProfessor

Barry MooreAssociate Dean

Jeff NowakResearch Analyst II

Espe NobleAdministrative Assistant ll

Ginger PedersenDean of Curriculum Planning & Research

Larry PeltonPBCC Board of Trustees

Jeff PetersProfessor

Delshannon PuseyFlorida Atlantic University

Magdala RayDean of Academic Affairs

Pat RichieDean of Economic & Workforce Development

Maureen RileyDirector, Library Learning Resource Center

Rose RocheProgram Manager

Jacqueline RogersDean of Health Sciences & OccupationalPrograms

Cy SamuelsDirector of Institutional Research &Effectiveness

Sharon SassVice President of Academic Affairs

Rick SchusterExecutive Director Foundation

Cathy SeylerLearning Specialist

Helen ShubDirector, Institute for Student Success

Vanger SimmonsAssociate Professor

Sean SmithProfessor l

Geri SpainAssociate Administrative Assistant

Casey SteinbacherChamber of Commerce, North Palm Beach

Grace TrumanDirector of College Relations & Marketing

Okolie UwadibieDean of Academic Affairs

Maria VallejoProvost, Lake Worth Campus

John WasukanisDirector of Facilities

Ed WilleyDean of Academic Affairs

Bill WoodChamber of Commerce, Delray Beach

Strategic Planning Team

* Ad Hoc

** Facilitator

*** Technical Support



Patricia Anderson

Celeste Beck

Richard Becker

Reginald Butler

Dennis Gallon

Ellen Grace

Scott MacLachlan

Suellen Mann

Erin McColskey

Esperanza Noble

Anthony Parziale

Ginger Pedersen

Nikki Privacky

Ken Ray

Magdala Ray

Beverly Robinson

Sharon Sass

Vicki Shaver

Grace Truman

Maria Vallejo

President’s Leadership Team

David H. Talley, Chairperson

Susan K. Baumel, Vice Chairperson

Larry L. Pelton

James L. Watt

Carolyn L. Williams

Misty Filippelli, Student

Dennis P. Gallon, Ph.D.

Palm Beach Community College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of theSouthern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia30033-4097: telephone number 404-679-4501) to award the associate in arts, associatein science and associate in applied science degrees.

District Board of Trustees 2005-2006

President“I continue to be impressed byhow the Strategic Plan servesas a constant guide to thecollege and its initiatives.There are so many demands ona community college, but thePlan helps us stay focused onwhat employees and thesurrounding community havedetermined to be mostimportant. Without this focusit would be easy for us to notreach any goals.

“The Campus Strategic Planhas been a wonderful tool todirect the committee structureand energies of faculty andstaff on our campus. I believewe truly reached consensusabout our priorities and arepursuing those priorities on aweekly basis. The number ofemployees participating as aresult of the process isphenomenal!”

Patricia AndersonPalm Beach Gardens Provost

Palm Beach Community College,

a richly diverse comprehensive

two-year institution with a

history of achievement since

1933, is dedicated to serving the

educational needs of the

residents of Palm Beach County

by providing the associate in arts,

associate in science and associate

in applied science degrees,

professional certificates,

workforce development and

lifelong learning.

of Palm Beach Community College

is to provide an accessible and affordable education through a

dedicated and knowledgeable faculty and staff, a responsive curriculum

and a strong community partnership, which together will enable

students to think critically, demonstrate leadership, develop ethical

standards and compete effectively in the global workplace.

We envision a College that is a diverse community of active

learners where achievement occurs in an environment

without boundaries. We envision a responsive collaborative

institution committed to the ongoing renaissance and

enrichment of its community.

