
Stress management

1) What is Stress

1) Definition- Refers to how the body responds to any number of phyical or emotional stimuli (ie, stressors)

2) Methods to deal with stress

1) Positive - meditation, exercise, etc

2) Negative - alcohol abuse, smoking, overeating, etc

2) Symptoms

1) Perceptible

1) Increased heart rate , Increased Respiratory rate, Sweating, Skin problems, Tense muscles

See Also : Stress can be beneficial2) Not Perceptible

1) Increased blood pressure, Metabolism, Changes in Circulating Fats

See Also : Continual of exposure to stress can lead to3) Dealing with Stress

1) Situational Stress

1) Caringly and carefully communicate

2) Learn techniques for time management

3) Make Changes in Your Surroundings

4) Delegate Responsibilities

5) Learn to say 'NO'

2) Mind Stress

1) Find health enhancing phrases and repeat them reguarly i.e. "SMILE MORE TODAY"

2) Practice meditation and/or prayer

3) Develop and take "Star treks" a.k.a Visualization i.e daydream

3) Body Stress

1) Practice relaxation training

4) Sources of Stress

1) Situational Stress

1) Caused by situational stressors in your enviroment i.e a busy working enviroment.

2) Body Stress

1) Stress that results in overt physical symptoms i.e abusing drugs, alcohol abuse, exercising too much, not enough sleep or nutrition.

3) Mind Stress

1) Caused by negatively perceiving life events.

Stress can be beneficial

Controlled stress gives us our Competitive edge in performance related activities i.e. athletics, giving a speech, interview or acting.

Continual of exposure to stress can lead to

Anxiety, Depression, Heart palpitations, muscular aches and pains or later on even death
