
Course Documents

© 2014, 2016 Integrative Nutrition, Inc.




Meeting Opening 5 minutes

Introductions/New and Good 5 minutes

Refer to How to Start a Study Group for basic suggestions.

Sample Opening: The intention of today’s meeting is to have us meet and connect with

one another to foster a space for support. We will discuss the structure and process of

the 6-Month Program so each of us feels comfortable offering it as our basic service.

Invite each group member to share their name, location, and something new and good.

As a group, review the structure and features of the 6-Month Program. This information will provide clarity for potential clients and help you close the deal.

• Meet every other week for six months on a designated day that both the client

and coach agree on.

• Each of the 12 sessions should be 50 minutes long.

• Client should complete the Revisit Form before each session.

The 6-Month Program Structure Overview 10 minutes

© 2014, 2016 Integrative Nutrition, Inc.


In your 6-Month Program Resources, you will find a basic session outline that

can be adapted to any coaching session. Review this breakdown together now.

Note that the COACH acronym in your session outline is applicable to many

situations and you are free to add further structure to it if you’d like. Many Health

Coaches like to have a few client handouts and topics printed in case their client

expresses interest in a specific subject. These can also be used to close out each

session on an educational level.

Take 10 minutes to review the 6-Month Program Resources, including the Client

Handouts folder. Write down 5–10 handouts that you think suit your target market.

When you are setting up for your sessions, be sure to have these handouts accessible

and ready to give to clients.

Many students feel the need to preselect topics for each session before the program

begins. We recommend using the client goals, set at or before session 1, to determine

what kind of and how much support your client needs throughout the program. The

client’s goals are the center point of a program, so keep revisiting them with the client

as the program progresses. Also, the Circle of Life can be used multiple times in the

program to evaluate a client’s progress through primary food and what they’d like to

focus on next.

Session Breakdown 20 minutes

© 2014, 2016 Integrative Nutrition, Inc.


Many new coaches have fears and insecurities about health coaching when they are

first beginning, and some often try to hyper-structure their sessions so they know

exactly how each minute of the session will be spent. Yet clients need the space to

find their desires, what’s holding them back, their goals, and their own unique path.

Filling the session with basic nutrition information does little to help resolve a client’s

problem. Do not feel like you need to have an extensive session outline with lots of

facts and statistics. Implementing this knowledge in basic, digestible steps is what will

ultimately help your client. Allowing them to lead the session and design their own

path to wellness with your support can be a powerful, transformational experience.

That is what the client is paying for.

As a group, discuss the following:

• Do you have an Accountability Coach? If not, what steps can you take in the next

week to get one? If so, have you been using the COACH acronym in your sessions?

• What fears do you have around coaching a client?

• Which part of the COACH acronym are you most concerned with?

• What coaching skills can you use to effectively allow your client to lead?

• What common problems does your target market have and what simple

recommendations can you keep in your back pocket that will address these


Support one another and provide suggestions. Remember, the best way to overcome

your uncertainties is through hands-on experience. Confidence comes with practice,

so be sure to continue practicing Health Histories and coaching your peers as

Accountability Coaches.

Group Share – COACH Acronym 10 minutes

© 2014, 2016 Integrative Nutrition, Inc.


Meeting Closing 5 minutes

How was this exercise helpful?

• Encourage everyone to practice Health Histories and accountability coaching.

Closing Group Share 5 minutes

© 2014, 2016 Integrative Nutrition, Inc.
