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Precursor to Atavism or Evolution? orAccelerating Competition in the Interest of Mutual Aid

Eric SwensonDirector, Product Management | Elsevier | [email protected] | @swenscopianLinkedIn:

A Webinar for NISO

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digital multi- media & startups music “big digital media” consulting Research Products SCOPUS

“big media”|

scholarly publishing|


design agencies|



skinny+ hair not skinny+ no hair




SciVerse Hub

design & journalism

Web 1.0 & 2.0 era|






business media

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“Within the communications industry, there are only three kinds of businesses that have to do with

the dissemination of information: businesses of transmission,

storage and understanding.”

Richard Saul WurmanInformation Anxiety

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Today, Scientists and researchers findthemselves in a moment of acutehistorical disruption—confronted as they are by unprecedented political, technological, economic, and professional pressures. The weight of these formidable challenges threatens the ‘Scientific Project’ itself.


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Science Denial

Politicization of Science

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It is estimated that upwards of 60 percent of the +$2 trillion invested annually on science research, iswasted because it is poorly conducted, poorly recorded, or duplicative. Diminishing public funds—and increasing global competition for them—are shrinking the pool of active researchers and projects. A new and aggressive insistence on demonstrable ROI, weighs on researchers and research institutions—while funding from private sources casts shadows over scientific objectivity.

Issue: Anxiety

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All the while, scientists, researchers and scholars are facing new challenges relative to their personal safety, their privacy, funding for research and access to research outcomes (articles; raw data; protocols; software). Thus, information service providers, sensing opportunity, are looking for new ways in which to meet market needs, evolve their business models and survive these changesthemselves.

We are all connected.

Impact: Anxiety Remediation

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Death Spirals and Last Gasps?In 2010, Valerie Tucci asked “Are A&I Services in a Death Spiral”? This was a good and fair question (IMHO). But now….

The answer is: noInstead…We evolved…There’s always someone waiting in the wings…So we can’t get cocky. Change is inevitable.

Similar questions have been asked about publishers and information service providers. Same answers. We evolve.

Source URL:

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Rhizomatic Business Models and Axillary Buds



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Beyond “Publishing”

When is a feature a product and a product a business? When is a publisher not a publisher?

Good questions.

It’s time to move beyond our conventional lexicon. Publishers have been more than “just publishers” for a long time. We are media companies; information services providers; technology companies; invention factories…. Business models extend beyond the library and research office and to the lab and the field…and beyond….

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Product development Workflow = Collaboration

Source: |

See the work of Innovations in Scholarly Communication for an excellent overview of the collaboration software ecosystem from multiple points of view.

Hyperfocus on more efficient means of new product development to respond to rapidly changing market demands has fed a healthy cottage industry….

Levy does an excellent job of synthesizing the best of the contemporary methodologies, encouraging us to drive forward faster and smarter.

“Follow the crowd” | Experimental | Innovative | Modern | Open Science | Traditional….

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The Basket of Metrics

• CiteScore• CiteScore Tracker• CiteScore Percentile• CiteScore Quartiles• CiteScore Rank• Citation Count• Document Count• Percentage Cited

• How do I provide quantifiable research outcomes in pursuit of grant funding?

• How do I tell how departments or labs measure up to their peers?

• How do I discover “rising stars” in different research areas for recruiting or co-research purposes?

• How do I monitor research marketing efforts?

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The Purple Orange

• Complements and enhances the indicators in our basket of metrics

• Openness and transparency remain paramount

• Plum remains committed to telling the story about research in multiple dimensions, in all its forms

• The aim of our Research Metrics group is to ensure that our metrics are comprehensive and ubiquitous

Plum Goes Orange -

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“...sometimes, subversion is the way to understanding, and understanding is the cure for information anxiety. To entertain the

radical idea that understanding might involve accepting chaos threatens the foundation of our existence. Maybe that’s why so many

people avoid the subject of understanding all together.”

Richard Saul Wurman

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Eric SwensonDirector, Product Management | Elsevier | [email protected]@Elsevier.comLinkedIn:

Thank You
