Page 1: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018





Page 2: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018



Modulecontent,aims,andobjectives 3

Roadmapoftheworkshop 5

Learningresources 10

Handout#1:1.WhatcanPBLdofororganisationalinnovationchallenges? 11

2.UsingPBLtechniquesinteachingandcoachinginnovation(TCI) 12

3.UsingPBLforTCI 13

3.1Teambuilding 13

3.2SkillDevelopment 15

Handout#2:3.3PBLprocess 16

Handout#3:4.ResourcestohelpdevelopTCIskillsinPBL 19

Handout#4:Deeperdivesandreference/resourcematerials 20

Acknowledgement 20

Page 3: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018


Workshopsize:ideally15-20participantstobedividedinto4-5groupsLocation:numberofgroups=numberofgrouptablesFacilitators:1-2trainersContentAs a projectmanager, a primary objective is to achieveproject goals. That sounds simpleenough at first glance. Project-based learning helps the students to plan, coordinate, andcontrolthecomplexanddiverseactivitiesofmodernindustrialandcommercialprojects.Allprojects shareonecommoncharacteristic - theprojectionof ideasandactivities intonewendeavours.During the workshop, the participants will learn about the importance of a structuredprojectsettingandhowcrucialitisforaneffectiveprojectexecutionaswellasatransparentandfairevaluationofthefinaloutcomes.Therearecoreelementsframingaprojectasforexampleresourceallocation,skilldevelopment,andevaluationofresults.Byusingaprojectdesignplan,theparticipantswilldiscussaboutwhatresourcesdotheyneedforapotentialproject,will thinkaboutwhatkindofskillsandcompetenciestheyhavetodevelopduringtheproject toensure thedesiredoutcomes,andset theevaluationcriteriabeforehand toensureafairandtransparentassessmentoftheoutcomes.Furthermore, team building is another essential factor in deciding about the success orfailureofprojects.Duringtheworkshop,theparticipantswilllearnaboutdifferenttypesofgroupmembers,potentialandeffectivegroupcompositions,andphasesof teambuilding.Butnotalwaysawell-composedgroup leads toa successfulproject. In theworkshop, theparticipantswill also learn about the power of failures and that it is also okay to fail andwhattheycanlearnfromit.Therefore,real-worldexampleswillbeprovided.Finally, the participantswill learn and understandmore about the importance of finding,understanding, and elaborating a potential problemor challenge for a project. Therefore,they need to execute these to get a profound insight into either self-chosen or given aproblem.

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Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018


• willknowaboutaswellasunderstandthedifferentelementscrucialtoaneffectiveprojectdesign(plan)

• willunderstandtheimportanceofacriticaldiscussionontheproblemtargetedbyaproject

• willunderstandtheimportanceoftherightteamsetsforaprojectAbilities/Skills:Participants:

• willanalysethemthemselvestoidentifydifferenttypesofteammembers• willformaprojectteamaccordingtothepreviouslyidentifiedtypesforan

effectiveprojectexecution• willdeveloptheirownprojectplan• willcriticallydiscusspotentialproblems/challengesusedfortheprojectand


• willbeenabledtopresentacriticallyreflectedandcontent-wiseelaboratedchallengeforaproject

• willbeenabledtoformateamaccordingtodifferenttypesofpotentialteamsmemberscrucialforasuccessfulgroupset-up

• willbeenabledtosetupaprojectdesignplanforaneffectiveprojectconsideredcrucialelementstobeconsideredbefore,during,andaftertheproject

Page 5: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018


1. Introductionandwarm-upexercise2. ObjectivesofPBL3. Teambuilding


4. Skilldevelopment5. Competencemap6. Practicalexamplesoffailingwithinnovation


7. IntroductionintothePBLsimulationstopic8. PBLsimulation


9. PBLsimulation(cont.)10. Presentationofresults


11. Reflectionanddiscussion

Page 6: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018

ExemplaryTaskDescriptionandWorkshopSet-upforPBLSimulationIn a one-day PBL simulation the method cannot be practised as it should be. Still,participants can experience the most relevant steps and structure of the approach.Preparingsuchasimulation,differentfromtheactualapproach,themanager/facilitatornotjustcomesupwiththetopicorchallengebutalsowiththedrivingquestionsfortheteams.In this exemplary description, we take the topic of Organizational Climate and ask thequestion to the project teams ‘How to create an organizational climate fosteringinnovation?’.Inthefollowing,theteamsgothrougheachofthefollowingstepswhicharepresentedbythefacilitatoroneafteranother.So,justafteronestepisrealizedbytheprojectteam(s)thenextstepisexplained.Thematerialmentionedinthetaskdescriptionismentionedagaininthenextsectionandalreadyshownpartlybyapictureattheparticularstep.

A. Identify

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Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018

B. Design

C. Plan

Page 8: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018

D. Build

Page 9: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018

E. Evaluate

Page 10: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018


Type Quantity Purpose/location Moderationcards(differentcolours)

30x#ofteams Distributedonthetables,30perteam


4x#ofteams Distributedonthetables,4perteam




Flipchartpaper 2x#ofteams Distributedonthetables,2

perteam Tape 1rollx#ofteams Distributedonthetables,1

perteam Scissors 1x#ofteams Distributedonthetables,1

perteam SlidesetsAlthough sample slide sets are available as part of the supporting resources workshopleadersmaywish to present thematerial in differentways, using differentmedia or theirown slide sets. These can be distributed during the session or sent beforehand to allowparticipantstoprepare.1. WhatcanPBLdofororganizationalinnovationchallenges?(forallparticipants)

! Handout#12. UsingPBLtechniquesinteachingandcoachinginnovation(forfacilitators)3. UsingPBLforTCI

3.1. Teambuilding(forfacilitators)3.2. Skilldevelopment(forfacilitators)3.3. PBLProcess(forfacilitators&participants)! Handout#2

4. ResourcestohelpdevelopTCIskillsinPBL(forfacilitators&participants)! Handout#35. Deeperdivesandreference/resourcematerials(forfacilitators&participants)

Page 11: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018

! Handout#4

Handout#11.WhatcanPBLdofororganisationalinnovationchallenges?During the last years, innovation gains increasing attention in corporations and a risingnumber of firms set up own innovation departments. Nevertheless, there are severalchallengesthosedepartmentsface.Ontheonehand,someofthesedepartmentstendtoberatheradecorationthanaseriousattempttoinnovateprocesses,services,orproductsforexample. Often, those innovation departments or initiatives are just used for marketingpurposedortoshowstakeholdersthatthemanagementboards‘does’somethingforbeinginnovative.Ontheotherhand,thosedepartmentsoftenlackresources.Companieswanttobeinnovativeandwanttodosomethingforinnovationbutonloworevennocosts.Still,therearesimpletechniquesandwaystouseexistingprocessesorprojectsandincreasetheirpotentialoutputsintermsofinnovationandcreativityontwosides–forthecompanyand also for the employees. Innovation challenges often fail too late and at a time acompany already has spent a lot of resources on it. Another main reason for failure iscommunication. Therefore, team building and skill development are essential tomitigatetheserisks.PBLoffersways,ifseriouslyandcarefullyplannedandexecuted,tominimizetheriskoffailureduetoitsfocusonteambuilding,skilldevelopmentintheteamaswellasforthe individual,andastructuredprocessduringwhichtheprojectteammemberscanworkon and test the idea regularly. Another important aspect characterizing PBL is that theprojectsareexecutedalmostautonomouslybytheteamsandjustduringagreedmilestonesinterimorfinalresultsarereportedtoresponsiblemanagersorotherhierarchylevels.Asmentioned, also skill development is an essential element in PBL. Thereby, the kindofskills tobedevelopedcanbe chosenby theproject team itself. Still, thereare somecoreskills which are inherent to the method and which should always be considered duringprojects realized by using the PBLmethod. Those skills are communication, collaboration,workethic,research,andcriticalthinking.Especially,thelasttwoareofspecialinterestandshouldbeexplainedabitmoreindetails.Researchasaskillseemstobeimportantduetothecorrectnessof informationtaken intoaccount for realizingtheprojectgoalsaswellasfor reflecting the information available in a critical way. This means not just take theinformationastheyarebutalsocriticallyreflecttheircorrectnesswhichexplainstheskillofcriticalthinkinganditsimportancebyconsideringalsodifferentperspectives.Tosumup,wecanfindPBLasamethodofferingawidespaceoftopicstobehandledwithitinthecontextofinnovationandothers.WithinPBLdifferentothertoolsandtechniquescanbe used to achieve the desired targets. Thereby, PBL could be understood as the bracketaroundallothermethodsoftheTACITprojectandbeyondwhichcouldbeusedduringaPBL

Page 12: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018

project. Hence, PBL can help to teach and coachinnovationbecause:

• almostallpotentialtopicsandchallengescanbeusedtosolvethembyusingPBL

• the design of the project is highly flexible and individual depending on the topic orchallenge, the desired type of outcome, and the way the project team wants todesigntheproject

• fosterscollaborationbywhichteammemberscanlearnfromeachother

• enableteammemberstolearnapredefinedsetofskillsthroughouttheproject

• provideahighdegreeofindependencefromthehighermanagementlevelsduringtherealizationoftheprojectexceptforthepredefinedmilestonesforpresentinginterimandfinalresults

• assignsresponsibilitytoeachteammember,sothateveryoneisinvolvedandthefree-ridingeffectismitigated

• fostercross-divisionalcollaborationdependingontheprojecttopicanddesign

• realizesprojectsinastructuredway.2. UsingPBLtechniquesinteachingandcoachinginnovation(TCI)TakingthelonglistoffeaturedaboveitbecomesobviousthatPBLcanbeapowerfultoolforteachers and coaches, especially in the context of innovation. Themethod has proven itspotentialalreadyinscholasticteachingduetoitsorigin.PBLrootsinmiddleandhighschooleducationpredominatelyintheUnitedStates.Byusingthemethodstudentsareencouragedtotakeresponsibilityforatopicinateamandnegotiateinternallyaboutthewaytorealizetheprojectsandtodiscusswhichoutcometheywanttoachieveintheend.Bydoingso,forexample,theresponsibilitiesareassigned,milestonesareterminated,resourcedneededareidentified, and information resources are determined. In the end, students got a muchdeeperinsight,understanding,andknowledgeaboutaparticulartopicthanwithaclassicallearning approach. Furthermore, self-esteem among the students is recognizable high bybeingproudoftheresultsachievedwhichofcourseisamotivationfactor.Theteacherhasratherthetaskofguidingstudentsthroughtheprocessandtogetpresentedtheinterimaswellasthefinalresults.

Page 13: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018

All this, of course, is transferable to academic andpracticalsetups.Still,especiallyinthepracticalcontextcomplexityisrecognizablehigherforrealizingprojects.Thereby,alsootherdepartmentsneedtobetakenintoaccounteitherforinformation or also for collaboration in terms of customer feedback, prototyping, ITinfrastructure,andsoon.AsmentionedearlieralsoskilldevelopmentisakeyfactorforPBL.In the scholastic contextofPBL, the teacherdetermines the skills tobedevelopedby thestudents.Inapracticalsetup,thistaskisassignedeithertothesuperordinatemanagerortotheteamitselftodiscusswhichskillstheyperceiveasimportanttorealizetheprojectaswellaswhichskillscanbemostusefulintheirregularworkingcontextandenvironment.Intheend,PBLhasproventobeapplicabletoboth,academicaswellaspracticalcontexts.Justthepreparationandtheprojectdesignmightdiffer.Duetothehighflexibilityandspacefordesigningtheproject inacreativeand independentway it isstill important tobalancetwo aspects: 1) keep the focus and 2) leave sufficient space for creativity and innovationduringthepreparationaswellastheexecutionoftheprojectfortheteams.TheworkintheTACITprojectsuggeststheuseofthemethodasabracket,asmentionedearlier,totakethestructure of the PBLmethod and to use different othermethods throughout the projectitselffordifferentpurposed,stagesofwork,andtargetstobereached.3. UsingPBLforTCI3.1TeambuildingTeambuilding isanessentialpartofeveryproject.Withoutawell functioning team,everyproject is most likely to fail. This contains also communication. Especially in a corporatecontext,projectteamsoftenconsistofpeoplefromdifferentdepartments,withadifferentbackground, who may do not each other yet. Therefore, in the beginning, teambuildingexercises and activity can be helpful to get to knoweach other as a person, theway theother people work, and where their strengths and weaknesses are. The latter is of thehighest importancealsofortheprojectdesignphaseduetotheneedofassigningrolestothe individual team members. Using the strengths of each can raise the probability offinishing the project successfully. In the following, there are four suggestions of potentialteambuildingexercises:

Page 14: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018

A. GameofPossibilities

B. TruthandLies

C. ThePerfectSquare

D. ThisisBetterThanThat

Time: 5-6 minutes Number of Participants: One or multiple small groups Tools Needed: Any random objects Objective: This team building exercise inspires creativity and individual innovation.

Rules: This is a great 5-minute team building game. Give an object to one person in each group. One at a time, someone has to go up in front of the group and demonstrate a use for that object. The rest of the team must guess what the player is demonstrating. The demonstrator cannot speak, and demonstrations must be original, possibly wacky, ideas.

Time: 10 - 15 minutes Number of Participants: Five or more people Tools Needed: None Objective: This is a great ice breaker game, especially for new teams. Helps eliminate snap judgements of colleagues, and gives introverts an equal chance to share some facts about themselves.

Rules: Sit everyone in a circle facing each other. Have each person come up with three facts about themselves and one lie. The lie should be realistic instead of extravagant. Go around the circle and have each person state the three facts and a lie in a random order, without revealing which is the lie. After someone shares, the others must guess which is the lie.

Time: 15 - 30 minutes Number of Participants: 5 - 20 people Tools Needed: Long piece of rope tied together and a blindfold for each person Objective: Focuses on strong communication and leadership skills. By instructing some team members to be silent, this game also requires an element of trust across the team, allowing team members to guide each other in the right direction.

Rules: Have your co-workers stand in a circle holding a piece of the rope. Then instruct everyone to put on their blindfold and set the rope on the floor. Have everyone take walk a short distance away from the circle. Next, ask everyone to come back and try to form a square with the rope without removing their blindfolds. Set a time limit to make it more competitive. To make it even more difficult, instruct some team members to stay silent.

Time: 15 - 20 minutes Number of Participants: Any Tools Needed: Four or more objects Objective: This exercise inspires team creativity in problem solving. The idea is to not make the scenarios too easy so it becomes obvious which objects are most useful.

Page 15: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018

3.2SkilldevelopmentAsalsoskilldevelopmentisakeyaspectwithinPBL,thereisaneedtoidentifytherightskills,fortherightpeople,intherightplace,attherighttime.Therefore,inthefollowing,thereisalittleinsightprovidedintothistopicandhowitcanbehandled.Employees and people, in general, bring a variety of skills along with qualifications andabilities. In this context today, often the term competency is focused. Especially in ourtoday’sworld, it isagreatchallengetodevelopthosecompetenciesduetotherapidityofchange(globalization,shortenedproductlifecycles,…).Asacompanyandprojectmanager,itis one of the main tasks to assist individuals in developing their skills. But what are thecompetencies?Competenciesaretheknowledgeandskillsthatareusedtosolveproblems.Also,itiswhatapersonreallyknowsandalltheabilities,knowledgeandthinkingmethodsthat a person acquires in his or her life. There are tools used in practice to mapcompetencieswithinorganizations.Forexample,therearecompetencemapsforgaininganoverviewoftheexistingknowledgeinthecompanywiththerespectivecompetenceholders.Relevant fields of competence are identified in the company and employees withcompetenciesinthisfieldareassignedtothiscompetence.Itcanbeusedasacentraltoolthroughout the organization. It can be used to identify which persons within a team, anorganization, or in the external environment can contribute important competencies tocorresponding problems. The task of competence management: describing, transferring,using and developing competencies and ensuring their transparency. In this regard,competency management means to relate competences to actions in certain tasks andsituationsandtodifferentiatethembylevelsofcompetence.Furthermore,it ispossibletomakemeasurementsontargetandactualandcorrespondingdevelopmentmeasures,takingintoaccounttheorganizationalcontext.Finally,thegoalistorecognizeandusepotentialsaswellasexpandingcompetenciesandalignthemtoindividualdevelopmentgoals.

Rules: Pick four or more objects that are different (or the same objects that look different). Split all your participants into even teams. Describe a scenario where each team has to solve a problem using only those objects. This can be anything from "You're stranded on a desert island" to "You're saving the world from Godzilla!" Have each team rank the objects based on their usefulness in that specific scenario, along with their reasoning.

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Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018


A. IdentifyThefirststep isabout identifyingaproblem,achallenge,oratask.Thereby,thetopic,question,orchallengetobesolvedshouldbeformulatedinawaythatthereissufficientroomforcreativityandinnovationwhiledevelopingthesolution.Toonarrowformulatedtasksareratherhinderingfortheprocess.The challenge can be given a superordinatemanager, which then is the base for thequestion or task the project team comes up with. The question itself needs to beformulatedalreadybytheprojectteamitselfbecausethisispartofthemethodandtheindependenceasaninherentcharacteristicoftheapproach. Important isalso,thatthedriving question for the project is formulated in a need and in the best case evencustomerneedorientedwaytofromthebeginningonworkcustomer-centric.

Page 17: TACIT Teaching Materials PBL · 2019. 3. 15. · 2. Objectives of PBL 3. Teambuilding Break 4. Skill development 5. Competence map 6. Practical examples of failing with innovation


Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018

B. Design

In the design stage, the project team has to create and prepare a project conceptproposal. This proposal includes resources necessary, departments which have to becontacted or included in the project, a timeline including also milestones for thepresentationofinterimorfinalresults,budgetplanning,whichskillscanbedevelopedbyusingwhichmethod,inwhichformthefinalresultsarepresented(concept,presentation,prototype,…),andoneofthemostimportantaspectsevaluationcriteria.Theteamitselfidentifiesevaluationcriteriabasedonwhichtheyandtheprojectoutcomeareevaluatedon.Theprojectconceptproposalisthenpresentedtothesuperordinatemanager.

C. PlanAftertheproject isdesigned,theplanningphasestartedduringwhichtheprojectplangets more details. The project team starts to assign particular tasks to the individualteammembersor sub-groupsofmemberswithin the team.According to thatalso thescheduleisgettingmoredetailed,especiallyforinternalusethateveryoneknowsduetowhattimeresultsandinterimresultsneedtobedelivered.Thentheteamalsotriestoidentify the exact information they need from which 3rd party within or outside thecompany to align this with the overall workstream of the project. All this is againsummarizedinaninternalprojectplanusedbytheteamthroughouttheproject.

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Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018

D. BuildWith the fourth step, the project team using the PBLmethod is leaving the planningstages and enters the managing and evaluation phase. During the build phase, theproject is executed and realized according to the plan the project team set up andagreed on before. Thereby, different othermethods can and should be used to solvedifferent task for and reach interims stages throughout the project. Hence, also skilldevelopmentneeds to be taken into account during that stage.Also, presentationsofinterimresultsatmilestonemeetingswiththesuperordinatemanagertakeplaceinthatphaseaswellasthefinalpresentationintheend.

E. EvaluationIn the last phase, the evaluation stage, the project outcome is evaluated by thesuperordinatemanageraccordingtothecriteriatheprojectteamitselfagreedonwhiledesigningtheproject.Theevaluationisalsoreflectedtogetherwiththeprojectteamandeach team member individually. The latter s necessary due to the individual skilldevelopment which sometimes also has some legal implications whereby topic likeindividualskillsdevelopmentarejustallowedtobediscussedwiththepersonitselfandalone.Thelearningsgainedfromtheprojects,whatwentwellandwhatnot,should,ofcourse,

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Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018


Handout#34. ResourcestohelpdevelopTCIskillsinPBLPBL is a projectmanagement and project execution tool and technique. Still, themethoditselfshouldnotbeseenandusedasastand-aloneapproachbutratherincombinationwithother methods which are useful while realizing the project and reaching the desiredoutcome. Nevertheless part of planning the project is highly important because it alsoincludesothermethodstobeusedthroughouttheproject.Therearetemplateswhichcanbeusedforplanningaprojectaswellasadaptedforownneedsandspecificsofaproject.

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Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018


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Project Number: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA

Project Duration: January 2016 - December 2018







Project-based learning is a part of EU Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance TACIT project

EAC/A04/2014, application: 562459-EPP-1-2015-1-UK-EPPKA2-KA. This project has been


of theauthors,andtheCommissioncannotbeheldresponsible foranyusewhichmaybe
