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  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar





    Name: __________________________ Date:___________Exercise : 1

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. May I have __________ cup of tea, please!. a ". an C. the D. this

    #. ____________ what time $o you %et up!. &n ". In C. 'o D. !t (. 'he scouts clim)e$ __________ the hill. !. up ". in C. un$er D. in front of *. ___________ ostrich can run very fast.

    !. ! ". !n C. &ne D. It +. I ___________ %oin% to ulau 'ioman with my uncle.

    !. am ". is C. are D. were -. 'hey ___________ main% a tree house. !. have ". ha$ C. are D. is

    /. Do you want __________ )iscuits!. some ". a little C. much D. few

    0. amri is a fast runner )ut his )rother is ___________ .!. fast ". faster C. fastest D. fastin%

    2. ! ti%er is as ___________ as a lion.!. stron% ". stron%er C. stron%est D. stren%th

    13. 4now 5hite was the _____________ of all. !. fair ". faire C. fairest D. fairly 11. ! ru))er tapper ___________ in a ru))er estate.

    !. wor ". wors C. wore$ D. worin% 1#. 'he fisherman ____________ many fish yester$ay.!. catch ". catches C. cau%ht D. catchin%

    1(. 'he %ar$ener ____________ the plants this mornin%.!. water ". waters C. watere$ D. waterin%

    1*. Do you now ___________ to mae a puppet with clay!. when ". whose C. how D. which

    1+. 'hey have )een sleepin% on this )e$ _________ last ni%ht.!. since ". for C. at D. to


    Name: __________________________ Date:___________Exercise : #

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.1. 7ather ___________ the newspaper every $ay.

    !. )uy ". )uys C. )uyin% D. )ou%ht #. _____________ $o wil$ animals live

    !. 5here ". 5ho C. 5hich D. 5hose (. ____________ camera is cheaper

    !. 5hich ". 5ho C. 8ow D. 5here *. ____________ father is that !. 5hat ". 5hich C. 5ho D. 5hose +. 9amal an$ ___________ lie collectin% coins.

    !. me ". him C. I D. his -. 'he %irls washe$ __________ clothes this mornin%.

    !. her ". his C. its D. their

    /. ___________ is father %oin% to!. 5hat ". 5here C. 5hich D. 8ow

    0. ___________ you now her name!. 5hich ". 8ow C. 5hat D. 5hose

    2. !man %ave me only ___________ ol$ coins.!. many ". a little C. much D a few

    13. 8ow ___________ )a$%es $o you have!. much ". a little C. many D. some

    11. ____________ the )oys $oin% their homewor!. much ". a little C. many D. some

    1#. ____________ !ina in the room ;ust now!. !m ". 5as C. 5ere D. !re

    1(. ____________ is 8alim

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.1. Don

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.1. 'he $o% ;umpe$ ________ the wall after the cat.

    !. a)ove ". over C. )etween D. )ehin$ #. &ur hea$master sat __________ the teachers for the staff photo%raph.

    !. )etween ". a)ove C. $own D. )ehin$ (. 'here is __________ )i% fro% un$er your chair.

    !. a ". an C. it D. the *. __________ prettiest %irl in my class is 7atin Na)ilah.

    !. 'hese ". ! C. !n D. 'he +. 5e ran __________ the hill Auicly.

    !. in ". un$er C. $own D. at -. 5ho sat ___________ you in the )us

    !. )etween ". )esi$e C. on D. at /. 'here is a temple ___________ the school. !. $own ". )etween C. up D. )ehin$ 0. I ___________ in >apan last wee.

    !. am ". was C. are D. is 2. Bashi$ an$ his wife __________ late to wor.

    !. is ". was C. am D. were13. It is rainin%. 5e can

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.1. 'he )lac )ox is as ___________ as the )rown one.

    !. heavy ". heavier C. heaviest D. heavily #. 5hat ___________ the $o%s eatin%

    !. is ". are C. am D. was (. ___________ is the police station

    !. 5hat ". 5here C. 5ho D. 5hose *. ___________ came to see you this mornin%

    !. 8ow ". 5hich C. 5hose D. 5ho +. 'he chil$ren ___________ many ram)utans last ni%ht.

    !. eat ". ate C. eatin% D. eats -. Mr. 'an ___________ a )i% snae in the %rass ;ust now.

    !. sees ". sees C. saw D. seein%

    /. 4harmila )roe ____________ spectacles.!. she ". his C. he D. her

    0. "alis an$ "atriha are twins. ___________ loo alie. !. 8e ". 5e C. 'hey D. 4he 2. 5e polishe$ ___________ shoes. !. us ". our C. ours D. theirs 13. 9assim pushe$ ___________ )icycle up the hill.

    !. his ". him C. her D. he 11. I nee$ only ___________ flour.

    !. a little ". many C. much D. a lot 1#. 8ow __________ salt $i$ you put in the soup

    !. much ". many C. some D. a little 1(. 4ome of the %irl %ui$es have not ___________ to the campsite )efore.

    !. )ein% ". )e C. %o D. )een 1*. Enci 8ilimi ___________ us "ahasa Melayu an$ Music last year.

    !. teach ". teachin% C. tau%ht D. teaches 1+. &ur nei%h)ours are still ____________ =on$on. 'hey

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.1. 'he %irl has ___________ ey rin%s.

    !. few ". much C. a little D. many #. 'ommy can $raw very well. _______ has many pictures.

    !. I ". 4he C. 8e D. 5e (. Mariam usually __________ to sleep very late.

    !. %o ". %oes C. went D. %oin% *. __________ far can you ;ump

    !. 8ow ". 5hen C. 5hat D. 5here +. 4alleh an$ Muthu are Auarrellin%. !s ______ to stop.

    !. him ". her C. them D. us -. lease %ive ________ some water. 5e are very thirsty.

    !. me ". him C. us D. her /. 'rees _________ us sha$e.

    !. %ave ". %ives C. %ivin% D. %ive 0. I am %oin% to Mecca ____________ plane.

    !. )y ". on C. with D. in 2. 4hamsi is very tire$. 8e __________ to rest.

    !. nee$s ". nee$e$ C. nee$ D. nee$in% 13. 'o pluc the ram)utans , !mi _________ the tree. !. clim)in% ". clim)e$ C. clim) D. clim)s 11.'he new )ri$%e is )uilt _________ the two islan$s.

    !. a)ove ". )ehin$ C. )etween D. $own 1#. Bani ____________ a lot of oran%e ;uice yester$ay.

    !. $rins ". $rin C. $ran D. $rinin% 1(. ________ Davi$ _______ his frien$ Bahim atten$e$ the match yester$ay.

    !. Either, or ". Neither, nor C. Neither, or1*. n !ini is a cler _________ her hus)an$ is a teacher in a secon$ary school.

    !. )ut ". so C. )ecause D. with

    1+. 'hey __________ us for the function next Mon$ay.!. ;oine$ ". ;oins C. ;oinin% D. will ;oin

    Name: __________________________ Date:___________Exercise : /

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.1. ___________ $i$ you %o to In$onesia

    !. 5here ". 5hose C. 5hat D. 8ow #. 'he nau%hty )oy ate all __________ san$wiches.

    !. my ". me C. he D. she (. !im %ave away ________ of the flour in his shop to the floo$ victims.

    !. many ". little C. much D. a few *. 'he farmer has __________ hens on his farm.

    !. many ". a little C. much D. some +. 'he ice cream man has only _____ ice cream cones left.

    !. a few ". any C. much D. a little -. _______ animal that you saw is ________ anteater.

    !. 'he, an ". !n, an C. !n, the D. !, the /. Many of us travel ___________ school )y )us every$ay.

    !. for ". from C. on D. to 0. May I see the )oy ___________ fell from the tree

    !. whom ". whose C. which D. who 2. 'he horses ran out of the __________ with fri%ht.

    !. $en ". sty C. ennel D. sta)le13. 5e spoe to the %irl _________ an$ )rou%ht her )ac.

    !. ru$ely ". heavily C. politely D. li%htly11. Mr. =im is a poor man )ut his )rother is _____ than him

    !. very poor ". poor C. poorest D. poorer1#. ou must )e as )rave as a _______ when you %o into the ;un%le.

    !. lion ". cow C. elephant D. in%1(. 5ho ________ you a)out the inci$ent last ni%ht

    !. tol$ ". tell C. tells D. tellin%1*. !imah an$ 4hanti have )een _________ chess since 13.33 a.m.

    !. playe$ ". playin% C. plays D. play1+. It is too hot __________ you shoul$ not %o out an$ play now.

    !. )ecause ". )ut C. with D. therefore

    Name: __________________________ Date:___________Exercise : 0

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.1. Can

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.1. ________ is the )est film you have ever seen so far

    !. 5hom ". 5hich C. 5ho D. 5hose #. 4heila has a )rother. 8e is __________ than her.

    !. ol$ ". ol$est C. very ol$ D. ol$er (. Enci !li is a __________. 8e loos after the )an every ni%ht.

    !. watchman ". farmer C. )aner D. actor *. Don

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. I ha$ to wash a )i% __________ of clothes yester$ay.!. loaf ". )un$le C. )unch D. set

    #. !min an$ his )rother usually __________ tuition class.!. atten$in% ". atten$e$ C. atten$s D. atten$

    (. I ha$ to call the _________ )ecause the li%hts were not worin%.

    !. mechanic ". electrician C. en%ineer D. plum)er *. 'he ______ livin% mammal in the worl$ is the elephant

    !. )i%%er ". )i%%est C. very )i% D. )i% +.'he sweets are as har$ as _________. I can

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. ! swarm of )ees flew off from the ___________.!. nest ". shell C. hive D. hole

    #. Do _________ now where the new hospital is!. you ". your C. yours D. her

    (. __________ mother wor as a nurse in this clinic!. 5hom ". 5hose C. 5hich D. 5hat

    *. ______ can we have a meetin% for our clu) mem)ers!. 5hom ". 5hose C. 5hat D. 5hen

    +. !ll those people live _________ my house.!. )ehin$ ". )etween C. in front D. )ac

    -. 'he little %irl _______ the well when she was playin% near it.

    !. onto ". into C. over D. for /. I saw a ________ of $ancers practicin% on the sta%e.

    !. troop ". %roup C. team D. %an% 0. I shall visit your uncle ________ I have the time.

    !. so ". if C. from D. or 2. Miss =ai Men% always $resses __________.

    !. poorly ". cleverly C. heavily D. neatly13. 8ow ________ of your %oats were ille$ in the floo$s

    !. much ". a lot C. plenty D. many11. ?Do you have ________ frien$s in Ipoh@ ase$ 8as)i.

    !. many ". a lot C. much D. little1#. 4he has the ________ expensive leather purse amon%st us.

    !. more ". most C. very D. many1(. 'he ol$ woman shoute$ _______ as she coul$, )ut no one coul$ hear her.

    !. lou$ ". as lou$ C. lou$er D. lou$est1*. If the postman_________, please %ive this parcel to him.

    !. comes ". come C. came D. comin%1+. uan 4almah is the _________ person I

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. Do you now ________ to mae a pot with clay!. when ". whose C. which D. how

    #. 'hey have )een sittin% on this )e$ ______ last ni%ht.!. to ". since C. for D. at

    (. 'heir parents have _______ to In$ia on a pil%rima%e.!. %oin% ". %oes C. %one D. %o

    *. !lin

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. My father is ________ en%ineer in _________ enan%.!. a, the ". an, the C. a, D. an,

    #. 5e are %oin% to Cairo _________ aeroplane.!. on ". at C. )y D. in

    (. 'here is a river _________ my house.!. un$er ". in C. )ehin$ D. at

    *. !ll _______ pupils in ear - are %oin% for ______ picnic.!. the, a ". the, C. , a D. a, the

    +. Enci Bahim always _______ to wor at seven o

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. 5e ________ our homewor as soon as we have eaten our foo$.!. shall $o ". are $oin% C. $i$ D. $o

    #. I ________ for the concert now.!. am %oin% ". was %oin% C. is %oin% D. %oin%

    (. I was very thirsty so my mother ________ a $rin.!. I ". mine C. me D. My

    *. My uncle lives in Ipoh so I cannot visit ______ often.!. her ". she C. him D. he

    +. _______ are %oin% to the oo. 5oul$ you lie to ;oin us!. 8e ". 4he C. 5e D. I

    -. 'he %irls are alrea$y )i%. 'hey can loo after _______.

    !. themselves ". ourselves C. yourself D. herself /. 'he cat lies to lic __________.

    !. himself ". herself C. ourselves D. itself 0. 'he chil$ was sic ________ we too him to the clinic.

    !. so ". )ut C. )ecause D. if 2. 5e en;oy swimmin% ________ they prefer rea$in%.

    !. )ut ". )ecause C. an$ D. or 13. 'he chil$ren $i$ not %o out ________ it was rainin%.

    !. )ecause ". or C. so D. )ut 11. a !)u ha$ to $rive ________ )ecause of the rain. !. Auicly ". slowly C. very lou$ D. nicely 1#. 5e cheere$ _________ when our team score$ a %oal.

    !. lou$ ". lou$ly C. very lou$ D lou$er 1(. uan 6mi _________ the house. Don

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. It was rather _________ of you to shout at your mother.!. polite ". ru$e C. slow D. nice

    #. 5e nee$ ________ time to answer all those Auestions.!. more ". many C. much D. few

    (. 'he ol$ man %ave us ________ su%ar ;ust now.!. much ". many C. few D. a little

    *. uan aini %ave the )a)y ________ mil to $rin.!. a little ". a few C. several D. many

    +. 'here were only a few ________ of )rea$ left.!. loaf ". loafs C. loaves D. loave

    -. I saw a _______ of moneys ;umpin% on the )ranches.

    !. team ". %an% C. swarm D. troop /. ________ is the meetin%

    !. 5ho ". 5hen C. what D. 5hy 0. 'he %lass _________ a crac.

    !. has ". have C. to have D. havin% 2. 'he ma%ician ______ I met yester$ay is comin% to our school.

    !. who ". whom C. whose D. which 13. 4he has $one her wor. 8ave you $one _________

    !. you ". our C. their D. yours 11. 'his is the man _______ $au%hter marrie$ a European.

    !. who ". whom C. whose D. which 1#. 'he co))ler _________ the shoes tomorrow.

    !. men$ ". was men$in% C. will men$ D. men$e$ 1(. Is there ________ su%ar left in the )ottle

    !. a lot ". some more C. anymore D. more 1*. 5e _________ part in the sin%in% contest next wee.

    !. taes ". shall tae C. too D. taen 1+. ?I ________ taen my $inner. I $on

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. 5e met !ni _______ hour a%o at _______ Me%amall.!. an, the ". , the C. the, a D. a, the

    #. 'he chil$ren saw ______ elephant in _______ oo.!. a, a ". the, a C. an, the D. , the

    (. Ba;u

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. ! e)ra ________ stripes on its )o$y.!. has ". have C. ha$ D. havin%

    #. lease show me _______ way to ______ 9amal

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. 4he promise$ to len$ me _______ racAuet, $i$n

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. It _______ fun to watch small chil$ren playin%.!. is ". are C. am D. were

    #. 8e expecte$ us _________ him all the answers. !. tellin% ". tells C. to tell D. tell (. ________ she always tear the ma%aines

    !. Do ". Does C. Di$ D. Di$n

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. 5hy is he afrai$ _______ cocroach!. of ". to C. at D. for

    #. 8ow _______ $o you %o to the $entist!. always ". often C. never D. many

    (. 'he men trie$ to catch the $o% ______ it was too fast for them.!. )ecause ". an$ C. so D. )ut

    *. 'he exhi)ition was hel$ _______ a pu)lic holi$ay.!. in ". on C. )y D. at

    +. Mr 'an spoe _______ )ecause he was annoye$ with us.!. very an%ry ". an%rily C. an%ry D. an%er

    -. It is _______ to cycle fast $own the hill.

    !. $an%erous ". $an%erously C. to $an%er D. $an%er/. I hope _______ patience an$ har$ wor will pay off.

    !. me ". mine C. myself D. my0. lease stop that )i% )oy from )ullyin% ________ .

    !. us ". we C. our D. ours2. !ll of us listen attentively to _______ excitin% story.

    !. he ". him C. himself D. his13. 'o _______ $o you tal when you have pro)lems

    !. which ". who C. what D. whom11. ou are lie your mother in ________ ways.

    !. many ". much C. plenty D. a little1#. 8ow ______ must I pay for this foo$

    !. few ". many C. much D. some1(. Di$ your sister _______ to you from China

    !. wrote ". writes C. write D. writin%1*. uan aiton usually _________ us to )e sincere an$ polite.

    !. a$vise$ ". a$vise C. a$vises D. a$visin%1+. Mrs Chin cut up the meat ________ a sharp nife.

    !. )y ". with C. on D. for

    Name: __________________________ Date:___________Exercise : #1

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer.

    1. 'he )oy ________ )lew the can$les on the cae.!. sa$ly ". happily C. worrie$ly D. an%rily

    #. 'he )a)y is sleepin%, please tal ________.!. lou$ly ". fiercely C. softly D. ru$ely

    (. 'o eep healthy, the $octor a$vise$ him to exercise ___.!. in$ly ". nicely C. soun$ly D. re%ularly

    *. 5e %reet our el$ers _______ when we meet them.!. politely ". lou$ly C. ru$ely D. )a$ly

    +. 'he sol$iers fou%ht ______ a%ainst the enemies.!. willin%ly ". happily C. )ravely D. %ree$ily

    -. lease %ive _______ these test papers.

    !. out ". in C. on D. of /. &pen the win$ow to let ________ the fresh air.

    !. into ". in C. of D. onto 0. 5e ept walin% fast ________ we r*eache$ the campsite.

    !. until ". since C. to D. )efore 2. Every evenin%, we run _________ the fiel$ a few times.

    !. across ". over C. aroun$ D. a)ove 13. ________ they now the name of this town

    !. Don

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer

    1. 'he %irl )ehaves ru$ely ________ she is from a very rich family.!. even thou%h ". thou%h C. as thou%h D. from

    #. Most %reen ve%eta)les an$ fruits ________ vitamin C.!. ha$ ". has C. have D. havin%

    (. 'he trainin% was so tou%h _________ I coul$ not tae it.!. who ". which C. whom D. that

    *. 'he weather is too hot _________ all of you must stay in$oors.!. so ". )ut C. with D. )ecause

    +. 8ow _______ you now the way to that remote villa%e!. $oes ". $o C. $i$ D. have

    -. 4wee Men% coul$n

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar


    Circle the correct answer

    1. I can

  • 8/11/2019 Test Your Grammar
