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  • 8/9/2019 The 5GW Project


    The 5GW Project

    (5th Generation Warfare)

    byJustin Borland

    (July 6, 200!"ay #, 200$)

    %and re&ort on the 'etor*s and etars+

    The ar* -ide

    Most people might hope for the emergence of a new form of organization to be led by "good guys" whodo "the right thing" and grow stronger because of it. But history does not support this contention. Thecutting edge in the early rise of a new form may be found equally among malcontents, ne'er-do-wells,

    and cleer opportunists eager to ta!e adantage of new ways to maneuer, eploit, and dominate. Manycenturies ago, for eample, the rise of hierarchical forms of organization, which displaced traditional,consultatie, tribal forms, was initially attended, in parts of the world, by the appearance of ferociouschieftains bent on military conquest and of iolent secret societies run according to ran! -- long beforethe hierarchical form matured through the institutionalization of states, empires, and professionaladministratie and bureaucratic systems. #n li!e manner, the early spread of the mar!et form, only afew centuries ago, was accompanied by a spawn of usurers, pirates, smugglers, and monopolists, allsee!ing to elude state controls oer their earnings and enterprises.

    $hy should this pattern not be repeated in an age of networ!s% There appears to be a subtle, dialecticalinterplay between the bright and dar! sides in the rise of a new form of organization. The bright-sideactors may be so deeply embedded in and constrained by a society's established forms of organization

    that many hae difficulty becoming the early innoators and adopters of a new form. #n contrast,nimble bad guys may hae a freer, easier time acting as the cutting edge%and reacting to them may bewhat eentually spurs the good guys to innoate.

    The spread of the networ! form and its technologies is clearly bringing some new ris!s and dangers. #tcan be used to generate threats to freedom and priacy. &ew methods for sureillance, monitoring, andtrac!ing are being deeloped and the uproars oer the intelligence systems "(chelon," ")emantic*orests," and "+arniore" manifest what will surely be enduring concerns. +ritical nationalinfrastructures for power, telecommunications, and transportation, as well as crucial commercialdatabases and information systems for finance and health, remain ulnerable to computer hac!ers and

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    .urther/ore, a roin 1diital diide1 beteen infor/ation 1haes1 and 1hae!nots1 &ortends

    a ne set of social ine3uities4 ll this &laces ne strains on the orlds de/ocracies4 7en orse

    is the &ossibility that infor/ation!ae dictatorshi&s ill arise in &arts of the orld, based on the

    s*illful e8&loitation of the ne technoloies for &ur&oses of &olitical co//and and control4

    '9nrestricted Warfare+

    ...a theory would accept that adversaries will wage -- are waging even as you read this -- neocorticalwarfare against us. (That China is quiet, for example, may not mean that we are not engaged in aconflict with China.)

    ae you eer heard of "nrestricted $arfare"% #t's quite a spicy meatball. #t's a document by two+hinese soldiers, iao /iang and $ang 0iangsui. 77:7-- T; -

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    using financial instruments to destroy a country+s economy !e seen as a !attle* id C+s !roadcastof an exposed corpse of a .. soldier in the streets of ogadishu sha#e the determination of the /mericans to act as the world+s policeman, there!y altering the world+s strategic situation* /nd shouldan assessment of wartime actions loo# at the means or the results* Obviously, proceeding with thetraditional definition of war in mind, there is no longer any way to answer the above questions.

    'hen we suddenly realie that all these non-war actions may !e the new factors constituting future

    warfare, we have to come up with a new name for this new form of war0 'arfare which transcends all!oundaries and limits, in short0 unrestricted warfare."

    +an't help but be reminded of the Mc/uhan quote from earlier in the wee!8

    "Television !rought the !rutality of war into the comfort of the living room. 1ietnam was lost in theliving rooms of /merica -- not on the !attlefields of 1ietnam."

    =harles Tart on the Princi&les of i*ido

    ny effectie attac* /eans the attac*er /ust flo a burst of concentrated enery alon a line

    directed at you4 >f the attac* is a &unch to the belly, the attac*ers enery, e/bodied in his fist,

    /oes alon a line fro/ his body to your belly4 >f it hits, you can be badly hurt4 -o you follo the

    first basic &rinci&le? you et off the line!!you /oe or turn so that the enery of that &unch does

    not connect ith you4

    The second principle is to blend or harmonize with the attac!. :ou practice 3i. . . . To truly harmonizewith the attac!, you would not only get off the line, you also would not slow the punch down or oppose

    it in any way. #n fact, you might put your hand on the punching arm and add energy to it in thedirection it was already going.

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     &ote the importance of being present  as well as calm and centered. :ou may be calm because you areso lost in your own fantasy world that you don't !now what is happening around you, but that is quitedifferent from being calm and present .

    3s # hae discussed elsewhere . . ., there is a great deal of fear of psychic abilities in many people,sometimes conscious, often unconscious. 9ne way this fear can manifest without the person haing torealize he is afraid, is through hostility toward psychic and spiritual sub;ects. )ince # frequently lecture

    on these topics, # sometimes become the target of this !ind of anger.

    # certainly don't li!e to be attac!ed for any reason, een if it's only erbal. # can become afraid, angry,self-righteous, and lose contact with reality as # get absorbed in this pattern. #t's not only unpleasant,there is a further frustration8 my goal was to communicate useful !nowledge. > /iht see/ to 1in1an aru/ent, but if >/ anry and self!rihteous, > &robably hae not co//unicated effectiely

    to /y audience, and certainly not to /y 1o&&onent14

    Before # had studied 3i!ido, my reaction to an attac! in a lecture question was to counterattac!. #would epose logical flaws in my attac!er's thin!ing, and=or show he was ignorant of the facts, and=orshower him with high-status scientific facts to demonstrate to him the error of his ways. # wouldusually "win" the argument, for # was an epert in the sub;ect matter compared to almost all

    questioners, and a s!illed debater. This also made me popular with most of the audience, who weretypically "belieers" in psychic and spiritual matters, for # had won a ictory oer the !ind of personwho attac!ed them, too. # fought force with greater force.

    #n retrospect, # doubt that # actually communicated much of anything useful to my "opponent."

    >sraeli efense .orce and :ateral Thin*in

    The attac! conducted by units of the #sraeli 2efence *orces 6#2*7 on the city of &ablus in 3pril >??>was described by its commander, Brigadier-@eneral 3i Ao!hai, as 'inerse geometry', which heeplained as "the reorganization of the urban synta by means of a series of micro-tactical actions."

    urin the battle soldiers /oed ithin the city across hundreds of /etres of 1oerround

    tunnels1 cared out throuh a dense and contiuous urban structure4 3lthough seeral thousandsoldiers and 1alestinian guerrillas were manoeuring simultaneously in the city, they were so"saturated" into the urban fabric that ery few would hae been isible from the air. .urther/ore,they used none of the citys streets, roads, alleys or courtyards, or any of the e8ternal doors,

    internal stairells and indos, but /oed hori@ontally throuh alls and ertically throuh

    holes blasted in ceilins and floors4 This for/ of /oe/ent, described by the /ilitary as

    1infestation1, see*s to redefine inside as outside, and do/estic interiors as thorouhfares4 The#2*'s strategy of "wal!ing through walls" inoles a conception of the city as not ;ust the site but alsothe ery medium of warfare -- a fleible, almost liquid medium that is foreer contingent and in flu.

    +ontemporary military theorists are now busy re-conceptualizing the urban domain. 3t sta!e are theunderlying concepts, assumptions and principles that determine military strategies and tactics. The astintellectual field that eora&her -te&hen Graha/ has called an international 1shado orld1 of

    /ilitary urban research institutes and trainin centres that hae been established to rethin*

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    /ilitary o&erations in cities could be understood as so/ehat si/ilar to the international /atri8

    of elite architectural acade/ies4 oweer, according to urban theorist )imon Marin, the military-architectural "shadow world" is currently generating more intense and well-funded urban research programmes than all these uniersity programmes put together, and is certainly aware of the aant-garde urban research conducted in architectural institutions, especially as regards Third $orld and3frican cities. There is a considerable oerlap among the theoretical tets considered essential by

    military academies and architectural schools. #ndeed, the reading lists of contemporary militaryinstitutions include wor!s from around 45C 6ith a s&ecial e/&hasis on the ritins of Gilleseleu@e, .eli8 Guattari and Guy ebord7, as well as more contemporary writings on urbanism, psychology, cybernetics, post-colonial and post-)tructuralist theory. #f, as some writers claim, the spacefor criticality has withered away in late >?th-century capitalist culture, it seems now to hae found a place to flourish in the military.

    The ;T; and ;ccult ;&en -ource Warfare

    #n 454D, Theodore Eeuss showed up at a commune in )witzerland with a most interesting document 8 itwas the manifesto which would soon establish the 9rdo Templi 9rientis, or the ermetic Brotherhoodof /ight, or as it's !nown to young occultists, conspiracy theorists and weirdos of all persusasions, the9T9. The statement itself was a barn-burner8

    "/et it be !nown", began this manifesto, "that there eists, un!nown to the great crowd, aery ancient 9rder of sages, whose ob;ect is the amelioration and spiritual eolution ofman!ind by means of conquering error and aiding men and women in their efforts of

    attaining the power of recognizing the truth. This 9rder has eisted already in the mostremote times and it has manifested its actiity secretly and openly in the world underdifferent names and in arious forms8 it has caused social and political reolutions and proed to be the roc! of salation in times of danger and misfortune. #t has always upheldthe banner of freedom against tyranny in whateer shape this appeared, whether as clericalor political or social despotism or oppression of any !ind.

    To this "secret order" eery wise and spiritually enlightened person belongs by right of hisor her nature8 because they all, een if they are personally un!nown to each other, are onein their purpose and ob;ect and they all wor! under the guidance of the one light of truth.#nto this )acred )ociety no one can be admitted by another unless he has the power to enter

    it himself by irtue of his own interior #llumination neither can anyone after he has onceentered be epelled unless he should epel himself by becoming unfaithful to his principlesand forget again the truths which he has learned by his own eperience.

    3ll this is !nown to eery enlightened person.

    But it is !nown only to few that there eists also an eternal, isible organization of suchmen and women, who haing themseles found the path to real self-!nowledge, and whohaing traelled the burning sands, are willing to gie to others, desirous of entering that

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     path, the benefit of their eperience, and to act as spiritual guides to those who are willingto be guided.

    The open-source reolution is a concept that predates the 9T9, of course. The actual claims ofTheodore Eeuss are almost !eside the point , because the concept is so effectiely infectious. ere at

    )!illuminati Eesearch, we find a number of words to be utterly useless -- "@od," for instance, or"coincidence" -- and we hae long since discarded "terrorism," a wet blan!et of a term, for "9pen)ource $arfare" or 9)$. 9ccult 9)$ was also adocated in the memorable 3ppendi :od of The lluminatus2 Trilogy, !nown as 1;&eration "indfuc*18

    To this day, neither 3o Chih 4en himself nor any other iscordian apostle #nows for sure whois or is not involved in any phase of 5peration indfuc# or what activities they are or are notengaged in as part of that pro6ect. Thus, the outsider is immediately trapped in a double-bind: the only safe assumption is that anything a iscordian does is somehow related to 5, !ut, since this leads directly to paranoia, this is not a "safe" assumption after all, and the "ris#y"hypothesis that whatever the iscordians are doing is harmless may !e "safer" in the long run, perhaps. 7very aspect of 5 follows, or accentuates, this dou!le-!ind.

    This may or may not be the source of the )cottish saying, 1neer ie a sord to a /an ho cantdance41 

    Pentaon %ed Tea/s? Get a Job ;erthroin the Goern/ent

    The 2efense )cience Board, always a aluable source for info you probably shouldn't hae, has areport on Eed Teaming in a 2epartment of 2efense contet which is most tasty. 'e offer a pdfdownload of that report at the end of this short, meaningless article.

    Ao do you test the security of your secure syste/s

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    control of the negotiation. They respect !alls and expertise 6ust as much as they respect guns. (9orquic# reference, thin# of :even pacy in even.)

    Eemember the case of poor @ary McAinnon, who got caught snooping around *9 files . 2id theythin! "whoa, what a badass hac!er%" 2id they hire him% uck no, they're sending him to!uantanamo "ay. 1repare thoroughly before diing into shar! tan!s.

    The 2efense )cience Board is a beautifully fran! operation, and you can only respect people who writeas well as they do. (en if they're raing fascists, they're still lucid on the laptops8

     8ed teams and red teaming processes have long !een used as tools !y the management of!oth government and commercial enterprises. Their purpose is to reduce an enterprise+sris#s and increase its opportunities.

     8ed teams come in many varieties and there are different views a!out what constitutes ared team. 'e ta#e an expanded view and include a diversity of activities that, whilediffering in some ways, share a fundamental feature.

     8ed teams are esta!lished !y an enterprise to challenge aspects of that very enterprise+s

     plans, programs, assumptions, etc. t is this aspect of deli!erate challenge thatdistinguishes red teaming from other management tools although the !oundary is not a sharp one. (There are many tools used !y management for a variety of related purposes0 to promulgate visions, foster innovation, promote efficiencies.)

    #f you're interested in a high-paying ;ob with lots of benefits that you hae to brea! laws in order toapply to, then we recommend you loo! into this rapid growth area. Thin! about it8 if you can remoteiew, then you can compile a dossier on F?G etremely sensitie ) secret locations all around theworld and get a ;ob. Eight% 9ccult Eed Teams probably already eist, so bear in mind you might haesome competition.

    "anuel e :anda on 'Policin the -&ectru/+

    19nli*e the analyst, ho deals only ith si/&le for/s of ca/ouflae, the s&y o&erates in a

    eritable hall of /irrors, in hich seeral leels of intriue and dissi/ulation interact4 nd

    unli*e the intellience analyst, hose &erfor/ance can be ealuated by his failure or success in/a*in &atterns rise to the surface, the actiities of s&ies and counters&ies ta*e &lace in such

    dee& secrecy that /a*in a rational ealuation of their &erfor/ance is often i/&ossible4 This has

    tended to create an aura of 1/ysticis/1 around es&ionae aencies, iin s&ies the feelin of

    belonin to a secret caste of initiated indiiduals ho hae e8clusie access to 1esoteric1

    *nolede4 Their successes and failures can only be juded by &eo&le hain access to this inner


    "*or this reason the photoanalysts at the +#3 and the cryptologists at the &)3 hae to operate in a ery

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    different enironment than their colleagues in thin! tan!s li!e the E3&2 +orporation. % asoriinally created in C$D6 as a /athe/aticians thin* tan*, desined to a&&ly the tools of

    ;&erations %esearch and a/e theory to the &roble/s of arfare, and it has re/ained &retty

    /uch a technocrats stronhold eer since4 nalysts at the =>E-, on the other hand, /ust

    or* toether ith clandestine o&erators, in chare of sabotae, assassination and &sycholoical

    arfare, and ith s&y /anaers, ho &ut toether and /aintain netor*s of infiltrators and

    infor/ers4 The atmosphere of ecessie secrecy created by these two characters affects in many waysthe performance of the analytical component of the intelligence agency. This is not to say that the wor!of the analyst is unrelated to the world of secrecy and security measures. Eather, it is as if there weretwo !inds of secrecy, one with a alid military function and another that has a negatie effect on theinternal wor!ings of the war machine."

    "l/ost ithout e8ce&tion secret serice orani@ations hae thried in ti/es of turbulence and,conersely, hae seen their &oer anish as tur/oil slos4 .or this reason they surie by incitin

    social turbulence, s&readin ru/ors and inentin i/ainary ene/ies, fifth colu/ns, and

    bo/ber and /issile a&s4 They need to *ee& society in constant alert, in a enerali@ed state of

    fear and &aranoia, in order to sustain the/seles4 This has led to the deelopment of a gigantic"espionage industry," whose entire eistence is based on a bluff few goernments dare to call8

    The agencies ;ustify their peacetime eistence by promising to proide timely warning of a threat tonational security.... 9er the years intelligence agencies hae brainwashed successie goernments intoaccepting three propositions that ensure their surial and epansion. The first is that in the secretworld it may be impossible to distinguish success from failure. 3 timely warning of attac! allows theintended ictim to prepare. This causes the aggressor to change its mind the warning then appears tohae been wrong. The second &ro&osition is that failure can be due to incorrect analysis of theagency's accurate information.... The third &ro&osition is that the agency could hae offered timelywarning had it not been stared of funds. #n combination, these three propositions can be used to thwartany rational analysis of an intelligence agency's performance, and allow any failure to be turned into a ;ustification for further funding and epansion."

    Ti/e as a Wea&on? John Boyd

    #'e been doing some digging inspired by Heff $ell's most recent article oer at Eigorous #ntuition,which closed with a meditation on using time as a weapon. #t brought me bac! to Hohn Boyd, one of themost innoatie and intelligent military strategists of the past century, and his concept of "9923


    Boyd's concept was an obseration of how humans, wether allies or enemies, process reality8 the I step process of "9bsere, 9rient, 2ecide, and 3ct."

    "The #ey is to o!scure your intentions and ma#e them unpredicta!le to your opponent while you simultaneously clarify his intentions. That is, operate at a faster tempo to generate rapidly changingconditions that inhi!it your opponent from adapting or reacting to those changes and that suppress ordestroy his awareness. Thus, a hodgepodge of confusion and disorder occur to cause him to over- orunder-react to conditions or activities that appear to !e uncertain, am!iguous, or incomprehensi!le."--

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     3arry 3illa#er 

    #n future posts, # will be eploring how "Time as a $eapon" gets applied economically. # wanted toshare this because it's basically a clear blueprint for a ery esoteric concept. This is something 3lbert1i!e was discussing in Morals J 2ogma, but it's astly more understandable here. #f this post seemssuperficial or simple, try applying the diagram aboe to recent eents and political controersies thatinterest you.

    Putin ro&&in >nisible Bo/bs

    The full transcript  of ;utin+s recent press conference is worth chewing over if you have time. 3ere+s themost interesting gem that got overloo#ed, at least in the press coverage that saw0

    K/32#M#E 1T#&8 3nd # am also against an arms race. # am opposed to any !ind of arms race but #would li!e to quic!ly draw your attention to something # said in last year's 3ddress. We hae learnedfro/ the -oiet 9nions e8&erience and e ill not be dran into an ar/s race that anyone

    i/&oses on us4 We ill not res&ond sy//etrically, e ill res&ond ith other /ethods and

    /eans that are no less effectie4 This is called an asy//etrical res&onse4

    The nited )tates are building a huge and costly missile defence system which will cost dozens anddozens of billions of dollars. We said? no, e are not oin to be &ulled into this race4 We illconstruct syste/s that ill be /uch chea&er yet effectie enouh to oerco/e the /issile defence

    syste/ and therefore /aintain the balance of &oer in the orld41 nd e are oin to &roceed

    this ay in the future4

    Moreoer, # want to draw your attention to the fact that, despite our retaliatory measures, the olume ofour defence ependitures as a percentage of @21 is not growing. They were >,D percent of @21 andwill remain so. $e are planning the same amount of defence spending for the net F to 4? years. This isfully in line with the aerage ependitures of &3T9 countries. This amount is not more than theiraerage defence ependitures and in some cases it is een lower than that of &3T9 member countries.nd e can use our co/&etitie adantaes hich include 3uite adanced /ilitary!industrial

    ca&abilities and the intellectual ca&acities of those ho or* in our /ilitary co/&le84 There aregood results and good people. #n any case, much of this has been presered, and we will do eerything possible in order not only to maintain but also to deelop this potential.

     #symmetrical $arfare is a topic we cover pro!a!ly too much here at 8. ;revious entries have seen itreferred to as

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    .or nyone -till =onfused bout Global Politics

    .;% :: =;.9-7 B;9T G:;B: P;:>T>=-

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    Get .a/iliar ith John Boyd

    To comprehend and cope with our environment we develop mental patterns or concepts ofmeaning. The purpose of this paper is to s#etch out how we destroy and create these patterns to permit us to !oth shape and !e shaped !y a changing environment. n this sense, the discussion also literally shows why we cannot avoid this #ind of activity if weintend to survive on our own terms.

    --from estruction and Creation 

    #'e coered military strategist=taoist warrior Hohn Boyd once before, and as the tone of )!illuminatiEesearch turns toward real-world instruction and application, Boyd will become a central figure. e

    was a ery precise thin!er and a ery concise writer -- in terms of being stripped-down, bullshit-freeand clearly understandable, you'd be hard pressed to find a better author in military history.

    $ell...barring )un Tzu. But for my money, Hohn Boyd is light years beyond Machiaelli and stillrunning circles around eisting military doctrine.

    Boyd recognized, decades go, that the chain of command would eentually be used as a weapon againstthe military itself. )pecifically, it would be wrapped around the nec! of the top brass by small bands ofinsurgents who trael lighter, react faster, and refuse to abide by conentional warfare.

    %es&ect The Troo&s

    (arlier this afternoon # was out on the porch with my laptop and wound up tal!ing to a passing stranger.e was a Marine and he was bro!e -- trying to raise gas money to get bac! home to +arbondale,#llinois. e said he'd been wal!ing around all day and getting harassed eerywhere he went. /ocal police had a problem with him being blac! and bro!e, and local liberals apparently mistoo! him anofficial spo!esman of the Bush administration. # gae him as much as # could but less than # shouldhae.

    # mention this because doing this research has gien me a newfound respect for our troops. &ot merely because of their braery -- and if you don't thin! olunteering to be on the line of fire qualifies as"braery," you're ;ust being stubborn 6and dumbfuc!7.

    $hat really got me thin!ing was reading The )mall-nit /eader's @uide to +ounterinsurgency, whichoutlines the training and the daily ;ob description of ground-leel commanders. The sheer amount of

    details they need to !eep trac! of is nearly super-human. The learning cure is more of a ertical bric!wall you must scale or die.

    The Marine # tal!ed to was bro!e because our soldiers aren't paid well and there's less support for themon the homefront than eer. # don't mean people cheering and throwing confetti at them on the streets -- ;ust health care and economic security. e's headed bac! in a month for his Lrd tour of duty in Basra.

    3s # will be repeating constantly in the wee!s to come, # thin! a lot about what the net decade will bring. $hat happens when our warriors realize their masters iew them as interchangeable meat property% $hat happens when young recruits in terrorist organizations li!e ezbollah or *3E+ come

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    to realize the beliefs they got raised with were merely !ullshit % 3s the diision between )uperwealthyand billion peasants and slaes becomes increasinly obious to een the /ost do/esticatedhu/ans, what will become of their warrior class%

    The John Boyd =once&tual -&iral

    To !eep trac! of the dizzying responsibilities inoled with modern warfare, you need a clear, simple,and effectie oerall system to organize your information oerload.

    ere's the entire conceptual framewor!, laid out in Hohn Boyd's own words8

    "1atterns of +onflict" represents a compendium of ideas and actions for winning and losingin a highly competitie world

    "9rganic 2esign for +ommand and +ontrol" surfaces the implicit arrangements that permitcooperation in comple, competitie, fast moing situations

    "The )trategic @ame of % and %" emphasizes the mental twists and turns we underta!e tosurface appropriate schemes or designs for realizing our aims or purposes

    "2estruction and +reation" lays out in abstract but graphic fashion the ways by which weeole mental concepts to comprehend and cope with our enironment

    "Eeelation" ma!es isible the metaphorical message that flows from this "2iscourse."

    3ll of the documents # lin!ed to are hosted by the fol!s at 2efense and the &ational #nterest. B#@T3&A :9 to +het Eichards for ma!ing this aailable.

    That's more than enough brainfood for now, huh% # apologize for the oerdose. $hen # find the singlemost concise summation of his oerall body of wor!, # will definitely let y'all !now.

    The >rreersible Proble/ of anerous >nfor/ation

    Than#s to my friend  =arrett 3eaney for the discussion that inspired this one.

    $ith publicly aailable infomation, self-training and luc!, a single human being can hae a huge effect

    on the eeryday lies of millions of people. # could be tal!ing about a terrorist attac! or # could betal!ing about a :ouTube ideo.

    #s there any safe way to tal! about this material% #'m dumbstruc! by how much  1eter H. +arroll andHohn Boyd hae in common.

    ere's the problem8 there's a ery defined ocabulary of destruction aailable today. *uturists and policyma!ers are concerned about ")(#" -- )uper-empowered #ndiiduals." 1ower asymmetry is presented as a bad thing, but for us peasants it's a more leel playing field.

    3s you can imagine, that apparently spoo!s the shit out of the formerly ruling class.

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    $hat #'m doing with )!illuminati is codifying technique for solo warfare. &ot only because it's a"manual" but also because it's an accurate model of the problem. 1ersonally, # happen to prefer liing ina peaceful community, being healthy and not haing to carry weapons around. # would imagine anyonereading this feels the same, een those of you enlisted. # am probably more concerned with defendingagainst these tactics than # am with codifying them.

    3fter all, how precise can # be% # need to be at (sozone this year, so # can't get deported until &oember

    at least. +hec! out the Hohn Eobb thin!piece "The 2isruption of )audi 3rabia" -- he can only say somuch.

    # will probably say way more than that, way too often.

    Bloer Ty&es

    The military gae humanity the Breity +ode, and thin!ing in military terms can be clarifying anduseful. *or instance, the 1entagon is engaged in ongoing "#nformation 9perations" -- spending billionseery year on what was formerly termed information warfare.

    #t's a small detail, but # bring it up because if online communication, information broadcasting and

     persuasion is being used as a weapon, where is that "common sense" metaphor actually ta!ing us% Thebattlefield is "hearts and minds" of ciilian "non-combatant" populations, as stated in Hoint 2octrine.The insurents are anyone counteracting military propaganda and gathering intelligence on !now, most !loggers, pro!a!ly including you. 

    -ta*es is Aih

    $e approach many problems from many different angles. 9nly a few of them actually wor!.

    #'m a big adocate of trial and error -- in fact, that's the only way to eplain most of my conscious life.But it's mostly error, and most of what intelligent humans deote themseles to is fluff.

    # don't thin! where #'m ta!ing )!illuminati Eesearch is irresponsible. # thin! this is signifigantinformation, unli!e my stoner fluff at ump Hones. $arfare is ;ust another s!illset that future mutantsneed to learn, and it's a logical application of time, much li!e martial arts. #'m actiely researching it, putting it into practice, and then codifying it for other people.

    Bac! when )!illuminati was running on the regular, way bac! in '?D, # featured an old Aein Aellyessay title "#nformation as a +ommunicable 2isease." e was meditating on how eperiments trac!ingthe spread of ideas, when graphed, bear a startling resemblance to maps of how diseases spread. 3s #'eimplied in the title, dangerous information is an irreveri!ile pro!lem, from nuclear weapons toimproised eplosie deices to pdf maps of electrical grids.

    "#nformation," much li!e the "electricity" it's based on, is eerywhere at once, interacts with eeryoneand eerything, and yet it's impossible to precisely define. $hen information gets crystalized, though,

    it's undeniably dangerous stuff -- li!e the hotel room full of Eicin in /as Kegas, for instance.

    There's a lot of good comments in an earlier discussion, #s )ecrecy (er Hustified%, that relates to this.#'m definitely still curious what people thin!. # welcome opposition but tend to delete long rants.

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    ;ne Billion 7arth Ao/eless >s this for real

    #f it's accurate, the situation is way worse than # thought. # feel li!e a total dic! when # type something

    li!e that, but damn, it's true. # was startled to find this on page >CD of the super-dope boo!$orldchanging , which was ery much worth the >?.

    There are > !illion squatters in the world today, almost one in six people on the planet. fcurrent trends continute, there will !e ? !illion squatters !y ?@A@ and A !illion (more thanone third of humanity) !y the midpoint of the twenty-first century.

    To #eep up with the influx, the world must !uild B,>D@ homes a day - roughly

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    over time, much much less.) This generates incomes for indiginous people and this underminesoverall trust in authority. ot saying it+s a good thing, 6ust saying that option is out there.

    3lso worth considering that there's already a thriing global mar!et in "3uthority Aits" -- as Mao said, power comes from the barrel of the guns which are sold by the billions, all oer the (arth, eery year.9fficial-loo!ing, comfortably fitted police unforms are nice and all, but in actual practice all you needis a group of people who all hae guns, right%

    :eesh. $elcome to the Aali :uga, and en;oy your wor!wee!s.

    The :anuae of Poer

    H7T50 ome are raising that the privacy aspects of this thing, you #now, sharing ofthat #ind of data, very personal data, among four countries is quite a scary thing.

    C378T5990 'ell, first of all, a fingerprint is hardly personal data !ecause you leave it on glasses and silverware and articles all over the world, theyIre li#e footprints. TheyIre not particularly private.

    is stance has remar!able implications for the future of the @lobal $ar on Terrorism 6@$9T7 in a post-Bell's Theorem world. #t's also a ery na!ed statement that the only "priacy" you can epect tohae ends at the surface of your s!in -- eerything else is eposed to the panopticon. +lothing hidesnothing anymore.

    poo#y action at a distance is a great single-sentence summary of F@$. *or brainfood # submit enry9!ah, 2aid Myatt and Eonald )tar! . #n terms of clinical psychology, F@$ operaties are &9T )3&(-- they are sociopaths, they are monomaniacs, etc. (ffectie F@$ is all-consuming and requires greaterdiscipline than most humans are willing to sub;ect themseles to.

     &enry Okah ran a multinational fuel-piracy ring, which funded the purchase of huge stoc#pilesof weapons, which were used to arm constantly-shifting groups of mercenaries who wereorganied and mo!ilied via text messaging. 3e+s repeatedly crippled the infrastructure of igeria, and done over J?B !illion in damage to hell. 3e pulled all this off while living a r especta!le life in outh /frica0 he+s since !een arrested in /ngola and deported to face chargesin igeria.

     avid (yatt  wears many mas#s0 he+s a leading neo-nai philosopher, he+s a atanicoccultist, and he+s also a radical slamic cleric. ounds cray and gets far stranger thanthat -- get to #now avid yatt a#a /shton Kong a#a /!dul /i. Eeff 'ells at 8igorous ntuition has the !est summary and meditation on yatt+s twisted legacy0 read   ine /nglesof eparation. 

     )onald *tark  was the su!6ect of the most entertaining article ever did research for0 The an &ehind the K Curtain. t was mostly guesswor#, quotations and my own !lend ofhorseshit, !ut characters li#e tar# -- or &arry eal  , or 9inis helnutt  -- are worth studying

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     for the patchwor# of connections they reveal.

    The :anuae of Poer >>

    $hen # wrote "1lain and )imple8 *uc! 5=44," the title wasn't an afterthought or een a ;o!e. $ordswere chosen carefully for maimum effect and sure enough, # still get an email a wee! about an article# wrote a year ago. #t was in the contet of as!ing 5=44 Truth actiists what they expected  that # raised aquestion #'e been chewing on eer since8

     &e honest with yourself0 who are you asking for +ustice /re you expecting the same power

     structure that has !een running the nited tates of /merica for the past D@ years to give up!ecause you+re right* &ecause you can prove mathematically that two !uildings collapsed faster than they should have* &ecause you have thousands of pages of evidence to prove every point you+re ma#ing* oes the truth matter* eriously. oes the truth matter Or does powermatter 

    That's really the central question, and #'m not proposing it as an either-or. Both would be nice, but #'malso proposing it might be too late for that !ind of hope. #'e had a number of )!illuminati readersemail the instant classic quote from an anonymous source, of course, in the Bush administration --named as "a senior adisor to Bush"8

    The aide said that guys li#e me were ++in what we call the reality-!ased community,++ which he

    defined as people who ++!elieve that solutions emerge from your 6udicious study of discerni!lereality.++ nodded and murmured something a!out enlightenment principles and empiricism. 3ecut me off. ++That+s not the way the world really wor#s anymore,++ he continued. ++'e+re anempire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. /nd while you+re studying that reality-- 6udiciously, as you will -- we+ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can studytoo, and that+s how things will sort out. 'e+re history+s actors...and you, all of you, will !e left to 6ust study what we do.++

    This article emerged from some conersations # had after the first installment of  The /anguage of1ower . # was only s!etching out a few points # would li!e to state much more clearly here.

    Aa&&iness is -laeryntil about si months ago, # was unable to put my finger on why Barac! 9bama ma!es me uneasy.

    # was haing a 6deeply hilarious7 conersation with an 9bama olunteer who stated it perfectly for me.)he told me that 9bama was all about how 3merican >?-somethings were transforming -- fro/ the "eeneration to the We eneration4

    )!illuminati Eesearch has nothing to do with the nited )tates or the ) military and # personally iewall 45F "legitimate" nation-states on (arth as e3ually da/ain to hu/an &roress4 3s 2oug)tanhope puts it, nationialism is "baggage from dead people." 3ll goernments are founded on iolence

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    and maintained by eploitation.

    # am ery much indebted to the wor! of +urtis @ale $ee!s, Hohn Eobb, Mar! )afrans!i, and eeryoneat 2reaming F@$ and )mall $ars Hournal, but our language has some differences. # am unli!e mostF@$ bloggers in that #'m not worried about the future of the ) as a global superpower. #'m writing foran audience ery much li!e myself8 post-nationalism, post-racism, post-religion human beings with norespect for authority, national borders or een the laws of physics.

    Aa&&iness is a War/ Gun

    1eter H. +arroll, who is himself a F@$ eteran, operating under a pseudonym and re-wiring tens ofthousands of brains around the world, posed this question in terms of religion. 9n a planet with oer4?,??? actiely worshipped @ods -- none of which are currently isible, none of which can be proento eist -- how can you be sure which 2iinity to bet upon% oesnt it /a*e /ore sense to inest thatfaith in yourself

    $ith )!illuminati Eesearch, #'m ma!ing the same argument on a political leel. $hy ma!e appeals to power when you could build your own% :ou could be learning to weld, wor!ing out or reading a boo!with that aluable time. Why orry about your leaders hen they cant actually control you, anddont care hat you &ersonally thin*, ant or feel

    F@$ is power.

    )pecifically, F@$ is dedicated indiiduals eercising their power to achiee their own goals at theepense of eeryone who gets in their way. # thin! this !ind of clarity is missing from the discussion because the occult dimension of power has no place in a respectable debate, from military theory to politics to history. *or thousands of years, small groups of humans using ritual magic! hae beencontrolling nations, waging wars and engaging in economic and psychological warfare. 9ne occultwarfare master who does get mentioned in military circles is assan i )abbah, long a muse of $illiam). Burroughs and Eobert 3nton $ilson.

    #'m open to the argument that #'m only engouraging a plague of lone psychopaths declaring war on the

    world, but my own F@$ practice is informed and indebted to 2.H. Ailcullen, author of the >C 3rticles,which you should probably read right now if you haen't already. 3rticle > states8 1Build your onsolution !! only attac* the ene/y hen he ets in the ay41

    3s # said at the outset of this pro;ect, "my interest in F@$ 6Fth @eneration $arfare7 is rooted in it's potential for positie social and cultural change." # am inestigating warfare for the same reasons #inestigated psychology and mar!eting -- beacuse the tools of social control ill be less da/ainhen theyre idely distributed4 78ecuties ho hae &oer oer /illions of other hu/ans are

    inherently danerous !! /illions of hu/ans ith e8ecutie control oer the/seles is here ere

    headed this century4

    The dinosaurs of goernments and corporations and media conglomerates and thin! tan!s anduniersities -- the old legitimate $hite +ontrol )ystem -- ill not let o 3uietly and &olitely4 )o #thin! eery future mutunt has a common-sense obligation to learn how to disable and disarm them aseffectiely as possible. This is going to be a ery bumpy ride and we can all help minimize the bloodshed.

    #n closing # realize that # hae used the word "#" far, far too often in this post. That trend shall notcontinue -- it's all technique from here on out.

    Than! you for listening.

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    5GW efense? John %obb on 'The %esilient =o//unity+

    /et's rewind.

    #'e been tal!ing about Fth @eneration $arfare, but that's because #'m a hyperactie little !id who'sfascinated by eerything in the nierse. ere's a remar!able fact8 DGW is a &roble/ that hasntbeen soled yet4

    )ure, there's a lot of written material about counter-insurgency operations, some of it truly brilliant. oweer, on a reality-based leel, I@$ outfits are still doing billions in damage to better-armed, better-funded nations and corporations. #n the face of this continuous loss, something remar!able hashappened8 the generals and the technocrats are sounding li#e damn hippies and calling for smaller,sustainable communities, energy independence and other radical cultural changes.

    The important point to remem!er is never underestimate the motivation, patience, andcreativity of an adversary2 3e is attac#ing against a defense that is naIve, arrogant,un!alanced, and fragmented. 'e are critically dependent on our technology, !ut the gap!etween offensive and defensive capa!ility is huge and growing. $e must find a different path. 

    $e have to recognie that our systems are vulnerable to sophisticated attacks and find

    ways to defend against them.

     &ow, that sure sounds li!e 3mory /oins, especially his classic article "ow to @et Eeal )ecurity." Butit's not8 that quote is actually from Hames @osler  at )andia &ational /aboratories. 9f course, scientists

    are always saying weird things, so perhaps his call for rethin!ing the fundamental infrastructure of$estern +iilization is ;ust another oice in the wilderness. @osler made that statement at the >??Cnrestricted $arfare )ymposium held by Hohns op!ins. The proceedings of the conference areaailable online, and there were some definite gems in what # read through last night.

    ere's another clear-cut sign that I@$ remains an unsoled problem -- witness the palpable frustrationof 1hilip Mudd, the "3ssociate (ecutie 3ssistant 2irector" of the *B#'s &ational )ecurity Branch8

    $hat we have is an architecture of youth that is not organied in ways that we have seen

    in the past. They do not touch a #nown personL they do not touch a #nown cell. 'e cannotuse #nown security tools. 'e cannot follow their phone calls !ecause they are not callingany!ody. 'e cannot follow who they are tal#ing to on a computer !ecause they are self-

    radicaliing on their own computer, and they are not chatting. 'e cannot follow them interms of a vehicle or some!ody they are meeting on the street !ecause they are not amem!er of a cell. &ow do we stop them

    @ood question, Mr. Mudd...

    The nser is?

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    current system of agriculture. :ou can't defend the physical infrastructure of the internetand you can't defend huge borders.

    3s the distribution of power gets wider and deeper, old forms li!e nations and imperialism are nolonger sustainable. 3s a general design rule8 if its not sustainable, its not secure4

    #'m a Kermont natie -- an obscure part of the continental ), for 3merican readers who might be

    unfamiliar -- and most fol!s there reached this conclusion about >?? years ago and hae been trying toreerse the mista!e of getting nited to the ) *ederal @oernment. )o it's remar!able that Hohn Eobbwould be headed to my homeland to gie a speech on "2efending 9ur (nergy )ecurity -BuildingEesilient +ommunities." 6e'll be at the >??C Kermont 2istributed (nergy +onference, if you'd li!e toattend.7

    Hohn Eobb is a sub;ect of controersy in F@$ circles, but more importantly, he's a really solid authorand an original thin!er. is last boo!, Brae &ew $ar , was ecellent brainfood, and his blog @lobal@uerrillas is the best coerage on the topic #'e found. )o #'m obiously loo!ing forward to his net pro;ect8

     y goal with this !oo#* hope this !oo# will provide readers with a useful eschatology for

    the current glo!al system and a conceptual !lueprint for the G (do-it-yourself) effortsnecessary to !uild a 8esilient Community.

    The reaction the !oo# will get* 9or those that completely tied to or immersed in the legacy system, this !oo# will !e a very scary read. 9or those that are fearless and willing to adaptin order to progress, it will !ecome a go to reference.

    :ou can get an early sense through his preious posts8 eploring the pressures behind thistransition with Transition Towns and *ood and the E+, an eploration of energy independencethrough Microgrids, and the original brainstorm, The Eesilient +ommunity. 

    1The >nternet is Fillin 9s1

    That's from 1hilip Mudd again...#'ll gie him the last word8


     n the nuclear age when the enemy was the oviet nion, we had the luxury of imagery toloo# at sites, =T (signal intelligence) to loo# at communications, 3T (humanintelligence) to recruit sources and defectors, and international organiations li#e the /7/(nternational /tomic 7nergy /gency) to watch material. Try to apply a single one of thoseto a /-year-old in the 0nited *tates today.

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    To =autionary Tales .ro/ the .ront :ines

    This article might appear to be mere pessimism. To the reader with a good imagination and bettercommon sense, though, #'m adocating an entirely different angle from the traditional binary trap of*ighting 3gainst 1ower (lites s. *ighting *or 1ower (lites.

    umans fight -- let them. 6)eriously, trying to stop a fight is dangerous and stupid 55N of the time,unless it's !ids who are smaller than you.7 The Fth @eneration $arfare angle we'll be pursuing at)!illuminati is based on leeraging the eisting fault lines, ongoing conflicts and profitable culturewars that we lie within today.

    #'m not adocating that we should stir up more !ullshit  -- #'m suggesting that we practice the martial artof inisibly e8&loitin the bullshit thats already here4 To do otherwise is to ignore history -- here's aloo! at why.

    Those Who Would ;erthro The/

    /et's bypass Aent )tate, the fate of the Branch 2iidians, disappearances in +hile, 3rgentina andeerywhere else in /atin 3merica, and the assassinations of 3rchbishop 9scar Eomero, Malcolm 0 andMartin /uther Aing, since none of them were actually adocating the oerthrow of the nited )tatesgoernment, they ;ust happened to get in the way.

    /et's focus on a single eent which is much more recent, and far more releant to the inept would-be"F@$ warriors" among us.

    This is the story of a federal agent who tried to get three hippies to commit to a plan -- any plan -- to

     blow something up and brea! *ederal laws. #t too! her many months of prodding, lots of pushyconfrontations, and a lot of her *B# money, but they finally managed to frame their targets. :ep, that'sthe story in two sentences -- here's a great article that eplains it detail if you want more narratie bac!groun. #'m going to be eploring the tactical insights here. $hat amazed me most8 how "*ull)pectrum 2ominance" applies to the suriellance of actiists.

    5n Eanuary >@, the four toured the nstitute of 9orest =enetics in ;lacerville, using fa#enames and posing as college students for a tour. They were under surveillance the wholetime !y 9& agents and agents of the .. 9orest ervice.

    5n the morning of Eanuary >A, the 9& was #eeping a close eye on a ca!in in utch 9lat,a!out a half-hour north of /u!urn. The government had the ca!in and its four occupants--two men and two women--under ?@ a.m. in a >BBM maroon Chevy Kumina and traveleda!out A@ miles to a :mart in /u!urn. There were agents inside the store, watching them shop.,_Jr.#Recent_developments,_Jr.#Recent_developments

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    ippies are the butt of ;o!es for a reason, and these !ids were basically stumbling around in aminefield. /esson8 7ffectie 5GW is a &rocess that ta*es total sureillance for ranted4 #t must beeceedingly subtle and eecuted in plain sight.

    :9 M#@T B( $9&2(E#&@, as # was, how eactly *ederal agents ;ustify the dirtywor! they doundercoer, and there is a precise answer. #t's referred to as a Tier 4 9therwise #llegal 3ctiity when anagent brea!s the law in order to catch someone !rea#ing the law. The question of legal rights and

    entrapment is far too boring and irreleant to pursue, though, so let's moe along.

    )ince this is a cautionary tale, it's worth remembering the oerall rules for how punishment isdistributed. ere is how a I-member cell being set up on a *ederal leel will fare, on precedent8

    Oac! Henson, age >?, spent months in prison, then agreed to testify against Mc2aid.

    /auren $einer has an unfortunate last name, but at least it was a wealthy one -- she's been free on bailwith her family and also agreed to testify against Mc2aid. )he was also >? years old.

    (ric Mc2aid was sentenced to 45 years and D months. e's >C and got logically framed up as thedangerous ringleader. 6&ote to 2erric! Hensen fans8 shae the beard47

    3nd as for 3nna% The article says she made out alright8 "/ccording to testimony from acramento-

    !ased 9& pecial /gent asson 'al#er, she got paid at least JMD,@@@ for her wor#." 

    The reader could !e forgiven for thin#ing +m telling some sort of moral story -- perhaps implying that"/nna" is down with D=' and one of the cool #ids. /G. "/nna" is 6ust a servant of power -- and thosewho serve power historically fare no !etter than those who oppose it. 'hich is the su!6ect of my nextcautionary tale.

    Those Who Would Wor* .or The/

    /et's ;ust bypass 1aul $ellstone, Kincent *oster , the assassinations of H*A, E*A and the strange fatesEoberto +ali and *ran! 9lson. The past is dead, and the news has gien us a een-more interestingeample.

    Eoland +arnaby was a company man -- a eteran of the +#3, although that's a matter of some dispute.The other publicly !nown facts about +arnaby are not disputed, though, and they're eye-opening. 3t theage of F>, he was shot in the chest, handcuffed, and left to bleed to death while ouston 1olice officerswatched. The image aboe is real -- # cribbed it off a *o &ews website and it was ta!en from a newshelicopter. My own interpretation of facts is obious and predictable -- +arnaby either !new too muchor threatened the wrong people, both essentially the same problem.

    $hen you sere power, you cannot &rotect yourself fro/ those ho &rotect you4 9f course, whenyou fight power, you're left with the eact same problem again, and # apologize for ma!ing resistancesound futile.

     t is, though. Eesisting the momentum of your culture is absurd. $ho can seriously tal! about fightingglobalization% :ou might as well resist the 1acific 9cean.

    "/ll of this other stuff (a!out Carna!y+s mysterious life ) is all very interesting, !ut it is ofno consequence when you consider a man is dead and he died handcuffed and no!ody triedto stop the !leeding or anything," &rooten said. "Gou #now what you call that* Gou call thatan assassination." 

     Eett defended the officers at the scene, saying they are not trained to assist people with

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    method. 6Then again, maybe not8 recently #sraeli general :ossi 1eled said "The only effect #!now in warfare is to !ill the enemy."7 )o first, let's ta!e a loo! at my own cognitive !iases...

    i*ido narchis/

    My interest in warfare was awa!ened by the article &eocortical $arfare, which # immediately wrote a

    Brainsturbator article about. 6# go into more depth about my ision for F@$ in a recent $ishtan!interiew.7

    # suspect, but # cannot proe, that human beings can greatly amplify their personal power by aligningtheir goals and techniques with natural design. By fighting on the side of Kife on 7arth, we'e opted forthe most powerful aailable ally on the planet. 3dances in human technology are based on principlesdecoded from nature, and nature remains astly more sophisticated and robust than eisting humantechnology.

    )o although my friendly local wi!ipedia has a detailed article on the history and theory of war, # findthe "spectrum of conflict" and "measures short of war" driel to be mostly intellectual apologies for thena!ed eercise of state power. $e're all grown-ups, and we all !now that power !ills people eery day.

    C+est la vie for better or worse, and it's obiously worse. /et's set academia aside and as! somequestions instead.

    Pointed Huestions

    =an you ae ar ithout your o&&onent *noin it $ell, +ondoleeza Eice and 2onaldEumsfield were both totally shoc!ed by 5-44, weren't they% The concept of planes as weapons wasutterly unthin!able, despite the fact they were both repeatedly briefed about eactly that. :ou can iewthat as proof of conspiracy, or ;ust another eample of how cognitie bias blinds all humans equally.

    The concept of the secret war is not new to F@$, and # refer the reader to earlier and ecellent readsfrom dan tdap, dan tdap again , and Oenpundit.

    >s bloin arfare 3ccording to the 2epartment of 2efense, the answer is ":es." )ee, usindependent media types are engaged in #nformation 9perations 6#97, formerly !nown by the lessfriendly and ambiguous term "1sychological $arfare." 3s Hohn Eendon so eloquently put it8"#nformation is an instrument of national power, ;ust as military, economic and political. /i!e anyweapon or tool, the nited )tates @oernment needs to use it or cede the 'battlefield' to someone else."

    >s actiis/ arfare 3ccording to the $hite ouse, absolutely. 3ll you non-iolent liberal types areengaged in "/ow-#ntensity +onflict."

    NKow intensity conflict a political-military confrontation !etween contending states or groups !elowconventional war and a!ove the routine, peaceful competition among states. t frequently involves protracted struggles of competing principles and ideologies. Kow-intensity conflict ranges from su!version to the use of the armed forces. t is waged !y a com!ination of means, employing political,economic, informational, and military instruments. Kow-intensity conflicts are often localied, generally in the Third 'orld, !ut contain regional and glo!al security implicationsO

    re do/estic la enforce/ent o&erations arfare #t's an armed conflict, there's casualtiesinoled, and the parallels between domestic law enforcement and foreign counter-insurgency arestri!ing. /ethal use of force by police is legally ;ustified, but does that nescessarily ma!e it legitimate%6(ery non-ciilian casualty of war is legally ;ustified, too.7

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    >f I reported homicides. 2rawing off data from )wiel's"omicides in the )" spreadsheet, the 2rug $ar in +alifornia is claiming more than enough lieseery year to qualify as a "ma;or war" -- a year before &ew 9rleans pea!ed, +ali reported I,?5homicides. *rom 455? to 455I, the total number of ) homicides floated between >L,??? and >I,???annually -- then began a sharp decline. #t's been stable at oer 4,??? a year since >??4.

    :ast Word? -/itten 7ale

    )mitten (agle said "#Pm not sure # necessarily buy into the F@$ framewor!s yet. Trying to nail I@$Hell-9 to the wall is hard enough. F@$ is li!e nailing said Hell-9 while itPs still liquid." is eplanationof this is some of the best writing on F@$ #'e found so far -- from a comment at +hicago Boyz8

    N/s far as D=' goes, donPt thin# there is even a solid framewor# to rely on. ome havereferred to D=' as tactically !eing a!out changing the enemiePs 5!servation in the 55/loop to ma#e him thin# hePs not even in conflict with the enemy. 9or me, this is too close to

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    the political end of the ;olicy-'ar continuum of violence to !e considered warfare.

    5thers have spo#en a!out the role of the uper 7mpowered ndividual (7) as a ma6oractor in D='. Pm afraid that lone gunmen, in my conception of warfare, do not qualify asNorganied violence.O 9or violence to !e Norganied,O it requires an 5rganiation. /n5rganiation of 5ne is not an organiation. thin# there has to !e more to organied

    violence than a single pissed-off dude with lots of cunning.

     9inally, for D=' to actually exist, it needs to have a strong trac# record of convincingly!eating nto8icated >rreular


    # wanted to share some highly memora!le ecerpts from 1aul Eeton Aan's ecellent paper"2rug #ntoicated #rregular *ighters8 +omplications, 2angers and Eesponses." #t's a eryreadable study of the role drugs play in asymmetric warfare around the world.

    The first two quotes are entertaining, but the real brainfood is in the third part.

    %eally Bad >deas

    "2rugged conscripts hae been a danger to their own forces a soldier stationed near the Eussian borderwith @eorgia shot and !illed eight of his colleagues 6and wounded fie others7 during a hallucinogenicfit brought on by eating magic mushrooms."

    Io/bie >nsurency

    "+ombatant behaior is often influenced by an indiidualPs state of intoication. *or eample, .).Marines reportedly had to change their tactics when notified that the insurgents in *allu;ah were probably high and thus less li!ely to be stopped by standard shots to the torso. ;ne "arine stated that

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    'on the second day of the fiht, ord ca/e don to focus on head shots, that body shots ere not

    ood enouh,+ hile another co/&ared it to 'iht of the :iin eadK, &eo&le ho should hae

    been dead ere still alie4+

    -ecret Aistory of Lietna/

    "2uring the Aorean $ar, 3merican sericemen stationed in Aorea and Hapan inented the Qspeedball,Ran in;ectable miture of amphetamine and heroin. 94-4 troo&s in Lietna/ &referred /arijuana, buthen subject to a sudden /arijuana ban, they turned to heroin4 2iscipline problems quic!ly roseas one commanding officer lamented > years after the mari;uana crac!down, Nf it would get them to give up the hard stuff, would !uy all the mari6uana and hashish in the elta as a present.O

    "2rug use was so seere among 3merican troops in the later stages of the Kietnam $ar that /oresoldiers ere eacuated for dru &roble/s than for battlefield ounds41

    "The addiction rate of returning troops has been of constant concern to aerage citizens as well aselites. #n &oember 45D4, &ew :or! reported nearly 4?,??? heroin-addicted Kietnam eterans which,as discussed in this monograph, was the result of the .). militaryPs clamp down on widespreadmari;uana use by troops.

    eroin use among Kietnam eterans created societal fears of rising crime and disorder. Ti/e/aa@ine reflected the &ublic /ood by re&ortin that 'the s&ecter of ea&ons!trained,

    addicted co/bat eterans joinin the deadly strule for drus in the streets of /erica is

    o/inous444the =a&one era of the 20s /ay loo* li*e a -unday school &icnic by co/&arison41

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    rea/in 5GW? >nisible War

    "$hoeer finds me will !ill me." --=en. <

    5GW and /ar*etin hae a reat deal in co//on4 The one similarity #'d li!e to emphasize here8effective techniques are constantly mutating so fast that written theory is !asically an autopsy.  By thetime we can recognize a pattern or strategy, it will be useless to actual F@$ operaties. #t's hard tooerstate the speed of the turnoer here -- basically, what wor!ed in >??C will not wor! in >??C.

    "y Personal rea/ of 5GW

    The core tenet of #nisible $arfare is this8 circu/stances dictate4 This is not a cop-out, but a rigorouschallenge to epand your personal power, because most of the time, what circumstances dictate willinole s!ills you don't currently hae.

    That core tenet contains the first i/&eratie? situation aareness4 =ircu/stances can

    chane in a second and you need to /aintain focus and aareness4 This /ore co/&licated

    than /erely 1&ayin attention1 !! our hu/an brains hae built!in biases and desin flas

    that are hard to counteract, een after ee beco/e aare of the/4 What you see is seldo/

    hat youre loo*in at4

    "Than#s to telegraphs and modern communications, commanders are flooded with atsunami of almost meaningless facts." 

    --aval manual from 343

    >ts i/&ossible to achiee situation aareness hen ere constantly distracted, and unable to

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    isolate the i/&ortant details fro/ the /eaninless noise4 There are seeral as&ects of arfare and

    &oer &rojection, all ta*en for ranted as nescessary, that > beliee are counter!&roductie

    althouh not useless? secrecy, iolence, and intellience4

    -ecrecy only /atters hen secrecy /atters4 #n my own eperience, it seldom does. Bear in mind thatreal secrecy is etremely difficult to maintain -- an intensie demand on time and resources.

    Liolence is only nescessary hen iolence is nescessary4 3gain, it can usually be aerted or aoided,and more importantly eery non-iolent resolution you can create will increase your networ! and yourstrategic power. Eather than destroying your enemies, ma!e them tools, if not allies.

    >ntellience!atherin should be critical, and >/ not adocatin that you run around

    blindfolded4 > a/ cautionin aainst the donard s&iral of &aranoia, the disinfor/ation

    hall of /irrors, and /ost of all, the delusion that your assu/&tions and infor/ation are

    correct4 areness of the &resent /o/ent tru/&s any and all /odels, &atterns and beliefs

    that e8ist in your /on*ey head4

    The eath -&iral of =ontain/ent and =ontrol

    ere's one more common mista!e, which is both counter-productie and  useless8 the stratey ofcontain/ent and control4 @oernment power is achieed through their population base8 citizensgenerate the income, obey the laws and sere in the military, oluntarily or otherwise. Because of theetreme strategic importance of maintaining this power base, goernments spend an absurd amount ofresources on the containment and control of their ciilians.

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    *ortunately for those of us on the recieing end, containment and control are both impossible goals.$e're raised to imagine a grid of defined nation-states with precise borders, but in reality the entiresystem is riddled with tunnels, shortcuts, criminal networ!s, secret alliances, holes and crac!s and ;ust plain blindspots nobody's noticed yet. 1erhaps you will.

    +enturies after the myth of entropy first too! hold, people are still catching up to the common-sensewor! of #lya 1rigogine, who demonstrated that "closed systems" eist nowhere in nature. By interacting

    freely with our enironments, we free ourseles from the heat-death of entropy, but modeling ourcommunities after a closed system is a literal death sentence. (ndless boo!s hae been written aboutthe adantages of collaboration, freedom of speech, open source deelopment and globalization.3ctually applying that logic is difficult, opposed by the powerful ested interests of those who hae become wealthy and powerful protecting the sheep.

    The contain/ent and control syste/ is danerously stu&id, and free hu/ans hae an

    i/&eratie to disable that syste/ hereer &ossible4

    >nisible Warfare

    The definition of warfare is being reconsidered, but the discussion among generals and academics is

    secondary to the more hands-on approach of global terrorists, field commanders, organized crime,religious cults, tech companies, and upstart corporations.

    There is an eoling martial art of syste/s disru&tion that is radically s!ewing the power balance between indiidual humans and the eisting control and containment system. 1ut bluntly, with open!nowledge and legal tools, you personally can fuc! shit up on a catastropic scale.

    @lobal ciilization is ineitable, and terms are being negotiated as you read this. Most of the humanson (arth are not part of these negotiations -- only a anishingly small minority of powerful, connectedand wealthy people. This is ineitable, too8 hy ould the &oerful neotiate ith anyone else

    s officers unla& clai/ in their recent essay /ericas Greatest Wea&on?

    "There is really no escape...Today+s captains carefully cultivate information sources amongthe locals as the /rmyPs new counterinsurgency manual teaches them to do. chooled in themanual, such captains deliver offers the insurgents canPt refuse0 !e captured or !e #illed.

    These are exactly the #inds of dilemmas the .. military loves to impose upon ourenemies." 

    -yste/s disru&tion chanes the contain/ent and control a/e by offerin a third choice?

    stale/ate4 This is so/ehere beteen a "asada self!sacrifice and "utually ssured estruction4

    The social contract needs to be radically re!neotiated to acco/odate citi@ens ho are ca&able of

    cri&&lin society itself4

    +ontainment and control is no longer an option because of this precise problem of empowerment. :ouonly need to protect citizens who are incapable of defending themseles -- the entire comple of"homeland security" and border control relies on ignorant, disempowered citizens -- helpless normalfol!s. This is not written for them.

    $ithout the ecuse of protection, goernment control and interention become a na!ed power play.The choice is presented to you as "be captured or be !illed." )ubmission equals life, resistance equalsdeath -- the Military of a "free country" parroting science fiction monsters li!e the Borg. )ystemsdisruption offers a third choice, but at great cost. *ran!ly, it's pretty stupid, but nescessary, because it

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