
The Annexation of Texas

Expansion in Texas

• Mexicans invited U.S. to settle in TX and buy lots of cheap land

• Texas became very popular, and Andrew Jackson tried to buy it for $5 million.

• Mexican Pres. Santa Anna began to regret invitation to U.S.

Expansion in Texas

• Two sides clashed on issues such as slavery and culture

• Santa Anna revoked all local powers of U.S. in TX and imprisoned leaders.

• Armies gathered, and fighting broke out.

• Santa Anna’s much larger army killed all 187 U.S. troops at the Alamo (fort)

Remember the Alamo!

• President Polk and Americans were outraged at the Alamo.

• Led by Sam Houston, U.S. struck back and captured Santa Anna.

• Let him go only if he signed treaty to grant Texas independence.

• Houston became the president of Republic of Texas.

Texas Joins Union

• Houston wanted Texas annexed into the U.S.

• Southerners liked the idea, but Northerners didn’t, why?

• Polk, a slave holding Pres., annexed Texas

• Mexican Government was furious, which led to….

Slidell’s Rejection

• (1844) Slidell was sent to Mexico to purchase California, NM, and approve the Texas border.

• He was refused, and the US sent troops to the Rio Grande.– Led by Zachary Taylor

The War Begins

• Mexico responded by sending their own troops to the border, killing 9 US soldiers. Polk used the death’s to persuade war on Mexico.– Illinois Representative Abraham Lincoln

questioned the truthfulness of the report

The Republic of California

• When Polk tried to buy California from the Mexican government they refused, so a group of American settlers declared their independence. – John C. Fremont – governed California

The War in Mexico

• The American invasion of Mexico lasted about a year, and under the leadership of the nation's best generals easily defeated the Mexican army.

• Future implications for leaders– Winfield Scott– Robert E. Lee– Ulysses S. Grant

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

• Rio Grande border between MX and US

• U.S. got rights to New Mexico and Cali.

• U.S. paid Mexico $15 million for the Mexican Cession (see map)

• Five years later, U.S. made Gadsden Purchase for an extra $10 million– Established current border of U.S.– Helped establish transcontinental railroad

The Rush Begins

• Word of gold in California spread across the nation as people rushed in searching for riches, neglecting the cleanliness and quality of towns and cities.
