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4 SCOTS The Blue Hackle


‘Disciplined and Ready’

Commanding Officer’s Foreword

A very happy New Year to you all. I will keep this short as the Battlegroup is very busy which is a good thing and testament to all the hard work going on in theatre. But, I will take this opportunity to thank you all for your generosity in sending us all parcels over the Festive period. I have never eaten so much - mince pies, chocolate and Christmas cakes were everywhere and gave even southern Afghanistan a Christmas feel. Finally, we look forward to welcoming D Company here in the near future and to sending the combined A and B Company to Jordan. 2014 is starting at a fair pace.

Commanding Officer 4 SCOTS: Lt Col J C Roddis MBE

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4 SCOTS The Blue Hackle


‘Disciplined and Ready’

Manoeuvre Battlegroup’s Christmas The Manoeuvre Battlegroup celebrated Christmas in style in Camp Bastion. The Second-in-Command, as I/C Christmas, laid on a fantastic evening of fun and cheer on Christmas Eve. Following the age old Army tradition, festivities began with the Officers serving Christmas dinner to the Jocks in our own private dining room.

As a multinational organisation, the Danish and Estonian contingents were fully immersed in our celebrations and the Danish contingent’s skit parodying our daily evening update was once again a sign of their excellent sense of humour. The Estonian’s showed their artistic flair, with an excellent Christmas blanket entry that narrowly missed out on winning the competition.

LCpls Cook and Hay enjoy their ‘taste of home’ at the STERGA 2 Christmas Lunch.

The Estonian Christmas blanket entry.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

The seasonal merriment continued late into the evening, with a midnight carol service supported brilliantly by the Artillery brass band at which the Brigade Commander was our guest. You may have caught sight of this event on Sky News on Christmas day, with the Second-in-Command, Major Jes Giles, front and centre singing a solo – he is now challenging Captain Ed Challis as the media starlet of the Tour.

On Christmas day, the Commanding Officer visited all the Battlegroup’s outstations including STERGA 2. Morale was very high and although all were understandably thinking of home they made best of the day. For then Corporal now Sergeant Verity, it was especially memorable as DCOMISAF, General John Lorimer, promoted him. The many parcels and presents sent from the UK, including Irn Bru and Tunnocks caramel wafers, have all been greatly received and were very much appreciated.

The whole Battlegroup joined together for the midnight carol Service, supported by the Royal Artillery brass band.

Santa was promoted by General Lorimer (top left), WO1 (Comd SM) Main’s elves protected him (bottom left), and the masses attended the midnight carol service (bottom right).

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

Just after Christmas the Battlegroup deployed on its largest and longest operation so far, a 10 day deployment to help protect the recovery of American Forces from one of their bases as part of their drawdown in Helmand. The operation started on Boxing Day and involved the entire Battlegroup, over 400 people and 58 vehicles. We deployed to the tune of Caber Feidh played by RQMS(T) Lambert with blue skies but freezing temperatures. The temperatures dropped to -12C at night with the wind-chill but the attitude and application of the all the soldiers was exemplary.

The operation involved us protecting an isolated route in the Dashte (desert) and was a success. It showed the Battlegroup can operate very effectively with our American allies. On the last day of the operation we made sure a convoy of over 180 vehicles was able to transit some 40km unmolested by the insurgency and move safely back to Bastion. To keep the Battlegroup functioning over the prolonged operation, we conducted rolling resupplies in the Dashte. Captain Gentry led these rolling resupplies; a patrol that we have not had to use since BATUS last summer and something which British Forces have not completed on operations in the last decade.

As an aside, during the operation we celebrated New Year in the Dashte with non-alcoholic Champagne, a traditional Danish marzipan treat and a slightly gratuitous illumination fire mission to provide the fireworks – a first for many and a memorable experience.

RQMS(T) Lambert piped the Battlegroup out onto the operation.

Welcoming 2014 in the Afghanistan desert.

The rolling resupplies delivered cakes and treats as well as the essentials.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

Task Force Belleau Wood Force Protection Multiple

As the temperatures have plummeted below zero this past month, one cannot avoid likening the Jocks in their concrete towers on the perimeter, to the ‘Knights Watch’ protecting the Wall from Game of Thrones; although with less facial hair and animal skins! It has indeed been cold, as Sgt MacLean-MacInnes and I found out on spending a few days doing our stint on sentry in our new ‘command post’ within one of the Tower positions. Every measure has been taken to ensure the Jocks remain effective and comfortable; kerosene heaters and arctic sleeping bags have been acquired with the Jocks now complaining that at night they are “pure roasting, man!” and are waking up soaked in sweat!

Just at the point in which the monotony of the task was perhaps becoming more apparent, the festive season fell upon us with a whole raft of Christmas mail finding its way up to the Jocks in the Towers. Decorations went up, Christmas hats went on and the classic tunes were being pumped out – all managing to

Christmas Lunch...thankfully not a brussel sprout in sight!

Hldr Brown and Hldr Scott make the best of Hldr Agnew's birthday.

Cpl McDermott attempting to make the Jocks ‘see’ the sign during a Ground-sign Awareness lesson.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

bring out the ‘scrooge’ within Sgt MacLean-MacInnes. Commander of TFH and 7th Armoured Brigade, Brigadier Woodham, came up to visit the Jocks on the Towers prior to Christmas and our own Commanding Officer and RSM included us in their rounds on Christmas Day. The day itself was marked with a bespoke Christmas Lunch along with me relieving the Jocks of sentry duties throughout the day. This allowed much joviality to be had amongst the teams.

The task continues into 2014 with the onset of a new year reinforcing Cpl McDermott’s constant (false) promises that he will stop smoking forever. LCpl Cossar will continue to have his ‘chi’ ruined through his OCD being catastrophically dissatisfied in the event of taking-over towers from LCpl Mackenzie, and Hldr Agnew will continue to amaze with his sudden outpourings of romance about his recently engaged fiancé and the female species in general.

On behalf of the whole Multiple, thanks must go to all those who have sent out welfare parcels and Christmas presents over the period and we wish you all a successful start to 2014.

Officer Commanding FP Multiple: Lt Olly Gourd

LCpl Cossar's sketching and observation lesson allows for some 'bird watching' on the US flight-line!

LCpl Mackenzie making full-use of his makeshift board whilst teaching the ‘Principles of Defence’.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

B Company Christmas Eve saw B Company head over to join the Manoeuvre Battle Group for Christmas Dinner, served by the Officers, and Carols by torchlight. Despite everyone missing home, the atmosphere was very festive, with some particularly strong singing performances, and some excellent skits reflecting the multinational nature of Battle Group.

The jocks were given a lie in on Christmas Day, before heading into the office to receive presents. The generosity of both the British and American public has been huge, with all of the Advisor Team receiving gifts from both countries, making Christmas away from home that much easier. Hldr Millan’s elf outfit, and some excellent Christmas jumpers and Santa suits, further raised morale on a very crisp Afghan morning. Looking forward, January will see us start training 300 experienced soldiers from the fighting Brigades of 215 Corps. They will be learn how to instruct in their specialist areas, before returning to their units to instruct their own soldiers.

It was a welcome break from teaching for the mentors from B Coy 4 SCOTS at the RCBS when they got to relax and have a friendly game of football against their Afghan counterparts. The jocks enjoyed the game, which was very close but saw the Afghan's claim victory with a score line of 8 goals to 6. The Afghans had home ground advantage and the Jocks struggled to get used to playing on a gravel pitch, which proved to be difficult to

The teams line up before the kick-off.

You can’t beat a good bit of Christmas spirit.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

negotiate. That said the Jocks made a strong comeback in the second half; scoring 4 times in quick succession. Another ten minutes of play would have given the jocks a strong chance of drawing the match. The support was very one sided, with 1500 Afghan's supporting the home side and OC B Coy feeling very lonely supporting the RCBS. When the Afghans scored a goal, Col Shah Wali's would order "Chak Chak" to the crowd who would then beak out into violent applause and yelling. When B Coy scored there was silence!

Officer Commanding B Company / RCBS

Executive Officer: Major Jono Kelmanson

While the 1,500 strong home crowd cheered on the Afghan’s, OC B Coy had to give the Jocks an inspirational half-time talk.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

Exercise ASKARI STORM 3 – Kenya In late 2013, 40 members from across 4 SCOTS were fortunate enough to deploy to Kenya on Exercise ASKARI STORM 3 with the 2 MERCIAN Battle Group.

Kenya has long been used as a training base for British Forces and with the return to contingency operations sweeping across the Army, the training experiences and lessons learnt in Kenya would

stand us in excellent stead for whatever challenges we face in 2014. After the standard long drive from Fallingbostel to Brize Norton and a long flight from Brize to Nairobi, we finally arrived in Kenya. From the outset Africa did not disappoint. Even as we began our journey inland, noses could be seen pressed up against the windows of the buses as the jocks got their first taste of the sights, sounds and smells of Eastern Africa. The bus journey in fact was only the beginning of our acclimatization and as we finally settled ourselves in the town of Nanuyki, under the awe inspiring views of Mount Kenya, the men of 4 SCOTS gradually became more and more accustom to the heat, altitude and feel of Kenya. Upon the arrival of the 2 MERCIAN main body, who were arriving from Northern Ireland, the 4 SCOTS contingent

Members of 4 SCOTS deployed to Kenya on a 6 week exercise.

One of the better backdrops you’ll see to a shell scrape.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

were split to their relevant specialist Platoons (Fire Support Group and Snipers) and Duty Companies to start their individual training in earnest. The training areas used throughout the deployment were as varied and interesting as the country itself. From the intensely hot and arid Arches Post, where moving through the brush resembled running through razor wire in an oven, to the lush and mountainous areas of Lol Deiga National Park where one would encounter all of the big wildlife for which Kenya has become famous. The training was run by both the Battle Group and BATUK, and was split into 4 distinct and progressive phases. The phases would see 2 MERCIAN move from basic section/team drills up through Platoon and Company; finishing with a Battle Group final exercise. Throughout each challenging phase, lessons were learnt, some positive such as how to navigate and keep balanced when moving through the dense African bush towards an objective; and some negative, like do not eat Elephant dung as a bet unless you want to be hospitalized with aggressive parasites (which one member of 2 MERCIAN found out).

The positives of working and training with the 2 MERCIAN BG in Kenya are too great to list, but with some of the highlights ranging from the nervous anticipation of watching a pride of lions walk through your ambush, to the mass Battle Group Defensive phase where scores of enemy rushed the forward positions amongst a barrage of simulated artillery and mortar fire. It is safe to say that all the members of 4 SCOTS returned back to a much colder Germany with scores of valuable experiences under their belts and a host of new friends and colleagues made.

Officer Commanding Fire Support Group: Captain Ross Hold

Patrolling through some of the arid terrain Kenya has to offer.

The Jocks seemed to really enjoy the exercise in Kenya and the fantastic scenery.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

Recce Platoon – CP STERGA 2 The troops at PB STERGA 2 have maintained their excellent reputation in Task Force Helmand whilst balancing support to operations, camp duties, patrols and a whole host of visits and events. The most famous visitor to date was Prime Minister David Cameron. During his visit he was shown around our luxury accomodation by LCpl White and Cpl Ellis. Unfortunately, the photo which made the BBC news was Capt Challis giving a 5-finger point onto a 1:50,000 map; his former Brecon Instructor and Platoon Sergeant, CSgt Campbell, was less than impressed!

Although we couldn’t be with our families for Christmas, we kept 4 SCOTS traditions alive. The Blanket Competition was won by ‘The Cpls Mess’ and 4 SCOTS very own Padre Berry led a Carol

Singing service in the evening. The Officers and Sergeants were put on all the Sanger duties, served the Jocks their dinner and cleaned up the dishes. Thanks to some very generous welfare packages all the Jocks also got a can of Irn-Bru to have with their dinner. Perhaps it wasn’t the same as a beer to wash down the turkey but we can all agree it was a close second.

In other news, Captain Edward Challis, the lone competitor of the Inaugural and only PB STERGA 2 Marathon completed 60.2 Laps of the base (there and back) in a time of 5hours16mins; a full 2hours 20 slower than his Hamburg marathon time…Safe to say the conditions weren’t great! On the bright side he raised a total of £275 for the Royal Regiment of Scotland Association. Well done Ed.

The Prime Minister got the full guided tour during his visit.

Capt Anderson and Cpl Ellis start the dishes with high morale.

Capt Challis’ Marathon effort.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

The self-named ‘Tripod’ swap summer evenings in Fallingbostel for The Jock’s Christmas Dinner in STERGA 2. Smiles either way. Aren’t they cute?!

In a bid to beat the inevitable January Blues the team at PB STERGA 2 also became a viral Internet sensation thanks to the ‘PB STERGA 2 – Happy’ video of all the troops dancing around the base to Pharrell Williams’ song Happy. Captain Anderson currently owes the Mess 3 cases of champagne for this publicity; with the tab still very much open.

We would all like to thank you at home for your continuing support online with kind messages, the countless welfare packages and mince pies we received over the christmas period. A strange and difficult time but we kept morale high.

Second in Command STERGA 2: Captain Finlay Anderson

Captain Anderson’s 5 minutes of Fame.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

Delta Company

December has finally seen Delta Company deploy to Afghanistan…even if it was only for 10 days!

On Sunday 8 December the Company moved to Hanover and flew via Cyprus to Camp Bastion. We received a warm welcome from WO2 Easton and his team and were taken to our accommodation in the ‘Reception, Staging & Onward Integration’ (RSOI) camp. OPTAG put on an excellent training package which was enhanced with an additional 5 day training package, supported by the Manoeuvre Battle Group. It may seem odd to fly 4000 miles to an

operational theatre to conduct training;

but we achieved more in 10 days in Bastion than we could have achieved in 2 months in Germany. The training facilities were second to none with genuine ‘Afghan compounds’, local role players, the latest equipment, the latest tactics and more ammunition than we could hope to fire. Mid-way through our time in theatre the Commanding Officer gave the Company the welcome news that Delta Company would be deploying to Afghanistan in February as the Heavy Protective Mobility Company for the

Delta Company getting used to the Mastiff vehicle, while Hldrs Thrussle and King enjoy the comforts of a Foxhound.

Storemen doing what they do best…guarding the stores.

Jocks learn to get up close and personal during Close Quarter Marksmanship (left) and Heavy weapons training (right).

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

Manoeuvre Battle Group. After a full year conducting Mission Specific Training for Op Herrick 19 it was a great relief that we would finally have the opportunity to deploy with the rest of the Battle Group.

Having achieved all we had hoped from our short stay in Afghanistan, the Company departed on a well-earned Christmas leave, eager for the challenges of 2014!

Officer Commanding Delta Company: Major Will Colquhoun

Cpl Rumble takes his role-playing a little too seriously.

Hldr Knott demonstrates his medical skills on his Platoon Commander.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

Rear Operations Group (ROG) – Hogmanay Party A week before Christmas it became apparent that there was no event taking place for Battalion personnel and families to see in 2014. With this in mind, the RAO gathered a select few to form a committee in order to provide a function and raise the morale of those on their own over the New Year period.

A huge thank you goes out to SSgt Robbie Bain, Sgt Lee Bates, Sgt Ginge McKay and the ever present Mrs Amanda Nash; without whom this event would have been left by the wayside. Not forgetting a big thank you to Hldr Ryan MacDonald who managed to work the bar and then drive personnel home. Also to both Mrs & SSgt Nash who tirelessly worked as bar staff for 6 hours before handing it over to the RAO.

The night commenced with a glass of bubbly and proceeded with a good old fashioned disco, raffle and money tree. The chefs impressed with a Hog roast and buffet, and there was enough food to soak up at least

some of the drink. Service in Germany puts us the British Army in the unique position of celebrating the New Year at

midnight European time

and then again at midnight UK time. UK midnight was celebrated in true Highlanders style with WO2 Martin MacDonald piping in 2014 with a medley on his pipes and taking advantage of his last chance to perform for the Bn as a member of 4 SCOTS.

The evening was a success for all that attended and €385.46 was raised for the just giving cause.

Regimental Administrative Officer/Events Organiser: Captain June Franklin AGC(SPS)

Hogmanay Committee Members.

WO2 Martin piped in the New Year.

A fireworks display at midnight was provided by a slightly inebriated FSA.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’


Jocks’ Christmas Lunch

The annual Jocks’ Christmas Lunch was held in St Barbara’s Cookhouse and was enjoyed by all. It is the time of year that the contents on the plate grow wings with the odd tattie and sprout flying around. Some of the jocks even wore paper hats to try and ease the pain in case they were caught in the cross-fire!

In keeping with the age old Army tradition, it was the Officers and SNCOs who served the Jocks their lunch and even tidied up afterwards too! The Pipes and Drums were this year’s winner of the blanket competition, with their entry being a montage of their busy schedule during 2013, showing all of the events that they have attended.

The Jocks’ Christmas Lunch proved popular once again.

The Waiters!

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

Wives’ Christmas Dinner

The Wives Christmas Dinner in Hectors 2013. With over 60 wives attending the dinner night and Miss Cookie (drag artist) providing some excellent entertainment, the night was in full swing to the wee small hours. The evening proved to be more than just a drink in Hectors, as the dance floor was constantly busy. The UWO managed to persuade all the available living in Officers Mess members to act as waiters under the watchful eye of Captain Angus Steele, while Miss Cookie took a shine to Lt Chris Hill, who loved all the attention.

Unit Welfare Officer: Captain Billy McLaren

Miss Cookie entertained the crowd.

The dance floor was constantly busy throughout the event.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

Celebrity Support for 4 SCOTS The Christmas Celebrity support for the Highlanders continues to come from the East End of

London this month in the form of the cast members of Eastenders. Jake Wood (Max

Branning), Patsy Palmer and Lindsey Coulson (Bianca and Carol Jackson), Rita Simmons (Roxy Mitchell), Ricky Norwood (Fat Boy) and Kellie Bright (Linda Carter) took time out of filming to show their support. The cast wanted everyone at 4 SCOTS to know that we are in their thoughts this Christmas, saying

“We really appreciate the difficult and perilous work you do on our behalf. We wish you all our very best wishes!”

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

If you know a Celebrity or just see someone famous in the street, then tell them about our fundraising during H19 and get a photograph of them showing their support. Send your ‘Celebrity Supporter’ pictures to [email protected] and let’s see who appears on the pages of next month’s Blue Hackle.

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

4 SCOTS in the Media The Christmas and New Year period has seen the media spotlight remain on the members of 4 SCOTS with many, and varied, sources publishing stories of the Jocks’ excellent work. Late in November, BFBS had a short stay in PB STERGA 2 during which time they produced a ‘Day in the Life’ news broadcast. The tour of the most remote and austere base still manned by British forces is still available to view online.

A Day in STERGA 2 on BFBS

STERGA 2 was also featured during the news broadcasts of Prime Minister David Cameron’s visit to Helmand Province. See Captain Ed Challis and the jocks in STERGA 2 as part of the short bulletin.

Prime Minister David Cameron visits Helmand Province The continued good work of B Company at the RCBS has also made the press this month, with BFBS News releasing this broadcast to highlight the continued successes of the ANA. It also shows the Jocks narrow Footballing defeat to the ANA warriors.

ANA Officers complete their training at the RCBS

STERGA 2’s HAPPY FEET music video has been a huge success this month. Available on the British Army, Royal Regiment of Scotland and BFBS Facebook pages, as well as featured in the Press & Journal on 9 Jan 14, it also hit the National papers including The Mail Online, The Scottish Sun and The Daily Star. On Twitter it has received over 11,000 hits so check it out now! 4 SCOTS and the team at STERGA 2 get rid of their January Blues – if they can do it so can you.

To keep fully up to date with all that’s happening in theatre follow us on Hector’s Welfare

Facebook page, The Royal Regiment of Scotland Facebook page and the 4 SCOTS JustGiving site.

All links must be accessed through open source internet. They will not work on Dii, RLI or MS.

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Other Photographs This Month

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‘Disciplined and Ready’

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‘Disciplined and Ready’