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Page 1: The civil war

by: Chanyang, Stephanie, GabrielleIn class 722.

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Robert E. Lee was running away from Ulysses S. Grant, Lee wanted to fight but the situation he was in was not good. He sent a letter to Grant saying he was surrendering.

On April 9, 1865 they met in a tiny Virginia town of Appomattox Court House to arrange the surrender. Grant offered many generous terms of surrender, one them was to let the confederates to return home in peace with their private possessions.

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Confederate Army

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David E. Twiggs

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Emancipation Proclamation

The Emancipation Proclamation was a issued by President Lincoln on January 1 1863, he believed that all slaves should be emancipated. Though it was passed, it didn’t free all the slaves, it only freed the slaves that weren’t in control under the Union Army, it also allowed the slaves to fight in the Union Army and Navy.

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Frederick Douglass

• Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey was born in February 1818 on the eastern shore of Maryland. He was son to a slave women and an unknown white man.• Spent his early years in his grandparent’s house and aunt, he only saw his mother four or five times before her death. • Douglass was in the antislavery movement. He protested against segregation policies by sitting in whites-only trains. •He founded the North Star, an antislavery newspaper, in Rochester, N.Y. in 1847. His home was a station on the Underground Railroad. •He helped recruit African-American soldiers for the Union army and conferred with President Lincoln on slavery many times.

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Gettysburg Address

The Gettysburg Address was a very famous speech President Lincoln had told in honor if the men that had sacrificed their life for a new nation. “Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent, as a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men were created equal.”

- Beginning of Gettysburg Address

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Harriet Tubman

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Irvin McDowell

• Born in Ohio and graduated from West Point in 1838. He then followed his career path as a civil war leader.• McDowell fought many great battles, from Bull run to other battles in the Civil war.•He was good at fighting, and stayed that way for many years, until the Battle of Bull Run. This battle shook his military career from being decent.•McDowell was then giving commanded of the Pacific on July 1864 after he retired.•He died three years later in 1867.

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John Wilkes Booth

• John Wilkes Booth was the murderer of Abraham Lincoln in the Ford Theatre at 10'o clock on April 14, 1865.• Booth had been a actor from Maryland who had a very successful career. He gave up this career secretly to try and kill the president at the time, Abraham Lincoln.• Booth wasn't as concerned about the issue of slavery unlike other southerners, but he convinced himself mentally that he would do the right thing for the south killing Lincoln. •Before Lincoln died, he was watching a play going on in the theatre. The last words he hear was from the lead actor Asa Trenchard. "Don't know the manners of good society, eh?" "Wal, I guess I know enough to turn you inside out, old gal-you sock-dologizing old mantrap!"

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The Ku Klux Klan was an original social club made by 6 confederate veterans formed in the winter of 1865 to 1866. Before being a terrorist organization, the Ku Klux Klan was a secretive, fraternity club. Being first formed in Tennessee, consisting of majors, judges, sheriffs, and criminals. The main target for the club were the social and political leaders of the black community groups. They would either whip, beat, or murder them, whether they were children, women, and men, aged or crippled, they were all victims. They did this to taunt blacks from voting or having freedom. Ku Klux Klan’s activity died down in 1875 but then it was revived in 1915.

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Lincoln, Abraham

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Nat Turner

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Quartermaster Corps.

The Quartermaster Corps. was a organization that provided supplies for the troops. This department helped in the civil war, in 1862 the Quartermaster Corps under the leadership of MG Montgomery C. Meigs, buried the dead , supplied the Union Army with over half a million soldiers, and held national cemeteries.

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Xenophobia is when people were afraid or hate another race, in other words it was racism. Xenophobia took a heavy role in the Civil War, one group that was affected by this was the Ku Klux Klan, they murdered a whole black family because of their fear.

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The true, original Zouave forces were North African troops fighting in the French Army in the year of 1830. They fought later on in the Crimea and in Italy in the year of 1850. The Zouaves were known to be well trained and disciplined, and were rumored to often cause mischief and rowdiness on the battlefield. The Zouave's uniform, with its colorful and fancy design, was appealed to many militias fighting in the civil war. By the end of the war, however, hardly any militia's were wearing Zouave inspired uniforms

