Page 1: The European Union By: Helen Squitieri and Erik Mahal

The European Union

By: Helen Squitieri and Erik Mahal

Page 2: The European Union By: Helen Squitieri and Erik Mahal

Before We Start

A brief video on the European Union and the benefits it brings its people A strive for free education or at least the

opportunity to be educated anywhere in the EU In unrestricted traveling (eurorail) Free trade between member states No tariffs between EU states Health services Human Rights European Union Introduction Video

Page 3: The European Union By: Helen Squitieri and Erik Mahal

The Composition of the EU

27 States Includes:

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Membership? Candidates for Membership

Croatia Iceland Macedonia Montenegro Turkey

Potential Candidate Herzegovina Serbia

Joining the EU Each Country must meet the

Copenhagen criteria Defined by the 1993

Copenhagen European Council Requirements

Stable democracy Respect human rights and rule

of law Functioning market economy

Able to compete within the EU Accepting obligations of

membership Follow EU law

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Basic Information

Population 495 million people

Area 4 million square kilometers France is the largest country Malta is the smallest country All countries are located in Europe

Classification Supranational organization

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The Treaties that form the EU

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Important Information Regarding the EU Convergence criteria

The steps EU members must satisfy in order to be eligible to join the single currency Includes debt and deficit level checks, interest and currency

exchange rate levels. Ex. Greece was denied on the first try

Stability Pact: Each country must meet each guideline Annual budget deficit must not exceed 3% of the total GDP Annual inflation rate must not exceed 3% Germany and France (presumed leaders of the EU) both

have violated the pact with no consequences

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Allocation of Funds

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Information cont. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

Subsidy: a guaranteed payment from a government to a producer, usually farmers, for a certain commodity

An artificial raising of prices Designed to make all subsidies equal between member

states France fought hardest against this regulation (it hurts it

richer farmers, while benefitting poorer farmers in poorer countries.

Fundamental Charter of Rights Basic individual rights according to the EU Includes provisions:

Banning capital punishment, guaranteed health care for all, equal pay for equal work among genders

Page 10: The European Union By: Helen Squitieri and Erik Mahal

Government Seven parts:

European Parliament Council of the European

Union European Commissions European Council European Central Bank Court of Justice of the

European Union European Court of


Leaders European Council

Herman Van Rompuy European Commissions

Jose Manuel Barroso European Parliament

Jerzy Buzek European Union

Jerzy Buzek

Page 11: The European Union By: Helen Squitieri and Erik Mahal

European Parliament

Legislative branch The battle for seats

Originally based on population per state Today, eastern European countries receive less votes,

so the older countries are favored Voting turnouts

Poor Even with hype about new members, still poor turnout

Possibly because people see this branch a weak or meaningless

Those who do vote are more likely to cast a protest vote according the their countries performance

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European Court of Justice

Membership Each EU member state has one judge

Holds judicial review over decisions made by courts in member states

ex. The Court of Justice can overturn the House of the Lord’s decisions

Has power to limit member sovereignty via its rulings

Page 13: The European Union By: Helen Squitieri and Erik Mahal

EU Constitution?

Includes all treaties mentioned previously Would create a stronger EU presidency Would coordinate EU foreign policy Tony Blair allowed for a referendum

More states followed The proposed constitution failed.

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Headquarters Brussels (largest seat)

European Council mostly based in Brussels The Council of the European Union (9 out of 12 months) European Commissions

Luxembourg Secretariat of the Council of the European Parliament The Council of the European Union (in April, June and October) The European Court of Justice General Court Court of Auditors European Investment Bank

Strasburg European Parliament

Frankfurt European Central Bank

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Legislative Procedure

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Current events

23 Languages are spoken in the European Union so how does each committee communicate?

Google under investigation by the eu Lybia worries EU foreign ministers