Page 1: The Fitzhugh Legacy - Chapter 1

Hello, fellow Simmers! Welcome to Chapter 1 of my first Legacy attempt, the Fitzhugh Legacy. Excuse the quality of the pictures,it didn't occur to me to adjust the settings until my founder had graduated college, so they're not that great. Other than that, Ihope you enjoy reading this! It's been fun for me to put together.

On with the story!

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Once upon a time there was a young, aspiring authoress, who, between projects, decided she wanted to try something completelydifferent from what she normally wrote. One day, a friend directed her to the Legacy Challenge. After reading it over, she decidedit would be worth a shot. Not only would she be able to write about her character, she would be able to watch as he or she tackledlife's obstacles and interact with other people. The authoress immediately set to work creating her legacy founder.

And that is how Zelda Fitzhugh, fresh from CAS, came to attend Sim State University.

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Evening, Zelda.

"Hi. Um, you're that Supreme Authoress chick I talked to before I got here, right?"

That's right. You can call me Marina, though. It's easier to say and we'll be talking a lot.

"Right, so why am I in college? I thought you said you were going to help me get a good job and start a family."

I am. You getting a degree will help. See, when you get to the lot, you're not going to have a lot of money, so going throughcollege first will put you higher on the career track you choose and help you earn the money for a house faster.

"Sounds like a plan, then."

Good. Zelda is a Pisces Knowledge Sim (5 Neat, 3 Outgoing, 7 Active, 3 Playful, and 7 Nice) with the Lifetime want to be a MadScientist. She's very easy to please, too. It's nice to have someone I can get along with as my founder.

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Zelda had to live in the dorm for a while until she got the funds for a Greek House, so she utilized the time to make friends. Whatbetter way to bond than Smustling? Though you'll notice they're not at all in sync.

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Smustling done, it's time for a term paper. What's the topic, Zel?

"The Philosophy of Ancient Playwrights.”

Sounds interest- hold on a second, you're a drama major, aren't you?

"Yep. Which, you know, makes no sense considering my lifetime want.”

Call it being bored with the science major and planning ahead considering you have to reroll your Aspiration at junior year.

"I DO? *panics* But I like being a Knowledge Sim!”

I know, I like you being a Knowledge Sim, too. But rules are rules. Don't worry, you'll be just as happy with whatever you roll next.

"I'd better be, or I'm backing out of this."

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"Um, excuse you, random ugly dude! You shouldn't go around poking other people, particularly ones you don't even know."

I hate this guy. Zelda wandered out of her room to bond with her dormmates and get her social up, and the first thing thathappened was that he poked her. They haven't even met. I smell a mean Sim.

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When your social is low, the cafeteria worker is always there for a chat.

"He's really nice, Marina. And he works all day cooking for us. I should talk to him more."

You should try talking to the rest of your dorm more, too. You're going to need the friends for when you graduate and get a job.

"No problem on my end! Except for that ugly mean dude."

I sure don't blame you there.

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This is what freshman year looked like:

1) Skilling

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2) Fun building in preparation for more skilling

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3) Studying and term papers

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4) Much Smustling with the co-eds (they're in synch this time!)

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5) More skill-building

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And sophomore year...we get the Energizer! Hooray! Now she can skill and study fast and then do whatever she wants for the restof the semester. Congratulations on that 4.0, by the way, Zelda.

"Thaaaaaaank yooooooooou....... *giggles insanely* Weeeeeeee!"


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Zelda has been making friends outside the dorm, too. Here she's talking to the professor she wants to befriend.

"Aww, I'm sorry things didn't work out with the llama, Professor Shaw. But there are lots of other people out there. You'll find theright one soon. *sweatdrops* No, I'm not available, I have a crush on someone else. Thanks for the offer, though, I'm flattered.Really!"

Drama professors. *shakes head* Hey, Zel, this crush is news to me, who is it? That interesting looking blonde guy who livesupstairs?

"Nope, someone else."

He'd better be cute. This is a Legacy, you know, and I don't want your children being born with fish lips or something like that.

"No fish lips, promise."

All righty, carry on then.

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"So I think podiums are pretty much useless for public speaking. People are so much more effective when they're not hidingbehind something, because they have to be more animated then."

"That's a great point, Zelda! Do you mind if I use that in my next speech?"

"Not at all!"

Zelda, isn't that the 'mean ugly guy' you wouldn't go near earlier?

"He hasn't tried to poke me in ages. We actually have a lot in common."

Good to hear.

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Y'know, Zelda, if you don't want to use a podium you could at least have an interesting topic. No one wants to listen to a speechabout the negative effects of empty speech bubbles.

"I thought I'd practice the fine art of B.S. Just in case I forget what I'm saying in the middle of a speech."

Oh, so THAT'S what that represents. I getcha. Carry on, then.

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As a reward for getting through college thus far with a 4.0, I bought Zel a telescope so she can build her logic better. While I waswatching her use it I realized that I couldn't see her individual fingers. So I adjusted the game graphics, and now we can see them.Much better, I think.

So, Zel, you've still got a day until your next final and your grade bar is full. Go have some fun-filled autonomy.

"Thanks, I think I will!"

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"Ooh, an RPG video game. Score!"

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*sweatdrops* Glad you're getting a kick out of it.

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"*grumbles* Why am I the only person in the dorm who remembers to pay the bills? Honestly. I'm not their mother."

You have the most cash, though.

"Bah, I say. Everyone else should learn some responsibility."

Amen, sister.

As you can see, Zelda is doing her part to be a conscientious citizen. She's very mature. The rest of the dorm walks all over her,too. Maybe I shouldn't have given her seven nice points.

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Almost to junior year and the aspiration change. Ready, Zelda?

"I stink from working out and I got a B+ last semester, so I'm in a bad mood. I don't want to think about a new aspiration right now."

Fair en- WHAT? You got a B+? How did THAT happen? Your grade bar was full and you got to your exam in plenty of time!

"Professor Shaw marked me late! Do you think she's mad at me because I turned her down for a date?"

Gah, I don't know. Frammit. This ruins that Summa Cum Laude Degree.

(I'm actually inclined to think it was the dreaded final exam bug. She left as soon as the pop-up came, and her grade bar was full.*pokes the game*)

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"*snore* Yayformeandmycoolness *snore*"

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*blinks* Zelda, I sure hope that's not Professor Shaw propositioning you again.

"Hold on a second. *covers phone* What was that?"

Who are you talking to?

"That guy I like."

Seems like a bit of a pervert to me.

"This conversation is purely scientific, Marina. He's a Knowledge Sim, too, so we can talk to each other about anything. It's great.*uncovers phone* So yeah, I don't think those would work. Unless they're made of a metal that doesn't rust, because otherwise itwould be disgusting."

*sweatdrops again*

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*trumpet fanfare* Congratulations, Zelda, you're in your junior year now! And thanks to that grant and the painting you've beendoing, you'll be able to found a Greek House for your descendants soon.

"It'll be nice to have my own place. I have no privacy here."

You're not going to have any privacy ever, you know.

"I prefer to think of you as a nonentity when I need it. The thought of being followed with a camera and a notepad is sincerelycreepy."

You agreed. Oh, by the way, thank you for rolling Family. I was scared spitless that you'd roll something annoying like Pleasure.

"No problem. I can't wait to graduate so I can get married and have lots and lots of babies!"

Oh brother. Zelda's new LTW is to have a Golden Anniversary. Easy peasy. She'll stick with the drama major despite the'll get her more money than some of the other jobs and her LTW is no longer career-related.

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Zelda moved George McCarthy in as the placeholder in the dorm so we wouldn't lose the pictures, and here we are at the newGreek House, Pi Kappa Gamma. It's named after my mother's old sorority, as I was feeling uncreative. This is all that $5500 couldbuild, but Zelda still has three semesters left as of this picture, and she'll be able to furnish it up a bit more before she graduates.For now, I'd say she's doing well, except for the fact that one of the annoying cheerleaders is studying using her computer chair soshe can't write her term paper.

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Oh. Lordy.

Zelda leaves for two seconds to go to class and the llama and the cow (Daryl and Ronan, respectively...WHY, Maxis, are thenames so weird in this game?) start going at it. In her living room. That's rude, you two.


*shakes head* Mascots.

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And the llama won. Can't say I'm surprised. Now get out, both of you.

"When's the chick coming home? She's hot."

Daryl, you are not hooking up with my Legacy founder. She's already got a potential spouse lined up and doesn't even have anychemistry with you. I suggest you take that mask off if you want to get with any of her children.

"But the mask is cool! It lends an air of mystery. Girls love that."

I was actually thinking it lends an air of hilarity, but whatever works for you.

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"Marina, I'm bored. I want to invite someone over."

Go right ahead. How about that guy you like? I still want to meet him before you take the relationship any farther.

"Hmm, okay. I haven't seen him in ages anyway."

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And so he comes over. Recognize him? That's Robi Charvat, everyone's favorite exterminator. Zelda's dorm had roach problems,and she constantly had a fear of them and was always trying to go outside to stomp them. Finally, I asked her to quit beingridiculous and call an exterminator to get rid of them. And we got Robi!

"Didn't I tell you? And that's not even the best part...I have two lightning bolts for him!"

Works for both of us, then. The heirs and heiresses in this family are only going to be allowed to marry NPCs, so we can get thebonuses, and Robi coming on the scene was dumb luck. I realize he has been married into a lot of legacies, and that his name isweird, but Zelda really likes him. Plus, now that she's a Family Sim, we don't have Knowledge in the family anymore. He's full ofbenefits, so he will be the first generation spouse.

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"I've heard you paint a lot of masterpieces, Zelda."

"At least ten, by now. It's the best way for me to earn money."

"College students must have it hard. It is an excellent learning experience, though."

"Yeah, but I'd rather get married and have a big family. I love kids. Do you like kids?"

"Children are fascinating. I'm sure parenting is an interesting experiment, too. So yes, I suppose I like them."

"Aww, I knew you were perfect! Want to go on a date with me?"

"Zelda, I'm honored. I would love to have my first date with you. I hypothesize that it would be a success."

And so they had a date. It was a dream date. They're engaged now. Yes, I forgot to take pictures. So sue me.

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*dies laughing* Zelda! You have ten creativity points and you paint masterpieces all the time, so WHY are you painting this?

"I like it. It's easy."

Too easy. It looks like you threw blobs of paint all over the canvas. That's cute for beginners, honey, but you're a professional.

"I'm blowing off steam. This is my last painting before I graduate. I don't want to concentrate on detail because I'm nervous aboutmy last final."

Oh, don't be. SimCollege is a walk in the park and you'd have a 4.0 if it hadn't been for that ONE exam.

"I still say Professor Shaw holds a grudge. Marking me late is just below the belt."

It was a glitch, Zel, never mind it. Anyway, you'll be fine.

"I hope so."

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And she did it! Zelda has graduated with her Drama degree and a 3.9 GPA *grumbles* Now time to get her to Authorland, get hermarried to Robi, and get going on their family.


*cracks up* Zelda, I don't believe you. That ugly blue tank and Sandy Bruty's flame pants? That has got to be the ugliest outfit I'veever seen.

"I like it!"

I think you're crazy.

"I don't care. Can I go have babies now?"

Sure thing. I'll see you back in Authorland.

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Thank you for reading! The next chapter (which will hopefully be written better than this one) will be up soon, as I've alreadyplayed through the first generation and the heir is in his senior year of college. Until then, happy Simming.