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HEY! So I’m back, largely thanks to the amazing Ani Mei. Thank you so much for your support sweetie.

It took loads of help just to write this- so it’s not high quality stuff. But it’s DONE. SO LET’S GO.

ALSO: this has been ‘written’ in small chunks over months and months- so bear that in mind.

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This picture suggests meaningful thoughts. But Jirachi wasn’t thinking meaningful thoughts. She was thinking about changing her brand of fabric softener- her arms were itching.

Shortly after she had resolved to switch from Lenore to Ligeia, she felt a hand on her back. “I’m impressed,” said a familiar voice “We’ve lived here for 3 months now and you haven’t killed these flowers yet.”

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Straightening up, Jirachi turned to face her husband.“You could always help you know” she scowled, though her eyes were smiling.“Oh but you do it so well.” Michael grinned.“Yeah, yeah. Come on, let’s head inside”

Jirachi loved Michael with all her heart, but had not told him about her old life, or the legacy. After all, she didn’t understand what had happened- so what use was their in an attempted explanation?

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The house had been a gift from Galinda.It had taken her barely any time to get her career beyond the level it had been before- well, before.

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In a way, Galinda had brought Jirachi and Michael together. When one of her more persistent stalkers had broken into the house, Michael had been one of the police officers who came to arrest him.

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Galinda and Farnsworth had hung around to see the wedding. But after that…

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…Galinda had set off to join her fellow stars on the more glamorous side of Gotham.

“Goodbye darlings. Make sure you come and visit me! But call first… In fact, I’ll just have someone call you okay?”

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“The van to pick up Mother should arrive sometime this afternoon. Ciao darlings!”

Farnsworth had, as was her way, grumpily explained that the reason she froze herself was not to be kept on call for whenever a Marmite found themselves in “a teeny bit of mortal peril”.

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This little fella is, alas, not a descendent of Batfink the Great- but is a clone of one of her descendents- possibly one of Boq’s kids.

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In the style of every legacy ever played, Jirachi was pregnant immediately.

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Cute couple is cute. Also, pregnant woman falls over= no big deal.

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That cup of kitchen utensils appears to be ablaze….

Michael’s first legacy fire. Awww. Not that he knows…..

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BABY TIME! Because this is a legacy and therefore all about sprogs.

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And it’s a baby boy!

Not that Michael is interested.

He’s been named Kif, in honour of the character from the magnificent series, Futurama.

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Lieutenant Kif Kroker is the long suffering assistant to Captain Zapp Brannigan, and Fourth Lieutenant on the Democratic Order of Planets (DOOP) starship Nimbus. Zapp thinks Kif to be his best friend and loyal confidant, whereas Kif sees Brannigan as an incompetent jerk.

I love him so much.He makes his debut in my favourite episode of Futurama, ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost In Space’.

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Cat stealing pancakes. Timeless.

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Jirachi is also doing rather well in the Education career and is chasing her LTW of becoming Education Minister.

However, she’s going to stop getting those promotions unless she does something other than stargaze.

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So the thing is… in my experience…. When one’s in the baby stage of a generation…. Bugger all happens apart from the births…



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It’s another boy and he’s been named Kuzco, after the Disney character from ‘The Emperor’s New Groove’.

So “Boom Baby!” was actually quite funny… if you… you see?... Because in the film…he says…nevermind

Kuzco is an arrogant, self obsessed, massively egotistical, selfish and entirely fabulous Incan Emperor.

It’s a great film, and always even funnier than I remember.

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These shots have no purpose.

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The Marmite household has gone stargazing crazy.

What could possibly go wrong?

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Islington eventually did take up the offer of ‘popping in anytime’…

…and arrived in time for Kif’s birthday.

…he sort of already had one…I’m still getting back into the photo taking… sorry

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Kif is quite the cutie.


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Kif grew into a playful, kind, but shy boy and quickly became interested in painting. Libra6/3/3/5/8

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Stargazing has consequences kids.

He’d returned from his abduction expecting Jirachi to be a nerveless wreck, but she had calmly explained that it was “only an abduction” and that they “happened all the time”

Kuzco’s first birthday rolled around soon enough…

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Kuzco is also adorable. He has more Marmite-esque features than his brother

Capricorn10/10/10/10/8(something is seriously wrong there)

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More cat stealing food action. Timeless.

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I feel this picture sums up legacies in general, pretty well.

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And it’s a girl!Her name is Kang in honour of both the Simpsons character and the Marvel comics villain.She’s the first baby to get Michael’s skin but has delightfully alien eyes.

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I did warn you that this one would be a bit all over the place.

It’s really just a series of random photos.

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Galinda dropped in for Kang’s birthday.In her swimming costume.For some reason.

I love Kang. That is all.


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Kuzco’s birthday followed shortly after. ……..He’s living up to his name. I’ll leave it at that.

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I am slightly concerned that Kif may have issues. This is basically all he does. Splash and paint.He doesn’t eat unless I make him do it. Just splashes and paints.

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Did I mention that Jirachi was abducted?I didn’t?Well she was.


And he’s named Kodos after the other alien from The Simpsons. Hey, K has been a more difficult letter.

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Whilst Kif splashes, Kuzco stares. Like, all the time.

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And spontaneously calls the exterminator. Sometimes I don’t think there have even been any bugs.

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Kif grew into a rather gorgeous, romance aspiration teen. Hang on, I’m 19 now. Does that make fancying him weird? It does doesn’t it? TELL NO ONE.

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Kang was treated exactly the same as the other children, even though she would not be eligible for heirship because she doesn’t have the Marmite bloodline. She’s by far the most normal child thus far- perhaps for that reason.

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Totally forgot to mention, that they adopted a cat- for breeding purposes. But she turned out to be an elder cat and died a couple of days later anyway.

R.I.P Lily.

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Cat lament. Timeless.

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So Kif is wonderful.HANG ON!You’re not an adult until you’re 21 across the pond right?HA HA! I’m in the clear.

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So these are our alien darlings.I sort of see them as twins despite Kang being older and them having no genetic link….


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Kang and Jirachi are very close and both were eagerly anticipating the birth of K baby 5.

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“Mummy?”“Yes sweetheart?”“You know the baby?”Jirachi laughed.“Yes,”“Will it be my brother even though he won’t be really?”

Jirachi smiled and took her hands. “Listen to me, no matter what the squiggly bits inside us say, I am your Mum and you are my little girl, which means that yes, the baby will be your brother or sister.”

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“Brother.” Kang said again.“Well we don’t know yet.” Jirachi laughed. “I do.” she smiled and skipped out of the room, turning back to say again “brother”.

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Kuzco’s fabulousness continued into his teen years.

His aspiration is fortune.

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Before long, Kif left for university to study art.

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And he moved into these dorms that I made, namely Meichenbaum Hall.

Psychology jokes FTW.

As I said, he picked the Art major. After all, romance sims only ever end up with art, english, drama or philosophy.

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The change in lifestyle was a bit of a shock…

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…but he soon felt comfortable enough to only ever wear his pyjamas.

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Returning, in his pyjamas, from a lecture one day, Kif noticed an unusual, hearse/ghostbuster crossover car parked outside the dorm. Assuming it belonged to some form of elite raccoon response unit, he put it out of his mind.

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However, upon entering…“WHAT THE-”

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And then he was on the floor, arms firmly secured behind his back by- well, someone. He could just about raise his head high enough from the ground to see two sets of legs. One in the sort of heels that suggested a desire for height but a lack of balance and the other in thick tights and unnecessarily stompy boots. “Now what?” said the heels nervously, turning to the boots.“We’re going to let you up” said the boots “but don’t try anything. Okay, let him go Loki.”“Are you sure?” said a voice from behind him- a man this time. The heels figgetted. “Just let him up!... I can’t believe I agreed to this.”

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“I shall release you,” Kif’s hands were released and he began to straighten up. “… but be wary of ending up beneath me again.” “That’s what she said!” There was silence. Pulling himself up, he saw heels looking ashamedly away from boots’ stare. “Sorry,” said heels “I’m more prone to innuendo when I’m nervous.”Boots sighed. “Time and place, Beth. TIME AND PLACE.”“Oh yeah because you’re always sooo appropriate-”“ENOUGH!” Kif yelled.

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The women stopped.

“Who. The Hell. Are You?” he said, slowly, angrily.

“Oh!” Boots cried. “I’m sorry- how rude of me. I am The Simself. That’s my sister Bethan behind me- The Sistersimself?… Simsisterself?... Simselfsister?.... I don’t know…”

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“We could always try using my name.” “Fine, this is fishface.”“BETHAN.”

“ENOUGH!” yelled the male voice.For the first time , Kif turned around to face the man who had only moments ago been pinning him to the ground.“I am Loki of Jotunheim, husband of the simself and God of this puny realm.”He offered his hand.

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…and, unfortunately, Kif took it.

“Foolish mortal!” the strange man god cackled. “Now take us to your mother.”

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At last recovered, Kif straightened up. “Erm… okay…” There was an awkward silence, finally broken by Bethan.“Dude, your wifi SUCKS”

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“…Kif, slow down. You’re bringing them here? But who are they?...... Well they must have names….. Pardon?... I can’t hear you… what are their names?......She said she was the what?... The Sims-……………… ooooooooh shit.”

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“…Kif, slow down. You’re bringing them here? But who are they?...... Well they must have names….. Pardon?... I can’t hear you… what are their names?......She said she was the what?... The Sims-……………… ooooooooh shit.”


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Unnecessary but adorable Kang tantrum.

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“….. Okay honey, listen… yes I know… we’ll explain everything when you’re here…. Okay…..bye now- wait! Kif?.... Just in case, don’t eat anything they give you….. Just trust me… okay, bye.”

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SOME TIME LATER…“…so I really don’t know any more about what happened than you do… we found you guys as soon as we could….but this isn’t the Gotham I used to know.”

“but Galinda and Farnsworth told me that it was you two who said to drive into the light instead of away from it” said Jirachi, confused.

“Well…” said the simself “that was thanks to my husband- oh, and sorry about earlier by the way.”

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(Introductions had been awkward. Loki had mistaken Kodos for a member of army he had once been allied with, but with whom he was no longer on best terms. )“THE CHITAURI HAVE FOUND ME!”


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“Yeah…” continued Bethan with a wave of her hand. “A random megalomaniac falls out of the sky screaming that he’s a God and my sister decides to ask his advice about the impending end of the world, then run off into wild white yonder with him.”

“Hey,” said the simself. “It turned out fine didn’t it? I mean… broadly speaking”

“So…” Michael spoke for the first time since they had sat down. “…just to clarify…. No wait, I haven’t got any of this.”

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“Well… “ Jirachi bit her lip. “Y’know how I insisted on all the kids having names starting with K?”“Yeeesss….”“And y’know how I don’t have any family except three weirdos whose relationship to me you’re still not sure of?”“yeah…”“And you know how….?”

Jirachi continued in this vein for some time. Her explanation took even longer.

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“So that’s roughly all you need to know!” smiled the simself , once Jirachi had finished, leaving Michael stunned and silent. “Now I know that’s a lot to take in, so just sit for a while and don’t try to rush your comprehension of-”

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“Erm- guys….”

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Meet the final gen K baby: Kili.

I’m writing this all up many moons after it happened in game. Since then, the second Hobbit movie has come out and this sim’s namesake (Kili the dwarf) had a pretty huge part in it, certainly in comparison to his role in the book. But then he is played by Aiden Turner.

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I set all the pictures out in powerpoint when I took them- and now I can’t remember the purpose of these ones.

It’s a farm themed family restaurant… thing. I don’t know why these are relevant…

So picspam!

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Aaaaand I’ll leave it there because I’d really like to have some sort of plot before I carry on. xD

I’m not sure who’s still around these days, but if anyone is reading this then thank you and please please say hi on LJ or boolprop etc just so I know you’re there!