Page 1: the SEVEN DAY… · your health. We’re passionate about healthy living and supporting you to make small tweaks



An inspired whole foods cookbook, meal plan and video course to energize your

body and mind

Page 2: the SEVEN DAY… · your health. We’re passionate about healthy living and supporting you to make small tweaks


Page 3: the SEVEN DAY… · your health. We’re passionate about healthy living and supporting you to make small tweaks

WELCOME~Welcome to the 7 Day Reset!

We’re thrilled you’ve decided to join LULORA to jumpstart your health. We’re passionate about healthy living and supporting you to make small tweaks and upgrades to createa beautiful life.

A healthy lifestyle is really the outcome of doing many small thingswell and we’re excited to share with you what we’ve learned throughpersonal experience and many years of study.

The dishes we’ve created for this meal plan are inspired by whole foods and rich flavours, but are simple and easy to make.

You’ll find the recipes are broken down into ‘prep’ and ‘create’ instruction so you can spend your time most efficiently. Prep as much as you can ahead of time, perhaps one evening every 3 - 4 days, so you spend the majority of your days enjoying the food and reaping the benefits!

Thank you joining us and congratulations on taking the first step towards a healthier you.

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other diSheS

meal plan

Shopping liStS


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TIME TO RESETOur bodies thrive in a diet rich in whole foods and founded in plant-based nutrition. Unfortunately, we’ve slowly allowed highly processed foods to invade our pantries and it often goes unnoticed.

This is where a reset is key.

Not only does your physical body need a jumpstart, but your mental health is craving a drastic change. The choices we make when it comes to food are deeply rooted in emotional patterns and subconscious thought, which is why a reset can be so beneficial. Set new boundaries, new goals, and new habits to catalyze your entire body into a healthier lifestyle, which will spill over to your physical and emotional wellbeing.

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SMOOTHIESSmoothies offer a concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals making them a great option for anyone looking to reset their diet.

he blended breakfast provides easy to absorb nutrients, which reduces the digestive load.

Foods, such as ethically sourced animal products, can be incredibly high in nutrients, but also require elevated amounts of energy to be broken down. This makes their digestive load quite high and limits the body’s ability to attend to other needs.

In the 7 Day Reset, we’re focused on finding the most nutritious foods that require little effort from the body to be utilized.

This creates an energy surplus that the body can then use to address healing and repair that it may not have the resources to normally attend to.

tipS & trickS:• If your smoothie leaves you hungry you can add 1 tsp - 1 tbsp of MCT oil. (start with 1 tsp as

any more can irritate your bowels.)• Using a high speed blender is recommended but if you don’t have one, make a habit of

blending your fibrous greens with some of the liquid before adding in the remainder of ingredients.

• You can add additional water to any recipe to reach your desired consistency




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Supreme Green

2 sticks celery1 apple, cored & stemmed½ cucumber1 cup baby kale½ handful parsley½ handful cilantro2 cups almond milk1 tablespoon MCT oil

Prep: 2 minutes Cook : 1 minute


high-speed blender, chef ’s knife, cutting board


Core and stem the apple. Cut the cucumber in half.


Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.

Serves : 2

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Green Julius

2 peeled oranges, sliced1 peeled frozen banana, sliced2 cups spinach1 cup almond or coconut milk2 tablespoons ground flax seeds1 teaspoon ground vanilla

Prep: 2 minutes Cook : 1 minute


high-speed blender, chef ’s knife, cutting board


Freeze peeled banana ahead of time. Peel and slice the orange. Grind flaxseeds if using whole.


Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.

Serves : 2

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Gentle Detox

1 cup pineapple½ cucumber2 sticks celery1 ½ cups spinach1 handful parsley2 cups almond milk

Prep: 2 minutes Cook : 1 minute


high-speed blender, chef ’s knife, cutting board


Remove skin and cut pineapple into smaller chunks. Cut the cucumber in half.


Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.

Serves : 2

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Brain Boost

1 cup blueberries½ avocado½ cucumber1 banana2 tablespoons cacao2 cups coconut milk

Prep: 2 minutes Cook : 1 minute


high-speed blender, chef ’s knife, cutting board


Freeze banana ahead of time. Cut the cucumber and avocado in half.


Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.

Serves : 2

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Tropical Cleanse

1 cup pineapple1 cup coconut milk2 cups baby kale2 tablespoons hemp seeds½ lemon, peeled

Prep: 2 minutes Cook : 1 minute


high-speed blender, chef ’s knife, cutting board


Remove skin and cut pineapple into smaller chunks. Peel the lemon and cut in half.


Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.

Serves : 2

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S E N D - M Y- B O DY- E V E RY- DAY

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FUNCTIONS OF FATSFat plays many essential roles in the body. Fat is source of fuel, contributes to satiety, allows for absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, provides protection, is the main component of our brain, and allows for optimal nerve communication. Fat is also the main component the membranes that surround every single cell in the body-- amazing!

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Page 17: the SEVEN DAY… · your health. We’re passionate about healthy living and supporting you to make small tweaks

SnacksIt’s really easy to forget about good snack food.

The foods that fill in the spaces inbetween, whether it’s between meals or work and a workout.

These times represent an opportunity for convenience to trump even our staunchest lifestyle goals. A snickers bar, a treat from the cookie jar, or any food that has words you don’t understand on the ingredient list– these are the traps we want to avoid and all it takes is a little bit of planning.

• When shifting to a liquid breakfast you may find that you get hungry earlier. Usually this is temporary and after a week or two subsides. When hunger first strikes we encourage you to drink one more tall glass of water.

• Keeping a jar of the Super Trail Mix on hand is a great way to avoid unhealthy snacking while on the go. The three ingredients in this trail mix combine a complete protein, a digestible fat and an energizing compound in the cacao. These three superfoods combine to create an incredibly healthful snack.

tipS & trickS

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Nut Butter

3 cups raw nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans, walnuts, or hazelnuts)sea salt

Prep: 0 minutes Cook : 15 minutes


Food processor or blender, spatula


There is no prep for this recipe.


Place nuts in food processor and turn on low. Turn off to scrape down sides with a spatula as needed. The nuts will first be powdery. Keep processing on low. After 10-15 minutes, the nuts will begin to release their own oils, which will thicken the mixture and produce a creamy butter. Add a pinch of sea salt and mix by hand when you’ve achieved desired consistency.

Serve with apple slices or celery sticks. Store in an air-tight glass container in the fridge.

Serves : 12

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Garlicky Hummus

1 ½ cups cooked chickpeas¼ cup tahini¼ cup olive oil 1 tablespoons miso paste1 lemon, juice & zest2 garlic cloves, crushed1 tablespoon fresh parsley, finely chopped

Prep: 2 minutes Cook : 3 minutes


Food processor or blender, chef ’s knife, cutting board, spatula


Either soak and cook the chickpeas ahead of time or use a BPA-free can of chickpeas for this recipe.


Rinse chickpeas well. In a high-speed blender, combine all of the ingredients except parsley, to produce a creamy thick hummus. Thin with water to reach desired consistency if necessary. Stir in parsley by hand before serving.

Serves : 4

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Super Trail Mix

1 cup raw nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans, wal-nuts, or hazelnuts)

1 cup raw seeds (pumpkin, sesame, or sunflower seeds)

1 cup raw superfoods (goji berries, mulberries, cacao nibs, unsweetened coconut flakes)

Prep: 0 minutes Cook : 3 minute


Airtight glass container with lid


Remove skin and cut pineapple into smaller chunks. Peel the lemon and cut in half.


Combine desired ingredients in an airtight glass container. Shake well and store in the fridge.

Serves : 6

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Baked Kale Chips

1 bunch kale, stemmed & trimmed2 tablespoons olive oil1 tablespoon macadamia butter or tahini1 teaspoon water1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar1 garlic clove, minced1 lemon, juice & zest

Prep: 2 minutes Cook : 45 minutes


Baking sheets, whisk, small mixing bowl, large mixing bowl


Stem and tear the kale into bite-sized pieces. Line two baking sheets with unbleached parchment paper.Preheat oven to 275°F.


Whisk all of the ingredients, except the kale, in a small bowl and emulsify. Using your hands, toss the kale with the dressing and divide between the two sheets. Spread the kale out evenly to avoid too much overlap.

Bake for 30-40 minutes or until pieces are dried, but not burnt. Turn off the oven and allow kale to cool in the oven for maximum crunchiness. Store in an airtight glass container.

Serves : 2

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Carrot Ginger Energy Bites

1 ½ cups shredded carrots¼ cup dates¼ cup pecans1 tablespoon honey1 teaspoon minced ginger1 teaspoon cinnamon

Prep: 2 minutes Cook : 45 minutes


Large mixing bowl, food processor, glass airtight container with lid


Grate carrots ahead of time.


In a food processor, combine all of the ingredients until a crumbly, sticky mixture is attained. Scoop out table-spoon amounts and roll into balls. Store the balls in the fridge in a sealed container, or in the freezer if not consuming within 4 days.

Serves : 2

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FUNCTIONS OF CARBOHYDRATESWhat comes to mind when you hear the word carbohydrate? We often think of pizza, bread, pasta, and baked goods, but carbohydrates also include all of our fruit and vegetables, beans and legumes, and whole grains. Carbohydrates provide the body with fibre, which optimizes elimination and gut health, boosts serotonin levels, and increases immunity.

Carbohydrates are also the body’s preferred source of energy and contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals. Stick to the whole food sources of carbohydrates and avoid the overly processed and refined products that spike blood sugar and promote inflammation.

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Page 26: the SEVEN DAY… · your health. We’re passionate about healthy living and supporting you to make small tweaks

SoupsThe beautiful thing about these soups is they can be enjoyed hot or cold.

Plus, if you ever find yourself longing for a hot breakfast, a soup is basically just a cooked smoothie and so makes for a great substitution!

Additionally, these recipes can all be doubled or tripled and stored in containers in the freezer for up to 3 months.

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Zucchini Lentil Soup

1 cup green lentils1 teaspoon baking soda2 teaspoons coconut oil1 medium onion, diced2 medium zucchinis, chopped2 garlic cloves, minced1 teaspoon fresh ginger, minced½ teaspoon sea salt3 cups water1 cup coconut milk

Prep: 3 minutes Cook : 20 minutes


Soup pot, immersion blender or high-blender, chef ’s knife, cutting board


Soak lentils overnight with baking soda and water. Dice onion and chop zucchini into bite-sized pieces.


Rinse lentils well. In a large pot, melt the coconut oil over medium heat. Add onions and sauté until translu-cent. Add zucchinis, garlic, ginger, and sea salt. Sauté for an additional 5 minutes before adding lentils and 3 cups of fresh water, stirring often. Bring to a boil and immediately reduce to a simmer. Cook for 20 minutes or until zucchini and lentils are tender.

Remove from heat, add coconut milk, and incorporate with an immersion blender. Be careful-- soup will be very hot! Season with additional sea salt and black pepper.

Serves : 4

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White Bean Cauliflower¼ cup coconut oil, divided2 cups cauliflower florets1 leek, thinly sliced1 onion, chopped½ cup diced celery3 cups water1 ½ cups cooked cannellini beanssea salt & fresh pepper

Prep: 3 minutes Cook : 20 minutes


Prepare cauliflower ahead of time by cutting into small florets. Thinly slice leek, chop the onion, and dice ½ cup of celery. Either soak and cook the cannellini beans ahead of time or use a BPA-free can of cannellini beans for this recipe.


Preheat oven to 400°F. In a large pot, melt 2 tablespoons of coconut oil over medium heat. Toss cauliflower florets and ¼ teaspoon of sea salt. Lay florets out evenly across a baking sheet. Roast for 30 minutes, or until cauliflower is fork-tender, flipping halfway.

While the cauliflower is roasting, melt remaining coconut oil over medium heat in the large pot. Sauté leek and onions until onions become fragrant and translucent (approx. 5 minutes). Add celery and water. Bring to a gentle boil and immediately reduce to a simmer.

Once cauliflower has cooked through, add florets and cannellini beans to the pot. Mix with an immersion blender to reach desired consistency. Be careful-- the soup will be very hot! Thin with additional water if necessary.

Serves : 4


soup pot, immersion blender or high-speed blender, chef ’s knife, cutting board

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PREPARING LEGUMESPurchasing dried legumes is an extremely economical way to incorporate plant-based protein into your diet. In the 7 Day Reset, we’ve incorporated chickpeas or garbanzo beans, navy beans, black beans, cannellini beans, and lentils. To prepare any of these legumes, first place the dried bean in a large bowl and cover with cool water. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. The baking soda enhances the soaking process and helps to remove antinutrients, which are natural compounds found in legumes, grains, and nuts and seeds that can inhibit digestion and often leave many people feeling bloated or gassy. Soak legumes for 12 - 24 hours and rinse the well. The beans will have doubled in size after absorbing the water. Add beans to medium pot with fresh water and bring to boil. Immediately reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes, or until legumes are tender. To save time, make big batches of beans and freeze for future use.

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FUNCTIONS OF PROTEINSProtein makes up all things structural. Nails, teeth, skin, muscles, bones, eyelashes, digestive tract, organs, and cells are all made up of protein. Protein can be obtained from animal products and plant-based foods such as beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, and quinoa. Protein needs are elevated in times of growth, repair, and healing. Providing your body with adequate amounts of protein can help to maintain blood sugar, mental focus, and stamina throughout the day.

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SOAKING NUTS AND SEEDSNuts and seeds also contain antinutrients, such as phytic acid, tannins, and enzyme inhibitors, which makes consuming these foods hard to digest. Soaking nuts and seeds helps to remove these antinutrients and increase the absorption rates of many vitamins and minerals, especially the B vitamins. To soak, place desired nuts and seeds in a glass bowl and cover with room temperature water with a teaspoon of unrefined sea salt. The sea salt helps to enhance the benefits of soaking while also helping to retain the hardness and density of the nut or seed. Keep the bowl at room temperature and soak for 8 - 12 hours. The colour of the water will start to change as the antinutrients and tannins are removed. Dispose of the soaking water and rinse well. Do a final rinse with diluted apple cider vinegar to remove any remaining bacteria. You can then sprout or dehydrate the nuts or seeds.

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Page 34: the SEVEN DAY… · your health. We’re passionate about healthy living and supporting you to make small tweaks

SaladsSalads are a core part of the LULORA diet for much the same reason that we love smoothies: They are easy, customizable, and simply a delicious way to include an array of fresh produce in your diet.

The attitude of many people is that salad can be boring and certainly many of the salads we encounter in restaurants and cafes are. We’ve made it our mission to make salads your favourite go-to type of meal.

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Sesame Ginger Slaw

2 cups shredded purple cabbage2 cups shredded green cabbage1 cup shredded carrots1 cup kohlrabi or daikon, peeled & thinly julienned6 green onions, diagonally sliced½ cup raw sunflower seeds¼ cup apple cider vinegar2 tablespoons sesame oil2 tablespoons miso paste1 tablespoon tamari1 teaspoons fresh ginger, minced1 tablespoon sesame seeds

Prep: 10 minutes Cook : 5 minutes


Mixing bowl, blender or whisk, chef ’s knife, cutting board


Shred cabbage and carrots. Thinly slice the kohlrabi and green onions. Prepare dressing and store ahead of time in a glass jar ahead of time by mixing sesame oil, miso paste, tamari, and fresh ginger in a blender.


Combine all cabbage, carrots, kohlrabi, green onions, and sunflower seeds in a large bowl. Set aside to make dressing. Toss the dressing with the shredded vegetables and garnish with sesame seeds and additional green onions if desired.

Serves : 2

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Kale Caesar

¼ cup tahini2 tablespoons water1 lemon, juice & zest1-2 garlic cloves, mincedunrefined sea salt & fresh pepper1-2 bunches kale, stemmed & chopped1 ½ cups cooked navy beans½ red onion, thinly sliced

Prep: 2 minutes Cook : 15 minutes


Prepare the dressing ahead of time. Stir tahini, water, lemon juice, zest, miso paste, and vinegar in a small bowl. Use a fork to blend until smooth. Add additional water, 1 tablespoon at a time, to thin if necessary. Season with sea salt and fresh pepper. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days before using.

Either soak and cook the navy beans ahead of time or use a BPA-free can of navy beans for this recipe. Stem and tear the kale into smaller pieces. Thinly slice the red onion.


In a large bowl, add kale, ½ teaspoon of sea salt, a splash of water, and ‘massage’ the kale until tender. The kale will become limp once massaged thoroughly. This should take a couple of minutes. Rinse kale well and dry in a salad spinner.

Toss softened kale, navy beans, and red onion in a large bowl with tahini dressing. Mix gently before serving.

Serves : 2


Mixing bowl, blender or whisk, chef ’s knife, cutting board

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Simple Side Salad

3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar2 tablespoons olive oil4 cups mixed greens1 shredded carrot1 bunch dillweed, chopped

Prep: 5 minutes Cook : 5 minutes


Mixing bowl, blender or whisk, chef ’s knife, cutting board


Prepare the dressing ahead of time. Emulsify olive oil and apple cider vinegarl ahead of time and store in an air-tight glass container.

Shred carrots ahead of time.


Toss all of the ingredients in a medium mixing bowl. Serve with the Black Bean Veggie Patties.

Serves : 4

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Page 40: the SEVEN DAY… · your health. We’re passionate about healthy living and supporting you to make small tweaks

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FATSNuts and seeds also contain antinutrients, such as phytic acid, tannins, and enzyme inhibitors, which makes consuming these foods hard to digest. Soaking nuts and seeds helps to remove these antinutrients and increase the absorption rates of many vitamins and minerals, especially the B vitamins.

To soak, place desired nuts and seeds in a glass bowl and cover with room temperature water with a teaspoon of unrefined sea salt. The sea salt helps to enhance the benefits of soaking while also helping to retain the hardness and density of the nut or seed. Keep the bowl at room temperature and soak for 8 - 12 hours. The colour of the water will start to change as the antinutrients and tannins are removed. Dispose of the soaking water and rinse well. Do a final rinse with diluted apple cider vinegar to remove any remaining bacteria. You can then sprout or dehydrate the nuts or seeds.

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Other DishesPeople are often stuck believing that healthy eating means boring food, lacking in taste, and difficult to prepare.

These were the beliefs we were set out to disprove when creating and selecting recipes for this collection.

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Green Quinoa Bowl1 cup quinoa1 ½ cups water1 cup broccoli florets1 cup spinach½ cup shredded green cabbage1 avocado¼ cup water3 tablespoons tahini3 tablespoons olive oil1 garlic clove, minced1 tablespoon fresh basil

Prep: 5 minutes Cook : 25 minutes

PREP:Soak quinoa overnight. Cut broccoli into bite-size florets. Shred cabbage.

CREATE:Rinse quinoa well and add fresh water plus a sprinkle of sea salt to medium pot with a lid. Keep the grain covered, bring to a boil, and immediately reduce to a simmer. Cook until all the water is fully absorbed (approx. 15 minutes). If the grain was not soaked, cooking time will be longer. Once water is absorbed, leave pot covered and let stand for 10 minutes before serving.

While the quinoa is cooking, place vegetable steaming basket into a pot with 10 centimetres of water. Add broccoli and bring to a boil with the lid on the pot. Steam for 5 minutes, or until broccoli is fork-tender. Set aside and prepare dressing.

In a high-speed blender, combine avocado, tahini, olive oil, water, garlic, basil, lemon, and a pinch of sea salt. Blend until creamy. Thin with additional water if necessary.

To serve, place quinoa, shredded cabbage, and steamed broccoli in a large bowl. Drizzle with basil avocado dressing and garnish with fresh pepper.

Serves : 2


two saucepans + lids, steaming basket, whisk, chef ’s knife, cutting board, high-speed blender

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Crunchy Chia Pudding

2 tablespoons buckwheat groats2 tablespoons chia seeds2 tablespoons hemp seeds1 teaspoon ground vanilla1 cup water or nut milk

Prep: 1 minute Cook : 1 minutes


Serving bowl or jar with lid


If desired, prepare 4 - 12 hours ahead of time for extra thick pudding. Refrigerate.


Combine all ingredients in a bowl or jar and let stand for minimum 10 minutes before consuming. Garnish with additional toppings such as shredded coconut, cacao nibs, chopped nuts or seeds, shredded apple, fresh fruit, or cinnamon.

Serves : 1

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Black Bean Patties 1 small zucchini, grated1 small onion, minced2 cloves garlic, minced1/2 cup sunflower seeds1 egg1 handful cilantro1 1/2 cups cooked black beans1 cup rolled oats2 teaspoons chili powder2 teaspoons cumin1 teaspoon turmericsea salt & pepper1 avocado for garnish

Prep: 5 minutes Cook : 45 minutes


Baking sheet, food processor or blender, chef ’s knife, cutting board,


Either soak and cook the black beans ahead of time or use a BPA-free can of black beans for this recipe.Grate zucchini and mince the onions. Line a baking sheet with unbleached parchment paper.

CREATE:Preheat oven to 350°F.

Add the zucchini, onion, and garlic to the food processor and roughly chop. Add the remaining ingredients and pulse until sticky, but still ‘chunky’. Season with sea salt and pepper. Add additional rolled oats if mixture appears to be too wet.

With wet hands, form small patties and place on lined baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes per side. Allow to cool for 10 minutes before serving. Garnish with sliced avocado and serve with the Simple Side Salad.

Serves : 2

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Pumpkin Seed Parsley Pesto Zucchini Noodles½ cup pumpkin seeds1 cup flat-leaf parsley½ cup olive oil2 garlic cloves, minced1 lemon, juice & zestsea salt & fresh pepper3 medium zucchinis1 cup baby kale½ cup shredded green cabbage2 tablespoons hemp seeds

Prep: 3 minute Cook : 10 minutes


Soak pumpkin seeds overnight if possible. Soaking the pumpkin seeds makes for a creamier pesto. Shred cabbage ahead of time.


Rinse seeds well and combine in a high-speed blender or food processor with parsley, olive oil, garlic, and lemon until creamy. Season with sea salt and fresh pepper. Set aside.

Using a large-tooth grater, grate the zucchini lengthwise to produce ‘noodles’. Be careful of your fingers in this step. You can also use a spiralizer machine or a julienne peeler to grate noodles.

Toss zucchini noodles with baby kale, green cabbage, and pesto. Garnish with hemp seeds before serving.

Serves : 2


Spiralizer or wide tooth grater, food processor or blender, chef ’s knife, cutting board, mixing bowl

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Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

1 Morning Routine Supreme Green

Sesame Slaw Zucchini Lentil Soup Carrot Sticks + Garlicky Hummus

2Morning Routine

Green JuliusCrunchy Chia Pudding Kale Caesar Apple + Nut Butter

3 Morning RoutineGentle Detox

Kale Caesar (leftovers) Zucchini Lentil Soup (leftovers)

Super Trail Mix

4Morning Routine

Brain BoostSesame Slaw (leftovers)

Green Quinoa Bowl Baked Kale Chips

5 Morning RoutineGentle Detox

Crunchy Chia Pudding Black Bean Patties + Simple Side Salad

Carrot Ginger Energy Bites

6 Morning RoutineSupreme Green

Green Quinoa Bowl (leftovers)

White Bean Cauliflower Soup

Apple + Nut Butter

7Morning RoutineTropical Cleanse

Black Bean Patties (leftovers) +

Simple Side Salad

Pumpkin Seed Parsley Pes-to Zucchini Noodles

Super Trail Mix

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DAY 1-44 celery sticks2 apples2 cucumber1 cup baby kale1 bunch parsley1 bunch cilantro1 purple cabbage1 green cabbage5 carrots1 kohlrabi or daikon6 green onions2” thumb of ginger1 medium onion2 medium zucchinis7 garlic cloves3 oranges2 bananas4 lemons

5 cups spinach3 bunches kale1 pineapple1 red onion1 cup blueberries1 broccoli head2 avocado

PRODUCE INGREDIENTS5 cups almond milkcoconut oil½ cup raw sunflower seedsolive oilsesame oil4 cups coconut milk1 ½ cups cooked chickpeastahini1 cup green lentils2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds1 ½ cups cooked navy beans2 tablespoons buckwheat groats2 tablespoons chia seeds2 tablespoons hemp seeds1 cup quinoa4 cups raw nuts1 cup raw seeds1 cup raw superfoods(goji berries, mulberries, cacao nibs, unsweetened coconut flakes)

Shopping ListSEASONINGSunrefined sea saltblack peppercinnamonapple cider vinegarground vanillacacao powdermiso pastetamari

OPTIONAL1 tablespoon sesame seedsshredded coconutcacao nibsMCT oil

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DAY 5-71 cucumber1 cup flat-leaf parsley4 cups baby kale4 garlic cloves2 lemons4 medium zucchinis1 cauliflower2” thumb of ginger1 small green cabbage8 cups mixed greens2 apples2 bunches dillweed1 small onion1 leek1 onion, chopped5 celery sticks5 carrots1 bunch cilantro

1 pineapple1 ½ cups spinach1 bunch parsley

PRODUCE INGREDIENTS½ cup pumpkin seedscoconut oil1 ½ cups cooked cannellini beans¼ cup dates¼ cup pecans1 tablespoon honey1 1/2 cups cooked black beans1 cup coconut milk1 cup rolled oatsolive oil2 tablespoons buckwheat groats2 tablespoons chia seeds6 tablespoons hemp seeds1 egg1/2 cup sunflower seeds5 cups almond milk

Shopping ListSEASONINGSsea salt & fresh peppercinnamonapple cider vinegarchili powdercuminturmericground vanilla

OPTIONAL1 avocado

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WAY TO GO Making lifestyle changes is challenging. The truth is, choosing health means going agaist the grain, swimming up stream and challenging the status quo. You’ve done something really powerful this week. You have voted with your dollar and with your mouth! You’ve said that you are worth it, and that health is important to you.

By doing so you have helped create the momentumnecessary for a lifetime of healthy living and lifestyle.

We challenge you to continue with your health journey and see just how much of yourhealth potential you have yetto realize.

Trust us, when we say you’ve just scratched the surface. You’ve got a lot more energy, vitality andjoy in store!