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Trail of Broken

Promises Walk May 2012

The Wetlands Preservation Organization

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"When a child my mother taught me the legends of our people; taught me of the sun and

sky, the moon and stars, the clouds and storms. She also taught me to kneel and pray to

Usen for strength, health, wisdom, and protection. We never prayed against any person…

We were taught that Usen does not care for the petty quarrels of men."

Geronimo [Goyathlay] (1829-1909) Chircahua Apache

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Stay Positive

Areas of Concern:

- Weather

- Path

- Social Environment

- Responsibility

- Health

- Media

“The Creator has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.” - Orison Swett Marden

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What we know

• We leave May 13, 2012 from Eco-Walk

• We are going to pass through 7 states (KS, MO, IL, IN, OH, PA, and D.C.)

• It’ll be between 1100 and 1300 miles long.

• We are going to be walking with other groups potentially.

• We should arrive in D.C. by July!

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MAY 13, 2012

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“If you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it, for it is not to be

reached by search or trail.” - Heraclitus

• We’ll leave in the


• From Haskell wetlands to

Bonner Springs, Kansas

is 25.3 miles.

• A camping permit needs

to be purchased.

We Need Donations!!

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“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if

you just sit there.” Will Rogers (CWY)

Keep in Mind…

• Geography

• Climate Conditions

(Rain, wind, sunshine:)

• Communal living

• No drugs or alcohol

• Different cultures

• We’re implementing the

Chief system.

How to Prepare

• Train

• Buy appropriate clothing

and supplies.

• Research helpful tips

• Take HCAPP classes

• Become involved

• Memorize A.R.C.H.

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ARCH Institutional Values

Accountability - to be responsible, accountable and

dependable for our conduct, behavior, and attitudes as we

strive for excellence in our respective roles.

Respect - to honor the diversity of beliefs, rights,

responsibilities, culture and accomplishment of self and


Cooperation - to work with one another to accomplish

good for Haskell Indian Nations University and for the

American Indian/Alaska Native Nations.

Honesty - to be truthful and open in our relationships with

employees, students and with each other.

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Trail Planning

Committee Update

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This is how our journey


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May 13th (25.3 miles) Lawrence to Bonner Springs

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May 14th (27.2 miles)

Bonner Springs to Independence

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May 15th Connect to Trail of Death!

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How are we going to do this?

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Four Team Approach

There will be four teams.

(Land, Animal, People, and Drivers)

Each team will have responsibilities.

Each team will travel 10 miles a day,


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Every team will have their own starting and stopping

point. We will all camp together each night.

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The Land Team

Pick up trash along freeway

Log and dispose of trash in each town

Clean up campsites

Find campsite for each day

Locate landmarks or cool hiking trails

Give weather updates

Haul water

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The Land Team can walk from the tree to the buffalo,

where a car will pick them up and drive them to the


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The Animal Team

Coordinate all meals

Be the first awake each morning

Ask for food donations

Maintain an inventory of supplies

Help with health problems

Learn about the hospitals and police stations in area

Haul water

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The Animal Team can walk from the buffalo to the

person, where a car will pick them up and drive them

to the campsite.

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The People Team

Meet with locals

Share our message with the media

Film walk

Write reports at the end of each cycle

Call land support everyday

Wash dishes

Haul water

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The People Team can walk to the campsite and rest.

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The Drivers Team

Every team is assigned driver/drivers.

Help the Land Team with trash

Help the Animal Team find food

Help the People Team with events

Provide gas updates

Car maintenance

Set up / take down tents

Haul water

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Team Structure

Every team will have four leaders and each leader

will be assigned a task.

The Land Leader of the Land Team oversees all the Land Team’s projects, but

The Land Leader of the Animal Team serves as a liaison for both teams.

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Team Structure

Each leader must participate in a daily talking circle

to discuss strategy and moral

Everyone is equal, leader or not

The teams have the opportunity to re-structure their

members at the end of each cycle.

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What is a cycle?

A cycle is the amount of distance we travel in a certain

amount of time.

We could run on a 5 day cycle, where we walk

approximately 30 miles each day for 4 days, then rest.

Day 1: Walk (cycle begins)

Day 2: Walk

Day 3: Walk

Day 4: Walk

Day 5: Rest (end of cycle)

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What if a cycle breaks?

If we are unable to walk one day because of the weather, or

we are held up for an event, we simply pause the cycle.

When we’re ready to hit the road again, we pick up where

we left off.

Day 1: Walk (cycle begins)

Day 2: Walk

Day 3: Rest/Storm (Pause cycle)

Day 4: Walk (Resume cycle)

Day 5: Walk

Day 6: Rest (end of cycle)

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The Trail of Broken

Promises Walk is on FB.

How to become involved

• Come to meetings!

• Email for more info:

[email protected]

[email protected]


[email protected]


Wetlands Preservation Organization

Haskell Library (Room 111)

6 pm/Mondays

Indigenous and American Indian

Studies Club

Haskell Library (Room 111)

6 pm/Tuesdays

Medicine Wheel

Saturdays at 10 am!

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