Page 1: THEY CAN’T DO THAT!! British Acts Imposed on the Colonies


British Acts Imposed on the Colonies

Page 2: THEY CAN’T DO THAT!! British Acts Imposed on the Colonies

Britain’s Policy of Salutory Neglect

Since Britain was too busy with wars in Europe and were an ocean away from the New World…

The monarchy left alone the colonies therefore…

They were able to practice self-government!!

The Mayflower Compact

Virginia House of Burgesses

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

The Albany Plan of Union

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War With France As a result of the

numerous wars with France, Great Britain was in great debt.

Gaining so much new territory in the New World helped to remind them that the colonists were there and still part of the United Kingdom!!

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Taken Advantage of…. Proclamation of 1763

This established a proclamation line along the Appalachian Mountains, which the colonists could not cross.

The British could not enforce this act, the colonists continued to move onto Native American lands.

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Sugar Act (1764) A series of duties, this lowered the tax on

molasses but strengthened the enforcement of the law allowing prosecutors to try smuggling cases rather than a jury court.

The colonists were not truly affected by this tax; it only hurt those who were smugglers; it did give more power to the British in the court system though!!!

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Stamp Act (1765)

A tax on goods and services; first tax to affect colonists directly!! Placed a tax on all legal documents, licenses, newspapers, almanacs, cards, and dice. It taxes the rich and poor!!

The people lost all respect for the King…G.B. abusing colonies…grievances explode!! How can they be taxed without an equal say in Parliament?

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Sons of Liberty

Founded by Sam Adams Organized group of protestors..more to come

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Townshend Act (1767)

Taxes on Imports: glass, lead, paint, and paper. This also placed a 3 – penny tax on tea.

Rally Cry: NO TAXATION W/O REPRESENTATION!! Colonists boycotted luxury imports and teas. Eventually leads to the Boston Tea Party.

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Boston Massacre 1770 (was it really a massacre?)

A fight broke between some Bostonians and British soldiers at the Customs House. It quickly escalated from harassment to snowball and rock throwing. Soldiers fired and three people killed, eight were wounded, later two more died.

Sam Adams and others called it a massacre. The incident was used as propaganda to gain support. Paul Revere made a famous engraving that promoted anti-British sentiment.

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Tea Act of 1773

British tax on tea, British gives the East India Company special concessions in the colonial tea business which shut out colonial tea merchants.

Colonists get angry and dump tea into Boston Harbor

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Quartering Act (1774)

This authorized the British commanders to house British soldiers in vacant private homes and buildings.

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Intolerable Acts (1774)

This created Martial Law in the colonies, giving the military the control. This was established to punish the colonists for the rebellion attempts.

A result of the Boston Tea Party & Boston Massacre. The colonists call the 1st Continental Congress.

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1775 Lexington and Concord

“The Shot Heard Around the World” British troops march to Concord to seize colonial weapons, Redcoats fire on local militia.

“The British are Coming” Paul Revere, Plan on counterattack. Lookouts watch for British and warn militia, militia fires and Redcoats run. “one by land or two by sea”

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July 4, 1776

The Continental Congress unanimously voted that the American colonies were free and adopted the Declaration of Independence!!!

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On To War…

On To Independence!!!
