Page 1: Thinking Into The Corners - Not Outside The Box

SuccessFuel provides support, education and tools for Managers to help them with initiatives.+1.519.803.5401 | [email protected] |

Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012

SuccessFuel provides support, education and tools for Managers to help them with initiatives.+1.519.803.5401 | [email protected] |

Thinking Into The CornersTM

Thinking Into The Corners™ recognizes that we all work with outside constraints (the box) which help us anchor our ideas. We also have internal limits (the circle) that prevent us from stretching outside of our comfort zone to develop ideas and discover solutions that should be obvious.

When you combine the box and the circle, it becomes clear there are ideas hidden in the corners that we haven’t reached yet. There’s no need to try to go outside of the box to � nd and implement good ideas. In fact, thinking outside the box can actually be counterproductive.

The process involves con� rming the size of our box, including breaking down limits that are only in our minds and where possible, stretching the box to make it bigger. The reality is that there are always limits we simply can’t do anything about. Spending time on ideas that can’t be implemented is a waste of time and demoralizing to your team.

Stop Thinking

OutsideThe Box

When options are limitless,

you’ll miss the obvious.

Instead, stretch into

the corners to � nd the best


The BoxThere are always limits in which you have to operate. Understand those limites and anchor your creative process around those limits instead of wasting time on a process that leads you well beyond where you need to be or are even able to be.

The sides of your box are de� ned by legal, contractual, technical and moral limits.

Unlike the circle, everyone in an identical situation would have the same limits, but the box is elastic - you may be able to change the size of that box.

The Circle This is represents self-limitations that inhibit your ability to develop solutions, often whether you realize it or not.

These limits a� ect the ability to create strategic plans, solve problems and even recognize issues and problems in the � rst place. Your circle will be di� erent from others’ circles.

Quite simply, they keep us within a safe, comfortable range and mean we don’t stretch to � nd new ideas that can be implemented.

Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012

you may be able to change the size of that box.

Page 2: Thinking Into The Corners - Not Outside The Box

SuccessFuel provides support, education and tools for Managers to help them with initiatives.+1.519.803.5401 | [email protected] |

Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012

SuccessFuel provides support, education and tools for Managers to help them with initiatives.

Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012

SuccessFuel provides support, education and tools for Managers to help them with initiatives.

Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012

SuccessFuel provides support, education and tools for Managers to help them with initiatives.

Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012

Fighting The LimitsWhether you are working alone or with a group, you are � ghting limits that prevent you from stretching and � nding ideas and solutions hidden in the corners. Here are some of the more common ones you should be aware of so you can counter them:

Sunglasses / Filters - We all see things with � lters or sunglasses on in the background. This is based on our own personal experiences, history and bias.

Dominant Player - Sometimes when we are working together to � nd solutions, a dominant player stops others from speaking up and discussing solutions.

Time / E� ort - We often self-edit our ideas because we know it will take time and e� ort to achieve. Unless you are a Type A personality, this often stops us from suggesting improvements or changes.

Group Think - Whenever we are trying to think of solutions with others, sometimes we gravitate to the idea everyone is comfortable with, instead of speaking up with alternate ideas.

Risk Aversion - Sometimes ideas come with risks and most of us are adverse to bringing up ideas or solutions that could negatively a� ect our organization or ourselves.

Wall� ower - In a group session, wall� owers may have great ideas to contribute but are too inhibited to speak up or prefer to leave things to the dominant players in the rom. This is partly due to risk adversion, but also due to personality.

Stretch Thinking

Creativity within a

framework is more e� ective.

Overcome the things that

limit creative thinking to � nd solutions in the


The process of Thinking Into The Corners™ is � exible.

As you are able to expand your box, your circle also needs to expand, enabling you to reach the corners where the best ideas are found.

Copyright © Michel Theriault 2012

adversion, but also due to personality.

Stretch Into The Corners to Find Solutions
