  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Thinking Like a Hacker

  • What is a Hacker?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    hacker /hkr/ noun1. a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.

    2. an enthusiastic and skillful computer programmer or user.

    3. a person who engages in an activity without talent or skill.

    4. a person who subverts an established system to his/her personal advantage.

    What is a Hacker?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Hack your diet

    Hack your sleep

    Hack your education

    Hack your brain

    Hack your life

    Hack your refrigerator

    Hack the kitchen sink

    Close, but no cigar

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    For now, just assume a Hacker refers to someone who is passionate about using computers.

    Ill tell you the answer later

  • Why do Hackers salivate to the words Open Source?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    And the food tastes awful.

    What can you do? Walk away

    Dont tip your server

    Leave a bad review on Yelp

    Complain to your friends

    Turns out, a container labelled sugar is actually filled with salt

    Imagine sitting at a restaurant

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    But You cant fix the problem because the restaurant is closed source.

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    What if the restaurant wasopen source?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    What can you do? Walk away

    Dont tip your server

    Leave a bad review on Yelp

    Complain to your friends

    Fix the problem yourself

    Imagine sitting at a restaurant

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Open Source means that you can take action to make things better

  • Whats the best programming language?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio


    Most reliable?

    Easiest to write?

    Easiest to read?

    Has the largest libraries?

    Most powerful?

    Define Best

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Power = Leverage

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    High leverage

    Less code doing more stuff

    Low leverage

    More code doing less stuff


    Lets say a program in C takes 50 lines

    The same program in Haskell takes 10 lines

    Therefore, Haskell is 5x more powerful than C

    What is Leverage?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Smaller amount of code means:

    Program takes less time to read (easier to scan)

    Program takes less time to write (fewer things to memorize)

    Program occupies less space in your head

    Program is more poetic

    Do more stuff with less code

    Why count lines of code?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Example: Leverage

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Give me all the even square numbers that are smaller than 100JAVA

    import java.util.*;

    public class ListComprehension {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    ArrayList s = new ArrayList();

    ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

    s.add(i * i);


    for (Iterator i = s.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {

    int j = (int);

    if (j % 2 == 0) {








    s = [x**2 for x in range(10)]

    print [x for x in s if x % 2 == 0]

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Succinct code is like poetry


    Unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their mistakes. Actual competence may weaken self-confidence, as competent individuals may falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding.


    The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

    (DunningKruger effect)

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Dont tell hackers which language to use!

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    I want you to use C++

    Instead of Ruby

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio


    I want you to use a

    Instead of a

  • Whats next for technology?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Whats next? or Whats popular?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Do more with less Reach more people with less effort

    Make more features with less time

    Produce more products with less resources


    Leverage: Another way of thinking about technology

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    By definition: Technology is Leverage!

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Agriculture: Your Hands


    Ox plows


    Transportation: Horses




    The history of technology is ahistory of leverage

    Communication: Mail




    Education: Grandpas stories


    Brick and Mortar Schools

    Virtual Schools

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    To think about the future of technology, think about how to increase leverage

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Increasing Leverage

    Decreasing Mass

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    An unanswered question

  • What is a Hacker?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    hacker /hkr/ noun1. a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.

    2. an enthusiastic and skillful computer programmer or user.

    3. a person who engages in an activity without talent or skill.

    4. a person who subverts an established system to his/her personal advantage.

    What is a Hacker?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Hack your diet

    Hack your sleep

    Hack your education

    Hack your brain

    Hack your life

    Hack your refrigerator

    Hack the kitchen sink

    Close, but no cigar

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    What is a Hacker?

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Someone who makes a big impact with relatively small effort

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio

    Thank you!QUESTIONS?

  • Exercises

  • Bill Mei@Kortaggio


    Black Box thinking, or reductionism

    Functional thinking

    Forms of Leverage