  • 8/8/2019 TM Sample Interim Status Report


    Sample Interim Progress Report

    Full Title of Project

     Principal Investigator(s)TM Project # 


    Provide a brief description of the project’s objective and expected results, along with themotivation to tackle the problem. !"# paragraphs$


    %riefl& describe the background in the field that led to &our pursuit of this project, the scope ofthe investigation, i.e., what pieces$ of the problems$ is are$ being studied, and the methodsemplo&ed to carr& out the work. 'ention of collaborators not named as P.I.s above is appropriatehere. !"( paragraphs$


    Summari)e the state of the project as of the previous report* especiall& point out missed ordela&ed milestones. If an& modifications were made to the Project Plan at the previous review, listthem here as well as in the Project Plan section.

    +iscuss progress since the previous review, assuming there will be no experts on the ReviewPanel. #"( paragraphs$

     Project Plan " Starting with the milestone achieved at the previous review, list the remainingmilestones following the format of the proposal. or each milestone, particularl& those notachieved in the timeframe anticipated, point out barriers to success. +escribe an& unexpectedresults that suggest that the project plan be modified. -he probabilit& of success is not necessar&

    for a completed milestone.

    -askmilestone !/ 0ame Project

    •  Deliverables/ -he project name, 1Sample -' Project,2 was delivered.

    •  Duration of task or task end date/ -hree months This task was accomplished in two months.

    •  Personnel, services, and property reuired / principal investigators, post3doc !, cop& services,


    •  !arriers to and probability of success/ 4e have been unable to hire a post3doc and so decided

    to proceed without one for now. 5iven the altered conditions, the task has been successfull&completed under budget and ahead of schedule.

    "nanticipated results/ 0one•  Intellectual property identified / 0one

    -ask #/ 0ame of task 

    •  Deliverables/

    •  Duration of task or task end date/

    •  Personnel, services, and property reuired /

    •  !arriers to and probability of success/

    -' Interim Progress Report ! 6!#6!6$

  • 8/8/2019 TM Sample Interim Status Report


    Sample Interim Progress Report

    • "nanticipated results/

    •  Intellectual property identified /

    If continuation of this work is anticipated, indicate here what added results and milestones are planned in the next reporting period. If continuation will be supported from other than -'sources, that must be stated explicitl& in this section clearl& identif&ing all new sponsors.

    7lso state if this project involves animal vertebrates andor human subjects.


    -o be completed b& the cogni)ant -8P representative.$

    Summari)e the state of the 8ommercial Plan as of the previous report* especiall& point out missedor dela&ed milestones. If an& modifications were made to the 8ommercial Plan at the previousreview, list them here. Indicate how the project is meeting the purpose of the -echnolog&'aturation Program for activities that increase the potential for transfer of the technolog&. 0otean& commercial interest alread& expressed.


    9ist :uantifiable accomplishments. -hese do not include technical milestones reported in the previous section. -he& include patent applications and invention reports, internal reportsincluding preliminar& design$, publications in preparation, submitted, in press, or in print$,awards, and review presentations including those occurring after the reporting period. ;xternal publications should be grouped according to whether the& are refereed or not and further as towhether the& are reports of prior work or part of the reporting period results. It is anticipated thatthe accomplishments listed here will be substantiall& the same as those listed on the -' +ata8ollection orm for the same reporting period.


    < #6== >< #6== estimated$ >< #6== estimated$ >

    -' Interim Progress Report # 6!#6!6$
