Page 1: Topic 9: In the Flow: Resource Discovery and Disclosure 第九讲:资源的发现与公开 Lorcan Dempsey

Topic 9: In the Flow: Resource Discovery and Disclosure第九讲:资源的发现与公开

Lorcan Dempsey

Page 2: Topic 9: In the Flow: Resource Discovery and Disclosure 第九讲:资源的发现与公开 Lorcan Dempsey

THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY:in the flow: resource discovery and disclosure

Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC


Page 3: Topic 9: In the Flow: Resource Discovery and Disclosure 第九讲:资源的发现与公开 Lorcan Dempsey

Attention switchThen: Resources scarce; attention abundant. Now: Attention scarce; resources abundant.

Workflow switchThen: Expect workflows to be built around my

service. Now: Build services around workflows

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“….. mere availability is meaningless ….. “*

….. getting in the flow…..

* This Psychologist Might Outsmart the Math Brains Competing for the Netflix Prize

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The power of pull

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The power of pull

We all talk loosely about information overload and assume that this is the real problem. In fact, we live in a world of increasing knowledge scarcity. The most valuable knowledge is in very short supply and is extremely hard to access. Information overload is a distraction. As we discussed in earlier chapters, in a world of accelerating change, the most valuable knowledge is highly distributed and may be embedded in the heads of people who are not well known and who are difficult to identify. [...]

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TrendsU Minnesota Discoverability

Users expect discovery and delivery to coincide

Usage of portable Internet-capable devices is expanding

Users increasingly rely on nontraditional information objects

Discovery increasingly happens through recommending

Users are discovering relevant resources outside traditional library systems

Discoverability Phase 1 final report.

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FindingsU Minnesota discoverability

Catalogs and web sites still seeing significant use

Some evidence of slowing growth in web traffic, usage is shallow

Google is the single greatest source of traffic to our sites and applications

SFX link resolver is as frequently used as our catalogs or websites

More than 75% of requests to SFX originate externally (GoogleScholar, PubMed, etc.)

Discoverability Phase 1 final report.

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PrinciplesU Minnesota discoverability

Discovery should be organized around users rather than collections or systems. This organization should be based on realistic, evidence-based models of our users and their research tasks.

Making collections discoverable requires optimizing for access bylocal and non-local user populations; being good stewards ofour collections means participating in cooperative venturesthat provide broad access to our collections.

Users are successfully discovering relevant resources through non-library systems (e.g., general web searches, e-commerce sites, and social networking applications). We need to ensure that items in our collections and licensed resources are discoverable in non-library environments.

Discoverability Phase 1 final report.

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DiscoveryNot just collections: the full range of what the library has to offer ….


Website, repositories, … SEO

People, expertise, …


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SocialBeing visible in a network environment: the power of pull

Discovery and disclosureThe website is not the sole focus of attention

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SocialThe power of pull

Access:the ability to find people and resources when they are needed. Increasingly at the network level.

Attract valuable and relevant people and resources to you :

Social networking, conferences, location in relevant geographic spikes (Nashville for country music) are important here, as is the ability to be open to and develop relationships through serendipitous encounter.

Achieve: learning more effectively and translating that learning into improved performance.

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The power of pull

These people and the knowledge flows they generate can then become effective filters for information more broadly. By harnessing social media such as blogs, social-network platforms, and wikis, we can begin to rely on these mechanisms to expose ourselves to information that has been curated and passed on by these people. Since we deeply understand their contexts and passions, we can begin to determine when their recommendations are most reliable and increase our return on attention for both the tacit knowledge they offer and the information they recommend to us. Our personal social and professional networks will be far more effective in filtering relevant knowledge and information than any broader social-technology tools we might access.

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Build community around social objects (e.g Flickr)

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Getting into the flow

Not just providing a way to interact with resources …

… but a way of making yourself visible and attracting resources to you.

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Flickr commonsA good example, however, of increased awareness of the Smithsonian's collections comes from the Smithsonian Libraries' "Portraits of Scientists“ set on Flickr. These photographs of 19th and early 20th century scientists and inventors have been available on the Smithsonian Libraries' website since 2003. Though a popular and cited Web resource, in the three months that the photographs had been on Flickr, they received nearly as many visits as during the previous five years on the Smithsonian site. As an indicator of level of interaction, 55% of photos have comments and 89% have been "favorited".

Read more: Rethinking Evaluation Metrics in Light of Flickr Commons | 

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ExpertisePeople are entry points

VisibilityIf the library wishes to be seen as expert then its expertise must be visible

Example: ‘indexing’ librarians at U Michigan

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Attracting ..

Professor/Dean BlogsTwitterYoutubeiTunes UStudent blogs

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Discovery and disclosure3 things to look at: 2 modes of discovery and disclosure

Direct discoveryLibrary provides discovery services to its resources

Indirect discoveryDiscovery happens elsewhere, so library leverages third party

environments to support discovery.

DisclosureA new focus on syndication, SEO, APIs, etc, to support new forms of discovery

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Ithaka S+R

Heterick, B. and Hanson, C. Bringing the Library to the User: Integrating Local Web-Scale Discovery Services in ‘Non-Library Provided’ Discovery Points.

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Outside in Bought, licensed

Increased consolidation Growth in licensedMove from print to licensed

Aim: to discoverLow


High Steward


In Few Collectio


In Many Collectio




Inside outInstitutional assets: special collections, research and learning materials, institutional records, …

Increasingly important?Aim: to *have* discovered …

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Direct discoveryLibrary access to collections

DirectOutside inIntegrated access to library collections

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Direct discovery Trend towards integration and the cloud

1. Fragmented: databases, catalog, …..

2. Metasearch: a layer of integration over distributed resources

3. Discovery layer: centralised index, cloud based

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Indirect discoveryDiscovery happens elsewhere …

IndirectAttract users to library by being positioned ‘in the flow’Widgets, appsResolution, …

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In the flow ..* Mendeley* Google* Amazon* Flickr* iTunes* Wikipedia* Twitter* Facebook* …

* Student portal* Course

management system

* Reading list* Refworks, …* VIVO, OSU Pro,

…* …

Network levelVariety of

workflow tools

Build around workflow

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Remember …

Beyond the mobile web. Stephanie Rieger.

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LSELibrary widgets in Moodle.

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U Cambridge

Sakai based learning management environment.

Library widgets.

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A web index for books?Link through to library resources through Worldcat and other union catalogs

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Page 37: Topic 9: In the Flow: Resource Discovery and Disclosure 第九讲:资源的发现与公开 Lorcan Dempsey

DisclosureMake sure that resources are visible in the flow

Disclosure and syndication – inside outInstitutional assets – website, repositories, …Holdings – knowledge base, catalog (e.g. Google Scholar)

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DisclosureEffective web presence

Strategic content alliance

A set of materials to advise on how to create an effective web presence.

SEOMetadataStructureetc ….

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DisclosureExternal data aggregators fit in to several categories:

• General metadata aggregations (examples: WorldCat; Google Scholar; OAIster; Primo Central; Google)• General data object aggregations (examples: HathiTrust; Wikipedia; Internet Archive; Flickr Commons)• Disciplinary aggregations (examples: AgEcon Search; ArXiv (for physics); EarthPrints)• Form aggregations (examples: Digital Dissertations; MERLOT (learning objects); ArtSTOR; ArchiveGrid)• Topical aggregations (examples: Minnesota Reflections; EthicShare)

Discoverability Phase 2 Final Report.

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Some directionsAttracting ….

Social networking strategies for the library

Accessing …

Think of what discovery tools are effective for particular resources

Disclosing …

Think of what needs to be done to put resources in the flow

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Some referencesHagel, J. ., & Singer, M. (January 01, 1999). Unbundling the corporation. Harvard Business

Review, 77, 2)

Lederman, D. (March 21, 2011). From modernist to modern. Inside Higher Ed.

ARL Member Library Profiles.

Walter, Scott. (January, 2011). “Distinctive Signifiers of Excellence”: Library Services and the Future of the Academic Library. College & Research Libraries, 72:6-8

Hagel, J., Brown, J. S., & Davison, L. (2010). The power of pull: How small moves, smartly made, can set big things in motion. New York: Basic Books

Hanson, C. et al. (March 13, 2009) Discoverability Phase 1 Final Report.

Hanson, C. et al. (February 04, 2011) Discoverability Phase 2 Final Report.

Ellenberg, J. (January 01, 2008). The Netflix Challenge - A USD million prize for building a better recommendation engine is luring the biggest math brains around. Meet the psychologist who just might outsmart them all. Wired, 16, 3, 114

Heterick, B. and Hanson, C. Bringing the Library to the User: Integrating Local Web-Scale Discovery Services in ‘Non-Library Provided’ Discovery Points.

Sidorko, P. (October, 2009). Planning for a shared research archive: the Hong Kong experience (PDF)
