Download pdf - Toxicicty

  • Toxicity Antidote Decontamination Elimination Barbiturate


    AC (1g/kg) , MDAC (15-20g ever 6h)

    + Alkalinization (PH > 7.5 ) only in phenobarbital


    Flumazenil 0.1-0.2 mg I.V Max :3mg ( drawback: side sever effect )

    AC (chance of aspiration so protect airway ), Gastric emptying may useful


    Anti - Depressant noncyclic

    For suspected serotonin syndrome - Cyproheptadine 4mg PO every

    hr for 3doses - Methysergid 2mg PO every hr

    for 3doses

    AC , do not induce emesis

    X (Extensive protein binding , large volume distribution)

    Anti - Depressant tricyclic

    - QRS interval prolongation sodium bicarbonate 1-2 mEq/kg

    - Hyperventilation induce respiratory alkalosis

    - Physostigmine used in past but withdraw for sever side effect

    AC , do not induce emesis Gastric lavage for large ingestion 20-30mg/kg

    X (EPB,LVD)


    X Agitation : Diazepam 10 mg I.V HTN: Phentolamine

    AC , do not induce emesis

    X , renal elimination by acidification of urine but not recommended due to nephrotoxicity

    Cannabis , Marjuana

    X Physiological disturbance : Use : lorazepam , diazepam

    AC , Ipecac induced vomiting May be useful (prehospital)

    X (LVD)


    Bicarbonate 400-600 mmol during first hrs (reserve visual impairment) 1ml/kg of 5fold diluted alcohol 96% 0.16ml/kg/hr maintenance dose oraly Fomepizole : 15mg/kg loading dose 10mg/kg 4bolus every 12hrs


    Haemodialysis Folic acid/ Folinic acid 50mg I.V every 4hrs for 24hrs Magnesium


    Abnormal mental status glucose 25-50g , Naloxone 2mg , Thiamine 100mg Seizures lorazepam 2mg Disulfiram : 12hr before off alcohol Orally 250-500mg/day Acamprosate : 666mg/d 3doses

    Gastric lavage In case of Ethanol ingestion 1g/kg Or co-ingestant suspected


    (but invasive procedure) Not routinely recommended


    X HTN: phentolamine HTN, Agitation :Dizepam 5-10mg MI: diazepam,aspirin 325mg ,nitroglycerin 0.4 mg SL Phentolamaine :1-5mg I.V

    AC , do not induce emesis Whole-bowel irrigation , cocaine-filled candoms ingestion


    Salicylate (aspirin)


    AC , very efficacious Each gm absorb 550g of drug

    Alkalinize with sodium bicarbonate 1-2mEq/kg I.V push 150mEq/kg in1liter D5W maintenace Haemodialysis vey effective